Adam was pacing back and forth, as worry frazzled his insides at the thought his lover was in trouble. Letting out a deep sigh, he looked over at the other angel who continued to look out to the waterfall. It must be important to Gabriel to wish to wait in this space. Was there something he knew and held back the information from Adam?
No. If it had anything to do with the situation, then Gabriel would tell him. The angel was no liar nor deceiver.
"Are you certain Brother Gabriel, that it is him?" Adam questioned once more as his wings flutter in anxiety.
"Yes," Gabriel admitted with remorse dripping in his voice, "He is Father's most trusted Angel; he had been loyal to Father since the beginning of his creation along with Michael. He always aimed to please Him."
"Are you not one of his most trusted angels? I am… confused brother," Adam was perplexed with the thought that Gabriel, the kindest one of them all, was never loyal to Father.
Gabriel found himself laughing softly as his eyes softened as memories of his childhood, so many centuries ago, scrolled in his mind like an old film. He found his eyelids heavy when the memory of this place. Where the waterfall filled the stream, large trees block the harshness of the sun's rays, where rocks and flowers grow near the edges of the dips.
Where two young angels frolic and played as the world danced with them. A time so very long ago.
"Do you know why I told you to wait here?" Gabriel said softly to Adam as he continued to look over the cliff.
"I do not," Adam shook his head and sighed, "Do you think Eve and her father will show up here? I have been calling for her for some time now."
'Gabby! Don't forget about this place! This is our special hideout, okay? Remember! Promise me!' Gabriel remembered Lucifer's grin and how happy he was then.
'You betrayed me! You chose Him! After everything we've been through! You'll see the truth one day Gabriel! Then you'd know the truth,' Lucifer had told him before he fell away from his home, away from him.
'But I never forgot,' Gabriel let out a breath and turned to Adam.
"This was where her father frequents," Gabriel announced, "I believe he would return here with Eve."
A beat.
"Will our brother also arrive? Does he know?"
"I am certain he knows this place. If he would arrive here, I am not sure," Gabriel offered a smile, "Do not worry Adam. I am sure Eve is okay."
"I hope her father is okay as well," Adam clapped his shoulder and Gabriel felt his eyes widened.
"I thought you dislike him," he chuckled at the frown gracing Adam's face.
"Who said I was?" the young angel crossed his arms and looked away.
"You attacked him when you first met," Gabriel mentioned with a quirk of his lips.
"I just thought he was…" Adam mumbled, "… her lover or something."
Gabriel could not stop the laugh that escaped his lips at that thought. Adam was currently telling him to stop laughing, so Gabriel did his best to calm himself with deep breaths. He could tell by the tinge of dusted red across the young angel's cheeks that he was embarrassed, so Gabriel did not mention it again.
In a moment, he sensed someone nearby and turned to the source: behind the waterfall. Could it be Lucifer? Eve?
It could be the traitor.
"Adam," he stated in a serious tone, "I need you to prepare yourself. Our brother may be here."
The young angel nodded and quickly pulled out his sword and followed cautiously. Adam felt tense, but he was ready to confront their brother, the traitor. Inching closer and closer to the waterfall, he didn't sense an angel. Because God created them, there were always a residue of his power on them and all angels, possibly demons, were able to sense it.
He sensed nothing.
Looking over at Gabriel, the elder still looked cautious and prepared as if he would be there. But the question is what would they do if the traitor was before them? Would they kill him… return him? If this was their Father's doing like they believed, would returning him do any justice?
'What is the point in all of this? This could not be the result of my death. There had to be more behind this than the surface of Eve wishing for his return,' Adam thought with hands tightening the hilt of his sword.
'Was this planned beforehand? Were they just waiting for Eve to give up… to react in this way? Did they plan working with a demon?' Adam shook his head as he tried to focus on the task at hand.
If it was their brother, then he will question him fully.
Continuing soft steps on the lush green grass, he followed Gabriel who held his dagger. Steps later, they were paralleled to the falling water from the mountains; the elder angel gave him a look and a nod which Adam took as 'be ready'. Nodding back, he took a deep breath and they both turned the corner.
Adam's eyes widened and he dropped his sword as he went to the figure with haste.
'No, no, no,' he kept thinking hoping and praying that she was still alive.
He was afraid to even touch her seeing the wounds littering her body. There were dried up blood on her skin and torn dress. Her smooth unscarred face now had scratches on her right side as if a tiger attacked her. Bruises, blossoming purples and greens, were almost everywhere that he could see on her skin.
"Eve," he touched her face gently, "Eve, wake up. Please wake up."
His heart was beating so fast as tears begun to well up in his eyes. This must be... how she had felt every single time he died.
'This feeling... Eve...'
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Love, Michelle