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25% The Mermaid of my dreams / Chapter 2: A new start and a new life

Kapitel 2: A new start and a new life

After that beautiful meow of my Pecosa, I decided to call mom and ask her for details of the friend and the job itself, my parents on the other had did not give me many detail of that not, some things were left secret with a mischievous laugh.

I do not know why, but I decided to ignore their laughter of complicity, Dad for his part asked me to investigate well on whether he had a file or not, I did not want to talk more about it and excuse me that I would pack to leave this afternoon.

After hanging up the video call, I began to see my small apartment while watching what to take with me, I kept in an old agenda photos and notes that I considered important, from there I looked for my backpack as I hated the bags as such, I looked for fresh and warm clothes, in a small bag my personal things and in another the essential of Pecosa.

Luz: -look- well, I think that's it, go intro the Pecosa travelers' room we're leaving.

I laughed as I obediently entered and watched though the screen as I closed my bag and picked up everything, I had a little bait of leaving everything tidy and closed.

I stopped a taxi and asked him to take me to the terminal and from there I took a bus to my destination, although I was nervous I was also anxious. Muro beach was my destination, so I decided to investigate a little more on my cell phone and see the weather and the location of the inn, you could say I had everything ready, just the ticket and take the bus at the scheduled time.

I got to the bus quickly, thanks to the taxi there was no delay and I could pay ticket, as I had no bags I did not have to pay the difference, just a little bit for Pecosa, but everything was in order and it was not expensive for the ticket; we arrived at dawn and my body was crying out for food, but as it was 4:00 am it was a little difficult to see an open place, so I looked for a lot place and looked around until I saw a 24 hour service and I decided to go in, I had no trouble going in with Pecosa, but the waitress recommended me to be a little bit retired and to be able to feed my girl calmly; she was right, not everyone likes to have an animal near them while they are eating, it is uncomfortable for them, so I asked for something fast for me and from there I opened a little bit to give her her food.

I ate something fast but with desire, I did not rush the cat because I understood her desperation, so half choked I ate and paid, to go out and let Pecosa could eat with all calm and I followed the walk, although it was only 20 minutes I had to arrive.

We arrived at the inn and Pecosa was more asleep than awake, already with the time I had given myself and my walk had become 4:50 am, and although I still thought it was very early a voice called my attention.

Girl: Hi, good morning.. How can I help you?.

Luz: Hey, Hi.. I came by...

The girl sees me better, she's amazed, and after smiling she say with a lot of encouragement.

Girl: Ahhh! You are Luz, Otilia's daughter, of course, baby… my mother was right, you are identical to your mother when she was young, only your eyes are a darker brown and you is almost curly -she laughs-

Luz: Ah!... yes, I'm Luz, and you are?

Girl: Hahaha, yeah I know, my name is Marina, uh… I mean Esther.

Luz: Ok… -raise and eyebrow- sure… it's nice to meet you.

Esther: because I feel that you are shy with me, you don't have to because if we are going to be co-workers and flatmates.

My face was of astonishment, I had never shared a room with anyone, excluding the family of course, I did not know how to react or what to say and Esther if that was her name was a if nothing, but it made me feel calm that we will work together.

Esther: -he looks at her curiously- hey you're the one who doesn't get in trouble for carrying a backpack, although I think you have a lot of handbags, let me help you.

Luz: no, don't worry I can handle them, besides they don't weigh as much you think.

Esther just kept looking curious as she invited me in and noticed how I was more careful with one bag than with the others, in itself I just had the morals, my handbag, a small handbag with Pecosa's things and another one of the same size of mine and the mesh bag where Pecosa was.

She showed me the room and if it was big, there was room for up to 4 people, it wasn't a mansion either, but what Mom hadn't said were 2 things: 1) she wasn't going to live in the hotel but in a beach house and 2) the owner of the hotel was her best friend's sister.

Luz: -arranging the bags- by the way, what were you going to do before you saw me.

Esther: Ah! That, your mother didn't tell you… here although we work in a few hours, we have extra routines -she wink at me-

Luz: *Mon, when will be the day day you tell me everything without mysteries* -sigh- maybe I forget, them I arrange the bags and we go there.

Esther wanted to help me get the things out of the small bags, I didn't realize that she had just grabbed Pecosa's traveling bag and when she opened it she could only say 'awww, that's a beatifull kitten, my face was amazed when I saw that she had taken it out and was making her affectionate.

We arranged everything quickly and went for a jog, then he would give me the itinerary of everything we do from morning until the bar closes at night. After jogging for about 20 minutes we returned home, although I was a bit sleepy I couldn't sleep, so I changed into my bathing clothes and while looking at my hair I thought about making a change, Esther preferred not to ask but to remain pensive.

We went to the beach and rode on a small yacht that belonged to his father, he explained to me what we would do and I was partly amazed since it would be my first time diving and taking some pictures, from there we would also do a little cleaning around. After 2 hours of diving I took off my suit and decided to swim freely, I played with some fish and I could admire a little more of that beautiful marine fauna.

When Esther came up, she couldn't help but ask and say

Esther: Girl, anyone who sees you like this will think you're mermaid.

Luz: come on, I just love the sea and enjoy it. -he laughs mischievous-

Esther: Uh-hun. Yeah, whatever… but, uh, good thing I was able to capture that moment. -he smiles as he shows the camera-

Luz: -flushed- Ehh!, it's worth your wole.

We went back to the dock where Esther arranged everything and we picked up what we had obtained, we would sort the garbage and then throw it away in its respective places, we had Saturday and Sunday free; unless there was a meeting or celebrations of some client or ours.

From there, we went to the cabin and we were distracted for a while, I agreed to watch Netflix on my cell phone, but when Esther told me she had Netflix on her computer I agreed to turn it on and put a series, as she would edit the photo and make some painting from the photos, that way she was inspired. The great thing about Esther is that even though I was listening to a series I could talk about it and still keep and eye on it, even though it brought me nostalgia.

Close to lunchtime we went to the hotel to meet with his mother and aunt finally know about the work, because in 2 hours we would open and arrange everything, lunch with them was great, it made me feel that I was having lunch with mom, I understood because mom and Mrs. Julia were great friends, his younger sister Andrea was also very happy.

Mrs. Andrea to the bar to meet him.

Andrea: What do you think?, is it just like your mother told you?.

Luz: -I took my hand to my face again- well, he didn't give me many details, he just said that i would have a nice surprise… and if it is a nice surprise.

Esther: -she laughs when she sees my gesture- calm down, it's better to see yourself than to have someone else describe it to you.

Well, yes, Esther was right about that, but the fact that mom left me in more intrigues was something I never liked, it was really something I hated and they still did it to me; the bar a very curious but beautiful area it was a big pool with several types of fish, none of them were exotic, but they were all beautiful, there was enough space for 3 people, it turns out that the attraction of the bar was girls disguised as mermaids, not in vain the bar was called "Mermaid Fins", the girls wore a kind of "cosplay" although I won't deny that the costumes were beautiful and none of them were the same as the other, each one had its own.

Esther: You know, Auntie, I have a hard time seeing his color, so I don't know what color to put on it.

Andrea: don't worry, we'll see that as we go along, let's try a colour today and see how it goes, so we can see its colour.

Girl 1: Phew, I'm finally here. -almost out of air-

Girl 2: Marina, as always so punctual. -run to embrace her-

Girl 3: You guys kind of the never taught them the concept of waiting for someone else. -he stares at me-

Girl 1: it's not my fault you're a snail -she laughs- besides… we must prepare. -she look at me and comes closer-

Esther (Marina): girls, where are your manners, besides we don't open yet, we only show the area to Luz. -she guides her arms to my direction-

Girl 1: What color are you, huh?, is Luz your real name or your stage name? How long have you been here? What do you like?.

Esther (Marina) and girl 2: Luchia, stop it.

Girl 1 (Luchia): eh! But what I've done wrong, I'm just curious. -he stares at them- hum! -looks at me again and smiles- my stage name is Luchia and the real one is Martha.

Girl 3: Hi, nice to have you in the family, my stage name is Albedo, and my real one is Rosa. -he reaches out his hand-

Luz: -shaking hands with Rosa- so far I don't have an artistic name, the color thing they still don't know what my color is an I'm arriving this morning, it's a pleasure to meet them.

Girl 2: We're glad you agreed to come to this curious, somewhat crazy but happy family. My name is Selene and the artistic one is Miki.

I smiled happily at them and got to know them little by little; Esther and Selene had live for a long time in Colombia and Venezuela, while Rosa was from South Korea, but because of a good jobs she accepted to come to Spain and adapt live here and little Martha was from India, but being almost a teenager her father was also given a job here and it has been very good for her.

The girls encouraged me a lot with this work and since the clients were not rude or anything, even though they had 2 handsome guards in case things got out of control, they also had nicknames but were not included in our "show" so to speack. As I was new I would wear a different uniform and they would see what color the costumers said, the nickname was chosen by me.

As I watched the girls set up everything, I went to Esther and told her that I was very grateful and felt that this was more than she deserved, she looked at me and gave me to understand that she knew in part what had happened and that if she needed comfort she would count on her, I smiled and told her

Luz: you're right, we have to move on and my hair is the same.

Esther, who smiled when she saw me more animated, agreed to help me cut it. If I wanted to paint it, I had to talk to the girls so that they could give their opinion about what tone would look best on me, but since that wasn't the case, they only gave their opinion about how it would look better, we all agreed that it would look great up to my shoulders and in a staggered way.

Ready and dressed with my new uniform that was something curious, as it looked like a pastel rainbow, I did not paint the scales because I still did not have my color as such, I thanked the blue jeans somewhat dark and attached to the body with some nice sport. They gave me a card that said "test siren, guess the color of my tail" when I read that I couldn't help but light, they hand made a contest with my color and the winner got one day of open bar, including the bar food.

The waitress girls'suit was simply beautiful, a somewhat short dress in the front and back was somewhat long and represent their color in light and dark, the shirt could be made of strips or with half sleeves and the pattern you will like.

Esther's was the drawing of some waves, taken from a very beautiful painting, as her color was Light blue, Martha decided to make her some light white lines, it was really nice, Rosa's was Gray, Martha's was pink between soft and dark tones. The girls decided to make a paper adding the first color they would think of before the costumers'opinion, they would write it down 3 times and then mix it with the customers' and there I would do the counting with Andrea.

Rosa (Albedo): You know, I'm little anxious and happy.

Luz: I'm the same because I want to do it right.

Martha (Lucia): You will do well, today none will be in the water, this is the meeting of the sirens on land.

Esther (Marina): You will see that everything will be fine. I smiled at her encouragement and let Esther cut my hair and Rosa painted my nails as she asked and I agreed to that idea.

After a few minutes everything was ready, we were dressed and made up, my makeup was soft without highlighting any color itself

Andrea: well my girls, everything is ready, remember to use your nicknames, you are here, it's time to act.

Luz: What's your nickname?, Well I'm ready.

Andrea: -she smiles mischievous- you'll see Luz… Ah! You will be called "secret" for today.

We laughed in the naughty way and went to open the bar, Esther and Rosa helped me server the customers, Matha and Selene helped at the bar.

The wole bar was animated until 2:00 am, with laughter, karaoke that the girls did and ending with a golden brooch with the bets of my color, the pot of the bet was for a common good, it would be used for some refreshments in the bar, although Andrea would see that later.

We went to the cabins already dead from sleep, but our votes were missing including mine and Andrea's who was Destiny; so we went to Esther's cabin so I could see my daughter and introduce them to the group, from there we would eat something light and count the votes, we decided to do it behind closed doors without the clients since more that one was a little overdone.

Andrea: Well Luz, you've seen where our nicknames come from, you just have to see yours.

Esther: As you will see, here are notes of many animations that we have seen individually, now we will take all except Rosa each one and count how many of the same name here.

Luz: eh, ¿Are you sure about this?. I… think it's gonna be kind of hard.

The girls in spite of the tiredness were so animated that I believe that their desire of sleeping had vanished, after separating the votes of the 35 clients and us 6, for the mane of Lucy there were 3, for that of Sakura 4, for Freya there were 3, for Yūko there were 5, for Thoru and Sara there were 6, for Nami there were 8 and for Dita there were 5, but in all those that I saw I did not feel identified, so we choose to do a more honest trick.

We looked for a hat and we placed only 1 of each and it would stir well and to make it fairer only Rosa had to take out 1 and from there my name would be decided, I didn't have to worry since the names weren't bad, in fact they were excellent names but I didn't feel identified with a specific one, so I opted to see a drink that would help us sleep and wake up calmly, although our work was late at night, in the mornings we had other responsibilities.

Esther: come on, Rosa, you're not going to go around taking a role. -a little angry-

Andrea: -laughter- today's youth is impatient.

Rosa: You know that being impatient leads to nothing. -taking the role at last-

Martha: and what will be her name?. -leaving a fashion magazine aside-

Rosa, excited, only laughs and while she stands up so that we can all listen to her, she say in a mischievous tone that my name is Dita, although next to that role there was another one with the name of Freya, Esther, excited, made us understand that both of the were very similar to me and it was like a sign from the "God of anime", I wanted to laugh in part but her tender way of saying it only made me smile. From there I gave them some hot drinks and so we all went to sleep quietly and already tired.

In spite of having slept late I woke up at 7:00 am without sleep, I stretched out calmly and while I got up from the bed the waves gave me the good morning, next to me a beautiful Pecosa already awake poke my chest and meowed a little for attention; With affection I gave him the food ones and I got up, while I went to the bathroom I made a ponytail and I went to wash up.

Since Esther was still sleeping I decided to make breakfast and feed my cat daughter a nice tortilla with cheese, ham and bacon which I considered an excellent breakfast. When everything was almost ready I woke Esther up, this without much of a call was a little quick to get up and wash up.

We had a quiet breakfast while watching Detective Conan on YouTube, from there Esther prepared the camera and put away some things that we were going to use, I took the dishes to the kitchen and washed them leaving everything clean, from there I changed clothes and put away some things that Martha and Rosa had asked me for before returning to their cabins.

We had already done the morning's itinerary, first we would go to the boat to drop things off, then jog a bit and around 9:00 am and we would meet with the girls and take the pictures, Esther was more than happy with the pictures she had saved from first when she woke up; that caused me some laughter but I understood her anxiety.

Just as de had promised at 9:00 am o'clock the girls were arriving, although this time it was Rosa who was running for cover.

Rosa: Hello, yuju… Good morning.

Esther: -Amazingly- unbelievable, as she runs, but for other things she ask for calm.

I couldn't hold my breath and laugh as I told her to understand her, since she had made my suit and was more than happy and understanble.

Luz: Are you ok? It seems you've been running around for a while… Although you seem to get tired very quickly.

Esther: -laugh- you really got it, girl, but… you were very direct.

Rosa: -something depressed by my coment- yes well, I never liked running.

Luz: eh! Sorry, I didn't mean to be forward. –nervous smile-

After saying that, a very animated Martha gave me a slight fright while she greeted everyone with laughter.

Martha: -silent laughter- yahoo! What a nice day today. -He looks at the clear sky and then he see us-

Luz I'm scared -he touches his chest and sighs a little-

Martha, Rosa and Esther: - they laughs-

The rest of the girls arrived after a few minutes and we decided to go near a coral to take the pictures and clean it up again, even though there were posters and trash cans nearby, people were not aware of it. As we arrived at our destination Andrea told us that our boys had to help a turtle because it got tangled with plastic near its neck; that made us a little uncomfortable and we thought about what to do about it.

We arrived and changed into diving clothes, what I loved was that Esther always chose a nice, quiet music so that we could listen to them all and without disturbing the fish or other marine animals, Martha and I cleaned up near the coral, Andrea and Rosa would look at the animals and see if they needed help.

Although for us it seemed like little work if we knew that at the end there would be a nice reward, then we extended the area a little more and then decided to go up. We rested for a while and we saw how some dolphins were playing near Esther's boat, that made us laugh because of how they had fun and from time to time they threw water at us, Andrea couldn't stand the desire to go down and play with them and behind her a very animated Rosa joined them; Rosa almost cried out that she would use the mermaid suit so I had to ask Esther for help, Selene because of her other work had informed that she would be punctual at the time of the photos, but to be honest her work was already well done.

Esther: Rosa we must wait for Selene, stop rushing the Luz.

Rosa, who swims near the boat, explains that she is asking me to adapt to the extra weight that the suit can cause and to practice while Selene arrives, since she had told her that she was going to quit her job and move in with us for good. To be honest Selene's work if it was something exploitative and they didn't give her much of a break or a vacations and Rosa advised her that it if made her feel bad the best thing to do was to quit, we agreed that she was right to work in a job that you don't like or no longer encourage you could be an emotional and psychological torture and the best thing to do is to walk away.

In the meantime I decided to change my clothes and wear the beautiful fin that Rosa and Selene had made for me, it was a beautiful white color with cream tones and the tips were golden, the bra looked like butterfly wings that covered a little lower, it was adorned with sequins and stones that looked like pearls, my tail had like a pearl bracelet since they were shiny, a cream colored sea bedspread necklace with soft golden threads and they wanted to give me a crown but that seemed exaggerated, so Andrea proposed to put it on the counter when I will perform.

Luz (Dita): I think this is is a lot of girls.

Rosa (Albedo): What do you say, if we should have a queen of the sea, we would be the princesses almost of the every sea.

Esther (Marina): already arrived her otaku mode version. -smile-

Luz (Dita): eh! Tell me you're kidding.

Rosa in a very elegant way jumps and gives a pirouette and when she falls she ask me to try to do that, while we applauded together with the dolphins it made me have doubts, but with the help of Esther I managed to enter the sea, at the beginning it was a little difficult since the legs were together and I had never washed in a siren mode, for some reason a third dolphin helped me and gave me impulse, Esther in her way looked for other music more relaxing and asked me to calm down.

So I was able to concentrate on the music and the sound of the waves, I decided to submerge myself and be one with the sea, little by little I was able to swim more naturally, Esther was very animated when she saw that face of animation and naturalness and did not hesitate to take pictures of me, Rosa went up quickly and changed her clothes jumping as if she was swimming from the boat to near me and playing with me and the dolphins, some animated fish were approaching and they were seeing such a dance and spectacle between girls disguised as mermaids dancing with dolphins, after a dew minutes on a jet ski Selene arrived and with a shout of joy said "I am free at last" and while she was grabbing the jet ski to the boat she launched herself with her suit.

Andrea (Destiny): that makes me very happy Miki, now you can do the ones you want.

Esther (Marina): I am happy to hear that. -raising a hand of victory-

As soon as we entered the water Rosa and I hugged her giving her the good hour for this decision, which later Andrea would go with her in the car to get her things, although the most important thing for her was that she had brought it. We decided to swim and continue with the work, Esther managed to organize them in a quick way that would later be classified and taken to places where they are reused. Thanks to Selene there was an idea of how to spread the word about keeping the beaches clean.

Selene (Miki): if we mermaid do a campaign and do more social work it could work plus we can use posters with our mermaid pictures and put a message; that in itself was a great idea, but remember that from the idea to the reality is different, but not impossible.

Andrea (Destiny): Go Marina, join the group, we must take several creating awareness.

That is it was while we were taking pictures on the surface and under the sea, we ignored that we were being watched by a group of kids. Around noon we decided to go back to the boat and change our clothes to continue with the cleaning.

Around 3: 00 pm we had returned to the dock where we made the boat and jet ski moorings, Esther decided to return to our cabin to edit the photos and take them for tonight, so I with the girls would organize the collection and separate them and then call the man to come and get them.

Selene (Miki): I hadn't had so much fun at a job, I did miss out on something great. -flushed-

Luz (Dita): but… look on the bright side, you have a lighter weight and more fun and enjoyable job in many ways; plus with you knowledge of advertising and marketing here you will apply it in a way that only you will like.

Andrea (Destiny): Luz is right, everything you do now will be for you own motivation, besides you will be able to help me calmly in those plans you have with the bar. -they're gawking at him-

Selene: You're right! I gave you so many ideas for the bar moths ago and I haven't fulfilled a single one.

Andrea: stop blaming yourself, back then you couldn't but now you can and you'll have your own time.

Luz, Rosa: that's right, and you can count on us. -Rosa holds out her hand and Luz smiles and encourages her-

Selene didn't know whether to laugh or cry since that seemed like a dream to her, only that It wasn't a dream or something she longed for, it was real and she could really work like she wanted to now, of course it was going to take he a little while to get the hang of it but in time she would adapt to her own routine and plans.

Close to the night they were already bathed and dressed and showed me the rest of my gifs which were the trident and the crown as "queen of the sea" although it made me laugh it seemed great, the girls wore a wig that was like part of their tails on land and in the water they left their hair natural, that although it intrigued me a little it really made them look pretty.

Esther (Marina): Okay, here we go girls.

With the help of Rosa and Selene I went to the top of the pool and with her help I dropped in, while Andrea.

Was attentive to the bottom and how I felt, Esther for the part placed the trident near the pool and the crown on the counter where only customers could see it and admire it.

Andrea (Destiny): well my girls, let's go.

All but luz: Yes!.

I could only smile at the girls' moods and watched as the lights of the pool-fish reflectors came on, logically some fish, when they saw me, could only look at me with curiosity, thanks to the oxygen that was in the fish tank for me it was possible to be calm in the water, although from time to time I went up to get some air, the pool was really big, because I could go to where Destiny was and dance with it in my own way, the clients, when they saw me, were more than astonished and others were happy to see that they had come closer in my color.

Andrea (Destiny): I thank you all for having done an arduous job of choosing the color and name of this beautiful Queen of the Sea, I know the girls were a little angry since I said that the prize was for the winner. But, our Queen of the Sea is fair and guess what she said to me.

Esther (Marina): well, our Queen is not only generous at the debut on land and she proclaimed to be a great combo, thanks to the winners of her name and color it will be a family day for the winners, of course it does not include the liquor, so over eighteen drinks will have to be paid, but the food and soft drinks will not.

Seeing the happy customers made me understand why I liked this place more and more, it wasn't just a simple bar for men where they drank themselves to death or women who just wanted to drink themselves to death, I admit I saw the bars like that, but Andrea's touch of not only seeing it as an escape from the bad day, but where the customers also interact and can share from this place, I saw it as really magical and welcoming.

Thanks to Selene the idea of mine didn't sound has crazy as it seemed, I know it sounded like the business was losing, but the idea of being able to work day and night was something nicer, so it would be a way to inaugurarte a new stage that was almost finished.

The winners were more than happy, and that made me happy, with varied songs including crazy time, from time to time I felt something curious, I thought it was because I was underwater with mermaid clothes, so while it sounded -La Macarena- I noticed how a handsome guy did not stop looking at me, so I tried not to look at him too much because it could be the first time a bar like that and I did not blame him.

When the song ended the girls showed the photos of this afternoon and everyone was happy, many boys and girls wanted a picture with me and I gladly agreed to their photos, the girls asked how I felt and I told them that well, of course apart from dancing I took my count to breathe and go back down.

The boy who kept looking at me was intriguing but I prefer not to say anything, but Andrea could tell I was curious; We dance non-stop until 12:00 am, this time there was not disaster like yesterday and I was happy about it. With a drone I was filmed from above and to close with a golden brooch I did a pirouette from sea to air and I back to sea or rather to pool, everyone liked it and shouted a big "YES".

That made me laugh and I said goodbye to them, and when it was closed to Rosa was already waiting for me and with a lot of encouragement she hugged me while she said

Rosa: that was incredible, at what point did you do it? -happy-

Luz: ah!... I barely thought of it, actually. -nervous smile-

Rosa: You're kidding, right? You could get hurt, it didn't matter if you did the same stunt I did, even if it turned out great, don't do anything crazy again.

Luz: -laugh- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you, but I'll practice more movements.

Rosa: Deal, I'll teach you… and what better help than music.

I took off my flipper with the help of Rosa and went down to the girls, these animated ones could only be amazed and laugh, although they supported Rosa's idea but were happy to know that everything had gone well, we ate a delicious Apple pie with the boys and I was able to get to know them better.

Andrea: hey Luz, who was the cute guy who kept seeing you?

Luz: eh?.

Esther: Ah! You mean the handsome one dressed in black, I noticed that too, you little runt.

Luz: Really? I don't understand what you mean.

Gabriel (Syoran): You mean… You don't know this man and you've never seen him.

Luz: listen, maybe it happened to him as it did to me, that it is the first time that he sees a bar like that and that is why he was looking at everything carefully.

Selene: I understand what you're saying, Luz, but… he was only looking at you.

I just shook my head and made them understand that I didn't know him and that maybe it was just a misunderstanding, that's what I thought and I made sure of it, even if it really gave me a bit of curiosity or intrigue I preferred to leave it as it was.

Esther was more than happy because there were many pictures of my "debut" as the girls told her, she could not deny that she was happy and really today she had forgotten all the bitter drinks she had had before. While I pampered my hairy daughter for a while, I looked at the photos Esther had taken, I didn't know that there was a mermaid blog where she uploaded all the photos and the customers gave ideas and suggestions.

That really seemed like a great thing to me, the girls had a record as mermaids, explaining not only their tastes but how the climates and seasons were in their area; Beyond some hobby it seemed like an excellent job and very well thought out. In my case I explained the areas I liked best, in which seasons and dishes, apart from a summary of how a mermaid queen was chosen and what her requirements and reign would be.

Although many explanations were from various myths from different parts of the world, they were somewhat adapted to our criteria and how we had interpreted each mermaid legend. We were very surprised by the legend that if a mermaid in human form told us that she was a mermaid she would turn into bubbles.

Esther was always asking me for help, since now she had a bigger responsibility, since my idea of opening the damaged part of the bar that is a restaurant was my idea with Selene, so Selene would be like Sebastián "my right hand and spokesperson" although imagining her like that made me laugh a little but I was more than encouraged to fulfill that project.

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Missbrauch melden

Kommentare zu Absätzen
