/ Fantasy / Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination Original

Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Fantasy 1,032 Kapitel 3.5M Ansichten
Autor: YuuZu

4.71 (357 Bewertungen)

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis


Ali Avery was a successful young man adored by everyone. But things were not as they were shown to the life. Shunned and betrayed by his peers... He was hiding among happy facades.

Everything changed for him on one fateful night when he awoke in a dangerous new world with a completely different body, and his guardian angel was also there to accompany him.

A world where the impossible was possible while the imaginations were the reality of the dreamer.

'Am I a Goddess? I'm just a little different.'

'My imagination can become real magic, but isn't this energy point a bit too much?'

Stranded in the new environment, new life, new strength, and new possibilities... How would he/she survive?

Sequel: My Goddess is Good at Pretending

Parental Guidance Suggested
  1. Sir_PuffALot
    Sir_PuffALot Beigetragen 37437
  2. Viper_1507
    Viper_1507 Beigetragen 35859
  3. Nidius
    Nidius Beigetragen 30901


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    Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

    Rank -- Power- Rangliste
    Stone -- Power- Stein

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    • Qualität der Übersetzung
    • Veröffentlichungsstabilität
    • Geschichtenentwicklung
    • Charakter-Design
    • Welthintergrund

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    I'm going to be honest here. I'm pissed. Pissed at how realistic Ali's past is. I'm pissed at how the world treated him. Therefore making the mc really relatable. A few chapters in and I can already relate and understand why the mc thinks negatively. The book is a nice read. I'm just sad that he didn't get revenge on his past enemies. If you're looking for a book that can evoke emotions. Well this one works well in that regard.

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    LV 4 Badge

    🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Limitations only live in our minds but if we use our imagination, our possibilities are endless. We become what we think and we are not a product of our circumstances but we are the product of our decisions. 😄😄😆😄😄

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    So far, with the chapters I have read, the story is very engaging and just right up my alley. I enjoyed the story because it has a flavor of adventure and action. Keep it up and keep writing Author!

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    MC is so confusing. I can't understand what is wrong with her. Moreover, I felt like I was watching a toddler when I was reading. For a successful person, she is really stupid. Your writing is contrasting with one another. For a successful person, she must be strong-willed and decisive, no? But she was weak-willed and indecisive. What is more? She couldn't even use her advantages. I only have one word for her, trash.

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    So, it’s time for my long overdue 25-chapter review (I’m 113 chapters in at time of this review). As always, I will try to remain positive and give impartial feedback. Note: this review is very long and doesn't contain a TL;DR. Pros (the good) > Character development. It isn’t very often that writers give a chapter intro to the MC when they are in their original world and this can cause issues with character development in the early chapters (there are exceptions). The fact that the MC does have such a chapter (and it’s so damn realistic, it’s scary), really helps to establish that connection between the reader and the MC. Being able to relate to the MC truly makes a story more enjoyable. > World building. Another great forte of this story is its sense of wonder for the world. I don’t really know how to describe this but establishing an attraction from the reader to know more about the world is evidence of good writing. While the specific laws for this world haven’t been clearly defined yet (what are the restrictions), there is still tonnes of time to establish this in future chapters. > Realistic characters. This is pretty self-explanatory. I’m not really sure why readers/writers like it when the MC acts so unrealistic but I know that I don’t. The main thing I want to draw attention to is the MC’s trauma. I have seen a couple reviews and comments on people complaining about the MC’s passivity but there are two major factors at play which make the MC’s current passivity a more likely scenario if it were played out realistically. First, the MC is not sure of the extent of their abilities. This is becoming less an issue where I am in the novel but in earlier chapters it is a major factor. Second, clicking your fingers and suddenly you’re okay is just complete BS, especially if it is the sort of trauma described in the MC. Clearly most people here possess the lowest of the lowest quantities of knowledge for how psychology works and I find people’s unrealistic desires are more annoying than the passivity of the MC. The MC isn’t even that bad. When pushed into a corner, they will definitely release their ability and pretty much pummel the other party and they are recovering at a rate that could already be considered quite rapid. I’m not about to explain the psychology behind the MC’s actions. I don’t have that much time. If you want to know, go look it up yourself. Cons (what needs fixing) > Grammar. Haha, I’m not really sure how many times I have said this in a review but it is definitely allot. Accurate use of grammar is necessary in order for a reader to be able to interpret certain sentences correctly. In particular, the inaccurate use of commas is an issue in this novel as I have occasionally found it hard to determine sentence breaks if I’m just chill reading. How can this be fixed? Easy. Just read the sentence to yourself slowly and, wherever you notice there is a natural pause, place a comma. Just take note of where I leave my commas in this review if an example is necessary. Leave a comment, author, if you need further elaboration. > Munted sentences. Thankfully, these are few and far between. In fact, I have not come across any in recent chapters. Basically, these are sentences which can be difficult to interpret or can be interpreted in more than just a couple of ways. They often occur when writers get into their “zone” and start just writing whatever comes to mind then forget to proof read. As an editor, I have seen my fair share of munted sentences and can fix them in my head quickly but it may be more difficult for lighter readers. As I already said though, they mostly don’t exist in the most recent chapters, which is great! Grey area (what doesn’t classify as particularly good nor necessarily need fixing) > Technicalities and science. I realise that this isn’t a major focus of the novel (it is fantasy afterall) but, as a man of science, I feel compelled to address the author’s use of… “speed of light” travel. *Gasp* *horror* That’s right, I said it! So, the problem with travelling at the speed of light is twofold. First, the connotations of travelling at such speeds, and second, but a bit less importantly, the ability to actually see at such speeds. I’ll dumb it down allot so, if you want more details, leave a comment with the question you want answered. - First issue. It is common knowledge that travelling at the speed of light is impossible thanks to special relativity- “But Wolf, there is magic in this worl-“ Hold ya horses, I’m not done yet. Assuming that you were able to achieve such a speed through some unnatural means like magic, an event known as matter warping will occur. You ever ask why scientists can only propel fundamental particles near the speed of light? Yeah? This is why (also energy requirement but that’s besides the point). Basically, when an object speeds up, it gets hotter due to the latent energy contained within the object. We don’t notice this as humans because we are not moving nearly fast enough for this to be realised. Well, when an object travels fast enough, the heat in the object will be enough to destabilise the particles atomic structure and it will split down into its fundamental particles. “But Wolf, that’s why they use a shiel-“ I’m afraid that protection against forces causing friction won’t help you here. Same as g-forces, a shield won’t be able to protect you because It is based solely on how fast you are traveling, not what you are traveling through. So, I’m now happy to reveal to all the readers and author that, congratulations, the moment the MC achieved “speed of light” travel, they were disintegrated into their fundamental particles, but there is a workaround. - Second issue. Assuming that the above isn’t an issue (I’ll describe how to get around it momentarily), the MC would most certainly NOT be able to see while traveling at such speeds, at least, not without the help of magic to scan the area. Neglecting the fact that your brain definitely cannot calculate that fast, traveling at the speed of light means, well, there ain’t no light reaching your eyes, at least, not in the way you want it to. This is more a hypothetical thing as no one has ever travelled anywhere near the speed of light, but you would likely see an array of colours in the form of streaks zipping past at ludicrous speeds relative to you. Definitely no discernible images. It would look something like the lightspeed jumps common in space simulators like Hellion, Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen. Actually, maybe not Elite Dangerous as that is a bit different. So, what is the workaround? Easy. Just a simple two words, ‘spatial manipulation’. The last part of this review is directed more towards the author in case they want to delve more into a science explanation later on in the novel, as such, I will change my vocabulary to make it seem as though I am having a conversation with them. The advantage that you have in this novel is that you haven’t really defined any laws for how the mana itself actually works and, that means, you don’t have to worry about altering past chapters (not that I expect you to anyway). Because the MC’s magic works off of imagination, it means that the mana just has to work around the laws while still upholding the MC’s will. It might seem as though the MC is being accelerated to “c” (speed of light) but this is not necessarily the case. So long as the MC’s will is done, it doesn’t matter how the mana goes about it. Spatial manipulation is the key here. What the mana is actually doing is enclosing the MC (and their pet) in a sealed spatial plane/subdimension, (a bubble if you will) which is imposed on the actual plane, and then accelerating the ENTIRE subdimension to the speed of light by shrinking space in front and lengthening space behind causing a wormhole effect. That way ‘space’ is what is taking the effect of lightspeed travel rather than the entities within said space. Since you would be using the wormhole effect, a shield would not even be necessary as the MC is not physically traveling at lightspeed, their temporary subdimension is. Using this theory, you would be able to even exceed lightspeed. Would this still cause nausea, my oath it would, so you don’t have to worry about removing the MC’s pet’s reaction. Keep in mind that this does not fix the second issue. The MC would still need to use magic to see. Final thoughts Well, there you have it! The good, the “needs fixing” and the in-between. Do I recommend this novel? Abso-f*cking-lutely! Just don’t click on this novel expecting romance (not at the current releases anyway) or an MC who stomps on everyone who is in their way. If that’s what you want, this novel is not for you. But the reader is their own best critic. Still not sure? Give it a go. There is only one way to find out if you will like it or not. It's a shame I could not give this novel a solid 5 stars (as I would like to) but the mistakes brought it down to 4.6 (I'm being impartial remember). As I’ve already said, if anyone has any questions or problems with my review, leave a comment and I will answer if I can. …1590 words later… Holy sh!t I need to find a better way to spend my time other than writing essays on how an author is going on their work. Don’t ever tell me that I don’t support the authors that I read from.

    9 Antworten anzeigen

    The background story of the main character started out okay, however it quickly got worse when somehow the story started becoming cliche and the interactions became 2nd. She somehow meets up with some overpowered beings even though she just got into the damned place. I don't want to give spoilers for those curious enough to read this novel, but the novel is simply 3rd tier.

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    I'm gonna be brutally honest here. This story right here first had a great development plot. However that fell off quite quick. I'm not going to reveal much spoilers however our Main Character Ali has to have one one of the worst character development, it lacks any sort of plot, the environment he is in is seemingly... too positive. Overall this novel is not really my type but feel free to leave your opinions.

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    Somehow, i'm pissed off..

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    Terrible writing tbh. Wasted story would of been decent at least. The mc is so weak even tho he has god like powers it’s sad and pathetic. The story is slow and boring. Nothing happens at all. Honestly a waste of time

    2 Antworten anzeigen
    LV 14 Badge

    Definitely my favorite novel, though I dont know why. Plot progression is a little slow but it allows the MC to learn more about the world. Kinda wish the MC would use her power more p/not hide it all the time.

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    I tried reading this story 3 times and 3 times I gave up. The story doesn't seem to be particularly bad and even has many unique and original elements which are a joy to read. Sadly for me the interactions and way of thinking of the author are just too childish and frankly outright cringe. Its not even a bad type of cringe just one that speaks of immaturity and... maybe lower intelligence. It really isn't that the story is bad or that the author sucks at writing, even the story line is good, its just the small stuff like interactions and the MC's thought process that is just very simple and weak.

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    Not gonna lie, but this sTory is amazing and i love it. but there is a huge problem, wiCh is the mc Is too accurately designed and is not really my type. she also thinks really odd and In my opinion stupid somtimes but overall amazing. also when i say type i mean not what i would like in a novel she acts and thinks too negative and overall like she is trash.

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    Frankly, I like the story. Beautiful world, good idea, and character. Simply put a gem in the rough. But seriously if she is going to be a coward all the time😪 I can't help but find it frustrating and difficult to enjoy. I understand very well the importance of chara development and that you want her to overcome her trauma slowly but you don't change if you don't try to. Let me ask you did you think that someone that had a trauma about a subject will get better just by simply avoiding it? (in this case, it's straight denial and nothing get better that way). In case of bullying, the more you give in the more the bully will ask for. Even if she doesn't become a superwoman out of anywhere she needs to show the will to overcome it and not just take things like this. I just hope you understand that it's more difficult to build a character temperament than to build it power. Even more in the style you are taking its clear we aren't in a quest for power but a quest for the mc betterment. I'm no expert and don't know your draft but I just hope not to see another good novel drop. Hope you don't take it badly.

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    He been through alot when he still on earth, betrayal, hardship, bullied, no real friends etc. But why he(now she) been acting like a little and naive girl? Question Did she at least mature or kill someone ? Like act accordingly to an situation, Kind to friends but ruthless to enemy?

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    This is a very good book in my opinion, I can't write anything else thank you............................-_-................................

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    LV 13 Badge

    Alright, this will be a critique of the story where I focus on what I believe to be are problems with the novel. This is mostly written for the author but for potential readers I recommend reading this review along with positive reviews. This is a great novel and I highly recommend reading it. Anyways on to the critique. I am currently on chapter 540. WQ - 5; SD - 3; CD - 4; US - 5; WB - 5 (these initials corespond to the rating criteria). (1) Alright so this one is just a matter of preference but one of my biggest frustrations with the story is how slow everything is. I've been reading this for a while now so it's hard to remember, but I think only a month has passed in the story, yet we are already 500+ chapters in. A full chapter could be a conversation about a somewhat irrelevant topic like shopping in one of the most recent chapters. I consider a lot of the chapters just excess to the actual story and most of the time when I see a new chapter I only really expect to get about like two sentences of story and the rest is fluff for the story. Most of the time I just let it sit for a couple of days so the chapters accumulate. But anyways, in short: most chapters could be summarized in about two sentences such as 'we traveled to this country. During our travel we had a casual conversation while these two characters bickered with each other.' Writing wise, I suppose this is fine, I don't really know, I'm not an expert. It seems the author wants the story to be more about how the characters get to the important parts of the story and is probably trying to make the story slow. Some people prefer stories like this so it's just a matter of personal preference. But I just think it's WAY to slow. (2) Now this is one of my biggest issues with the story writing wise. There is 0 conflict between characters. I feel like sometimes the protagonists are a group of 'yes people.' What I mean by this is Elysia suggest something and 100% of the time, everyone agrees. What makes things worse is that most chapters are about conversations between the characters. This just makes a lot of the chapters feel kinda basic... I'm not really sure how else to describe it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I do enjoy reading the chapters, it's just it feels like it's missing that extra depth to what makes conversations interesting. I think at the moment, the most interesting parts of the most recent chapters (excluding story progression) is the conflict between the two bickering characters (I won't name them for the sake of spoilers). (3) I feel like the overarching story needs some minor improvements. Like why is the MC even in school at this point (she doesn't even show up anymore). I understand in the beginning she was trying to understand the world and get rooted, but now it's unnecessary. Also, why are gods acting as messengers? I feel like a more realistic situation would have been they forced all the rulers to meet, talked about the big threat, and creat an alliance. Then they focus on getting stronger and work on gathering information. Anyways, the way the story is now is fine, but I feel like the protagonists should be trying to connect big figures of the world. Also, the overarching story is a little more on the basic side since it's: these are the bad guys, we don't know much about them nor do we know their motivation; all we know is they are the bad guys and we will engage in a world war. Then dump a giant bag of sightseeing and casual talk and that's the basics of the story. However, then again, I feel like barely any of the overarching story has progressed so it hasn't really been able to gain any depth despite it already being like 500+ chapters in. Other then these three things I can't really think of any other critiques at the moment. If I do, I will add a comment to this review. Anyways, overall, I like the novel and I will continue reading it till the end. Keep up the great work author and way to go on staying strong with one chapter a day. That's an amazing feat, I would know since I'm a fellow author. I hope this is helpful 😁.

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    good interesting plot, characters are not generic for the most part, sadly MC personality and actions are erratic and many times stupid and illogical. Her Ptsd or emotional issues from bullying is harped on too much only when the author feels the need to remind us of it, while in-between, the MC acts like a normal goody pacifist Japanese MC. She doesn't act like she never would have had friends in her past life since from day 1 in the new world she is practically a social butterfly. All in all the MC ruins any true liking you have for the story and it becomes a battle between how much you like the story versus how annoying and how much you dislike MC. It is also super slow-paced...as of chapter 18 only about a max of 14-16 days has passed in the new world and she still has not leveled up or figured out how to or even attempted research into it.

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    The only person reading to find out what happen when they figure out someone stole her platinum pass 😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌

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    Autor YuuZu