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64.1% Be The Father Of This Child! / Chapter 25: Ch. 23 – Wednesday, I’m In Trouble

Kapitel 25: Ch. 23 – Wednesday, I’m In Trouble

Chapter Twenty-Three – Wednesday, I'm In Trouble

The next day, in school, April was sitting a few feet from Sabrina and watching warily as she played with her hair, running her fingers through the same strand over and over again. He was still debating how he should go about asking the girl about her dad when she suddenly looked at him. Her eyes were painted in dark colors, and she looked a bit scary. Probably it was a sexy makeup, but April wasn't sure. He went for scary.

"You've been standing there, staring at me like a psycho, for the last five minutes. What do you want?" Sabrina asked. Her eyes thinned as she took in April, seemingly seeing him for the first time in her life. The confirmation of that particular supposition came right away. "Do I even know you?"

"You're Sabrina DeLouise, right?"

Sabrina rolled her eyes. "Whatever these idiots around told you, I'm too expensive for the likes of you."

April opened his mouth, unsure of what the proper course of action could be, given Sabrina's cold attitude. "Oh, it's not about that."

"That?" Sabrina continued to examine him. "Do you even know what you're talking about? You look to me like you have no idea what you're talking about."

April put his hands up in surrender. "I might not have any idea what I'm talking about."

Sabrina stared at him a bit longer and then burst into laughter. "You seem harmless. So, what do you want?" She leaned against the wall and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Do you really not have a clue who I am?" April asked.

Sabrina threw him a suspicious glance. "Are you someone important? I know this place is teeming with would-be geniuses, but you seem a bit too cool to be that nerdy."

"Thanks. I guess. It must be the hair."

Sabrina laughed again. "And you have a sense of humor, too. So, who are you?"


"C'mon, you didn't come to see me just to tell me that, right? What's your name?"

With bored moves, Sabrina pulled a lighter and a pack of cigarettes from her bag and lit herself one. She offered the pack to April, but he refused politely. There was no point in telling her she wasn't supposed to smoke in the hallway. But, seeing how there was no one else around, she wouldn't listen to any word of caution anyway. Sabrina sort of reminded him of someone, someone he lived with at home.

"My name is weird."

"Try me."

Ah, he needed to find a weird name and fast, and, of course, one that wasn't the one he actually had. "Wednesday," he said. A day of the week should count as being stranger than a month of the year, and it was obscure enough to be considered weird.

"Wednesday?" Sabrina examined his face, searching for signs that he was pulling her leg.

"Yeah. My parents were weird like that."

"Parents are weird," Sabrina confirmed. "And what's your last name?"

"Adams," April replied right away, as his mind stopped at the first letter of the alphabet, and at a railway engineer about whom he had happened to read the day before.

Sabrina looked at him, and then, her eyes grew wide. "Your name is Wednesday Addams? Get the fuck out!"

It took him a few good moments to realize his mistake. He began shaking his head. "No, no, no! I'm Adams, you know, with just one 'd'!"

Sabrina was holding her purse against her belly while her body shook with laughter. "Your parents have to be completely off their rocker!"

In his mind, April addressed his quick apologies to the one who had actually named him. "Yeah, I guess. Parents. What can you do?"

Sabrina dragged from her cigarette as she dabbed at her eyes, still wet from laughing so hard before. "You're telling me?"

April considered that it was okay if he moved to stand to Sabrina's right. "My dad can totally drive me nuts sometimes."

"My folks are divorced." Sabrina appeared pensive as she said those words. "You know how it is. Or you don't. Which might be better."

April felt a small familiar squeeze in his chest but didn't let his mind go there. "I don't."

"Well, my mother is busy doing her nails, or her hair, or whatever needs doing, and after that, she takes off somewhere so that others can do her," Sabrina said matter-of-factly. "And my dad, ugh, he's just such a case."

April considered his next words carefully. "How so?"

Sabrina yawned. "He tries to control me. He's barely back in my life for, I don't know, two months, and he wants to know everything. Can you believe that I caught him trying to get into my phone?"

"Was he away?" April asked.

Sabrina snorted. "You can say that."

"For how long?"

"For how long people get put away for fraud," Sabrina replied promptly.

"Oh, sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

Sabrina looked at him and leaned slightly toward him. "So, are you here for me, after all, Wednesday? We could ditch whatever courses you might still have and have some real fun."

"Ah, I'm sorry."

"What? I'm not your type or something?"

"It's not personal. I'm, you know, gay," April replied simply.

Sabrina looked at him, maybe to check for signs that he was lying, and then smiled. "What do you think of this nail polish?" She stretched one hand in front of him, taking him by surprise.

"I'm afraid I have no clue."

"I thought so. This blond hue is totally last year." Sabrina pointed at his hair.

April touched his hair unconsciously. "Yeah, sorry about that."

"If you're not here because you want us to hang out together, why are you here?" Sabrina asked him.

For the next lie, April felt pretty awful. "You seemed lost in thought and a little sad. I thought I could, you know, cheer you up a little."

Sabrina ruffled his hair. "I see. You're part of the species threatened by extinction called 'good guys'. Consider me cheered up. I've never met anyone called Wednesday."

April knew he had to take a long bath after he got home. Although lying about his name seemed harmless, he felt terrible about doing that to Sabrina. It was clear as day that she was trying hard to put on a brave face, but she seemed pretty lost and sad, just as he had said.

"Then, if you don't care about ditching your boring courses, I'll be on my way," Sabrina said, pushing herself off the wall.

"Where are you going?"

"Nowhere kids called Wednesday should know. My latest boyfriend promised to take me to some five-star restaurant or something."

"Five-star, according to Yelp? You can't really trust those guys," April pointed out.

Sabrina laughed. "See you around, Wednesday. You're a cool dude."

April stared after Sabrina for a while. So, he had learned that her dad was fresh out of jail, where he did time for fraud. Also, he tended to try to get into his daughter's phone. Now, what was April supposed to do with that kind of information?


"Zane and his boyfriend are hanging out at our place," Jett informed him as April climbed into the car, in front.

"And you left them to take care of Jay?" April asked.

"I told them to text if anything happened," Jett said with a shrug. "What? You don't trust Jay to be tough enough for those two?"

April caught the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger. "That's not quite what crossed my mind. Do you trust those two to take care of a baby? Wait, who's Zane's boyfriend?"

"Your stalker. Buzz cut boy," Jett replied promptly.

"Ah, cool." April exhaled. "Give me your phone."

Without even asking why, Jett reached for his phone and handed it to him. April felt a little guilty. Jett obviously trusted him completely, and he was keeping secrets. But he had a feeling Jett would just go ballistic and forbid him from going to school, so holding back information – which wasn't lying! - was okay for now.

He checked for any messages from Zane, but there were none. Still, he needed to make sure everything was fine, so he called. Jett stared at him for one second, and April felt the same familiar pitter-patter he got whenever Jett looked at him like that. Could it be that Jett was falling for him, for real?

"What's up, daddy?" Zane drawled the words as he answered.

"Oh, it's April, actually. I'm just calling from Jett's phone."

"What's up, daddy number two?"

April snickered but quickly regained his composure. "Do you guys keep an eye on Jay? No fooling around, and letting the boy hit his head against the furniture, or fall from the bed or a chair or --"

"April, my dude, chill. The boy is fine. I'm holding him as we speak. Also, I'm teaching him how to smoke."

"Zane! I'm going to --"

"Kiss me and tell me you're going to leave Jett for me?"

"No." April scowled, and Jett now stole a glance at him, slightly concerned. "I swear to God; you're such a joker, Zane."

"That's okay. Then you know I'm joking. Look, I'm putting Jay on, and he can tell you all about what good boys we all are, sitting here and waiting for you to give us something to eat."

April was about to point out that Jay couldn't possibly speak, let alone speak on the phone when he heard low encouragements from Zane, and then the child's voice. "A-pa. A-pa ...a-pa ..."

He remained nonplussed for a couple of seconds. "Jay," he said softly. "How are you doing, buddy?"

The same iterations continued, this time with more enthusiasm. Zane came back on the phone. "I think he totally knows who you are."

"He said my name," April said in a heartbeat. He rubbed his forehead and sniffled. "He said my name."

"Get out of here!" That was Jett, who seemed as impressed as he was. "He did?"

Zane confirmed from the other end. "He totally did. So hurry up home, daddies, because we're starving."

"There is food in the fridge, some leftovers from last night, and also, you can make some omelet --"

"Nah, it's better if you come and do all that," Zane replied.

"You can't tell me you guys are all that unacquainted with kitchen utensils."

"Give me the phone," Jett said.

"You're driving," April pointed out.

"Then, just put it to my ear."

April obeyed.

"Zane, you mofo, get your ass and make some food right now. April's not your wife. He's mine."

April put carefully back his jaw, which had dropped at Jett's most probably unconscious choice of words, and removed the phone so that he could talk to Zane.

"All right, if you two are going to be like this," Zane said. "We're just going to order some takeout. Does Jay eat Chinese?"

April just shook his head, although he knew Zane couldn't see him. "Jay is only eating baby food."

"And? The Chinese are billions, so they must have a lot of babies," Zane replied promptly.

"Don't order Chinese. I'll make something fast, the moment I get home. I hope everyone is finally happy this way."

"Maybe not everyone. Just to be sure, ask your husband."

Of course, Zane couldn't just drop that juicy bit.

"No need to," he said abruptly. "We will all sit at the table and eat like normal people without fighting."

"Ah, it looks like you don't need to cook after all," Zane said.

"Why?" April asked, puzzled over Zane's words.

"Dan looks really cute while getting busy around the kitchen," Zane whispered.

"Dan is cooking?" April whispered, too, although he had no idea why.

"He just opened the door to the fridge and is staring inside, but I think he's up to something."

"You guys, it's no trouble. Just wait for me, and I'll take care of everything."

"I don't know. Dan seems pretty determined. Ah, he's looking at me, and I'm not sure if it's a 'fuck me' or 'fight me' look."

"Zane, stop talking dirty in front of Jay," April said, alarmed.

"Gotta go, sugar lips. See you," Zane said quickly and cut the conversation.

April stared at the phone and then sighed. "I suppose we're all going to be fine."

"If buzz cut boy is cooking, I'm not eating," Jett warned him.

"They will just probably manage to warm up the leftovers," April said. "And I seriously doubt he would try to poison you."

"That guy is still after your ass," Jett said with conviction.

April groaned. "You just told me he's Zane's boyfriend."

"And? I bet he gets freaky with Zane, just so that he can be all up in your hair."

"And I can't believe you can be so jealous. How many times do I have to tell you that I'm into you, big time?"

The light changed, and Jett hit the brakes. The look he threw April was something between pissed off and a tad anxious. April didn't know what to make of it. "What is it?"

"You didn't kiss me when you got into the car."

"Is that eating you? All right, you big silly, just come here."

Jett just sat in his chair and looked ahead. April wouldn't let that drop, though, even if he could tell Jett was embarrassed big time for telling the truth. So he reached for Jett, as much as his safety belt let him and kissed him hard on one cheek. Jett turned toward him, and then April kissed him on the lips, this time softly and long.

Car horns blasted from behind, and April let go of Jett immediately. "This may count as more dangerous than texting and driving, right?"

Jett laughed. "I guess. But don't worry, dweeb, I got it."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you're too chicken to tell me that you're crazy about me."

"I literally just told you I'm into you, big time."

"Nah, you'll have to say the words."

"I'll have to say the words?"


"All right. When I'm ready, then," April replied.

That was good in a way. He could bid his time, solve everything first, kick himself in the ass for being a coward, and then tell Jett everything. It sounded like a plan.

"So?" Jett asked, interrupting his train of thought.

"What?" April asked. "Wait, I'm not going to say them now."

"Why not?"

"Well, because we're in traffic, and it's not romantic, and there are a thousand things on my mind right now."

"I thought you weren't into that romance bullshit."

"Yeah, but still. Just wait a little."

Jett began laughing. "I'm just pulling your leg. I can wait. Especially since you don't deny it at all."

April sighed. He was no good at this game, obviously. Jett only had to lay a trap, and he would walk into each one, blind-folded.


Dan had managed to put together some food, after all, and April took care of Jay, while Zane and Jett bantered and laughed. April could tell Dan was trying to get his attention, and it wasn't only one time that their eyes crossed over the table. After he would put Jay to his afternoon nap, April needed to find a way to talk a little to Dan. Could it be that he had learned something about Sabrina's dad?

So far, what April had found out wasn't encouraging. The guy was an ex-convict, even if he had gotten in jail for a non-violent crime. Still, April couldn't shake off the feeling that Mr. DeLouise was trouble. Usually, he would not have cared less about other people's business, but, in this case, he had a feeling that whatever business Sabrina's dad had, it had to do with him, and that was an unsettling thought.

Finally, he managed to get Jay to sleep, and, taking advantage of the fact that Zane and Jett were busy talking outside about something that only concerned them, he got close to Dan, who was methodically wiping a plate.

"You don't have to do all these," April said.

"It's okay," Dan replied. "I'm not helpless."

"So, you and Zane?"

Dan looked away. "Not really," he mumbled under his breath. "As I told you, I need to keep an eye on you. These guys are trouble, like big, big trouble."

"Why do you say this?" April dropped his voice. He had an inkling what Dan thought, seeing what line of work Zane and Jett shared.

"They're beating up people and shit," Dan replied.

April threw him a look that he hoped could spell sarcasm. "So, they're tough guys. Aren't you tough, too?"

"I'm playing football."

"Which is pretty tough," April replied. "Look, Dan, if you don't like Zane, it's okay. Don't be so worried about me. Don't feel obliged to hang out with Zane."

Dan pursed his lips. "I asked around about Sabrina's dad. He did time."

"I know." April leaned in closer. "I talked to Sabrina."

"You did? And what did she say? What does her dad want with you?"

"I didn't ask her directly that. She doesn't know who I am. So, if you happen to hear her calling me Wednesday, just don't act surprised."

"Wednesday? Whatever. There is some other stuff. He's trying to recruit people for some scheme or something."

"A scheme? What kind of scheme?"

Dan shook his head. "Some guys told me he asked about who knows most about computers and shit. So it has to be a scheme since he was in for spindling some money from a private fund or something."

That made some sense. April rubbed his chin in thought. "Don't tell me those guys told Mr. DeLouise that I'm among those who know about computers."

"I don't think they told him any other name than yours."

"Seriously? What about Raj? Or Gaby? And these are just my friends."

Dan shrugged. "I don't know. Those dudes are pretty invisible to most people."

April rolled his eyes. "And I'm not?"

"With a name like April Summer, not really. I doubt most dudes can even pronounce your friend's name, you know, the Indian dude."

"It's not that difficult. And, as I told you, there are others."

"The thing is that guy wants you for some shady scheme. And I bet because he heard you're dating a gangster. See, you're a gangster, too, by association."

"Dan, I seriously doubt Mr. DeLouise knows who I'm dating, or that he believes I'm a gangster. I think it's just some stupid coincidence."

"Either way, you need to lay low. I told everyone to hold their tongues if anyone asked about you."

"That's great. But how did you manage to convince them?"

Dan looked at his feet. "I had to lie. I just told them that we should, like, play a game of pretending that we don't know you at all."

And they fell for that? April decided not to ask that question. "Ah, you don't have to feel bad about that. Just like my friends, I bet I'm invisible to all those people anyway."

"You're not to me." Dan looked at him, and his eyes were filled with hope.

April sighed. "Dan, just give Zane a chance."

"Why won't you give me one?"

"I can't. I'm not a two-timer."

"I'm not asking you to be one."

April ran one hand over his face. "I meant every word I said that day. I'm really in love with Jett, and I don't think that's going to change. Ever."

Dan laughed, but there was no humor in it. "We're twenty. How can you know you'd love this dude forever?"

"I just know," April said quietly.

I've always had and always will, he thought but kept those words to himself.


"So, did you manage to get into buzz cut boy's pants already?" Jett asked.

They were sitting in the backyard, on the remnants of what once was a small stone wall, now covered partially by dried moss. Zane stretched his legs and winced. "Not yet."

"Are you losing your touch or something?" Jett teased him.

"Who knows?" Zane said, and then grinned. "Don't worry about me. Tell me about your wife."

"What wife?"

Zane laughed out loud. "April. You told me on the phone that he's your wife."

"I didn't mean that. I wanted just to tell you to fuck off and make yourself some food."

Zane slapped his knees. "Ah, Jett, my man, you're getting in this so deep I'm not sure if it's funny anymore."

"Shut up, mofo. Tell me more about how buzz cut boy gives you a bad case of blue balls. At least, I fuck."

"Man, what can I tell you? Dan is a bit of a challenge, yeah."

"So, why don't you drop him? I'm not exactly crazy about seeing him around April."

Zane snorted. "Well, it's not like we don't do anything. It's just like you were with April in the beginning. You know, like a week or so ago. We just jerk off together."

It was Jett's turn to laugh. "Zane, you don't jerk off. You fuck."

Zane just shrugged and smiled. "What can I say? The guy has a strong grip." He made a small gesture with one hand, to emphasize his words.

"What's keeping him from jumping in bed with you, then?"

"He still likes your wife better than me," Zane said matter-of-factly.

Jett jumped to his feet. "I knew it! That fucker, he's now alone with April --"

Zane caught his arm. "Have some faith in April, man. He digs you, big time."

Jett remained standing, still debating whether he needed to go and check on April. "So he keeps saying, too."

"So, what's the problem? Dan told me as much. He's sure April loves you, for real, so he feels pretty down. And, you know, I'm all for comforting a broken heart. Although I can't really remember ever talking so much about feels in my entire life."

"He's talking to you about feels?"

Zane crossed his legs and appeared to be lost in thoughts for a second. "You know me, right?"

Jett offered a non-committal grunt in reply.

"I was never confused. Ever since I saw River Phoenix in My Own Private Idaho, I knew I was gay. Don't even ask me what that movie was about, though. I didn't get a thing. I just wished I was Keanu Reeves when River said, 'I really want to kiss you, man.' I would've said 'yes'. I was ten, and my sister didn't know I was watching, too. She just thought herself interesting in renting art-house movies. I think she slept through it. I didn't."

"Wow, thanks for the info, man," Jett joked. "Glad you were never confused."

"The thing is Dan is confused. And that confuses the hell out of me. I don't do confusion well."

"What are you confused about? Don't tell me you think yourself straight. Maybe it's time you watch some fancy indie movies again."

Zane laughed. "Nah, I'm not confused about that. I'm just confused over how much I want this guy. And it feels like it's not all about getting into his pants, although there's that, of course."

"What? Do you want to marry buzz cut boy now?" Jett grinned as he stared at his best friend.

"Shut up, asshole. Not everyone wants to tie the knot like you and April."

"We're not tying any knot. But your confused boyfriend better decides he likes your cock better than my boyfriend's ass," Jett said and pointed at himself.

"I'm working hard at it. Although I never thought myself able to listen to some dude pining over another for hours."

"For hours? That's it; I'm going into the house. If Dan touches April with one finger, I'm going to break his hand."

Zane rushed after him. "Not if it's the right hand! That's the better one!"


Jett rushed into the kitchen and took in with unease how close to one another April and Dan stood. They also seemed to whisper something to one another, like they had some big secret to share. He could almost taste the guilt that shone in April's eyes as he looked up. Also, Dan was staring at him with a mix of defiance and fear, and Jett couldn't care less if he was scaring buzz cut boy.

"Are you hungry again or something?" April asked.

Maybe Jett was good at reading people only when they were on their knees, pleading not to get beat up too hard, but right now, he could tell April was hiding something from him. So he stood there, staring.

April shifted his weight from one foot to another and then slowly moved away from Dan as if he just realized what the cause for that stare from Jett was. Good. At least the dweeb knew he had done something wrong.

"This little party is over," Jett said curtly. "Zane, see you tonight." On purpose, he said nothing to Dan, but he walked over to April and took him by his shoulders in a possessive gesture. As he kept April with his head close to his chest, he stared Dan down.

Zane was quick to grab his boyfriend and bid them goodbye. Jett waited until the entrance door was shut and then squeezed April tightly.

"Hey, you're suffocating me," April protested.

"Good. What did you and buzz cut boy have to talk about?"

"Homework," April said, his voice muffled by Jett's chest. "You know, I'm not that short, and this position sucks."

Jett allowed April to breathe, and then looked into his eyes. "If it's just homework, why do you look at me like this?"

"Like I'm pissed? Of course I am. You chased Zane and Dan away like they were a bunch of thieves or something."

"I know Zane. But I don't trust your stalker. He's bad news. And do you really have to talk homework while looking at each other like that? And stop bullshitting me with the homework. You're not in high school."

"We still have plenty to study," April said promptly.

"I don't buy it. C'mon, dweeb, spill it, or I'll have to fuck the truth out of you."

April sputtered. "Fuck the truth out of me? Is that your idea of torture because I'll sign up for it on my own accord?"

Jett grinned. "You got balls, April Summer. It's okay. I like you like this. But let me warn you. I won't stop until you tell me everything about what you talked about with that asshole."

"Hah! Are you trying to say that you won't come? All right. Challenge accepted. I bet I can make you come before you can make me."

Jett looked at April to see how much he was joking. Not so much, it seemed, by how the green eyes were shining with mischief. "You can always just tell me what you were talking to him about. See? I'm giving you the easy way out."

April snorted. He pushed one finger into Jett's chest. "It was homework. So there's nothing to tell unless you want to hear about math and shit."

"Keep that thought, dweeb. Actually, you can tell me about math. I guess it will help me last longer."

"Ah, really? Do you need help with that?" April teased him. "What if I'm talking like this?" He dropped his voice low, making each word sound like a dirty whisper.

Jett grabbed him hard. "Are you going against me, dweeb?"

April just kissed him shortly, crushing his lips a little. "You can bet your ass I am."


LauraSFox LauraSFox

Hi, guys, I hope you're enjoying the holidays so far! Thank you for reading this story! Jett and April still have a lot of things to figure out, but I hope you'll continue to be here for the ride.

In case you're interested in reading more of my creations, here is a bit about my latest release, another romantic comedy which tortured my poor soul for months at end:

Have a lovely holiday season, and see you next year!

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