It has been three months since the battle of Nagori Isles and since then, Kumo sent multiple squads to look through them with a fine comb. But despite their backbreaking effort... they found nothing.
The Kiri troops hidden in the new secret underground hideout received a simple order. Stay hidden. For three months, they did so while Rei and Konan were focusing on enlarging the underground base to house thousands of ninja. And slowly but surely, more and more Kiri ninja were arriving by ships. Not in large quantities, rather the Mizukage chose subtlety so it took three entire months for the Nagori Base to house five thousand men. Rei knew the war would start in earnest for Kiri in a short few weeks and marveled at how the Mizukage handled the shitstorm he delivered to him.
Simply said, when Kumo didn't find even a single trace of Kiri ninja and heard there were some skirmishes at the southern shores of the Land of Fire, they were led to believe Kiri didn't intend to attack them. The Mizukage even leaked some 'intel' of his war plans through a few spies of Kumo in his ranks he knew about so it was 'obvious' that Nagori Isles was just a distraction for a full-out assault on the southern coasts of the Land of Fire.
This had a double effect.
Firstly, Konoha started reinforcing this part of the country, wasting their war potential on fighting what was, in reality, poorly managed and very random, which made it frustrating to deal with attacks of various pirate crews the Mizukage hired. These men should not pose a problem to ninjas but their raids were so spread out and random that Konoha had no other way to counter them than to keep their ninjas stationed in the coastal cities. The villages however were left to their own devices... Most of them were already razed to the ground, women raped and enslaved, and men, elderly, and children used for amusement as the pirates stole and plundered to their hearts' contents. Simply put, the Konoha forces abandoned them to protect rich merchants in the cities. For now, Kiri was winning this faux invasion while its forces were secretly amassing themselves at Nagori Base. And yet... not one Kiri shinobi set even one foot on the Land of Fire territory during this invasion. It was all the job of hired scum who couldn't even use chakra. Rei really had to applaud the Mizukage for this as the man was single-handedly screwing with two nations of the Great Five by just spending some pocket money on expendable pirates simply by using the situation he found himself in.
And secondly, after hearing of these events, Kumo finally deemed Kiri wholly focused on Konoha and stopped searching through the Nagori Isles about three weeks ago. Kumo was now regrouped and their ninjas well-rested and better equipped while Konoha forces were spread thin. There could be only one conclusion if one considered the hatred Kumo had for Konoha. The Kumo front opened again. It didn't take even a week after the searches were called out for some really bloody battles to commence as Kumo forces started pounding on the borders of the Land of Fire like a sledgehammer.
In the end, Konoha was spread as thin as possible while Kumo completely disregarded any threat Kiri's previous presence so near their borders signified. Rei could only applaud the Mizukage for the job well done at organizing his troops as the man showed he really deserved his S-rank earned by numerous assassinations. He made it damn near impossible to spot where Kiri was going to hit next.
The second Ringo awakened after the beating she received from A, she asked, no, begged Rei to help her with Lightning Release. He could only delay it so much and told her he would help when she is fully recuperated. It took her an additional month for that to happen but in the end, Rei could only helplessly shrug and pretend the vexed and peeved look Konan directed at him every single evening as they were falling asleep didn't exist. At least, for the next two weeks, angry sex and the pointed glare was the norm. Tsunade certainly had a lot of fun watching their antics.
After these two weeks, Konan had had enough. And that was when the hell for Ringo started. Konan took it upon herself to 'help' the young woman train in Lightning Release with the only method a non-Lightning release user could. By combat. Since then, Ringo started going to bed badly bruised or cut up while Konan was again as meek and snugly as a kitten in the bed. Rei had to admit he didn't stop Konan because he knew these 'training' sessions were more of a frustration relief for her and he liked silently bashful tender Konan more than silently seething angry Konan. As a man, he wholeheartedly believed he should avoid jumping into this matter as it was between two women, and decided to let Konan bea-, uh, get her frustration out of herself with Ringo's help...
Mei also had very productive months. She didn't expect that during the war there would be a three months break. The war's duration was reaching almost three-quarters of a year and yet, for Mei, there was only one battle so far. She however understood her weaknesses during it and bugged Tsunade until the woman caved and started to bug Rei who then bugged Konan who after that dragged Ringo into it... All four were giving Mei some lessons in their free time.
Rei, Konan, and Tsunade also started doing 'practices' in Rei's personal dimension, creating an army of tough earth clones for Mei to go one versus army. Whoever said Tsunade was a gentle teacher was an idiot. The woman was doing her very best to stop one blow short of killing Mei. If Tsunade wasn't such a good medic who could use nature energy to heal while being fully supported by the over-abundance of the said energy in Rei's dimension, Mei would be crippled for life only after five minutes of these new exercises. And yet... she was getting stronger at a rate most would call insane. The only thing Rei could do when he saw Mei's progress was to dryly think... 'The plot armor is strong with this one.'
But like all good things, the peaceful period was on the verge of the end. The Mizukage now had all troops where he wanted them. He also had all the countries where he wanted them. Moreover, he had Konoha where he wanted it and it was time to start offensive...
Fuguki Suikazan, Kushimaru Kuriarare, and Ringo Ameyuri... these three, the Mizukage decided, would lead the Kumo front while the other five members of the Seven Swordsmen were preparing to lead an offensive against Konoha. These three were chosen especially because of how fierce they were since that was something that would save them in this vastly outnumbered gamble. They weren't given all that much resources or troops. Their whole deployment was simply a necessary 'evil' as the clan heads pushed for an attack on the Land of Lightning in some inane vision of 'glory'.
Sometimes Rei wondered if stupidity was a necessary trait to become a clan head or being a councilman. If Kiri set all its might onto Konoha, the village would fall as quickly as Uzushio did in the second war and yet, it was Kiri council that prevented this from happening.
Nevertheless, Rei was really curious about how Ringo would handle this when the odds were stacked so much against her. After all, he did spend most of his training time with her by giving her various strategies and teaching them how to devise her own unique strategies. He doubted she would again get cocky or suicidal enough to face A alone, not after the verbal spanking he gave her, the physical trashing Konan gave her, and most importantly, the sullen angry pout Mei gave her.
Sadly, he wouldn't be there to witness or help her as Team Downpour received new orders... onwards to Suna.
Author Note:
Yeah, I know... summary chapter :D. Alas, it's a necessary evil for a time-skip-kun.
The Mizukage wanted to cement his advantages over Konoha by convoluting with the village that hated treehuggers most. The Iwagakure.
Unfortunately for the Team Downpour, they were the fastest 'delivery boy' the Mizukage had, therefore they now flew in the sky on Konan's platform made of paper towards the borders of Sunagakure, one of the least expected places where a meeting between Iwa and Kiri messengers could happen.
"So? What is the plan?" Konan asked as she sat next to Rei who just hummed at her with a shit-eating smirk.
"What do you mean?" He asked, making her roll her eyes at him in exasperation. Rei chuckled at her reaction and promptly regretted it as Konan pinched his side, hard.
"Ai, ai, au! Stop it, woman!" He exclaimed and to his eternal relief, he felt Konan stop. With an exaggerated pout, Rei turned to her and puffed out his cheeks. "That hurt!" He petulantly proclaimed and waved his right hand in the air, making Konan snicker at his antics while taking hold of his free hand as she leaned onto his shoulder.
"You know what I mean. I wasn't born yesterday. I am fully aware you planted some listening seals into Tsuchikage's office, Iwa's Council Room, and a few spots of interest." Konan said with half-lidded eyes as she enjoyed Rei's warmth while pressing herself more into him.
"Ahahaha, so you noticed?" Rei tried to laugh it off and rubbed the back of his head with his free hand.
"Of course," Konan deadpanned, looking into the rising sun as it painted the horizon in bright orange. If it was up to her, she would want to stay like this with Rei forever... "After all, I did the same and bugged these places with my paper slices too." She finished smugly, making Rei open his mouth but no sound came out as he was quite speechless.
"In retrospect, I should have seen this coming. It was just a precaution though. That's why I never told you as I never thought it would be of use." He said in an apologetic tone.
"Ye-" Konan started but was quickly interrupted as an explosion sounded from afar and Mei jumped awake because of it, starting to rub her eyes as she cutely yawned.
"Mo~" She whined sleepily, making both Rei and Konan smile at her while spreading their nature sensing towards the explosion and veering the platform in its direction. "What's going on?" Mei asked as she came closer and kneeled behind them, leaning on their backs while propping her head in between theirs.
That was when they saw it. In front of their eyes, a scene of carnage appeared as they stumbled on a battlefield with still on-going battle. Fortunately, from the platform, they had incredible views while having minimal chances of being discovered since no ninja ever looked far up into the sky due to flying being extremely scarce.
"Well, would you look at that? Looks like we are quite lucky today. I mean, what are the chances?" Rei chuckled. Major battles like this didn't happen on daily basis. There was seldom one per six months and even that was a stretch. Ninjas were more of a Guerrilla Warfare type of combatants. Forward clashes like the one they were just witnessing were something rare as villages could not afford to waste their men. To think they would randomly stumble upon one...
The mangled bodies of Iwa and Suna ninjas covered the desert as the two armies clashed. Hundreds of ninja fought for their villages, bravely but foolishly killing each other. Suna Tessenjutsu units worked together to perform joint ranged Wind Jutsu and tried to keep their distance while the weaponry and pieces of puppets from Kugutsu Units flew everywhere. Rei had no doubt every single piece from those was soaked in a very dangerous poison. The Iwa had similar tactics as their Explosion Corps were focusing on ranged attacks and throwing explosives and their ninjas fought more defensively with their Earth Ninjutsu. The situation however complicated four combatants who clashed in the middle of the battlefield, not really caring about who would become the collateral of their actions.
Golden sands rose, crushing tens of people as they raced towards a plump guy clad in Iwa attire. The guy just clapped his hands together and commenced weaving hand signs in preparation of his jutsu before the area in front of him exploded, tossing the golden sands away from him. The golden sands however quickly reformed into yet another wave and flew back at the plumb Iwa-nin who jumped back and started throwing kunai at it, each of which exploded on contact. These explosions were a lot bigger and louder than an explosive tag and released a momentary blinding flash of white light.
"Clever, the Iwa guy is using these flashes from his explosion to make his opponent lose sight of him. The golden dust user must be pretty annoyed by now." Konan commented, more for the sake of Mei so she would be fully aware of what was going on and why the round guy managed to fight back.
"Look there." Konan calmly pointed towards the other high-level battle a bit away, making both Mei and Rei turn their heads towards it.
A small slim woman holding two kunai was in a fierce melee clash with a big muscled guy who used his fists hardened by some Earth Jutsu to try ferociously hit the woman but she always just side-stepped, using her incredible agility to avoid each strike while also retaliating with her kunai, trying to find a purchase. Konan pointed them out because these two were amazingly fast and as they fought, they moved all over the battlefield, sometimes killing some poor soul without even noticing. Suddenly, the woman jumped back, and above her hands two fiery orbs of orange pulsed into existence.
"Oh! It's Pakura." Rei said surprised. He never expected her to be so good with kunai.
Konan and Mei didn't have time to respond and only narrowed their eyes at the now 'introduced' woman as she flung her Scorch orbs at her opponent. The bulky man from Iwa didn't stay idle and knew these orbs would kill him on contact. But it didn't matter as he was where he wanted to be. From his mouth, he suddenly spat a large amount of lava, creating waves of it covering the vicinity.
"Damn, that must have killed hundreds." Mei exclaimed with wide eyes while in her head, she was already calculating how to use something similar with her own bloodline. Rei was a bit sad at how easily Mei reacted to so many people dying but this was the reality. She would either accept it or die.
Pakura, seeing her comrades scream in unthinkable pain as they were being melted by lava, screamed in rage as another three scorching orbs appeared around her and she quickly sent them towards Iwa ninjas rather than her opponent. From there, the battle became a total massacre. Pakura focused more on mummifying the Iwa ninjas while evading currents of lava that killed everything around her while the Iwa ninja evaded occasional kunai or scorching orb while spewing lava bullets and lava waves in hopes to kill more Suna ninjas. It was no longer about a fight between the two. Instead, it was about who kills more cannon fodder faster.
"Rei... I never told you how happy I am you took me in." Mei suddenly said breathlessly, her mind in turmoil at what she saw. If Rei didn't take her in and train her, she would probably become a genin... an average genin, at that. Meaning she would, most likely, be a participant in a battle like this, ending in the role of the screaming cannon fodder. She gulped at the chilling realization and briefly pitied her classmates. Rei only sadly smiled at Mei and tenderly patted her head in reassurance.
The fight was getting to the closure since both sides were running out of ninjas. Many already retreated and it was now mostly a fight between the four strongest. The surrounding area was covered in molten lava, golden sands, loads of obsidian glass created from the immense heat through the scorch or lava releases... it was a mess. Even the bodies of ninjas were already either melted or mummified, if not buried deep in the sands.
The four ninjas suddenly stopped fighting as they realized this was a stalemate and their forces already retreated. Nodding at each other, they disengaged.
"Wait, what?!" Mei exclaimed when she saw how anticlimactic this was to which Konan only snorted.
"These are the aces of their respective villages. Do you really think they can afford to fight to the death? No, it never was about killing the other guy. From the start, it was about killing as many enemy ninjas while keeping the opponent from killing their own." She simply said the complete truth that made Mei gape.
"Yup, continuing would be a risk. In the end, there would be a loser and they can't be sure who that would be. Losing would mean being killed which would result in their village losing one or possibly two S-rank ninjas which would completely change the stalemate of the Suna/Iwa front. Sure, Iwa would like that while Suna would rather stay it as it is but Iwa can't afford to rashly sacrifice their S-rankers. Not right now when they are in a three-way war with Suna, Konoha, and Kumo." Rei continued the explanation.
The stronger one was the lesser danger of dying. Oddly enough... quite often that didn't mean surviving due to actually winning the fights.
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