The words that just came out of the Admiral's mouth is like sweet honey to a hungry bear. You can not believe that you actually have a chance to see your family again but not only that, you get to spend some time with Nick too. But then it hit you that the Admiral said that some of the soldiers are going to stay as they are needed here.
You hope with your entire heart that Nick is not one of them but the odds of him not being one, is almost unheard of. As everyone starts to depart, you do not know where you want to go. Do you want to go to Nick or do you want to go to your family?
Then you remember that your family does not even know that you are back in the States. You do not know if you should phone them and let them know or should you just surprise them? As much as you long to be in their company, you want to be with Nick more. Nick has stolen every last piece of your heart and you can just as well give up trying to go anywhere without him.
Don't forget to read my new book My Navy Captain and Endangered Love