The trio arrived at the apartment and Mei was told to sit behind the table in the living room with Konan while Rei was making ramen for them in the kitchen.
Mei wasn't very comfortable around the blue-haired girl. She was looking at her weirdly. Like matron.
Konan smiled at the awkwardness of the girl. She reached her hand towards the girl, making her stiffen and close her eyes. Konan didn't care and ruffled Mei's hair.
Mei snapped her eyes wide at the gentle touch and found herself enjoying it.
"Be a good girl and we will have no problem." She heard the blue-haired girl tell her in a gentle but firm voice.
Good girl... Mei thought that she could at least try. She timidly nodded with a blush.
"Don't worry." The blue-ha-, Konan, yes that was her name, Mei remembered.
"I will teach you how to be a good girl." Konan continued cooingly as she leaned closer to her and patted her head.
Rei entered with a tray of three bowls of hot, steaming ramen and saw a weird sight. Konan smiling devilishly at the determined Mei while Konan patted her head in 'my precious' kind of Kakashi-like way. His eyes couldn't help but instinctively trace a few escape routes as he felt a shiver run down his spine.
In the end, he steeled himself and approached the girls with a smile, putting the food on the table. He saw that Mei instantly looked at the big bowl of noodles while gulping hungrily. He put the first bowl in front of the girl who raised her head, her eyes meeting his and he could see a spark of adoration. He could only sigh to himself. It was so easy with children. No wonder the villages started to train their ninja during childhood and made them listen to hours per day of patriotic drivel. Because that was exactly what the first two years of the academy were about. Indoctrination of children to loyalty.
He saw Mei watch the ramen with want in her eye but the girl didn't dare to touch it. Rei tilted his head.
"Ah!" He understood. "You may start eating, Mei-chan." He smiled at her.
Before he even finished the girl was inhaling the noodles. Rei quickly stopped her hand, making the girl stiffen.
"Slow down. You will choke on it. Nobody will take it from you." He quipped in bemusement, letting Mei's hand only when she nodded embarrassedly. Rei smiled and continued. "Don't be afraid to ask for more."
He knew the girl would want more. He was a master at suiton and very good with katon and temperature manipulation! What! Jutsu were not only good for fighting! Cooking was a viable way to use them too!
Especially since he could make the food full of chakra this way. Elemental chakra. With his proficiency, he could add his katon and suiton chakra into it, making it actually beneficial instead of harmful to Mei. It will certainly help her own katon and suiton chakra nature, if only ever so slightly. He also added a bit of nature energy into the ramen so Mei will stop being so tired and malnourished.
Rei would never do something like this for Ringo. He liked Ringo. She was his baka-deshi. But she was not loyal. Not as much as he would like her to be. But with Mei, he didn't need to worry. He was not as naive as to not know Konan's plan for the girl. But he was not about to do anything about it. He knew that under Konan's care, Mei would shortly be a... he hoped not zealot or fanatic... he would need to have some positive input on the girl to prevent that. But he knew Konan's 'education' would make the girl loyal only to them. And he knew she would be subtle enough to make Mei appear like a good little ninja of Kiri.
Sometimes, Konan could be scary.
They finished eating as Mei ate her third bowl of ramen with an embarrassed blush.
"Well, some ground rules." Rei told the girl, making her straighten up.
"We are often on missions so you will stay alone here." Rei told her and Mei nodded. She was alone her entire life. Nothing new. Seeing it, Rei continued. "Therefore you will have to learn how to cook and clean up after yourself."
Rei didn't tell the girl there will always be paper and water clones looking after her. He would make sure the girl puts her all into learning the basics of household chores. Well, not like there was much to do. His seals did ninety-percent of these automatically. But cooking will be a very beneficial skill in the girl's future ninja career.
Mei was bewildered. Someone actually wanted to teach her. She smiled slightly, her heart happily fluttering.
"Thank y-"
Before she could finish, a knock resounded on the door.
Rei sighed and stood up. He approached the door and as he opened them, he could see an ANBU who gave him a scroll and disappeared. Coming back to the table, Rei opened it.
"Well, the Mizukage is summoning us." He quipped in amusement, his eyes sparkling. Both him and Konan knew what this was about. "Well, be a good girl Mei," Rei started, not seeing how Mei's eyes brightened. "and stay here." Rei took out a few slices of paper. "You can practice the sticking exercise. We know the academy already started teaching you."
Konan created a paper clone.
"My clone will instruct you." She said merrily, ignoring Rei's deadpan stare.
With a sigh, Rei gave up and both him and Konan disappeared in shunshin, leaving only determined Mei with a smirking paper clone that sat next to Mei and it's smirk widened.
"Well, Mei-chan, first..."
In the office:
Rei and Konan walked in and did the usual greeting.
"I will be blunt Rei-kun~. Why did you adopt Terumi-chan?" The Mizukage curiously asked. This was not in his plan. While it was a good thing for his plan, the timing was too... precise.
"Felt like it." Rei shrugged. "I met her yesterday and saw Konan in her."
"Yes. I also could see my past self in the girl." Konan nodded with a slight smile. "I was a homeless orphan in Ame before Rei took me in."
The Mizukage didn't know that. He smiled to himself. Maybe his suspicions were unfounded, after all, and it was all caused by a sentiment.
"Well, as you know, Terumi-chan is the last of her clan..."
"Are you going to bar us from adopting her?" Rei amusedly asked, knowing well that was far from the truth.
"No, no. I am happy to have two capable ninjas raising her!" He put his clasped hands in front of his face and got serious. "I just want you to teach her how to use her elemental chakra and Kekkei Genkai."
"Hmm, you ask a lot." Rei smirked. "In that case, I want her as my second apprentice. We both know Ringo is low-jonin level already so keeping her a genin is an insult to her skill."
"You want a six-year-old as your apprentice?" The Mizukage blinked. "I can't approve that. She must go through the academy curriculum."
And its indoctrination plus a bonus... Mizukage thought to himself.
"Oh, Nah. I just want her after she graduates from the academy. Do that and we have a deal. We both know you want her to be strong for Kiri but if I am to teach her, she will be mine. My apprentice. My teammate. Mine. She will become a permanent part of my team."
The Mizukage was stumped. Rei was not asking for Mei as an apprentice. He was asking for her as a ninja. If he agreed, sure, it would make his plan surefire success with enough time. But it would be agreeing to Mei belonging to Rei as a ninja. The very same as Konan. He had no delusions that Konan is not really a Kiri shinobi and certainly not his. She was more of a property of Rei. At least, that was the not sugar coated way of looking at it.
Rei asked for a lot. But then again... with their guidance, Mei would become an S-rank in the future. Heck, Ringo Ameyuri was going to become S-rank with enough time.
Sigh, I will have to put extreme focus on making Mei loyal but... The Mizukage mulled over it.
"Sure. Mei Terumi will belong to you, Rei. You may do whatever with her." The Mizukage nodded. "But I want you to make an S-rank ninja for Kiri from her. Don't forget she owns the whole famous Hot Springs of Kiri. She is an important girl. If you want her, treat her well."
Rei shrugged in acceptance and almost gagged as he heard 'important' and 'treat her well'.
He knew that he basically asked for kunoichi Mei, rather than adopted a kid. The Mizukage just gave her to him. He could make the little girl into child labor and nobody would care as long as he justified it by 'The Mizukage gave her to me'. Not to count numerous worse things he could do to her. But this was reality. The shinobi belonged to the village. They were its property in a way. Only the really strong shinobi could look at the Mizukage and openly sneer at him or rebuke him. Because they were strong. Because they were an asset the village couldn't afford to lose. Because they were a threat. Because they could. A small six-year-old orphan from an extinct clan? Her only protection was the other clans and their 'interests'. If Rei didn't come to Kiri, Mei would live a pampered life, her head would be filled with ideas of marrying into some other clan that would acquire her wealth and bloodlines this way and the grandeur of serving her country.
"Don't worry. We will raise her 'very' well." Konan gave a wide sweet full smile with delightfully narrowed eyes as she put a great emphasis at the word 'very'..
Suddenly, the Mizukage didn't feel all that good about this little plan of his...
Few weeks have passed since Mei started living with Rei and Konan.
Konan and Ringo were in a clearing, doing the usual three areas exercise. Ringo was getting stronger faster and faster as her senses and speed were trained and her strength increased bit by bit every time Konan's doton-hardened paper slices hit her. Konan wasn't just swinging them at her. She was precisely targeting the sets of muscles that needed to be put under pressure. Ringo was very grateful when she found out how effective this training was for her.
Still, she didn't manage to reach Konan yet. She once reached the third area and was jumping in joy but then out of nowhere a flood of the river was released from the papers, washing Ringo all the way back to the start. She would grumble for days after that.
While Konan spent time training Ringo, Rei was with Mei.
Ringo was quite uncomfortable around the younger girl. She was used to being the one taught by Rei but eventually accepted it. She knew her time in Rei's team was coming to its end as she was already informed about her upcoming promotion. Getting chunin rank meant her being put under the tutelage of the Kiba wielder to be his successor. It was disheartening but it was her dream.
As for Rei and Mei... Mei was liking Rei a lot! He was kind to her and patiently taught her. He didn't beat her when she didn't get the thing done in one try! He...
Well, let's just say that Rei was getting creeps by the rising adoration he saw in the girl's eyes. He cursed himself for letting her stay with Konan's clone. He came home from the Mizukage's office and the girl was droning about being a 'good girl'! Ugh.
That night, he and Konan had a very heated and very sweaty debate on raising young children. A debate he sadly lost...
Moving on!
Rei decided to teach Mei properly. He started small with tree-walking and water-walking after she managed the paper-sticking exercise. He had to give it to the girl, she was determined and a prodigy. It was obvious why she would become the Fifth Mizukage in canon. In just a week she managed tree and water-walking. Yes, Rei was there with her every step of the process, always sensing what she did wrong and corrected her. He would not be a jerk like Kakashi and just say, do it. It was counterproductive.
Then, after she managed these exercises he found out the girl had suiton, doton, and katon chakra natures. Well, obviously since she had Futton and Yoton.
(Author Note: Futton - Boil, Yoton - Lava, Futon - Wind)
Rei decided to start with Futon. Something the girl didn't have a predisposition for and even her canon self didn't know. He somewhat remembered Mei Terumi in canon doing some suiton with raiton combo so she knew raiton but he didn't remember the Jutsu. But he knew canon Mei never practiced Futon. But he would be damned if a girl with Futton didn't know Futon to spread her boiling mist!
Rei also started practicing Futon alongside her. They made a game out of it. Seeing whose paper would move sooner. Well, of course, he held back and let the girl have her minute of glory and joy. Rei usually watched Mei as she always slightly stuck her tongue out while focusing and thought it was cute. He kinda suspected she started to crave winning not because of the win but because of the hug, he would always give her. But then again... as long as she had the drive to practice, all was well.
After a week, again, Rei noted. Damn was Mei fast in nature training. Sure, most of it was due to tips she received from Konan who was almost master in it, nearing perfection, and from his careful and precise tutoring. But for a child of six? A child that has to go to the academy almost daily? Oh, the complaints Rei received that Mei wasn't paying attention and instead was 'fiddling' with her paper...
Rei knew that Mei would be a Ninjutsu freak. Her chakra reserves were already almost genin level. Something Rei was really jealous of as at that age, he had only civilian reserves. It was all due to years in the academy and diligent practice of the chakra circling, he found out. The exercise isn't that good and the kids don't really practice it that much but Mei was VERY diligent in it. She didn't miss even a day of practice even if she was hurting from a beating.
Right now, Rei and Mei stood opposite each other and they played with a ball. A ball made of paper, without touching it, using only futon chakra to keep it afloat. It wasn't powerful but it propped the ball up after every burst that created a very weak uplifting wind. If the ball wasn't made of light paper, it wouldn't even raise an inch. But it was training a fine control of futon.
Mei loved the exercise as she always laughed when she managed to 'outplay' Rei and he 'missed' the timing, letting her win only to heave her into his arms into a hug.
Rei walked into the bedroom they gave to Mei and saw Konan sit across Mei behind a table.
"...this?" Konan pointed at a paragraph in what Rei recognized to be Kiri academy book.
"It is supposed to spur awe and make us think we can also reach greatness if we stay loyal to Kiri." Mei stated and Konan nodded. Just then she saw Rei and smiled.
"Mei. Looks like the diner is ready." Konan pointed in Rei's direction, making Mei perk up and run into Rei's waist for a hug.
Rei stroked Mei's short hair and forbade her to cut and ushered her out of the room.
"Go eat, Mei. I have to talk with Konan, kay?"
Mei nodded and left the room as Rei sighed, sitting in the exact same spot Mei was a moment ago. He leaned towards the book and cringed.
"The Heroics of Second Mizukage?" He raised his eyebrow at Konan.
"I am teaching the girl to recognize indoctrination." She shrugged. "She had her first kill and it was pretty gruesome. Behind that happy kid that loves hugs is already a killer. She is mature enough."
"I am not admonishing you." Rei rolled his eyes. "Merely curious."
Konan bit her lower lip and took a deep breath.
"I know you love Ringo." She stated with a grimace, making Rei look at her intently, patiently waiting for her to continue. "Maybe not entirely romantically but you are way past just liking your energetic baka-deshi."
Rei slowly nodded. There was no need for lies between him and Konan.
"I also know you would never let her get closer to you because we both know she is Kiri-loyalist to the core. She would betray us in due time."
Rei again slowly nodded. Again the truth. Konan sparred, taunted, and probed Ringo enough to know the core of her personality, aspirations, and loyalties.
"But I see your interest in Mei's bloodline and talent. I won't let her go the Ringo-route. She WILL be loyal to us if we are going to teach her. I dunno if she will love you that way when she is older. I don't even know if you will see her that way. But I know I am not just letting her be and hope for the best." Konan huffed and crossed her arms. "I already made that mistake with Ringo because I didn't like her intruding in our alone time. If I acted, she could be here in my place, teaching Mei while we could have been making out in our bed!"
"Sure. Do what you think is best." Rei's lips stretched into a smile as he chuckled and leaned closer, kissing Konan. "I love you and trust you to do what you believe is best for me. Always will." He gave her another long kiss. "We should go and eat our diner."
They happily took a hold of the other's hand and went into the kitchen. Mei was surely lonely, eating alone.
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