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90.29% Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector / Chapter 186: Ch. 185 Our Wedding

Kapitel 186: Ch. 185 Our Wedding

Alright, I severely underestimated how nervous I would get from getting married.

What the hell? I am probably the greatest Occlumen and Legilimen alive and I'm still feeling it!

"Ha! Look at the kid go!" Mocked Sirius with glee as he looked at me pacing around the waiting room.

"We all know who was doing the exact same thing less than a year ago Padfoot." Replied Harry as he defended his bro.

"Oi! How can you take his side Prongslet?! It's not like the kid needs help to make snarky comebacks." Whined Sirius as he go brought down a peg by his supposed ally.

"Just ignore him Aedan. Everything is beautifully set up, you arranged for so much security that it would be safer to attack the ministry instead of crashing the wedding, all guests are cleared, everyone is happy for you two and we know Victoria is just as excited for this as you are. It will all be fine." James said with a calm and reassuring smile as he comforted me.

He came back from his stay in France for my wedding, partially because his new lovely fiancé was able to drag him out of his workshop long enough for him to realize what day it was, but the serious reason was that he would never let himself miss the wedding of two of his best friends.

Fleur was quite enamored with him from what I could tell of their interactions since they've arrived in the country. James had become a good and dependable man in his own right, a steady pillar which make most around him feel safe. His wavy blonde hair was above his shoulders, neatly trimmed before he came since his fiancé dragged him to a stylist, clear blue eyes radiating compassion like always but with sparks of passion striking across them from time to time, his now fully matured face displayed a fine looking young man, but his muscled body slightly contradicted his peaceful vibe due to the fact that he was the biggest man in the room.

That last bit his simply because of his blacksmithing building his muscles differently from myself and Christian. Not that I've ever noticed anything but heated looks from Fleur when it comes to those, so I am pretty sure it's working to my friends advantage.

"That and I'm sure this lucky bastard would just instantly incinerate anyone who tries to mess with today!" Christian then said heartily as he repeatedly patted my shoulder.

My wild friend had actually just returned from settling a colony of nekotama from Japan to the island. There was apparently one that grew to be 10ft tall and Hagrid was already begging to come play with it. Christian also gifted an orphaned nekomata kitten to Luna, which she fell in love with. It is now always with her.

Unlike James however, Christian was turning more and more wild as time went and scars were gained. His black hair was cut short with fades on the sides, electric blue eyes still radiating energy like always, roguish good looks given character from a few scars he had gained on the job, and instead of bulking up like James, he was becoming more streamlined as he gained the aura of a hunter or predator.

"You're right. Everything's good. I just need to go out there and wait for her." I concurred as I took some deep breaths.

"Yes you do." Agreed Christian as he started pushing me out of the waiting room we were in, "And that's why it's time to go."

"Wait, wait! I need to check if I'm missing anything." I exclaimed as my nerves came back.

"You didn't. You're all dressed up, you're hair's fine, the rings are ready thanks to our saintly friend and we are all good to go too. So quit your pussyfooting and get going." My friend said as he continued to push me forward until we reached the entrance to the altar.

I had taken a lot of time to get everything for this place to be truly magical.

The ceiling was not only enchanted with dazzling views of the cosmos, but had the constellations dancing and prancing amongst the stars.

The walls were decorated with bioluminescent plants I had bred with Tory, a new breed developed with the help of white magic, each capable of protecting a certain radius from contaminants, disease, poisons and dark magic. Incredibly useful and beautiful as they frequently changed colors.

The altar itself was a beautifully crafted piece with symbols representing union and joining alongside the crests for both mine and Tory's families. This was a more traditional piece, but when one marries a woman who respects tradition as well as strives to improve them, you just acquiesce to these small things.

The rest of the room was filled with our guest seats, which were not divided by family since neither of us have enough actual family to do so and our social circles are pretty much the same beyond our jobs. It was set up only for friends and family, like mother's wedding seeing as we both dislike useless frivolities and only want this day to be special.

"Those sanctuary blossoms you two made sure are something mate. The place feels damn right holy with so many of them." Christian said as he gave me a small push forward to make me start walking to my position.

"It was an accident too. We wanted to make a special reagent to boost the effects of healing potions, but some of it got into the herb garden when we were picking ingredients and voilà." I explained with a fond smile over how excited we were when that happened.

"Some of the best things in life can come from accidents. Whether memories or success, we only know after they happen." James responded with his own smile.

With that said, I took my position beside the altar as my groomsmen were beside me. Soon after the bridesmaids came in wearing their own choice of dresses since witches don't do the forcing on a specific dress thing, mother just preferred to do it that way during her own wedding.

Mother was wearing an elegant black dress which contrasted her red-brown Bones hair nicely, as well as showing off her well maintained figure. I saw more than one heated exchange of looks between her and Sirius so far.

Susan chose to don a shorter monochromatic dress which stopped at her knees. It was black above the waist and white bellow, sporting a floral accessory in the middle which popped against the dress.

And Fleur, who was chosen as a bridesmaid because both Tory and I's best friends are male, hence on my side, and because she would also have a close relationship with us should she actually marry James like they were planning to after she graduates. The half-vela was dressed in a light blue chiffon dress with decorative petals near her neckline and on her waist. She had also progressed significantly in her ability to control her heritage, having none of the guests entranced in her presence.

The fourth bridesmaid was obviously Tory's mother, but since the both of them killed her father, she would be walking my bride down the aisle.

A funny detail in all this is that the groomsmen will have to have one dance with the bridesmaid after mine and Tory's first one. So with mother and Sirius and Fleur and James being together, Harry going with Susan, that left Christian to dance with Selene. I can't wait to see how that goes.

The thought relaxed me as the guests began arriving.

We had a good mix of people in today. A number of the faculty of Hogwarts was present, with all heads of house in attendance. Yes that includes Snape, something which i wasn't keen on, but Victoria said he did help her deal with her problems during our time as students and was pretty good to her as a slytherin, so I acquiesced. Not like he can do anything without most likely dying in the attempt anyway.

Then we had family friends like the Tonks, Longbottoms and Weasleys, a good number of St. Mungo's matrons, Fleur, Christian and James' family members.

And most surprisingly for the Black family members, Narcissa Black and Draco were also here. A bit sudden as far as reconnecting goes, but Narcissa wanted to at least be on speaking terms with her sane sister, and what better endorsement than from me on my wedding day?

It was a bit bumpy because of Sirius' nature, but a good thwack from mother after she shot me a glare and the women were able to have a peaceful discussion. Although awkward as all hell for Narcissa, Andromeda was extremely happy that one of her sisters wanted to be close to her again and almost burst into tears when she heard her apologize. I was glad that their relationship could begin to mend. It would take time, but with how Narcissa is now, I believe the two can become close once again.

This was before I went into the waiting room and the guests mingled a bit outside the actual ceremony room.

Back to the present, everyone was in position, and Dumbledore ready to officiate, the music began and I couldn't for the life of me tear my eyes away from where my bride would walk in from.

I could not even hear the version of Ave Maria we had chosen at this point. (By Franz Schubert, Brooklyn Duo sold me on this one because I didn't want to use Pachelbel's Canon again.)

None of it mattered because there she was. My bride.

Her raven black hair dancing in waves as sparkles shined through, making it seem as if the very stars inhabited it. Her emerald eyes staring directly at me with warmth and love. Her beautiful face looking as if sculpted to perfection from marble. The floral patterned dress she had chosen elegantly flowed behind her as she almost appeared to glide towards me, the dress accentuating her beauty as the patterns flowed upwards to her shoulders and decorated her arms as well.

Only once she was in front of me did I snap out of my trance and gently grasp the hand given to me by Selene.

"I told you he'd love it." She smugly said to her daughter.

"Cat got your tongue dear?" Tory followed up with a prideful look.

"You look absolutely breathtaking." I honestly replied, causing Victoria to immediately blush at such a head on compliment.

"T-thanks. You look dashing as well." She replied a bit shyly.

Selene just smiled fondly and took her place amongst the bridesmaids as the both of us turned to face Dumbledore.

"Friends, family, close ones and guests, we are gathered here today to celebrate a wondrous union between two outstanding young people.

Many of us here today, have heard or witnessed the path that has led these two to this very day. From fellow students, to rivals, to friends, and finally to lovers.

They stand together now, with hearts full of love and respect for one another, ready to truly bind themselves in the glorious union of marriage.

It is precisely this celebration of love and unity which brings us the greatest reminder of the bounties life can bring all of us: love, friendship, camaraderie and happiness.

And so we gathered to witness the vows these two will swear to another. To love, cherish and support each other through the good and bad times. To bless them so that they may pass through the vicissitudes of life smoothly. And to wish the lasting love they deserve." The headmaster emotionally said as he looked at those in the room.

"Now would the ring bearer come forth?" He followed up as everyone turned to see a familiar sight for most guests today.

"Tilly has the ringsies again!" The lovable little house-elf said as she popped in wearing a little pink dress she made herself, holding a red pillow with our rings on them.

Now unlike the rings made for mother's wedding, these are actually the least defensively enchanted equipment Tory and I would possess. We have things to defend us from the vast majority of threats already, so we thought to have these ones hold more romantic additions. They tell if the other wearer is in danger, you can share magical power, they passively help our bodies and can both guide and teleport the wearer to the other.

Tory and I took each other's hand, looked into each other's eyes and waited for the next part.

"Now, do you, Aedan Bones, take Victoria Travers to be your wife? To love and support her in all she endeavors to achieve? To celebrate every success and comfort every loss?" Dumbledore asked.

"I do." I unwaveringly declared as I slid the silver and emerald ring onto her slender finger.

"And do you, Victoria Travers, take Aedan Bones to be your husband? To love and support him in this life? To care and help his path wherever it may take you both?" Albus then asked if her as she grabbed the silver band meant for me.

"I do." She resolutely answered as she placed the band on my ring finger. Shivers of happiness shooting through me as I heard her truly confirm it.

"Then by the power invested in me, I now declare you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Dumbledore announced happily.

And no sooner that he did both Tory and I almost crashed into each other due to our eagerness, attempting to both softly kiss each other while conveying the intense love we held for each other.

It felt like time had just stopped for the both of us in that moment. The joy and elation I felt made this day all the more perfect as we released each other and looked at the person we had just married like it was the first time.

""I love you husband/wife."" We spoke at the same time, making us chuckle.

And only when we heard the applause and cheers did we remember the crowd which had just witnessed our little display.

So with some embarrassment, we turned to our guest and raised our now joined ringed hands to showcase our new status as if a triumph.

"Let's get the party started then!" I announced as I was feeling no end to my joy at this moment.


Extra author note:

Hello, this is to announce that my new FF are out, as you've no doubt noticed if you looked at this fanfic's info page and looked at the other things I've written.

I've got two things going on, which surprised me too.

My first is a RWBY FF: White Tiger Roars in Remnant.

I know a lot of people wanted Douluo Dalu, but I honestly couldn't think of any proper story beyond born, train, awaken spirit, train, kill beast, start making team, be better than 7 devils, dislike for pretty much all males surrounding Tang San, beat up people in colosseum, get stronger, cultivation nonesense, make some loving, beat up 7 devils in tournament, Tang hao when he bitches about it and spirit hall for being complete dickheads, then become a god. It's too standard and I don't feel motivated to pretty much do that. The 1st Douluo Dalu is also the only one I found interesting when I read them, so it was my only choice too.

So yeah, RWBY seemed like something I could play with more since I would have an end goal with a lot of freedom over how to get there, some characters who aren't unlikable or complete twits, and I feel like I could actually make remnant a better place. Plus i had actual ideas for this one, instead of just modifying what Tang San's story was and having my character do that.

And this was a surprise to me too, but I started writing a Mass Effect fanfic. It's called Mass Effect: Project Hybrid.

This was a mix of the Legendary edition coming out, a teaser for a new game, me reading so ME FF and re-playing the games. As a result I had this idea for the story and just ran with it. Posted it on FanFiction.Net first and then here. I like being able to have my character interact with the ones from the game. It's OC, with femshep and starting after she recruited Liara and before the Thorian or rachni missions.

So if you guys could give them a try that'd be great, if they're not your thing then that's ok. Do be warned that the first chapters are really long because I wanted to get over the 15k mark without wasting a chapter.

Thanks for reading.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

So this chapter was murder to write in all honesty.

I could not for the life of me feel satisfied with what I wrote, and I had try to not repeat the wedding I wrote for Amelia and Sirius. So I basically did my best to force myself through this cause I didn’t want to forever procrastinate it.

So this is out there and I can move on.

This story will be updating at a slow pace because I started writing other things to not burnout. Hope I can still make this enjoyable.

R-18 next chap.


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