The soul opened its eyes with a long gasp as if wanting to take as much air as possible. It was definitely a painful experience and something not worth repeating.
Its eyes fell on small... hands.
Of course, the soul noted as in an almost broken window nearby, it could see its reflection.
Pale blonde short hair, emerald eyes, pale-skin and... worn-out clothes.
I really did transmigrate, didn't I?
The soul, no. The boy was looking out of the window with an expression filled with mixed feelings. He remembered the talk with the cosmical entity that called itself TUFAP...
He was not allowed to get OP powers. He was only allowed to pick three talents, not even being told how useful said talents will be!
It was the saddest day of his existence...
When he asked if he would be able to choose the world, the answer was.
You already did...
Apparently his inner wish he didn't even know he had... or some other bullshit. He was not amused when he was told he is going to Narutoverse.
When he asked if he could choose a clan?
When he asked if he could choose the village?
Random. But he could always change in-gam, eh, life.
When he asked if he will be a ninja or civilian?
When he asked which timeline?
He was getting quite irked by that point.
So, he asked one last thing, half-expecting the same generic answer. He asked if he will be even reincarnated during the Shinobi Villages era.
The answer was... yes.
At least some hope sparkled in his mind.
He could absentmindedly hear a loud 'boom' and quickly jumped up on his feet, only to flop back down onto the ground with a killer headache. The memories of this body. 'His' memories flashed through his eyes as he, the new Yotsuba Rei, 'remembered' the memories of the boy he took over. The boy, who died of grief after his parents died a day before.
He remembered where he was. Ame no Kuni.
He also remembered when he was. Kinda. He overheard people talking about Hanzo the Salamander. Start of the second shinobi war. The viciousness of Iwa and Konoha shinobi towards the populace. He also remembered the boy's parents died by the hands of shinobi. His mother was raped by shinobi while his father was tortured.
The previous Rei found their dead bloody bodies on the edge of the forest when he came to look for them. His childish mind broke and as he came home, he died of grief, of all things, due to losing his loved ones.
The new Rei could see more into the situation. The bodies were found near trees with Konoha symbols on the trees. Clearly, Konoha's enemies are trying to raise an uproar and make Amegakure fight against Konoha. He didn't grieve for these people. They might have been the parents of the previous boy residing in this body but that boy was not 'him'. He only found it sad that shinobi didn't mind killing, raping, and stealing through a country that has nothing to do with their war. All because the country was caught in the middle of their conflict and presented a perfect battlefield.
Rei was lucky though. He had a house. Well, as much as a one-room wooden shack can be called a house, anyway. But it was still much more than normal orphans. He still had a roof above his head. And while the crime rate was going up, it was not yet as dire to force the people trying to steal from a kid. He was safe. For now.
He also had enough food for a month or so. He could make do with that.
Thankfully, the memories contained the teachings of how to read and write in Kanji so that was not a problem either. His handwriting was also naturally neat. Unfortunately, his family was a plain non-shinobi poor civilian one.
With a sigh, Rei sat cross-legged on the floor of his shack. He started meditating, focusing inwardly...
And surely enough, his twenty-something years as a normal human without any supernatural energy in his body showed. Not even five minutes later, Rei found and unlocked his chakra. It started as a small spark of warmth in his lower abdomen, something unnatural to him. He slowly coaxed it, led it to open, and spread through his body. It was resistant. It didn't want to leave his abdomen. But... the more he pushed, the easier it got. His will exerted over the energy, the chakra, it was enough to make it course through him. Enough to... make him scowl. It was pathetic. The amount.
Rei was seven years old. And he had, what he thought was, a civilian amount of chakra. It was not something he could use to defend himself.
With a sigh, he sprawled his limbs on the floor, looking at the ceiling, resisting the urge to groan. He knew kids had it tough in this day and age. He needed more chakra. More power. More... control?
His body sprang up, back into a sitting position as he again focused on his energy. He tried to make it circle his body. Slowly, ever so slowly the energy started to flow through it, dragging itself as if it had a viscosity of honey. The energy did not want to comply. But Rei, with a grin, noted his control was impeccable.
He stood up and walked closer to the wall. Putting his foot on it he tried to channel a minuscule amount of chakra on the soles. It quickly slid down.
Rei scowled as he understood the amount was not enough. He again put his foot on the wall and put more chakra into it. He tried to gently part the leg from the wall only to be happy when the sole stuck on the wall. He looked the entire twenty seconds as his sole was glued to it, the fact that he was currently in a supernatural world finally seeping in.
"Well, shit."
Rei cursed at the realization. He was in a very dangerous world without any strength. Why the heck did his 'inner desire' pick this world? He really wondered about it. Really hard and deep!
His mind finally came with a time-worthy conclusion. The only reason why he could have wanted to come to naruto was.
The girls.
There was really no freaking other reason! Either that or TUFAP screwed him over!
Rei had no want for being all-powerful. Wealthy? Maybe. But if he wanted some supernatural power, he would reincarnate as a pure-blood devil in DxD, thinking about boobs. He was sure that somehow could grant him immortality, the ability to convert rocks to gold, and of course, it would also attract females. The women in DxD are weird like that.
So... instead of magic, he is in a world of chakra, knives, and fists. Not a good bargain. Really, Kaguya could create dimensions with chakra but... Kaguya is on the level of a deity.
Fuck, TUFAP did screw me over, didn't he?... Rei cursed inwardly.
Rei noted his chakra reserves were getting dangerously low and stopped his musings as he cut the flow of his chakra to his foot. He lasted two minutes. No, correction.
He had enough chakra to stick ONE of his feet to a wall for two minutes. And even then, it was only thanks to his Supreme Chakra Control trait which enabled him to not waste even an ounce of chakra. His reserves were that low...
This trait basically gave him better chakra control. Nothing else was told to him. No information. No description. Rei didn't even know what 'better' meant exactly. He picked it because, in the list of talents, there were only five things with the adjective Supreme and only two with the adjective Godly. He obviously chose the two godly talents and one supreme.
His Supreme Chakra Control seemed to really be 'supreme' as he felt every single bit of his chakra and instinctively knew he could manipulate it.
Rei wondered... If he could unlock his chakra in five minutes with his control, then how long would a normal child take?
What Rei didn't know was that the children DO NOT unlock their chakra alone. They get a kind of a jumpstart from their teachers. That was the reason why the shinobi academy was a thing. Otherwise, the world would be roamed by civilian shinobi wannabe who unlocked their chakra on their own by fluke. Many civilians tried to meditate and unlock it, yet… Only really talented and determined individuals managed it on their own.
Rei shrugged as he decided not to care about other kids. He was here now. Others didn't matter. He had to think about what he should do from now on. Hmm, he could...
A smile spread through his lips as he remembered what he saw the previous day. Something he was sure the previous 'Rei' deemed unimportant.
Rei stood up. His chakra might be only ten percent full and he might be kinda tired because of that but he could still move. He had to get to his target first!
Rei exited his shack and found himself on a muddy road, soft drizzle falling onto the streets, preventing them from drying up. He saw more worn-out wooden shacks all around, clearly, the area was for the poor. Rei quickly walked along the street, noting an old man with a dog, a young housewife leaning out of one of the windows as she tried to reach her laundry hanging on a branch, kids playing in the mud with a ball. It was poor but quite a nice view of such a war-torn, depressed, rainy country as Ame.
Rei suddenly turned to the left and walked into a side-alley.
The nice view... was completely destroyed. The entire side-alley was strewn with starved shivering forms of homeless people. They eyed Rei with their hopelessness-filled eyes, looking for any valuables on his person. It was only when they saw his torn clothes they disregarded him with a woeful sigh. They realized it was just another homeless orphan. Not worth even talking to, much less steal from.
Rei disregarded these people as well. He could not and would not help them. He came to the middle of the alley when he saw a shivering form of a small six years old girl, lying in the mud clutching her hands closer to her chest, trying to find warmth as the rain fell on her. Her cheeks were sunken and she was thin as a twig but her cautious amber eyes followed him warily as he stepped closer to her.
Rei crouched down in front of her and smiled.
"Hello. I am Rei."
He introduced himself and the girl was observing him for a minute, shivering, curling into herself before she decided to answer.
The girl whispered in a quiet, unsure voice as she was unsure of Rei's intentions for approaching someone like her. Someone who had nothing to offer. It was quite a sad spectacle. Six years old but already wary and suspicious of others.
"Would you like to come with me?" Rei asked her as he reached his hand towards her in the invitation.
The people around looked at the pair of children and shook their heads. In this god-forsaken land, children had to band together. Shruggingly, they ignored them as this was quite a common occurrence. Just... more violent usually. If it was an older girl, she would be beaten to submission to serve older homeless teenagers. After all, no matter how low they were, even they had their hierarchy.
But the girl was but a child, and her body could not be sold for food or money. No elder kid was interested in making her serve them. At least adult women could sell themselves willingly to earn money for themselves rather than some opportunistic kid. Boys didn't have it any better though. The strongest were leaders and the weaker ones were underlings. But nobody was interested in dead-weights like the starved shivering girl. Except, other deadweights. That's why the sight of Rei inviting Konan was really nothing out of the ordinary. The others just wrote them off as the next unfortunate corpses they would see a few days later.
Konan was torn. On one hand, her current spot was quite nice. It provided at least some cover from the rain, no matter how muddy it was. She was also close to dumpsters where the other people threw their trash. It provided some food for her. She would loathe to leave it, only to find it already taken later.
In the end, it was the boy's warm eyes that made Konan timidly take his hand. She didn't know what her future with him held but she knew at worst she would finally die. In her mind, it was worth the gamble.
As Konan took Rei's hand, he pulled her up and started slowly, gently dragging her back to his shack. He was no saint to provide the girl shelter for nothing. Konan was... investment.
Even Konan, after her time on the streets, knew nothing in this world is free and if the boy really gave her something, he would want something in return.
Rei took her because he knew exactly what the girl would offer him in return for his kindness.
Konan was worth the trouble. She might have been just an underappreciated side-character that died off to further the plot and didn't really have much screen-time but...
She gave Yahiko and Nagato everything she was. No matter their dreams. No matter their methods. She followed.
And when a girl like her is willing to become an S-ranked murderer, a worst-sort of a killer to support a friend in his dream...
Yes, Konan would give herself to Rei. He would make sure of that.
He won't exploit her gratitude. Instead, he will make sure she gets stronger and lived a happy life. But life by his side, nevertheless.
He wanted to secure the loyalty of the only paper-user in the entirety of Elemental Nations. A paper-user who he knew would die for him and adore him if he cared for her. If he showed her she was important. If he made her feel appreciated.
Rei finally pulled Konan into his shack and was amused at the wide-eyed girl.
She didn't think the boy would have a house! She meekly looked at the floor, shuffling her legs nervously.
"What's wrong?" Rei asked her.
"I... I am dirty."
Rei looked over her muddy form and nodded. With some difficulty, he brought a bucket of rainwater to the girl.
"Strip and wash." He took out his father's old cloak and put it near the girl.
The shack only had one room so Konan was plainly visible as she washed with an old sponge and the water from the bucket. Rei could clearly see bruises on her body and could only shake his head with a wince.
Really, what madness gripped me to wish for living in this world... He wistfully thought.
But... he could only soldier on, harden his heart and survive. If it meant making others suffer... so be it.
He also stripped, startling Konan momentarily. Rei's mature mind knew he was acting childish. He should blush, be bashful and yet… he was a child now. Their nakedness didn't bother him at all.
When Konan saw him take another sponge out, she bashfully made a place for him near the bucket. Rei, instead of washing himself, started to wash Konan. The girl looked at him in confusion but then just shrugged it off and started washing him with her sponge, a small smile marring her face. Even she didn't know when she last smiled.
As the kids were done washing each other. Rei handed Konan a slice of hard bread and watched as she gulped when her hands clasped it. She looked at Rei, her eyes expectantly asking for permission. Konan started nibbling on the slice only after Rei nodded at her and Rei smiled as he started eating his slice. He could not afford to waste food but Konan looked as if one slice of bread per day was a heavenly meal. Maybe... his provisions would last her half a year if she ate frugally like this. But he was a man from the modern era! He needed his three meals a day!
"Why?" Konan asked Rei timidly as they finished eating, tears of happiness starting to fall from her eyes.
Seeing Rei tilt his head, she asked more in detail as her eyes repeatedly darted from Rei to the ground.
"Why take me in?" Konan looked to the floor and tried to wipe her tears.
"I want you to become mine!" Rei exclaimed. In hindsight, maybe not the best-worded answer.
Konan lived on the streets. She knew... saw what it meant for a girl to belong to a boy. She was always frightened by the screams. But no matter how she tried to close her eyes or cover her ears when night came, many older girls did... things with boys. For money. For food. Or... other reasons.
"Uuuuu." She clutched her head in embarrassment and Rei could only wonder if the steam would start coming from her head.
Konan decided. No one was so kind to her. Her childish mind decided she will give herself to the boy, not even understanding what it meant. She may be mature and saw many things on the streets but she was still a child. In her mind, if she received a slice of bread and a roof over her head, she wouldn't mind... doing that painful-looking thing with Rei!
Rei slowly realized the girl was somehow misunderstanding him. So, when he had his fun due to her embarrassment and actually saw the resolve flick through her eyes, he elaborated.
"Of course as a friend!"
Konan blinked at Rei, her mind stopping short. She slowly nodded, her eyes trying to avoid Rei.
But even if this meant she wouldn't need to do... that with Rei... yet, Konan gained her resolve. It was plainly obvious to Rei. In her eyes, he started to become someone important. He doubted she even realized it yet, but for Rei, that was a start. A start of getting his first loyal S-ranked ninja.
And have no doubts, Konan was more than capable of becoming much stronger than just an S-ranked ninja. Rei decided he would make sure of that...
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