Rei and Konan were high in the sky on Konan's paper platform, watching a noble mansion that was supposed to be their target. Somewhere in there should be the daughter of the noble who requested them to 'save her'. At first glance, the mansion wasn't all that much protected. Some sub-par samurais here and there but that was all. For a ninja, this was a dream come true. An easy mission with high pay. At least, that was how it appeared.
"There are twenty jonin and thirty chunin." Konan grimaced as her scouts in the form of small bugs made from paper gave her the intel they gathered. Both her and Rei could fight multiple ninjas each but forty? The problem was, this was supposed to be a rescue mission so they can't just nuke it from the sky and be done with it. They would have to go there and actually search... which means getting attacked.
"The 'target'," Rei almost drowned in sarcasm. "is enjoying herself being massaged by very burly 'servants' who have quite a lot of chakra for 'civilians'... She sure doesn't look like someone kidnapped. Both of her eyes are covered with cucumber slices and her expression is more like someone who is having the time of their life." Rei informed Konan. Over time, his nature sensing became quite strong and he could now 'see' the surroundings through it. While he was somewhat limited and had to focus a lot to be able to do that, it was a nice skill to have for scouting. While Konan's papers could sense ninjas and their chakra, Rei got more visual output that told him much more than just general reserves, and if someone is or is not ninja, supposing the person was not restraining their chakra.
Their difference in the nature attunement showed. This kind of nature sensing was far above what Konan was capable of and that's why they both scouted the mansion with their respective techniques and decided to then compare the notes.
Hearing about the state of the supposedly kidnapped girl, Konan rolled her eyes. "So... what's the plan? This is obviously a trap." She asked.
"Hmm." Rei started pondering about it when his eyes trailed towards the right-wing of the mansion. "That," He pointed at it. "is empty, right?" He asked Konan who nodded in affirmation which made Rei widely smile. "I see, then we will..."
Barbo Reurenta was massaging the 'bait' while resisting the urge to groan at this kind of mission. The woman was a chore to be around. 'Barbo, I am hungry!' 'Barbo, I want a massage!' 'Barbo, I am horn-!' ... Barbo had enough. He was supposed to be a respected jonin of Iwa! And yet, here he was, satisfying every desire of a woman that was spoiled rotten. All because she would bait their target to this place.
The Downpour.
The mysterious Kiri duo of S-rank demolition specialists who surpassed even the Demolition Corps of Iwa in the seer destructibility. Quite frankly, the Tsuchikage was not amused by their existence. In the past, when someone needed a demolition expert, they knew to go to Iwa but that was no longer the truth. Now, Iwa had a competition and the old man Onoki didn't like the competition. Not at all. Not when they obviously were so much better than Iwa's top demolition experts. Hence, the current situation. He, the idiot, accepted the mission of 'hunting' The Downpour down without even asking about the specifics and now he was saddled with Kimiko Hugaru, the spoiled nuisance.
It wasn't that the woman wasn't pretty. She was gorgeous. Not a kunoichi kind of gorgeous but more of a sheltered kind. The problem was how demanding it was to be with her! He was a ninja and even he was starting to feel tired! Barbo hoped their target would pop up sometimes soon or he just might drop from the sheer exhaustion due to being ordered around by the woman!
'Oh, why! Why was I so stupid to take this undercover mission? I can't even complain now, can I? If I did, I would be an even bigger laughing stock for my subordinates!' He mentally wept. 'Not that I am not a laughing stock now! I was dragged against my will to Kimiko's chambers, after all! Me! One of the top assassins of Iwa! Sob...'
Needless to say, Barbo's subordinates had the laugh of their lives on his expense at that.
Suddenly, Kimiko arched her hand backward and raised her hand towards her head, taking one cucumber slice off of her face. Her eyes connected with Barbo's. 'Oh, shit. Here we go again.' He mentally groaned but gave her a sweet smile to which the woman beamed.
"Barboooo," Kimiko's whiny voice resounded through the room, "I am bored!" She pouted, pretending to be pitiful. It took every bit of Barbo's past experience and determination to not fuck this mission up to NOT scowl at the woman. The four subordinates of his who were massaging various parts of Kimiko's body were not-so-discreetly glancing at him with hidden snickers too! This was routine. She was 'bored' and they instantly knew it meant Barbo being made into entertainment! Last time, he had to do a geisha show for her! While his team members watched! The woman was ruining his reputation without even knowing it!
Barbo gulped. "Er... this... Kimi-" He didn't finish that sentence as a sudden booming sound resounded through the entire mansion, startling the occupants. Barbo's eyes sparkled in excitement, hoping that their enemies were finally here and he quickly jumped towards the window. His excitement turned into bewilderment as he saw the entire right wing of the mansion was almost leveled to the ground by massive tree trunks falling from the sky. "What the actual fuck? Since when does it rain trees?" Barbo quietly asked when he saw even MORE tree trunks falling onto the right-wing. It didn't take long for his eyes to widen. "Fuck!" He snapped around towards his subordinates and shouted. "Out of the mansion, quick!"
Rei and Konan watched as the tree trunks they created were taken out of the dimension storage right above the empty part of the mansion through the MultiWLink on Konan's paper slice that was floating in the sky. Rei added his own twist into it and wove 'genjutsu' into the entire thing. His perfect chakra control allowed him to be quite creative but he decided on a simple approach this time. He didn't affect the people, rather the environment. Through light refraction he made it seem as if the trunks falling from the sky were slowly expanding their landing radius, therefore, it looked like the entire mansion was under the threat to be destroyed by them. For those in the central part, it looked like the left-wing was the next target and for those in the left-wing, it looked as if the next target was the central part of the mansion. It wasn't even that hard for Rei to do this and he really doubted this jutsu could be classified as genjutsu but it created an illusion so there! It was more of a wind and water manipulation in the sky. This actually made it impossible to 'kai' it since it wasn't created by influencing the chakra in their body. It was akin to a big henge on the entire sky.
"They are coming out." Konan said, making Rei smile. Their plan to get their targets outside of the mansion worked. The illusion made it seem the trunks started raining all around so they had no choice but to gather in one place and some of the previously seemingly harmless if a bit muscled servants instantly gained a dangerous atmosphere around them, spooking the civilians in the group.
Rei chuckled at that. "The chunins are going to blow their own cover. Just look at how they are projecting their battle readiness around. Civilians or not, the others started to notice." Rei commented, observing various jonin in the group curse. What made Rei surprised though, was that the samurai guards apparently were not informed about ninjas being present and started warily glaring at the chunins, their hands on the handles of their swords. This made Rei's lips widen into a nasty shit-eating grin. "Oh, well, let's start this party with a bang!" He shrugged and threw a kunai with an exploding tag into the sky.
The second the explosion loudly went off, three things happened.
First, both ninja and samurai drew their respective weapons. For samurai it was katanas and for the ninjas, it was mostly kunai with some taking out something different. Secondly, the civilians started to panic and run around like headless chickens, obstructing the visibility of the combatants and creating mayhem. There were around fifty ninjas and give or take a hundred samurai... but there were a hundred civilians too! And all of them were confined in a small clearing in front of the mansion due to the light refraction illusion! It was an unorganized mess. Thirdly, and this was very beneficial but incredibly surprising... due to the chaos created by the panicking civilians, the commanders of both, the group of ninjas and the group of samurais couldn't relay orders. As the samurais saw the ninja draw their weapons, they did what a good guard should do. They attacked unknown armed assailants. And ninjas reacted. The entire clearing started to become bloody and even more chaotic. The ninja might have been a lot stronger than the samurai but they had to avoid harming civilians so no strong jutsu were allowed, evening the odds slightly. Also, samurai were more experienced in moving in chaotic battlefields and in a direct clash. The ninjas certainly did start to take some casualties.
Both Konan and Rei used this situation to get inside the mayhem, henging into civilians while also lowering their chakra reserves to civilian-level. They ran straight towards Kimiko and saw Barbo deflecting the blows of three samurai while trying to talk them out of attacking. Nevertheless, he didn't have time to give orders to his subordinates. Rei resisted a chuckle and turned to their target, Kimiko who sat on the ground, utterly confused and frightened. The girl was a quivering mess by now as blood, gore, and guts flew through the sky whenever a samurai or a ninja scored a hit on the other. Rei gestured with his head towards Kimiko and Konan went off, with a nod. He approached one of Barbo's enemies and... stabbed him from behind. Killing one, the other two instinctively turned towards him but it was too late as two kunai impacted their abdomens, making them fall to the ground with groans. Rei looked at startled Iwa jonin clad in servant's clothes and quickly said, trying to sound distressed. "Come! Lady Kimiko is in danger!"
Barbo's eyes widened, his eyes snapping in the direction of the girl... and then his world went black.
Rei stood above the slumped form of the jonin, rolling his eyes. "Damn, man, a guy takes out three samurai in front of you and you get distracted? You must really like that Kimiko-girl." He snickered and put a tag with a restraining seal on Barbo's forehead, storing his unconscious body into a stasis storage seal. With that, he left the battlefield.
Author Note:
Okay, I've seen a lot of people ask why Rei had to use a jutsu that could wipe out Salamanders. The answer is simple, he was forced to. The salamander elders broke quite a few bones and tore a whole lot of muscles by his Senjutsu/Taijutsu Attacks, plus their ninjutsu powered by senjutsu chakra, and voila... you get utterly outclassed MC. As much as I've written, the self-transport seal is instantaneous, and there is still a quite short window to hit him hence it is not as good as Hiraishin, nor is it meant to be. The seal is not a combat-oriented seal, after all. That's why it's not as used in a fight as it could be otherwise. The next thing is, Rei needed that small window of time to activate it and didn't like his chances of not being attacked during it since the Taijutsu Salamander was fast enough to completely surprise him.
The big, fiery attack was in the end, only a way to get him that bit of time and since he used it, he wanted to see the result. Simple as that.
If someone doesn't like that... er, nothing I can do about that :D.
Both Rei and Konan rendezvoused five minutes after they entered the 'chaos' in the treetops near the mansion. Rei had a stasis scroll in his hand while Konan had a kicking and thrashing girl over her shoulders that made her show a very, very annoyed expression on her face. Her eyes were dangerously narrowed and set forward, Rei could actually see she was trying very hard not to slap some sense into the girl. The only reason the girl was not screaming was the ball of paper that found its new home in the girl's mouth and was apparently quite hard to get rid of, no matter how much the girl tried to spit it out.
The girl, Kimiko, suddenly slapped Konan's butt quite hard and Konan snapped. She 'gently' put the girl on the ground, making her stop thrashing around and for once, the only sound Kimiko let out was a muffled groan of pain. "That's it, I've had it with you." Konan said in a cold tone, making Kimiko send a glare her way. The glare didn't last long though. The second Kimiko's eyes met Konan's, she froze. Konan had a stoic expression on her face but something in her gaze was just incredibly chilly and threatening. Kimiko quickly balled into a ball and tried to make herself as small as possible when she saw the dangerous way Konan was looking at her. It was the first time the girl experienced such fear. Rei decided to intervene before Konan actually managed to make the girl die due to a heart attack from her frosty glare.
"Ma~, ma~, don't give her that look." He quipped towards Konna, making Kimiko look at him hopefully while Konan crossed her arms and huffed. He crouched down in front of Kimiko and smiled at her. "Don't worry. You won't be harmed. We were sent by your father to 'rescue' you." He snickered at the word 'rescue'.
"Papa?" Kimiko tilted her head. "But... why would papa..." That was as far as she got when Rei suddenly slapped her forehead, making her faint. Konan opened her mouth in speechlessness at the spectacle but when she saw the paper with a knock-out seal... she facepalmed.
"And that's how you deal with annoying people." Rei told Konan, highly amused, as he was sealing Kimiko's body into a stasis scroll.
In the end, Konan chuckled and kissed Rei while hugging him tightly. "Shouldn't we do something like that to Mizukage then?" She asked offhandedly to which Rei rolled his eyes but tightened his embrace. He loved how warm Konan usually was and refused to not enjoy it when he got the chance. He caressed her back as his head swirled with ideas.
"Maybe later, dear." He whispered to Konan. "For now, we gotta interrogate my captive."
"A captive?" Konan asked and stepped back as she felt Rei released her from the hug. Rei only raised his hand with a stasis scroll and she instantly understood. "Which one?" She asked.
"The captain." Rei said, grinning. "Now we can find out just 'why' was this trap set up for us." He said excitedly, happily noting the sadistic gleam in Konan's eyes. Unfortunately, he had to crash her fun. "Sorry, dear, I won't allow you to torture him. I've got a better plan. Much, much better." He said as his grin was widening into a menacing one.
Barbo groggily woke up, shaking his head to get out of the daze, and quickly found out he was in an unknown room and bound which made him completely awake pretty quickly. His eyes warily scanned the surroundings, trying to discern what was going on as he was mentally going through what happened before his blackout. His eyes suddenly widened as he remembered what happened to him, only for a colorful curse to leave his lips. He was careless and now he was going to pay for it. Nevertheless, he tried to squirm out of the bindings or use the rope-escaping Jutsu but as expected, it didn't work. As he was about to get out of options, the door suddenly opened and two people walked inside. A young man and a young woman. He quickly understood his mission failed and he somehow got kidnapped by The Downpour.
Konan and Rei saw the man lower his head in resignation as they entered the room. They came in front of him when he suddenly raised his head and spoke. "If you are trying to get information from me, you will be disappointed. I will not divulge anything no matter what kind of torture you put me through."
Rei smiled at that as he gazed into the man's eyes and saw he really believed that. "Let's start with something simple, then. Your name." He stated and peered into the man's eyes until the corner of the man's lips twitched. The man sighed and half-shrugged.
It wasn't as if he was extremely famous and he doubted these two would get much from his name. Rei chuckled and nodded towards Konan. "She is Konan and I am Rei. But you probably already know that. Well, we don't really plan to torture you." Rei said while his hand found its way around Konan's waist to calm her down since she was pouting slightly. They had quite a debate about this. Konan wasn't happy about having someone trying to hunt them and wanted to send a proper 'message' to the world. As if they didn't do that already... Barbo's eyes warily observed Rei as he heard they don't intend to torture him while Rei continued. "As for your team, half of them are dead, due to samurai that guarded the mansion." He watched as Barbo flinched, his lips twisting into an amused smirk. "The good news is that they killed every samurai." He stopped for a second to let that sink. It wasn't something to be happy about. Barbo's team practically slaughtered samurai belonging to his country which would have at least reputational consequences and depending on the stance of the Daimyo, could be quite damaging to the village in itself. Barbo showed a difficult expression as he completely understood what it meant when Iwa shinobi killed Iwa samurai. Especially in that kind of situation. Rei nevertheless continued with a bemused and light tone. "The bad news is... the 'surviving' half is also dead because of Konan."
Konan watched Barbo's eyes widen at that and decided that maybe it was quite good that Rei didn't allow her to vent her frustration on him. She almost pitied him but the man would talk and it will be out of his own volition. She outstretched her hand and Barbo's body was quickly covered in paper, only his head was peeking out of them. "Let's go." She said and Rei shrugged. They had a plan on how to make the man talk and it seemed that Konan was quite impatient. Unfortunately for Barbo, he had a paper over his mouth so any and all protests were silenced.
The trio went outside, stopping only near Tsunade and her big slimy amphibian of a plaything. It was obvious the blonde didn't even register them as she busied herself with 'experimenting'. Konan sat Barbo in a spot where he will have a front seat to the show and leaned on Rei's back while putting her chin on his shoulder as her hands snaked around his waist in a tight embrace.
Barbo couldn't get his eyes away from the spectacle in front of him, only barely registering Rei's voice. "You see... I am sure that as a ninja, you are used to gore but this is something different." Yes, Barbo could see 'that'. This was... he wanted to puke but he was too horrified to do so. Rei continued speaking. "I am sure you would rather tell us about your little mission than go through that, right?" Barbo flinched but his eyes still couldn't leave the amphibian as the blond busty woman was rummaging in its body. It wouldn't be such a disturbing sight if the summoning animal that must obviously be quite intelligent wasn't cut open in such a way that Barbo could see the contents of its guts and organs still inside of its body... its heart was still pumping, signifying that the beast was still alive as the muscles visibly constricted and loosened in a show of breathing.
Even if Barbo wanted, he wouldn't be able to avert his gaze. He could only grit his teeth to prevent the bile from rising from his mouth after he croaked out. "It's still alive."
Konan rolled her eyes but it was very hard to spot since she was nuzzling her nose into the crook of Rei's neck. "Of course it is," She playfully started. "and you will be too." At that, Barbo's eyes widened as he understood why they were showing him this scene.
Rei smiled to himself. Yes, just a bit more, and the man will talk by himself, no need for boorish torture. He just hoped the man wouldn't be too stubborn about it. "Yup, and I am not really inclined to put a seal that would keep you unconscious during the process. Instead, since you wanted to kill us, I will apply a seal that will keep you conscious as our little," He heard Konan snicker as he commented on Tsunade's height, "friend will look at what's inside of you. But don't you worry your little head over it, she is too experienced to make you die during it." Rei said flippantly and noticed that Barbo didn't really react to his threat which made him frown. He redirected his eyes towards Tsunade and instantly lowered them towards the ground with a groan. That was a mistake. He did not need to see Tsunade pulling the innards out of the beast as a goddamn rope. Rei audibly gulped and took a deep breath. "Okay, we will leave you here to consider your position." He said with a broken smile towards Barbo. "We will be back in a few hours."
And with that, Rei was dragged away by excited Konan who wouldn't let these hours go to waste while Barbo was about to experience three hours of what Orochimaru would dub a 'pleasant' afternoon, only two clones of Rei and Konan silently watching over him.
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