The carts pulled on for the rest of the day while they crawled up and down the sloping road along the river. Tom was entranced by the grass blades rippled like ocean waves in the wind. Short sunflowers dotted the landscape and even small shrubs started growing. Blackberry bushes with prickly vines and pointed leaves sprouted up everywhere around them.
The sun sank over the mountains, casting its dazzling sunset yet again, but this time the clouds looked heavy and dark. They broke for another meal. Tom joined his usual circle. He set a burner simmering a pot of tomato pasta.
"How's she doing?" Tom asked as he sat down next to Jimmy.
Alex lay in his lap covered in blankets. Dark circles were heavy under her eyes. She was barely conscious as Jimmy tried to coax a scoop of mashed potatoes down her throat from an open MRE pouch. She swallowed them so painfully slowly it made it hard for Tom to watch.
Jimmy shook his head. "Not well, she's barely been awake for the last two days."