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49.2% The Rise of the Ero Masseuse System / Chapter 30: Convincing massage

Kapitel 30: Convincing massage

"Are you fine doing it here, Mrs. Hayden? Do you need a change in location?"

"Its just a shoulder massage, right? Then there won't be much of a problem. It's fine. Just do it here"

For the sake of making the massage club, both Lexi and I are currently in the process of trying to convince Mrs. Hayden to become our club advisor.

By some twist of fate, or through Lexi's manipulation, Mrs. Hayden agreed to have a shoulder massage for 5 minutes. No more, no less. The goal for doing so is to convince Mrs. Hayden to join our club as our Club Advisor if I can satisfy her… or that's the plan anyway.

Honestly, will this really work at all? Just for Mrs. Hayde to even agree for 5 minutes of massaging from me, it took all that Lexi had to convince her. On top of that, I now have to be able to convince Mrs. Hayden in only 5 minutes with just my massages.

Normally speaking… this is just an impossible game.

Even with the Skills I have been using up to this point, 5 minutes is the time it takes to just get them to work effectively. If it's just to feel good, I don't need that much time. But to convince Mrs. Hayden to fully desire my massages, the time I'm given is just not enough. Even with Kate or Lexi, it was the same.

When the time limit is up, all of my efforts I put in those 5 minutes would be put to waste. It would become just a gamble whether or not Mrs. Hayden will agree to become the Club Advisor.

If only Lexi could have convinced Mrs. Hayden for more time. In the end, Mrs. Hayden remained stubborn. Even if I tried to convince her instead it would probably be useless. I couldn't help but slightly suffer from the problem and the time crunch I have to deal with.

Lexi, on the other hand, is just standing to side. While hidden, a look of expectation could be seen deep within her gaze. Ah, that look... it stings right now.

"You don't mind that I have my cardigan on still, right? Even it's just a shoulder massage, letting a student any more liberties than this is a bit…"

"... Yeah, that isn't a problem, Mrs. Hayden. You can just relax and leave it to me for 5 minutes. You won't regret it."

Even direct touch is sealed now. The crux of my plan, [Healing Touch (H)], got nerfed before I even started. The difficulty of this conquest just got harder.

… Did I just call Mrs. Hayden one of my 'conquest' just now? Haha, what is this? It seems that I'm having way more fun with this situation than I had thought.

5 minutes? Skill sealed? Hah! Bring it on.

If I want the Massage Club to become reality, I can't be held back by a mere time limit!

I decided back then, didn't I? I will do what I want… no matter what it is. Past goals? New goals? Doesn't matter, I'll do them all!

Mrs. Hayden, sorry about this, but for the sake of my goals, I'm gonna have to listen to me for a bit.



What am I doing, really?

Even though I am a teacher, I'm about to get a massage from a student. He isn't even one of mine!

Haaa… I'm already having second thoughts about this.

As I was preparing for my afternoon classes, per usual, I was called out from behind me.

The moment I turned around, I was met with the sight a pair of female and male students.

One was my current student, Alexis Owens.

The other was a student I never seen before, Daniel Foster.

I was wondering what they could possibly want when the both of them started to talk about how they wanted to make a club… and they want me as the advisor.

The club they were planning on making is a Massage Club. When I first heard this, I thought, 'Students can have the strangest ideas...'.

In all honesty, I have nothing against what they were doing. If they are passionate enough willing to go through with it, good on them. But to have me as a part of that… I don't know about that.

Both of them were quite persistent in trying to get me to agree. Is it really that important that it has to be me?

That was when Alexis decided to have me try Daniel's massage skills myself as some kind of ploy to convince me. Apparently, according to Alexis, Daniel's massages would be beneficial to help me solve my problems. Despite her strange suggestion, I could see that Alexis is showing actual concern about my mood as of late.

My first thought when I heard this was, '... That probably isn't going to work'.

For one thing, my problem has nothing to do with the physical condition of my body. I don't think a massage could possibly do anything about it. While I am glad for her concern, I'm going to have to decline.

However, after talking for some more, in the end, I gave in to having Daniel here massage me. It looks like Alexis wasn't going to back down if I didn't.

Although, I also made a few conditions of my own.

This 'massage session' will only last for 5 minutes, no more. The massage will be limited to a shoulder massage. And if any of the other teachers were to come back, the massage session would end immediately.

At the end of the day, I am only agreeing temporarily to humor them. Alexis did say I could still refuse after this. While I do think 5 minutes is kind of unfair to them, but if I were to give them any more time, that would be a bad idea. The connotations of having a student touch me so 'intimately' for that long would be catastrophic.

Currently, I am sitting down on my swivel chair. Standing right behind me is Daniel.

… Daniel Foster. I only met him today and yet I'm getting a massage from him.

My first impression I had of him was that of a 'normal' young man.

While he is polite and a very nice flatterer… beyond that, I don't see anything that especially stands out from him.

Although, according to his words, he has a Massage-Type System.

Hmm… I had heard once before of a 'certain spa' that had once employed a full team of people all with Massage-Type Systems. As a result, the popularity of their establishment had skyrocketed exponentially. Rave reviews of their service have been made saying similar things like, 'It was a heavenly experience unlike I had experienced anywhere else'.

Having heard all the good hearsay about that spa, I was interested in going there for the longest time.

... Until I heard how expensive it was to go. Probably due to their new popularity, their original prices also blew up exponentially. Unable to pay their exorbitant prices, I had to regretfully stop myself from going as a result.

If Daniel's Massage-Type System is anything like those employees…

… Eh? Isn't this a once in a lifetime chance? When in my life am I gonna get a massage from a real Massage-Type System User again? Somehow I'm already regretting making that 5-minute rule... but if I agreed to become their advisor... No! *Shakes head* Can't lose to temptation! I already decided to politely reject them. To go back on my word...

"Here I go, Mrs. Hayden."

"…Eh? O-oh, go ahead."

To have been caught off guard in my thought, such a big mistake. I couldn't help but have my shoulder tighten in response.

"… What's wrong, Mrs. Hayden? You got all stiff all of sudden."

"I-it's just a bit of nerves that's all. I never that another male touch me like this before other than my husband… it's even with a student, too. Hahaha..."

I tried to laugh away as a distraction. Did he buy it...?

"Haha, you're worrying too much Teacher. Don't worry just leave it to me."

Trying to relax me with his words, Daniel finally put his hands on my shoulders.

For a moment, I wasn't feel anything special. While I did feel Daniel's hands move my tight shoulder muscles, it wasn't too different from doing it myself.

I was disappointed in spite of myself... but that was only temporary.


Slow and deliberate. Daniel's hands continue to grasp my shoulder muscles as he carefully performs squeezing and lifting them up. With each repeated motion, the muscles beneath his hands slowly release themselves step-by-step.

W-what is this? Its… feels really good.

Is this really a massage technique of a student?

"Mmm~~nnnn~~~y-your pretty good~~haaaa~~"

"Thank you very much."

Without me noticing, the tightness I had in my shoulders before disappeared before I knew it.

Not trying to only massage one place, Daniel continues to move his hands the entire length of my shoulders. Each squeeze and lift he made was as if he was directly pulling the tension directly out of me. This is… beyond anything I could have ever imagined.


"How is it, Mrs. Hayden?"

"Nnngh…. haaa…. It feels unbelievably good. Is this because of your Skill?"

For a mere shoulder massage to feel this good… it's just cheating.

"Hmm… partly. I used to do this with my sisters and mother all the time when they asked in the past. I got a lot of time to practice because of them. It seems the results are showing."

"Mnnn…. i-is that so? You do this kind of thing with your family, huh? …They must feel pretty blessed to get such a great massager all the time at home whenever they want."

"Haha…. Well, I don't know about that."

No really, what is up with his hands? How is it possible for just a bit of squeezing and pressing could feel this good? Hmm? Is it just me or does his hand feel hot somehow?

"Nnnn…. Mmmm….~~~~♥"

….Huh…? This is bad, I'm getting… so sleepy….

… While it's true I haven't got enough sleep as of late… but… to get sleepy right now is….

… Ah, no good…. I'm fallin---….





"~rs. Hayden….Mrs. Hayden!"

"Eh! What?! What!?"

"Sorry if I scared you. It's just that you were quiet for so long, I thought something happened to you."

As if receiving an electric shock, I sat straight quickly in my chair from having my name called. Eh? Did I really fall asleep from just a shoulder massage? S-so embarrassing…

"… Mrs. Hayden, it looks like you were really tired today. Didn't you get enough sleep last night?"

"… Hahaha… it seems the cat is out of the bag. Truthfully, yes, I didn't really get enough sleep last night."

Haaa… I have no way of denying this. Aaahh!! To fall asleep from a student's massage!! I'm a failure as a teacher…

"That's not good Mrs. Hayden! A person like you should get enough sleep at night. What if you were to get sick?"


"Although you look so beautiful, having not enough sleep is going to be so bad for your skin. That would be such a waste!"

Eh? B-beautiful he says! I haven't heard anyone say that to me besides my husband. And the last time he said it was during our wedding day.

"H-hey, don't make fun of your teacher like that! It could be taken in the wrong way." Really, is it that fun to tease a teacher like that…

"Hmm… what do you mean? I totally meant what I said." Daniel said this with a face that says he doesn't understand my meaning.


I could only be speechless to his response. Eh? He was serious? H-how embarrassing… for different reasons!

"... Mrs. Hayden, is it fine if I ask? Why is it that you aren't getting enough sleep lately? It's okay to tell me, I won't tell anyone else."

Daniel made a 'shushing' gesture with his index finger on his lips while he gave a small smile.

… What should I do?

This isn't something I should be talking to with a student in the first place. By all rights, I should refuse Daniel's offer.

… But, what is this?. Somehow, I'm getting the feeling it would be okay to tell him what is on my mind.

It wasn't logical or rational. I just felt this was a safe thing to do.

Before I realized it, I started to tell him everything. All of my worries, troubles, and stress I had made recently. I told him all of it without missing one thing.

"… I see. So your husband has gotten really busy at his work lately. Every time he comes home, late at night, he immediately goes to sleep without greeting you. The food you had been making him was left cold every single time and you both haven't got enough time to be alone together. Recently, a few days ago the wedding anniversary was coming up and you told your husband about wanting to celebrate it together with him ages ago. However, in the end, your husband completely skipped out on the anniversary due to sudden important work, without even telling you. Mad that he didn't tell you anything about not celebrating despite telling him how important that day was, both of you got into a big fight. Is this right?"

"… Yes, that's everything."

Whew… having said everything that was plaguing me for the past few weeks, it was if a weight from my shoulder was cast off. So it's true that confiding with someone is really good for your mental health.

"You truly had to go through a lot, Mrs. Hayden. Thank you to believing in me enough to tell me this."

"… No, I should be thanking you. Maybe I just wanted someone to talk to like this. I haven't even been able to talk to my friends like this either."

" Is that so? Then I feel honored, I guess."

After giving each other thanks, we smiled at each other in silence.

"But really, your husband is kind of horrible, isn't he? To leave someone like Mrs. Hayden like that." Daniel couldn't help but slightly insult my husband.

"… You don't have to talk badly about him like that. It's just a temporary thing from his job that he been like this lately." Regardless of current troubles now, he is still my husband. Having him being insulted like that doesn't sit right with me.

"… Mrs. Hayden, you still really love your husband, right? Hmph! Now it even more so that he is such a horrible person, to leave someone as cute as you like that. If I was him, I would never do anything like that!"

For the next few moments, Daniel continues to make somewhat tame insult against my husband, while also claiming he would've done a better job being my husband instead for a while.

I could only stare at him wide-eyed while he does this. Although Daniel is insulting my husband, his insults are so tame I couldn't help but let it slide. Besides, I couldn't help but feel that all Daniel is saying about my husband is justified.

"… Hahaha~ What's up with that? I know that you are trying to cheer me up, so you don't have to keep making up those lies. I appreciate the feeling."

"… I had said it before, but I wasn't joking."

Suddenly, from behind me, I could feel Daniel wrap his arms around me into a gentle embrace.



"W-what are you doing!? We can't do this."

"I was a little angry that Teacher didn't believe me so I'm trying a more direct approach."

"We are student and teacher. This isn't right. I'll leave as a joke so take your hands off of me." I said as I had my hands about to try to pry open Daniel's arms from the embrace.

"Aren't you lonely? Hadn't your husband left you alone for far too long? Don't worry, I'll fill that gap for you."

To my surprise, Daniel's arms that had me in an embrace was taken off easily. Due to the ease of how it happened, I couldn't help but felt like I was taking a swing and a miss. In spite of myself, I actually felt kind of disappointed that he didn't resist any longer.

It was then, Daniel did something I didn't expect.

With swift motions, Daniel removed my cardigan only to lift up my top and reveal my bra out to the open.

Caught utterly by surprise, I could only freeze in place.

"I'll make you feel good so you will be able to forget him, Mrs. Hayden. Just leave everything to me."

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