"What are you doi-"
"Don't look at them! They won't do anything if they think you can't see them, please!"
Hao Xuan was so focused on observing the creature's reflection that he didn't even notice the look of exhausted fear in her eyes. And now that she was actually touching him, he was able to feel her emotional state to a degree.
The strongest emotion was concern followed closely by a panicking horror. She was petrified but couldn't tell anyone, managing only to silently pray for it all to end peacefully. And seeing her struggle so much, Hao Xuan became calmer than he should have been in this situation.
She was just a 15-16-year-old girl and even now she was trying her best to put up a brave front for him even though she was much younger. So he did his best to ease her distress.
"Hey, it's okay, you don't have to worry so much," he gently held her hand and felt the chill pass through him.