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97.56% Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer / Chapter 120: Chapter 120 The Counterattack of Fate

Kapitel 120: Chapter 120 The Counterattack of Fate

*Author's Note*

I literally had no idea who to use so I decided Go Big or Go Home. This is a Harry Potter/Avengers Fic after all and 119 chapters in, I have yet to have them actually fight together.

Chapter 120 The Counterattack of Fate

In a location below the nine realms and ruins of the tenth realm, in a pocket dimension hidden within the roots of the Universe spanning World Tree Yggdrasil, an old woman, a young woman, and a middle-aged woman, Skuld, Urd, and Verdandi, sat on a couch watching pirated Midgardian sitcoms while eating Cheetos and drinking Root Beer.

The Norns, the three sisters who represent the future, the past, and the present, the weavers of fate, have written the tales of the realms under their watch from the Hyborian Age to the present. They also enjoyed the drama of TV sitcoms because the writing was similar to their own interests and frequently provided them with fascinating ideas.

Once their favorite sitcom was over, Skuld picked up the remote and started channel surfing. Urd snatched the remote away, stating, "You've had your turn, it's my turn."

Skuld, though usually silent in the presence of mortals, argued back, "No! That last one was all of ours. Now it's my turn!"

Verdandi shouted, "Just pick something! You left it on the News!"

The other two realized Urd had picked a poor time to snatch the remote. They hated the news. They always give out the credit for their work and their stories to others.

Urd said, "Fine, fine, just one moment."

She was about to change the channel when Skuld shouted, "Wait!"

There was a story on, one none of them were familiar with. The Wedding of Tony Stark and Virginia Potts. That was not the problem. Those two would marry eventually, and though this was earlier than it should have been, it wasn't a big deal. No, the problem was that the picture on the News Station had a few of the Avengers couples in the back. Tony with Pepper, Bruce with a woman none of them recognized, and Thor with Jane Foster.

That wasn't possible.

The trio of storytellers left the couch, which vanished into mist as their abode changed itself into something more esoteric. A massive sphere of swirling mist formed, and the Fates surrounded it and peered within.

Skuld claimed, "No, they cannot be together. That's not what I wrote!"

They checked the story they had written. Jane should have gotten cancer from exposure to the Aether. Her eminent mortality should have made her distance herself from Thor. The creation of Ultron and the destruction of Sokovia should have caused the Avengers' public image to crack, giving her further reason to break up with Thor. There was no reason for them to be together!

The mist within the orb spun and twisted as they peered into the past and present, but were unable to see anything wrong.

Skuld sneered and walked over to a corner. The hanging mist turned into an end table with a home phone.

Skuld picked up the phone and began dialing.

In a call center located outside of four-dimensional space, a customer service representative picked up the phone.

"Thank you for calling the Time Variance Authority. May I please have your name?"

Skuld rolled her eyes and said loudly into the phone, "Skuld! Do I have to spell it out for you?!"

"No ma'am, how can I best assist you today?"

"Well, you can tell me what the Hel happened to the service package we paid for! Nothing is as we ordered it!"

"I'm sorry to hear that ma'am, I understand it can be frustrating when that sort of thing happens. Can you give me a brief description of your problem today?"

"My Problem! Is that We paid for a Service and You Are Not Providing it! Our Timeline is completely out of order! What are you gonna do to fix it?"

"I am so sorry to hear about that. Let me look into that for you and see what's going on. Hmm. I don't see any problem. Can you describe the issue you're having?"

"My ISSUE is that Thor Odinson and Jane Foster are still together! This is not what I paid for!"

"That's strange. I can't see any problems from this side. Let me try connecting manually. Can you give me your Timeline's Identification Number? It's on the top page of your billing statement."

"I don't know where that is. Just a second. Okay, I think this is it."

The Norn gave the TVA agent the Timeline's ID and a moment later, the TVA agent exclaimed, "Oh, wow. I am so sorry. I did not think it would be that bad."

For some reason, the Timeline did not pull up properly in his system until he manually searched for it. It was completely off course.

The Norn exclaimed, "You don't say?! What the Hel Happened?!"

"I, I don't know." He really didn't. He was panicking. This was the first time he'd seen a Timeline spiral so far out from the Sacred Timeline without any alarms going off. He was looking through the history of the Timeline but couldn't tell where it diverged or what variance caused this, but it had been out of line for years already.

Skuld practically growled through the phone, "I want to speak with your Manager!"

The TVA Agent sighed with relief. That was fine, he could pass the problem on to someone else. "Absolutely ma'am, let me put you on a brief hold while I call up my supervisor and explain the situation before transferring you over."

The hold was in fact quite brief, though far more time had elapsed on the other side of the call than the Norn's side.

A woman with authority in her tone picked up the line, "Hello and thank you for holding on to the line Ms. Skuld. We have confirmed the problem and will be sending out our Agents as soon as possible to determine the source of the problem and get it resolved for you as quickly as possible."

Skuld replied, "You'd better, or I'll take my service somewhere else!"

Though Skuld hung up the phone, the agent she spoke with and a dozen others were frantically looking through the timeline to determine the source of the divergence. The problem was that it wasn't showing up. They couldn't see any strange names or unusual parties appearing to cause this mess. It was almost like whoever was responsible was invisible to their readings.

The standard operating procedure was to determine the point at which the timeline diverged and send an agent to reset it. They could not use the information available to determine that point, so it was decided to bring in the people of interest from that timeline and question them. As far as they were concerned, everyone there was a variant, so what happened to them didn't matter at all. At least they wouldn't have to send teams to multiple locations. All their targets will be together soon.

On a warm October morning in a private area on the coast of Malibu was the wedding of the decade. Not just because of the identity of the bride and groom, but because the guest list itself included the biggest names on the planet.

Harry Potter, Jarvis, and Link assisted with wedding preparations, scheduling, and ensuring the timely arrival of the wedding guests.

Link and Jarvis were physically present, having taken remote control of a pair of Life Model Decoys so they could physically interact with the guests. Jarvis acted as Tony's best man, and Link took care of the planning and arrivals.

Bruce brought a date, a woman who joined the Hero Association and almost seemed like a female version of the Juggernaut. Harry laughed when he saw them argue and found that the Hulk did not wear the pants in that relationship.

Steve, Natasha, Clint, Coulson, and even Fury were all guests, along with the likes of Thor, the Fantastic Four, and the Reds.

Everyone was mingling as they waited for the wedding to start. Harry spotted Clint, Coulson, and Link having a bro conversation.

Clint asked Link, "As the smartest existence on the planet, I have a question for you. What is the best way for an idiot with access to the internet to be romantic after a fight with his girlfriend?"

Link's holographic form was that of a blonde-haired, blue-eyed young adult with slightly pointed ears and a forest green, well-fitted suit. Link smiled. This may be one of the top five hardest questions for humans on the planet, but for him it was as easy to calculate as the sum of two and two. Link replied, "That would be the purchase and naming of a Star after said girlfriend. Doing so is cheaper and easier than you'd think, and nothing is more romantic than naming a star after a love interest and telling her that her name is now an eternal source of light in the darkness."

Clint, Coulson, and a few other men within earshot already had a pencil and a pad of paper out. None would question Link's wisdom again in the future.

Time got closer to the taking of vows and though Rhodey wasn't Tony's best man, he did stay at his side to make sure he didn't get drunk to calm his nerves.

The guests started taking their seats. There was no real seating arrangement, but the guests did avoid sitting in one particular area.

On one of the chairs was a gnome with a black eye who was covered in bruises and securely tied with ducktape and rope to a chair. Harry and Link didn't explain his presence to anyone, but did elaborate that his absence had caused the wedding to be delayed by several months. Link eventually hired Deadpool to break some kind of wall and acquire the gnome and bring him forcibly to the wedding.

Ignoring the badly beaten up gnome, the wedding settled down and everyone was in their chairs as Tony made his way up to the altar to wait for his beautiful bride.

Wedding music played by the most expensive orchestra in the planet's western hemisphere sang its joyous melody as Pepper's father walked her down the aisle to her future husband.

Before the priest could start his ceremonial recitation, a dozen doors made of light appeared on either side of the seats containing the wedding guests.

Humans wearing what almost looked like riot gear stepped out to the consternation of the wedding guests, bride, and groom.


[New Quest: Protect the Wedding Guests-Prevent anyone from being displaced to the End of Time.

-Prevent anyone from being taken by the TVA.

Failure to complete both will result in the destruction of your timeline and your existence.]

A judgmental-looking woman who seemed to be in charge shouted, "Everyone please remain calm. You are to be taken into the custody of the TVA. Failure to comply will result in being purged."

Unsurprisingly, everyone drew their weapons. Tony and Pepper were both armored in less than a second. Thor's Hammer was in hand, and everyone with a gun had it ready to be fired.

Harry stood up to draw attention to himself and walked over to the woman who spoke up earlier. He did so without looking threatening and said, "I'm the wedding Planner here, and I don't remember giving you an invitation. Please state your business and leave."

The woman rolled her eyes at him and tapped on a screen on her wrist. She said, "Not armed, no powers." She then gestured to the two men next to her, and they approached and grabbed Harry from behind. She then pulled out a baton of some kind and pointed it at Harry. "If anyone does not comply, I will authorize the erasure of everyone here, starting with him."

She had expected outrage and compliance at the threat. What she did not expect was a universally dumbfounded expression from every member of the wedding party.

Thor was the first to break. He started laughing. Then Jane started giggling, followed by all of Harry's girls, the former SHIELD agents, and then everyone else. All of them were laughing, some hysterically. A few wedding guests fell to the ground due to difficulty breathing from how hard they had been laughing. None of them could believe these people just took Harry Potter hostage.

Harry had spent the few seconds of their complete bewilderment studying the glow stick. Similar to how something charged with static electricity will zap someone who touches it, the stick carried a charge that matched a specific time. Touching it would zap the affected person and cause their temporal imprint to match the period of that time. The quest said these guys could displace people to the end of time and figured that was where the glow stick would send them too. Not a good place to visit, so Harry intended to put a stop to that.

The guards were oddly strong, not lacking in strength compared to an Asgardian. But that didn't stop Harry from using telekinesis to snatch the glow stick and poke the guards that held him with it. The laughter of the crowd stopped as they witnessed the guards appear to dissolve.

Harry jumped back as the woman tried to strike him with her own glow stick. Harry should be able to resist that kind of temporal displacement or even return if he was sent through time, but he didn't feel like risking it.

Instead, he cast a spell. Harry paid close attention to how the spark of time sent those guards into the future, and since he had a feel for the coordinates and method of displacement, he could block it.

Chains of red and gold shot out from Harry's body and spread around them all before vanishing. The ethereal chains could not be touched or easily broken, but they did prevent certain types of displacement from occurring. If Harry knew how those doors worked, he could do the same. But that would require running through one of them, and that was not a wise decision at the moment.

The so-called TVA Agents took out their glow sticks and tried to hit the closest target. The woman in front of Harry had her beady eyes locked on him, which made reading her mind a lot easier. He gained a lot of information, but none of it was good news.

The TVA Agents were quickly restrained as many of the guests were members of the Hero Association. The judgemental woman had been bound and was shouting, "If you do not release us, you will be erased from the Timeline!"

Multiple Heroes who thought of themselves as leader types tried to get more information from her, but Harry noticed that the computer on the wrist of each TVA Agent suddenly started flashing red. The woman herself didn't know what that meant, but Harry didn't think it was a good sign.

In the next moment, a hundred more light doors appeared. They were not the size of normal doors, though. They were massive.

A hundred advanced ships flew through the doors and started firing at the guests. Anyone shot would slow down to one-sixteenth of their speed and be as good as out of the fight. Then several dozen of what could either be described as mechs or Gundams came through, surrounding the guests and preventing any from leaving.

One of the larger Gundams used a speaker to shout, "Get on the ground! Under the authorization of the Time Variance Authority and the Grand Sacred Timeline, you are all under arrest!"

Harry threw a wave of magic to dispel the time-slowing effect of those who had already been shot and smiled. He always wanted to do this. Using magic to amplify his voice, Harry shouted, "Avengers, Assemble!"

Harry immediately equipped his strongest armor and got to work figuring out how to close those doors. Link then sent him a message saying that he grabbed one of their wrist computers and would handle the door issue himself, leaving Harry free to have a bit of fun.

Anyone capable of flight rose to the sky to combat the hundred highly advanced ships, while those incapable of flight stayed grounded and fought against the armored mechs.

Harry had already made several hacking attempts with his technopathy, but all ships and mechs were piloted by humans, not AIs, so he couldn't directly take control over them. They also seemed to be using a frequency Harry wasn't familiar with, which made trying to interfere with them more difficult.

The ships were all larger than a bus, armored, and had energy shields. No one had penetrated the shield yet, and many were struck by the time-slowing shot while being too far from Harry to get the effect removed.

Thor's hammer struck a ship but other than making it jiggle and probably spilling the coffee of whoever was on the inside, there was not a noticeable effect.

Not pleased with being rendered impotent, Thor landed on the top of one of the ships and called for a hundred bolts of lightning to strike his hammer. Thor was a meathead, but he was not stupid. Almost any form of technology was vulnerable to EM interference, so charging himself and his hammer into the world's most powerful electromagnet had the desired effect of messing with the ship's internal systems and causing them to fail. The shield faltered, and Thor took the chance to crash his lightning-empowered hammer through the ship, causing a magnificent explosion.

Harry was not having as much difficulty. Though advanced, incredibly advanced, these guys were still using technology. Even if the energy shields could block his spells, they did not block his apparition. It wasn't difficult to teleport inside a ship, blast everything, and teleport out.

Hulk was having fun with the mechs. They were nearly indestructible and armed with weapons like that slow shot along with other add-ons like instant hardening suppression foam, lightning cannons, and pure strength.

They didn't dent when Hulk smacked them, but he easily found where the foam was stored and found a pike he could use to stab into the openings of the mech into the canister containing the foam inside. The foam would, of course, escape and fill the interior of the mech before hardening, completely disabling the thing.

Other heroes were having less luck with the Mechs, but none of their attacks were lethal, and Harry's lock that prevented displacement to the End of Time was still up.

The security for the Wedding was made entirely of Nova Guards, and when they determined that their own Nova Force wasn't enough to harm the mechs, they all directed their Nova Force to Captain America. The star-spangled-superhero was empowered to nearly the Hulk level, and when he smashed his unbreakable shield into the mechs, it did in fact make a dent.

While the heavy hitters were dealing with the Mechs and Ships, more small doors opened and more agents in riot gear came through with the intent of taking everyone they could through their doors.

The former SHIELD Agents were now fully stocked with Harry's toys and worked to get the guests who needed protection to safety. Their fight became more difficult when the new arrivals turned on what appeared to be riot energy shields that blocked any weapon fired at them.

Or at least it should have. Riot Shields don't cover the entire body, and Clint could make his arrows bounce. A few well-placed shots and a number of the TVA Agents had arrows in their knees.

Natasha tried throwing a grenade through a light door, but it passed through the light as if the door wasn't there instead of going through it.

More and more agents were pouring out of the ground floor doors by the second. When Link spotted a few successfully nabbing a slowed guest and dragging them away, Harry was called.

Harry apparated over and knocked all the TVA Agents unconscious. He then piled them halfway through one of the Light Doors, and then used Magic to make sure they could not be moved. In this way, he started clogging up the doors with unconscious TVA Agents.

Tony was well and truly pissed, so the big guns were called. Not the Hulk Buster, no. He called out Harry's Punching Bag.

A dozen giant red missiles arrived and expanded into segments before colliding and combining with each other. They formed a massive Statue of Liberty sized mech that could beat King Kong unconscious and make Godzilla run away in fear. It had every form of meta-gem that existed and enough power to fuel the planet's electric grid for a week. It had one hundred Badassium power cells, custom made and charged using Solar Collecting Satellites. Each needed three months to fully charge.

He wanted to call it the Harry Buster, but after being honest with himself about the results of such a fight, he named it something that wouldn't get him mercilessly pranked for a month.

Harry's Punching Bag started glowing with the red of Strength Energy. It charged forward and directly stepped on one of the mechs. Strength energy ignores physics, so unbreakable was no match for unstoppable. The previously invulnerable mech was crushed beneath Harry's Punching Bag and the other mechs soon followed the same fate. Stark had no problems letting others know what happened to those who thought they could mess with his wedding.

One of the TVA Agents spotted the tied up gnome. He tried to just pick up the chair and take it with him, but the chair was somehow locked in place, though it was on a grassy lawn. The TVA agent then cut the bindings, freeing the gnome. The gnome shouted, "FREEDOM!" and ran faster than the agent could follow.

A moment later, a lasso appeared out of nowhere and wrapped over the gnome before tightening up. The gnome was yanked back by Deadpool who tossed him onto another chair and said, "Oh no you don't. You're not going anywhere until you finish what you've started." He then started tying him up again and pulled out more ducktape.

The gnome started crying, but Deadpool didn't care. He was getting paid extra to ensure the little guy would never escape.

The TVA Agent saw the gnome tied up again and shouted at Deadpool, "Hey! That's mine."

Deadpool replied, in a perfect imitation of Owen Wilson, "Wow, you look familiar."

He then punched the blonde TVA Agent in the nose, completely breaking it and sending him to the ground. "That's better. Now, go away before I introduce you to my friends." He then pulled out his katanas, and the blonde, broken-nosed TVA Agent wisely decided to leave the gnome alone.

The TVA Agent then looked at the computer screen on his wrist and seemed to panic. He quickly ran through the nearest Light Door before it vanished. They all vanished. Somehow, the men who Harry stacked within some of the doors were pulled in completely as the doors closed, but all the doors were now shut. Link had successfully kicked them out.

Before anyone could start celebrating, all the ships, the fallen TVA Agents, the Mechs, and even the temp-pad in Link's hands started dissolving as if they had been hit by that glow stick. Harry did lock the area from displacing anything to the end of time, but it seemed they all had some means of being displaced elsewhere in the event they were stranded. That implied a lot of preparation.


[Quest Complete: Protect the Wedding Guests

Reward: Guide to the TVA]

A very long book appeared in Harry's inventory, and he Paused so he could begin reading it. What he found was, interesting.

He was glad he had not gone through those doors. The TVA existed in the Micorverse. In fact, it could be said that the TVA existed in Universe that was so small, it only had two dimensions. How did that work for the TVA? They only existed as information.

The 2-D plane in which the TVA made their base existed throughout all timelines. The TVA treated it as a server and converted themselves into 1s and 0s when entering it. The world they walked through looked 3-D, but was completely virtual. There were side effects to such an existence. Magic could not work in the TVA because magic needs more dimensions to work than just two.

Harry calculated how he would be affected and determined that the only things he could probably use within the TVA were his Inventory and Technopathy. Not too bad, all things considered. All the Displacement Rods and Time-Slowing batons were gone, but he could probably figure out other weaponry based on those parameters. He certainly wasn't going to allow himself to be erased without a fight.

According to the Guide, the TVA had two purposes. The first was to prevent certain figures from coming into existence. The second was to generate certain events. There were individuals with resources the TVA needed to function, and they sold their services as Timeline Editors to these individuals in exchange for these resources. Harry didn't know which one his Timeline counted as. If he wanted to know, he'd have to break into the TVA itself.

Back within the TVA, a number of Judges were going over the recorded footage of the fight from the cameras mounted on the ships and mechs that had been recovered. It was still their job to determine what caused the Timeline's divergence, and every aspect of the fight was noted, filed, and discussed.

One of the Agents looked at the screen and flatly said, "Isn't that Harry Potter?"

A Judge paused the picture of the recording. Their tech couldn't view him when they were in a different dimension, but the mechs and ships were just recording their surroundings, so Harry wasn't invisible to their sensors like he usually was.

The image closed in on the black-haired, green-eyed young man who clearly seemed to be doing magic.

The Judge's pulled up Harry Potter's profile for this timeline. They determined that the Norns had specifically required that Harry Potter die. But then, why was he alive? And why couldn't they find any trace of him in the timeline after his death?

They decided it must have either been a mistake or a different Harry Potter from another timeline. They could not confirm if Harry was the source of the divergence or if another caused the divergence and Harry was just a part of it, but their lack of ability to spot him certainly made him suspicious.

Then came the next matter. What to do? Relatively speaking, they had sent the maximum force they could fit into a single timeline. If they tried to send more, the overflow would arrive at an adjacent timeline. Numbers weren't going to work.

One of the Judges said, "We go with the Enemy Protocol."

The others nodded and began searching. Sometimes, if a variant was too powerful to secure, they would recruit an Agent from another Timeline capable of defeating that variant.

They scrolled through the enemies of Harry Potter and found that most of them were too weak. At least too weak to go against this Harry Potter who obviously went much farther along in his Hogwarts Education.

One of the Judges found a Black file and asked, "What about this one?"

Another Judge noticed the color of the file in her hands and ripped it out, "NO! We do not touch Black Files!"

One of the new judges asked a more senior Judge, "What's a Black File?"

"A Timeline that can't access the Multiverse, but is extremely dangerous to the point we don't allow anyone to enter or leave."

Another Judge pulled the Black File from the other's hand and said, "This is an emergency. All possibilities must be taken into account."

The Judge opened the file and looked through it. The judge actually started to pale as page after page was flipped. Once the file was read, the judge took a deep breath and said, "We have no choice. Contact this one."

A solemn air filled the room, but orders were orders.

In another timeline, a silent figure sat upon a throne placed upon a mountain of skulls. In his right hand was a stick, a wand made of Elder. On his left hand was a ring encrusted with a malevolent black stone. Around him was a cloak that appeared and disappeared from view, giving its wearer an ethereal look. The man's face could not be seen beneath his mask, but the piercing blood-red eyes behind it were not hidden in the slightest.

The man felt something. He looked up, and as usual, saw the flocks of dementors and the darkened, clouded sky that seemed to be filled with screams. Suddenly, a small door of light appeared, and a letter flew out of it. He snatched the letter from the air with interest. He felt his centuries of boredom may soon come to an end.

*Author's Note*

Surprisingly, I was actually doing something for the last three months. I kept telling myself just one more chapter, just one more chapter, and it ended up being a bit excessive. If you're curious, Search for The Reincarnator's Tavern. If searching doesn't work, just click on my Author Name and check other stories.

I will be releasing chapters of both stories until this one is finished.

Next Chapter will have the biggest, baddest, OC Harry Potter Villain I can think of.

After that is Dr. Strange, then Odin kicks the bucket and it's time for the End Game.

I wanted another story for you to be able to read by the time I finished this one and ended up writing a few more chapters than I intended.

As an apology, I won't release them one at a time. You can have all the chapters of the new story I've accumulated in these three months at once! Enjoy! The Reincarnator's Tavern is 5x crazier than Mutant Obscurus Gamer ever was.

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