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30.18% My Hero Academia shall know pain / Chapter 15: Battle trial

Kapitel 15: Battle trial

The day after the quirk apprehension test went by normally. Before noon, class 1-A were taught the required subjects. They would have lunch at noon, than they be taught something they all looked forward to.

All Might will be teaching them foundational heroics studies, but most of the students don't know that.

Than All Might came through the door like a normal person, which got the students extremely excited when they saw him.

While everyone was yelling and shouting, Yahiko was thinking about what happened last night. When Yahiko was passed out on the couch, Eri came up to him and laid down next to him.

Yahiko and the others were surprised by this, since Eri would mostly cling to Jin or Himiko. She was still afraid of everyone else, so she would hide when Chimera or Nine came near her. She kept silent around Yahiko and Mummy, but Slice would coax her into talking more. She's still traumatized but she's getting better slowly but surely. Rappa also became a bit more tame, it's most likely because of Nine. He still wants to fight everybody but he learned how to control his urges.

When everyone calmed down, All Might started explaining what the trials were. Shelves started appearing from the walls of the classroom as he spoke, they were filled with various costumes. Yahiko and Himiko sent their costume designs in during the entrance exams.

"The school has prepared your battle gear as you requested, I hope you all like your gear. They should be able to withstand your quirks just fine."

'Bullshit, these costumes get shredded all the time.' Yahiko thought to himself.

"Everyone, go get changed and meet me at Ground Beta!" All Might yelled out to get their attention. They all grabbed their costumes and started heading towards the locker rooms.


The class arrived about twenty to thirty minutes later. They were currently staring at the city in front of them, also known as Ground Beta.

Everyone had their costumes from canon, from Momos' rather revealing costume to Izukus' weird fanboy costume.

Himiko was wearing her classic schoolgirl uniform with a large black scarf covered in carnivorous looking teeth that hides her black mask. She had several green canisters filled with needles and knives, some of the needles had tubes sticking out of the back of them. The tubes led to six green vials that are used to carry blood.

Yahiko wore a black cloak that had red clouds on it. The inside of the cloak is red, while his baggy pants are gray. He also wore a black necklace to match his piercings and a silver ring on his thumb. His sandals exposed his toes but nothing else. He was shirtless underneath his cloak, but it didn't bother him.

"Damn it! They messed up my costume! I wanted my mask and scarf to be pink! This doesn't look cute at all!" Himiko said while flailing her arms around.

"Settle down Himiko, we can fix it later." Yahiko said in a soothing and calm voice.

"Hmpf." With a cute little pout, she calmed down.

'I seriously cant believe something as cute as her is so dangerous and bloodthirsty.' Yahiko thought to himself.

"I don't know why you're so angry Himiko-chan, I think your hero outfit looks great." Mina said as she caught the attention of the other students.

They were too busy admiring their own outfits that they completely ignored each other. Like some sort of domino affect, everyone started complimenting each other's costumes. Most of them haven't gone near Yahiko, they still think he's some sort of thug or the drug dealer that lives in the Wendy's parking lot.

Eventually some of the girls complimented his outfit, which resulted in him complimenting theirs. Almost everyone was surprised that he responded, he barely spoke to anyone yesterday. They noticed that he only spoke when someone talked to him, so they all unconsciously decided to talk to him more instead of avoiding him. One by one, almost everybody complemented his cloak.

"You're all looking great today!" All Might shouted to get the attention of his class. "We will start the battle trial soon. For now, I shall tell you the trial you all will be doing today. We will be doing an indoor battle with two groups! It will be the heros group vs the villains group! The combat trial will have a two-on-two matchup, with the villains defending a bomb from the heros and the heros will try to catch the villains or disable the bomb while on a time limit. This will test your teamwork and ability to adapt to other heros with different quirks!" All Might stated as he posed every time he finished a sentence.

Leading the class to a different location, All Might continued "The teams will be decided by raffle, so whoever your partner is I suggest trying to come up with different strategies since anyone can be your opponent!"

Walking up to the box, Yahiko pulled out a ball with the letter D engraved onto it.

'Does this mean I'm teamed up with either Bakugo or Iida? I can't stand either of them, they're so annoying.' Yahiko got a little disappointed with his draw, but he can't do anything about it.

Himiko walked up to the box and pulled out a ball with the letter D engraved onto it like Yahiko's.

"Yahiko, we're on the same team! We're so lucky that we got to stick together!" Himiko said excitedly.

Yahiko was pleasantly surprised when she came over to him, but he knew she must've done something to get that ball.

'Wait a minute, since Himiko and I replaced some of the oc's, who are their partners teamed up with?' Yahiko thought to himself while looking around.

He saw that Momo and Sato are teamed up and in group F, while Bakugo is on group C with Iida.

"Now that your teams are formed, I'll tell you who you're up against. For the first match, it'll be team A as heros vs team D as villains."

'So Himiko and I are going against chubby cheeks and fanboy, I hope Izuku uses his quirk. It'll be beneficial to see if the asura path can match him in strength.'


A few minutes later, Yahiko and Himiko are with the fake bomb. Their classmates can see them with the bomb and they can see Izuku forming a strategy with Ochoco.

"Hey Yahiko, you got any sort of plan in mind? I was thinking of just fighting them to get it over with." Himiko said with a bit of boredom in her voice.

"I do have a plan, it's rather simple and straightforward, so don't mess with Izuku, I want to try something on him." Yahiko said as a small smile appeared on his face. His smile was full of bad intentions, and Himiko loved everything about it.

"Sure thing, so what's the plan anyway?"

Yahiko said nothing as he opened up his cloak, showing his shirtless upper body to his girlfriend. Yahiko than pulled Himiko onto his lap with her facing him, he than pointed to his left shoulder. His classmates that saw this quickly became flustered, they didn't think that this would happen. Himiko was starting to get sexually excited but she knew what he ment when he pointed to his shoulder, so after deciding that she's wasted enough time, she leaned forward and bit him. She started making sensual sounds to mess with him a little, but she really was enjoying the taste of his blood that seeped into her mouth.

After a minute of drinking, Himiko dismounted him and started undressing herself. Now her classmates were even more flustered than before, they had no idea what was going on anymore. All Might on the hand, had considered calling them back to the waiting room to question them about their behavior, until he saw Himiko's body change before his very eyes. She looked exactly like Yahiko after a couple of seconds, mimicking everything he wore to copying the piercings he had on his body.

'A transformation quirk? So she needs to drink blood to transform into anyone or is it limited to whose blood she drinks that allows her to transform?' All Might thought to himself.

"Yay! I look like Yahiko now, so what do you want me to do?" Himiko asked as she inspected her own body.

"You will go down there and take care of Ochoco, make sure she doesn't get far. Try to force Izuku to move forward so he can face me in the bomb room, so I can try a small experiment."

"Okay, consider it done!" Himiko said as she started making her way towards the heros.

On the outside of the building, you can see two people dressed in costumes trying to figure out how to get to the bomb on the inside.

"This is a bad situation since we don't exactly know what their quirks are, all I know is that Yahiko has some sort of strength enhancing quirk or maybe telekinesis, while Himiko's quirk is most likely a strength enhancing quirk since her physical scores on the quirk apprehension test showed us that she's stronger than the average human male. I think it would be wise to make sure engage them in hand to hand combat since they might be stronger than normal." Izuku explained to Ochoco.

"How will we avoid fighting them, our quirks force us to get close to the enemy. I have to touch them to activate my quirk and you're a close combat fighter, so what should we do?" Ochoco asked with a voice full of uncertainty.

"I think you should give up." A cold voice rang into their ears, they looked up to see a pair of purple eyes that were staring straight at them. 'Yahiko' was standing in the doorway, patently waiting for them to stop strategizing.

"Yahiko-kun!?" Ochoco exclaimed out of surprise.

'What? They're on first name basis already!?' Izuku thought to himself, while suddenly getting disheartened. He didn't know Ochoco and Yahiko were on first name basis, and this bothered him greatly but he didn't know why.

Without saying another word, Yahiko suddenly charged at them. He sent a kick towards Izuku when he was still thinking about his relationship with Ochoco. The kick connected and made Izuku fly back and land flat on his ass. Ochoco reacted a bit better by attempting to touch Yahiko to activate her quirk. Seeing her outstretched hand coming straight towards him, Yahiko took a few steps back.

Ochoco got into what appears to be a combat stance while Izuku is staring at them wide eyed.

"Deku-kun, we should try to team up on him since he's alone. Himiko-chan must be guarding the bomb." Ochoco said while eyeing her opponent, Yahiko's eyes still made her uncomfortable even though one of her friends also has strange eyes.

"But what about the time limit, if it goes down to zero than we lose!" Izuku exclaimed.

"That's right, I almost forgot about it. You should go on ahead and face Himiko-chan while I distract Yahiko-kun." Ochoco said with determination.

"But we don-"

"Deku-kun, you said that he might have telekinesis or a strength enhancing quirk, I think that I'm best suited to face him if he has a strength enhancing quirk. It's a gamble but if he has telekinesis than my quirk will be useless, so hurry up and get the bomb already!" Ochoco said with urgency in her voice.

"Right, I make sure to get the bomb!" Izuku said but we all knoelw he's spouting complete bullshit.

After he ran off towards the building while getting past Yahiko surprisingly easily, things turned into a stare down between the two of them. Ochoco started thinking of ways to touch him while Yahiko simply waited for her to make a move.

A few seconds later, Ochoco dashed forward, she picked up some dirt and threw it at his face in a attempt to blind him. Yahiko simply moved to the side to avoid the dirt while keeping his eye on her. She leapt at him in a all or nothing move that would determine who would win and who would lose. Ochoco successfully landed on him, she gave herself silent praise for this but what she didn't expect was for Yahiko to use her momentum against her. While Yahiko was falling on his back, he tucked his knees in to make himself as small as possible. He rolled backwards with Ochoco still on top of him, quickly changing their positions. Now he pinned her arms with his hands so she couldn't touch him or anything else.

He stared into her eyes, which made Ochoco blush after realizing how close they were. She struggled to get out of his grasp at first, but quickly gave up when she realized the difference in strength. While this was happening, Himiko thought of skinning her alive. How dare this filthy girl even attempt to touch her Yahiko, even though it's not the actual Yahiko it still pissed her off.

"Um, Yahiko-kun, your face is too close!" Ochoco blushed even more.

Ochoco expected him to at least back up a little, but to her surprise he suddenly put his face even closer to hers! Ochoco was red before, but now she now looks like a tomato.

Himiko decided that she was done messing with Ochoco, so she reverted back into herself. Ochoco didn't notice at first, but after a few seconds pass by she realized that Yahiko was melting! She didn't know what was going on anymore, until a familiar voice entered her ears.

"Ah, Ochoco-chan, your embarrassed face looks so cute!" Himiko said with a blush of her own.

"Himiko-chan?!" Ochoco yelled out of surprise.

"Yup! That's me, so can you tell me why you were blushing so much after getting close with my boyfriend?" Himiko said in a cheery but threatening voice.

"I uh-um wait! If you're here, does that mean the real Yahiko is still in the building?" Ochoco said with concern in her voice.

"Right again! Now than back to my question please." Himiko continued to speak in a cheery tone.

Ochoco was about to answer her until she realized something a second time. "Himiko-chan, what happened to your clothes! You're naked!" She only realized this until after all the grey sludge fell off of Himiko.

"It's a drawback of my quirk, but that's not important right now. What's important is answering my question." Himiko didn't bother to keep her cheery voice anymore, she was starting to get annoyed.

(Class 1-A POV)

The inside of the waiting room looked like a horror movie set, blood was everywhere. That's right, this cant be an anime if there isn't any nosebleeds after thinking or seeing something perverted.

Denki was the first to go down, he cursed Yahiko for simply having a girlfriend. He was soon followed by Sato and Eijiro.

(Yahiko POV)

In a large room on the third floor of the building, one could see a cloaked figure waiting in the room. The real Yahiko was sitting in front of the bomb and waiting patiently for Izuku to arrive.

'Himiko should've sent Izuku my way by now...'

Right on cue, Izuku bursts into the room. He looked a little tired, it makes sense since he ran up some stairs just now.

"Surrender now Tog- Huh?! Bubaigawara-kun?"

"Correct, but I'd prefer if you just call me Yahiko."

"But I just saw you outside a few minutes ago, how are tou here?"

Already getting annoyed with his questions, Yahiko decided to get right to the action. Extending both of his arms forward, Yahiko looked Izuku straight in the eyes and said "Allmighty Push"

The ground in front of him looked like it had exploded, the flying debris flew at Izuku at high speeds. There was now a hole leading to the second floor right in the middle of the room. Eventually, the push reached Izuku at launched him into a wall. Not letting his opponent recover, Yahiko let only one of his arms down and said "Universal Pull"

Instead of getting pushed away, Izuku was suddenly yanked towards Yahiko. He stopped getting pulled when he was over the open hole, and promptly fell in. Yahiko jumped down after him to continue the fight.

'So he does have telekinesis, this'll be a tough match.' Izuku thought to himself as he recovered from the last attack.

Yahiko landed behind Izuku as to point him away from the bomb, he didn't want Izuku to do anything stupid. When Izuku fully recovered, he was now standing face to face with Yahiko.

'It took him so long to recover, I could've won the match by now but I must continue my experiment, even if there's a chance I might lose this if my assumptions are wrong.' Yahiko thought to himself.

"I will defeat you!" Izuku yelled out as he charged at Yahiko.

Izuku threw a right hook without using his left leg as a pivot point, so it was incredibly awful. Simply taking a small step back, Yahiko dodged it easily, which caused Izuku to lose his balance slightly. This is all he needed to counter the excuse Izuku called an attack. Grabbing Izuku's arm that was still outstretched, he yanked him forward while sending a kick to the boys stomach. When the kick connected, Izuku could feel the difference between this Yahiko and the previous one. The previous kick was nothing compared to this one, Izuku felt all the air leave his lungs immediately. He wanted to take a step back and catch his breath but Yahiko was still holding his arm. Yahiko than threw Izuku a few feet away, waiting for him to recover again.

'He really didn't take any marital arts or anything like that? Why did he want to be a hero if he didn't even try to improve himself? So strange...' Yahiko thought to himself as he stared at the green haired boy.

"You won't have any chance of winning if you don't use your quirk." Yahiko said plainly, he was growing impatient.

'He's right, I can't get past him like this! I'll have to sacrifice an arm, but I must prove myself worthy of One For All!'

Yahiko noticed his sudden determination and figured out that it must've been the legendary plot armor that every protagonist has. Unluckily for Izuku, plot armor wont save him here.

"Detroit Smash!!!" Izuku yelled out as he swung his fist forward with all his might.

Putting his arms in front of him in an x formation to guard himself, Yahiko was fully prepared for the attack.

Izuku's fist connected to Yahiko's arms, sending the orange haired boy flying back. Yahiko's feet never left the ground, but he was sent crashing into the wall, leaving a few spiderweb like cracks on it from the impact. The shockwaves from the punch kicked up scattered debris, flinging it towards Yahiko as it did to Izuku.

"I-I won! I beat hi-"

"Beat who?" Yahiko's cold voice rang into Izuku's ears.

Everyone watching the fight was incredibly shocked, especially All Might. Nobody expected Yahiko to stay awake after that, let alone get back up like it was nothing.

Walking towards the shocked Izuku while brushing himself off, Yahiko was now satisfied with his experiment. He wanted to see how durable his body was, since in Naruto, Pain was able to tank the hits of Naruto in his 4-6 tailed beast form with little difficulty. Izuku's punch made his arms feel a little tingly but that's probably just his piercings shaking from within his arms because of the impact.

Izuku on the other hand, wasn't looking so good, his arm hurt like hell, his knuckles on his fist are bleeding since he hit Yahiko's piercings, and he was barely able to catch his breath. Seeing Yahiko brush off his attack so easily made Izuku's heart crumble, he immediately started to put himself down while completely forgetting he was in a fight.

"I guess it's time to end this, Summoning Jutsu!"

Suddenly, a large cloud of smoke appeared out of nowhere. From within the smoke, a giant crab claw shot out at Izuku when he was still thinking to himself. The claw pinned Izuku to the wall, since he was in between the pinchers. Having two sharp objects on both sides of his waist, Izuku snapped out of it and stared at the giant crustacean in shock. It had a large black chakra rod in its chest and unlike the giant ox, this summon didn't have the rinnegan reflecting in its eyes. It's stomach is white while the rest of the beast is red.

While Izuku was distracted, Yahiko flew up to the third floor to guard the bomb. The experiment was over, so he didn't have to pay attention to Izuku anymore.

Izuku wanted to call out to him but as he was about to open his mouth, All Might's voice entered everyone's ears.

"The time limit is up, the villains win!"

Upon hearing this, Yahiko quickly desummoned his crab and went towards the exit. He met Himiko halfway and she gave him a kiss for their victory, unfortunately it was short lived. The second they entered the waiting room, they were bombarded with questions.

"Yahiko-kun, how did you make that crab?"

"Yahiko, how are you still standing after taking a hit like that?"

"Hey you bastard, how come you didn't thrash that fucking nerd as hard as I hoped for."

"Yahiko shounen, is young Midorya okay?"

With all these questions getting thrown at him at once, Yahiko could only sigh internally and hope they would leave him alone.

'Well, I did say I wanted to go here. No use in complaining about it now.'

Shrexy_boi Shrexy_boi

Does anyone know any good Devil may cry fanfics with V as the mc? I've read one where he's in Rwby and another with him in Nier automata. I got the game a few days ago and I've been playing it nonstop, since V is my favorite character to play as. Also my longest chapter yet with 3647 words btw.

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