They slept for a while and then made love again, this time slow and leisurely.
"I should give Raj his treatment while he's still asleep." Bilal said while sitting up and placing his feet over the edge of the bed. He looked over his shoulder at Carmella who stretched leisurely.
"Carmella…" he said hesitantly.
She reached out and took his hand. "What, honey?"
He smiled. "I like when you call me honey and when you tell me that you love me, as I love you. But the way that I feel for you means that I…I don't ever want to let you go."
Carmella sat up in bed, holding the covers up to her breasts. She gave him a hopeful look.
"What are you saying, Bilal?"
"I was only given five years with you, to study you and our child. But I want more than that. I want forever with you." He looked down and closed his eyes.
Her hand tightened over his. "If…if that's at all possible, then I would be the happiest woman on earth."
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