The pressure suddenly eased up on Kace's end as the heroes began to retreat. Word was slowly trickling in from the rear lines that their reinforcements had been thoroughly shattered and now they were caught between two enemy forces! Seeing that the enemy had lost the will to fight Kace, brutally drove home his advantage.
With a ferocious yell, he eagerly chased down any of the heroes that were attempting to flee. The vampires, who saw this powerful army apparently fleeing before a single warrior, raised their own war cries. Leaping from the safety of their walls to join the battle. Many of them were eager to earn some payback. It simply was not fair for them to barge into their housed expect to leave unscathed.
Hey guys, so you probably guessed something was up. Basically I'm having to get minor surgery tomorrow. I was moved to a ward that didn't have access to wifi or a signal for my own devices. Which meant I couldn't publish the chapters I wrote. Have no fear cause I wrote them all! So here are the ones that were missed. I've also fully written a full weeks worth of chapters to keep you going until I no longer need painkillers and sedatives after my op. By the time you read this I may have been moved rooms again already and unable to read comments and such for a few days.
See you all soon!