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Kapitel 3: Taming animals and finding a map

As I ran through the crowded halls of the Red Keep, swiftly avoiding bumping on anyone while not losing my momentum, I could only hear the voice of my first actual friend in this new life.

"Wait, my prince!" A blue eyed blonde girl laughed in joy as she ran behind me, struggling to pass between the servants walking through the hall. "Wait... I admit, you are faster!" She spoke again before apologizing to a woman carrying a basket of fruits who she nearly knocked over. "Pardon me, I'm so sorry!"

She continued to push through the crowded halls as she tried to catch up to me, which was easier said than done when surrounded by so many people.

"Watch where you're going, my lady!" One servant said.

"Please be careful! These candles are for the King's chambers!" Another argued, shaking her head while still faintly smiling at our jovial actions.

There was a reason for all this fuss, for the past year I've spent befriending the Hand's daughter, and we've grown close to one another.

Since my arrival I've been growing without interacting with other kids my age, and Alysse Arryn had begun spending some time with me after she heard me singing and playing the lute I got as a gift.

It was somewhat funny that two Original Characters like us would end up becoming childhood friends, as just now she had made the silly mistake of challenging me for a race to the Grand Maester's office.

Alysse had once begun studying a few subjects, like most nobles did, and now both of us visited Pycelle together.

Initially she thought she'd have no problem competing against some kid barely five name days of age, but she was proven wrong.

Not only was I faster and stronger than her, but my understanding of the Grand Maester's teachings made him constantly remark that I was a suitable heir to my grandfather's legacy.

Of course, this version of Pycelle was much more subtle than his Tv series counterpart.

As for the race challenge that I found myself winning, this was why Alysse was currently chasing me across the Castle.

Today we were gonna have our first class about animal care and handling.

"You're really fast my prince, I'll grant you that, but please be careful!" She pleaded as we approached the stairs leading to the Grand Maester's office.

The light from the sun outside passed by us every time we approached the windows, with Alysse walking carefully behind as I reached the third level of the tower.

"Don?" She called out, just then she heard a door closing.

Alysse looked to the left and spotted from afar the door we were heading to.

Sighing before chuckling a little, she walked forward and knocked on the door.


Moments before, as I quickly walked up to the third floor and knocked on the door, I called.

"Grand Maester?"

"Come in!" A voice came from within answering my call.

Opening the door and entering the Maester's office, I saw the inside of his library and workstation where we spent so many days during our lessons.

It was big with the bookshelves going up till the top of the four story tower and the windows giving a great view to the capital city of Westeros.

"Ah, my Prince, I wasn't expecting to see you so soon today. And where is Lady Arryn? You two have recently grown inseparable from what I've heard. " Pycelle looked from his work station, stopping for a moment from writing a letter with several stacks of parchment on his desk.

The Maester was in charge of taking care of the accounts of the Red Keep and such, the papers with him were probably reports he had to look over before handing them to Lord Jon.

"She is on her way, I assure you." I simply replied while walking in and shutting the door behind me. "We were eager to begin our lesson today."

"Oh yes, indeed. Just finishing my report on the new planting cycles of crops to the citadel, these last few years have been really harsh to all the Kingdoms." Pycelle replied a little disappointed with the progress being made.

Soon enough, Alysse had joined us, just in time for the Grand Maester to finish enrolling the paper he was writing before putting it away.




"Tell me children, have you any experience with handling some animals?" He asked. "I plan to make you send some letters through the ravens today. And eventually we will deal with the theory of managing horses and cattle."


LV: 40


ALLEGIANCE: House Lannister, The Iron Throne and the Citadel.

PWR: 23

END: 21

MOB: 20

INT: 40

STL: 30

{Pycelle forged his maester's chain in Oldtown as a young man during the reign of King Maekar I Targeryan. The Grand Maester had always promoted the interests of House Lannister on the Small Council since then. He bends the vows of his order to suit his needs, indulging the needs of the flesh and dabbling in poisons and politics with a skill few Maesters dared approach. He enjoys sweetened iced milk and finds Durrandon a worthy successor to Tywin's legacy.}

The maester then spent the next two hours explaining to us the basics of what animals eat and how they were used for either labor or farming, how wild ones were tamed and trained, and listed a few exotic species recorded throughout the known world.

Pycelle insisted that we were making progress, especially to me, stating things like: "You are learning this faster than most Maesters I know do!"

And after a few hours of his lecture, I've finally gained and leveled up a new skill.




{ANIMAL TAMING Lv-2 (37%)}


"Not even the acolytes living in the Citadel are as quick learners as you two." Pycelle said, sounding impressed and proud of his disciples.

Interesting enough, I was the one actually teaching Alysse.

{TEACH Lv- 4 (15%)}


Not that Pycelle was unwilling to do so, but in reality, since I was the only one with cheating gaming mechanics, Alysse wasn't benefited by the same amount of broken buffs.

Besides, it was the perfect opportunity to raise my TEACHING skill, which I'm sure would prove to be another HAX ability up my sleeve.

Regardless, I just nodded as I closed the book. "Thank you Grand Maester."

Alysse did the same, winking at me as we left the Grand Maester's office.

"Have you come up with another song?" She finally asked once we began walking through the corridors of the Red Keep.

"As a matter of fact, yes." I replied confidently. "Wanna hear it?"

She smiled and nodded as I began walking her towards my personal chamber.


I began to slowly play the notes of my lute, immediately impacting Alysse with the melodiousness of my song, before finally intoning the lyrics of a special song from my previous life.

"These scars long have yearned for your tender caress. To bind our fortunes, damn what the stars own. Rend my heart open, then your love profess… awinding, weaving fate to which we both atone." I watched as my childhood friend placed her hands over her heart, visibly moved by my voice. "You flee my dream come the morning. Your scent - berries tart, lilac sweet. To dream of golden strands cascading down, shining moon of blue eyes, glistening as you weep."

I allowed the melody of my lute to linger for a moment, this was one of my attempts of channeling my Magic outside of my body, before finally continuing to sing the lyrics.

"The falcon I will follow into the moonlight, to find your heart, its passion displaced. By ire ever growing, hardening into stone. Amidst the cold to hold you in a heated embrace." Striking the perfect balance of melody with both my voice and instrument, I closed my eyes and continued. "You flee my dream come the morning. Your scent - berries tart, lilac sweet. To dream of golden strands cascading down, shining moon of blue eyes, glistening as you weep."

Alysse remained silent, unmoving to be more precise, as I connected with the final segment of my song.

"I know not if fate would have us live as one. Or if by love's blind chance we've been bound. The wish I whispered when it all began. Did it forge a love you might never have found?" At that moment, I could finally feel that I was about to make another breakthrough similar to my discovery of my reserves of Ki, so I intensified my effort by playing the chorus for the last time. "You flee my dream come the morning. Your scent - berries tart, lilac sweet. To dream of golden strands cascading down, shining moon of blue eyes, glistening as you weep."

As I heard the familiar sound of "Ping" from my Game System, I was momentarily surprised by being reminded of Alysse's presence as she began a round of applause whilst sharing an actual tear of emotion.

How sweet.

"It was so beautiful, Don!" She complimented truthfully before wiping the tear off her cheek. "I've never heard anything like it!"

Still not that used to actually being praised by anything I did, much less by a cute girl, I struggled a little in finding the appropriate words to reply, thankfully my Player's Mind covered up for me like always.

"I'm so glad you enjoyed it." I gave her one of my best smiles, which apparently was enough to make her blush. "There are a few notes I still need to get right, and some rhymes that aren't working as well as I would've liked, but I guess it's nothing that can't be fixed with enough practice. Do you mind helping me out with it?"

"Not at all." She replied with an expression that showed she was distracted by something.

This "something" is very likely to be me.

As much as I enjoyed having this cute little girl melting over me, she was a little too young for me to see her as anything as my dear childhood friend, so I woke her up from her daydreaming trance.

I cleared my throat. "Thanks again. So, see you later?"

Alysse nodded with a blush.

Poor girl, I believe she already has a crush on me.

She certainly isn't bad looking either.

But anyway… where was I?

Oh, yes! The new notification!





*Whether scholar, skald, or scoundrel, a bard weaves magic through words and music to inspire allies, demoralize foes, manipulate minds, create illusions, and even heal wounds. The bard is a master of song, speech, and the magic they contain.

*True bards are not common in the world. Not every minstrel singing in a tavern or jester cavorting in a royal court is a bard. Discovering the magic hidden in music requires hard study and some measure of natural talent that most troubadours and jongleurs lack. It can be hard to spot the difference between these performers and true bards, though.


*You can inspire others through stirring words or music, and even use soothing music or oration to help revitalize your wounded allies during a short rest.

'Oh yeah, baby! Who's ready to toss a coin for your Witcher?' I mentally cheered.

Don't get me wrong, this time it wasn't a pure stroke of luck that gave me another title.

Been meaning to become a Bard ever since I've noticed the pattern on my titles being mere classic classes of regular RPG games.

Combining Maester's vast knowledge over lores with the eloquent expression of an actual artist finally paid dividends.

And that's just the first level of this title.

Gotta find a way of properly practicing my songs before as many people as I can, since it might be the special ingredient that was missing from my long sessions of grinding.


Days later.

I opened my eyes once again at my bedchamber, finishing my Meditation session before standing up.


Smiling as I pushed the notification window to the side, I got on my feet.

Yesterday I spent the day shoved into the Maester's office dealing with his ravens.

I was actually enjoying dealing with animals until me and Alysse realised that the day was already over.

So, I quickly freshened up and changed into a new set of clothes.

Once I was ready, I looked at the stray cat that I've managed to tame and spoke to her. "Bye bye girl, I'll be back later again."

"Meow!" My cat replied as it wagged its tail, making clearly the day hadn't started for her yet.

As I quickly walked through the Red Keep into the courtyard, I met the master-at-arms, the one charged with training the castle garrison, Aron Santagar, and had him aid me with my daily exercises since Barristan was currently busy guarding my father right now.

After an hour of running around with heavy armor and equipment, practicing a few moves on the dummies and watching my footwork while subtly raging and spending some Ki here and there, I returned to my chamber to find a still sleeping stray cat.

Tucking it before cleaning myself, I quickly made my way through the castle to have my breakfast.

I had a busy day before me, constantly learning about how to tame animals with Alysse and receiving some instructions on the basics of how to handle a shield in the training ground again, but it wasn't anything unbearable to me, as I pretty much enjoyed raising my stats this way.

However, I now believed that simple training wasn't giving as much XP as it used to.

Which would've been even worse had I not gotten my hands on the Prodigy Perk.

Calling for my status screen, I confirmed my suspicion.


TITLE: Durrandon Baratheon (Sorcerer-Lv3/ Barbarian-Lv3/ Monk-Lv3/ Bard-Lv1)

Level: 7 (38%)

HP: 70/70

SP: 70/70

MP: 7/7*






ALLEGIANCE: The Iron Throne

PWR: <15>

END: <17>

MOB: <17>

INT: <18>

STL: <17>

DEF: 0


SKILLS: ~open list~

PERKS: ~open list~

FEATURES: ~open list~

TRAITS: ~open list~

TIME PLAYED: 5 years


($) {MARKET}


I was still amazed, regardless of the growing difficulty to improve, at how far I've come.

"Grr." The small kitten sitting over my bed announced its boredom for me to hear it, almost like ordering me to play with it.

I certainly needed to train it better.

I mean, it certainly isn't a familiar that I could mentally communicate with or summon from far away, but this little cat wasn't a push over either.

It's laziness might be due to the constant activity I've been ordering it to accomplish.

Catching doves and rats while also helping me find more stray cats was definitely a feather in its cap.

Oh, and she even brought me back the Lion toy I lost after experiencing Rage for the first time.


{Lv- 3}

Before I could find something to do, an older woman with blonde stringy hair and a thin form entered my chamber carrying a basket with clothes and fruits.

She bowed respectfully and began working in silence.


{Lv- 18}

Seeing her title, I began to ponder.

The average worker here seemed to have a level somewhere around 14 or so, but I've also seen several influential figures, clearly around the same age as the workers, if not younger, having their levels around 25.

Why was it so?

Perhaps they simply had received better training and were lectured and trained by someone like a Maester or a Knight.


It was so broken that I was able to increase my intelligence just by logically thinking.

Most normal people could do it, but they didn't possess my broken System that made it a quantifiable statistical number that only kept stacking.

Don't get me wrong, just like always, I wasn't complaining.

Quite the contrary, I was really thankful for that.

But I was just stating the obvious, the higher the level of my stats, the harder it was to level it up.

My current working theory was that from 1 to 10 on any stat was considered "below average", more akin to children and elderly people.

From 11 to 20, it was probably regarded as "average", or what the peasant equivalent was supposed to be.

Perhaps 21-30 would finally be where the "above average" found themselves in.

I knew father was what the talented and skilled were supposed to be, given that both Pycelle and Barristan were on the same level despite specing into different builds.

As I walked around and reached the training grounds again, I saw that Ser Barristan was there waiting to train me in the art of the sword.

Just as he has lately been teaching me the various movements I would need to perfect for when I entered a real battlefield.


{Lv- 40}

As I approached him, the Kingsguard finally noticed me and turned to greet me with a respectful bow. "My prince, are you ready to start today's lesson?"

I simply nodded and replied. "Apologies for my lateness, I was tending to some matters, it won't happen again."

"Not a problem my prince, I know you are very busy as well. I must confess my admiration for your disposition to offer help around the castle, especially at such a young age." Barristan pointed out while complimenting me.

I nodded before taking off my small cloak and changed into my personal training armour that suited my still small body, which appeared to be two years older than it actually was.

Picking up the wooden sword from its rack and giving it a few practice swings and twirls, I quickly got reacquainted to its weight and quickly joined my tutor.



I smiled at that. 'A great experience gaining buff to stack alongside my meals, just like with Pycelle this might help me become a master of everything by the time the books take place.'

Closing the window while quickly taking my place nearby Barristan, I motioned myself to show that I was ready.

"Alright, I need you to practise your swings again, should master the basics before anything else. Even a skilled master requires to constantly hone the fundamentals." Barristan took a step back. "So show me your stance and handling of the weapon."

After nodding I raised the wooden sword up and brought it down in a controlled swing.

And soon I quickly fell into a rhythmic movement.

Swiftly completing a hundred swings without being corrected until the Lord Commander spoke again. "Well done, that certainly will do. Time for us to spar. As always, please, focus more on dealing with my strikes and taking advantage of any openings I might show you."

"Understood!" I replied as I spun my practice sword before getting a good grip on it.

"Then let us begin." Barristan announced before charging at me with some semblance of seriousness.

Barristan swung at my neck only to be blocked and knocked to the side by my weapon.

Make no mistake, Barristan was holding himself against me, as I stood now I could barely compete with a skilled squire, forget about standing a chance against the legendary Kingsguard before me.

But even so, I still haven't reached my fifth name day and had pretty much mastered the basics.

Barristan then pushed forward as he trusted with his blade, trying to get to my stomach.

Seeing the blade coming and combining both effective dodge with my Ki-fueled Patient Defense and a well timed parry to the side, I avoided the strike before launching myself to slash at my mentor with my Ki-fueled Flurry of Blows, barely chipping his left shoulder.

And I was actually aiming at his chest.

"Enough!" Barristan suddenly called out causing the match to stop.

We both lowered our blades and bowed in respect to one another. "That was brilliant my Prince, quick and effective. Although…" He stopped for a moment, feeling a little awkward at criticizing me.

"Go on." I nodded for him to continue.

"…next time, I would recommend you to not lean too much into the attack, your thrusts are only as powerful as the drawback. If your opponent is faster than you, you will be extremely vulnerable. Now, let's do this one more time."

I just nodded and tried to not forget my mentor's advice.

Reading my blade in front of me, gripping it with both hands since the handle was long enough, I glared at my sparring opponent, looking for any indication of what he would do.

If he moved his right leg I would expect that Barristan was going to charge me again.

If he moved his left leg that would most likely mean that he would try to run around and swing at my side.

Which was exactly what he did.

The Knight swung and I raised my sword to block just in time.

But I had to grunt as I felt Barristan half-swording and pushing his sword down on me.

My regular stat simply couldn't compete with his, so I decided to quickly twist my blade in hopes to disengage from the clash.

Barristan however didn't let me go far.

He swung his sword down again, nearly hitting my shoulder.

I was lucky enough to avoid the attack as I twisted to the side at the last moment, then immediately spun to the side as I raised my sword up, but the attack still lacked sufficient speed, allowing Barristan to easily block and push me back again.

I was panting now, I could feel my Stamina bar lowering past its half.

Narrowing my eyes at Barristan, I saw that the Knight looked calm, if not a little impressed, while standing still.

But then, as I activated my Rage (which currently multiplied my Power and Endurance stats by 1.5x) and used another Ki point to activate my Step of the Wind, both combatants moved at the same time.

We clashed again, this time I kicked my opponent first.

The kick struck him a bit, but being much stronger and heavier he still managed to stay on his feet and recover without much effort.

Barristan then decided to test my stamina and began swinging at me again and again, forcing me to do nothing else but to deflect his strikes.

Deciding not to drain too much of my SP in attempts of dodging the attacks and risking exposing myself, I just braced myself against the onslaught of attacks with the extra might that my Rage gave me.

Barristan was much faster than me, but he was clearly holding back, and I knew full well the Kingsguard wanted me to take advantage of that.

I swung my sword upwards, intending to counter my opponent's strike, but both weapons collided with such force that the moment the wooden blades made contact, they cracked, allowing some splinters to fall.

Barristan's eyes widened in surprise, he didn't notice he was getting serious and hesitated for a second.

Ignoring my shaking body, I knew this was the perfect time to risk it all before I felt the drawbacks of ending my controlled frenzy.

As the Grand Commander stayed frozen in shock for no less than a second, I charged forward, sliding under his legs before immediately kicking behind his knee.

Taking advantage of my kneeled opponent, I pressed my cracked wooden blade at Barristan's neck and ordered. "Yield!"


'Not now!' I mentally dismissed it.

The Kingsguard blinked once or twice, even more surprised than before. "How d... how did you do that? Excellent thinking!... Ah yes, I yield, my prince!"

Months training my ass off nearly everyday for what was to come had brought me this.

"What have they been feeding you? You've not only grown taller since I first accepted to train you, but your strength, speed and skill… to be honest, at your age I would stand no chance of beating you in combat."

"I've had a wonderful teacher… and constant hard work." I replied. "Which is about to get even harder." I concluded with a rare grin on my face.

"Harder?" He asked, mimicking my smile before nodding, clearly proud of me. "Of course."

As we walked around the training field, Barristan resumed his role as my tutor and said.

"Alright, you have great upper body strength and your core isn't bad either. Your legs show great coordination but you need to strengthen them to carry you through a longer day of walk while also having to fight." The Knight complimented me, smiling.

Simply sheathing my training weapon, I bowed respectfully. "I appreciate your compliment and I will definitely take your advice to heart. But in all honesty, just to make it clear, you would have knocked me to the ground if we were fighting for real."

The Knight grinned. "You might be right, but I would be lying to say that you didn't push me a little with that stunt of yours. I've only seen something similar with the swordsmen of Braavos."

I nodded, acknowledging the efficiency of the Bravossi water style dance. "All thanks to you. You've helped me to master the basics."

Barristan chuckled before revealing something he had been thinking for quite a while. "I can't believe that you've actually reached the point that I can confidently have you as my squire now. Most promising lads I've known only became squires around their ninth or tenth name day."

"Well, I did beat the record for becoming one of the youngest pages in history, didn't I?" I mentioned as a way of explaining that he should hold me in a higher regard than regular people.

"Yes you did." Barristan nodded with a smile, giving me a gentle pat that was more appropriate for a proud father to give towards his dear son.

The Lord Commander suddenly got a melancholic expression then dismissed me, but not before reminding me to work on my stamina.

Must have reminded him of Rhaeger, or something like it.

Poor man.

Not much I can do besides continuing to make him proud, I guess.

So I quickly walked back to the Red Keep for my supper.

It was an hour later when I was finally allowed to return to my room.

Quickly passing by the kitchen and sneakily grabbing a piece of fish for Shadow, I soon arrived at my bedchamber and closed the door behind him.

Shadow was still sleeping on his bed, so I sat down at my desk and checked my status window.





*Fighters share an unparalleled mastery with weapons and armor, and a thorough knowledge of the skills of combat. They are well acquainted with death, both meeting it out and staring it definitely in the face.

*Not every member of the city watch, the village militia, or the King's army is a Fighter. Most of these troops are relatively untrained soldiers with only the most basic combat knowledge. Veteran soldiers, military officers, trained bodyguards, dedicated knights, and similar figures are Fighters.


*You can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment, fighting twice as fast.

But if speed is not what you need, you also have an additional, yet limited, well of stamina that you can draw on to recover your breath much faster than you normally would. You must finish a Short Rest before you can use it again.

'Wait a minute?' I suddenly realized. 'If I combined my Rage with this Action Surge, wouldn't I just be a walking blender? Hitting twice as hard and twice as fast with extraordinary reserves of health and stamina. Awesome! Bring it on!'

After being satisfied with my progress and writing some of the stories and songs from my previous life, I got up from my chair.

But the noise I made was enough to startle my cat.

"Calm down girl, it's just me." I said to calm the kitty down, feeding it the fish I brought before laying down on my bed.

I then remembered.

"Spells!" I've been trying to figure it out for the past years, but I still didn't know any.

Would I need to wait until that meteor brought magic back to the world? Or should I venture into the ruins of Valyria to find some long forgotten spell book?

I continued to ponder until I recalled another one of the notifications I got previously.

Slowly, I scrolled down the available perk list, looking at everything new featured on it.

'Hum, Inventory!'




*You may summon a window that grants you the ability to store items like clothes, weapons and other equipment in it.

'Only three perk points for my portable pocket dimension?! That's a steal!' I thought with a big smile.

After buying the perk, I then summoned my Inventory.

A white box opened out of thin air.

It was plain with dozens of little boxes on the screen, looking like a shelf with nothing put on it.

Looking around for something to store, I quickly found the Iron Dagger I've earned in the quest for my first lesson with Ser Barristan.

Picking up the weapon and turning to the white box, I quickly pushed the item forward, the white screen rippled like the surface of water and then I felt the object being pulled inside.

The dagger disappeared from my hand and reappeared on one of the box shelves.

It looked like an 8bit classic RPG game representation of the object.

Putting my finger on the icon of the dagger and pressing my hand forward, I saw my hand entering the screen.

I wiggled my fingers and suddenly they brushed against the surface of the weapon I had just put into it.

Proceeding to grab the small item and pull it out, I got my iron dagger back.

After inspecting it thoroughly, I found the weapon was exactly like before.

That made me excited, this right now meant I could carry how many items I wanted and not worry about a thing.

I could put anything of value in here and no one would know or be able to steal it from me.

After all, several servants entered my room constantly whether it be to change my sheets or to clean up the place.

Especially weapons a kid had no business owning, much less hiding in his personal chamber.

Which also meant that I could finally buy something from the Market I've unlocked after completing my Tutorial Quest.

Curiously, I already knew my Nexus Coins had their own section before buying the perk, but never knew if it would function for other means of currency.

Much less regular equipment.

Both Weapons and Armor did boost my Power and Defense stats, but the objects never had a proper place to store.

I wonder what exact type of INVENTORY I have gained.

Was it limited in any way by either quantity or weight limits?

If not, I could carry around an army's worth of equipment without problem.

A bit of a stretch, but the SYSTEM doesn't seem worried about making me OP anyway.

Heh, I could literally store a volley of arrows by shaping it like a shield or a wall, and it might seem like magic to those unable to see it like I did.

But first things first…

Since I'm not willing to spend it on stuff that can quite literally be scattered around, or regular armor and weapons for that reason, I was very interested in taking some Rare materials.

{RARE MATERIALS (Cost: 100-500 Nexus Coin)}











The cheapest ones were the Ironwood Seed and Goldenheart Seed costing 100 Nexus Coins each, followed by Dragonglass Large Chest and Weirwood Seed at 150.

In all honesty, I wasn't willing to wait for these seeds to grow large enough for me to make use of them.

Dragonglass was really tempting, but the large quantity was just unnecessary at the moment.

Unless it could help me bolster my powers as a Sorcerer from Draconic Bloodline.

But then again, Dragonstone wasn't that far away from the Capital City of Westeros.

Should I risk it?

At 200 Nexus Coins, the Gem/Jewel Small Chest, the Blackstone Block and the Dragonbone Piece.

Basically, either a large quantity of money (which was useless since I was already rich), one of the mysterious black rocks sparsely found throughout the world and a piece of bone I could eventually have access to.

Although, will I be as lucky to slip past Varys' notice like Arya did?

The Runed Bronze Set of Armor and Meteorite Block at 250 Nexus Coins.

Generally, Runes Bronze wouldn't be something appealing for me.

But the prospect of it being compared to a block of Meteorite, which most likely was used to make Dawn (supposedly an equivalent to Valyrian Steel weapons), might point to it being the real deal.

However, the meteorite by itself wasn't that valuable to me, since I lacked the knowledge to make something out of it.

And the most expensive one obviously being the Valyrian Steel Block, at 500 Nexus Coins.

Really really really tempting, but it had the same detriment of the Meteorite block.

Come to think of it, wasn't one of the few blacksmiths capable of reforging Valyrian Steel living in King's Landing?

Would he be willing to take a block of Valyrian Steel and make several weapons out of it for me? Without making troublesome questions?

Not likely.

Geez, let me make my choice already.







Let's see if I made the right choice.

Opening my Inventory window and placing it parallel to the ground, I had a large chest dropping before me.

Like Daenerys, it had many names.

Volcanic glass, Obsidian and Frozen fire among others.

Blades made out of it were sharper than steel but far more brittle.

Used to make glass candles, capable of allowing one to see across mountains, seas and deserts, giving men visions and dreams and communicating with one another half a world apart.

In other words, a magical focus for scrying.

And similar to Valyrian Steel, it was one of the few things said to be capable of harming a White Walker.

However, I was much more open to using Dragon glass on arrows and crossbow bolts and had it provisioned for an entire army than I was with throwing away Valyrian steel.

Placing my hand over the large pile of Dragonglass, I could actually feel a heat emanating from the cold-looking rocks.

Similar to how Daenerys instantly felt some sort of connection with the Dragon eggs gifted to her, I felt an inexplicably familiar feeling coming from this chest of Dragonglass.

I immediately felt the need to meditate nearby.

But before closing my eyes for the next hour, I decided to retrieve the piece of Dragonbone from my Inventory and place it over the pile of Frozen Fire.

At that moment I suddenly got a sensation of lightning racing through me.

The powerful wave of Magic was almost too much for me to handle, so I immediately assumed my meditative posture.

Minutes later, as the power current was dissipated inside my well of inner Magic, I opened my eyes and was greeted with a new window.




*As magic flows through your body, it causes physical Traits of your Dragon ancestors to emerge. Your Stamina bar is doubled in size, and it will continue to grow twice as fast as it did whenever you leveled up.

Additionally, parts of your skin can be voluntarily covered by a thin sheen of dragon-like scales, with the protective capability to aid you absorb magical damage into your own reserves.



'You gotta be kidding me!' I mentally shouted, immediately activating the ability I just got access to.

And just like the text I've read told me, a thin sheen of dragon-like scales popped throughout my body, covering hands, feet, chest, back and a little bit of my face.

They were blue with a tinge of purple, which was a slightly let down, since I sincerely expected to live out my edgy fantasy of being a black and silver dragon.

But regardless of that, they were kind of mesmerizing and alluring.

Believe it or not.

Interestingly, no sign of wings or horns for now.

'With luck they could still be of use once I learned how to craft weapons out of it.' Deactivating the extra layer of defense over my body, I stored the Dragonglass and Dragonbone inside my Inventory. 'Now, let's see what I got from this set of Armor that I've bought.'

Mimicking the actions to retrieve it, I immediately noticed it was much bigger than me.

Using Observe on it, I got nothing more than its name and a confirmation that it was an actual magical item.


{This suit of armor made out of bronze functions by itself as a regular plate armor of forged castle steel thanks to its current runes. Its secondary attribute allows you to manually introduce new Infusions. Consisting of shaped, interlocking metal plates to cover the entire body, the suit included gauntlets, heavy protected boots, a visored helmet, and thick layers of padding underneath the armor. Buckles and straps allow it to distribute the weight over the body of the wearer.}

'Perhaps it would fit better someone of my father's stature.' I sighed in disappointment. 'I guess two out of three was not a bad result. I at least learned of the existence of Infusions.'

Were my thoughts before the set of Segmented Plate Armor made out Bronze carved with strange runes hummed at my touch and I felt a need to meditate nearby it.

One hour later, after concentrating on the set of armor, I was disappointed with a window popping up.


*This item requires a title you do not possess.


*Usually gleaned from the hoards of conquered Monsters or discovered in long-lost vaults. Such items grant capabilities a character could rarely have otherwise, or they complement their owner's capabilities in wondrous ways.

*Some magic items require a creature to form a bond with them before their magical properties can be used. This bond is called attunement, and certain items have a prerequisite for it. If the prerequisite is a title, a creature must be a member of that class to attune to the item. If the prerequisite is to be a Spellcaster, a creature qualifies if it can cast at least one spell by itself, not using a magic item or the like.

*Without becoming attuned to an item that requires attunement, a creature gains only its non magical benefits, unless its description states otherwise. For example, a magic Armor that requires attunement provides the benefits of a normal Armor to a creature not attuned to it, but none of its magical properties.

*Attuning to an item requires a creature to spend a Short Rest focused on only that item while being in physical contact with it (this can't be the same short rest used to learn the item's properties). This focus can take the form of weapon practice (for a weapon), meditation (for a wondrous item), or some other appropriate activity. If the Short Rest is interrupted, the attunement attempt fails. Otherwise, at the end of the Short Rest, the creature gains an intuitive understanding of how to activate any magical properties of the item, including any necessary command words.

*An item can be attuned to only one creature at a time, and a creature can usually be attuned to no more than three magic items at a time. Any attempt to attune to a fourth item has a large chance to fail, regardless if the requirements are met; the creature must end its attunement to an item first to get rid of this penalty. Additionally, a creature can't attune to more than one copy of an item. For example, a creature can't attune to more than one magical ring at a time.

*A creature's attunement to an item ends if the creature no longer satisfies the prerequisites for attunement, if the item has been more than 30 meters away for at least 24 hours, if the creature dies, or if another creature attunes to the item. A creature can also voluntarily end attunement by spending another Short Rest focused on the item, unless the item is Cursed.

*Using a magic item's properties might mean wearing or wielding it. A magic item meant to be worn must be donned in the intended fashion: boots go on the feet, gloves on the hands, hats and helmets on the head, and rings on the finger. Magic armor must be donned, a shield either strapped to the arm or held by the hand, a cloak fastened about the shoulders. A weapon must be held.

*In most cases, a magic item that's meant to be worn can fit a creature regardless of size or build. Many magic garments are made to be easily adjustable, or they magically adjust themselves to the wearer. Rare exceptions exist.

This made me blink several times in confusion.

'Okay, I wasn't expecting that. Magic Item? Attunement?'

Storing it all away, I was satisfied with the purchases that I've made, not willing to risk buying anything else.

Time to pick up the slack with my newest titles.



"Barristan the Bold" they call me to my face.

I know what they say behind my back: Barristan the Old.

That is true, I am getting old, with my hair turning as white as all the winters I have seen.

The older a man grows, the less sleep he needs.

These days I barely sleep at all.

When darkness falls over this strange city, I find myself visited by the faces of the kings I have served.

The faces of those I swore to protect.

The faces of those I failed.

All I ever wanted was to live a life of honor, defending a king worthy of service.

During the War of the Ninepenny Kings, I sought out Maelys the Monstrous, last of the Blackfyre Pretenders, who had started this whole war.

Maelys believed that his Targaryen blood gave him a claim to the Iron Throne. I made sure that his blood claimed nothing more than the dirt around his corpse.

To show his gratitude, the King elevated me to his Kingsguard. It was the proudest moment of my life.

But that king died, and I wasn't with him.

Not that I could have saved him if I had been.

But still, I vowed to do better with his son, young Prince Aerys.

For twenty years, his reign was peaceful and prosperous. Aerys was well-loved by his people and respected by his lords.

But as years went on, Aerys' temper soured.

He became obsessed with dragons and fire, and the swords of the Kingsguard couldn't defend him from the enemies he saw lurking in every shadow.

My king went mad.

But there was hope, his son and heir.

Prince Rhaegar was everything a kingdom could hope for in a ruler, he was strong but gentle, wise and cautious, and a good friend.

No matter the wounds Aerys dug into the realm, we had faith that his son would sew it back together again when he ascended the throne.

Then came Lord Whent's tourney at Harrenhal, the largest ever in Westeros.

I unhorsed every man against me until only Prince Rhaegar remained. We each set our feet in our saddles and lowered our lances and charged, and I fell.

Muddy and bruised, I then watched Rhaegar present Lyanna Stark with the victor's crown of roses, though she was betrothed to Robert Baratheon and Rhaegar himself was married to Elia Martell.

We all know what happened after.

If I had I been a bit quicker with my lance, had I chosen a faster horse, perhaps I could have spared the kingdom from the destruction that came after.

Or if I had thought to warn Brandon Stark against his rashness. He came to King's Landing himself demanding Rhaegar return his sister.

Poor fool.

If he had only known the depth of Aerys' madness, he wouldn't have dared provoke him.

Aerys ordered Brandon imprisoned, while I could do nothing but obey.

When Brandon's father, Lord Rickard Stark, came to King's Landing to beg for his son, Aerys burned him alive, while I could do nothing but watch.

I had sworn a vow to a mad king and was honor-bound to obey him, even at the cost of my soul.

Ravens soon arrived with dark news for the king, the Vale was in open revolt. Demanding Lyanna Stark's return, Robert Baratheon was smashing any army that dared face him.

Eddard Stark, Brandon's younger brother, was marching the whole of the North down the Neck and had taken Catelyn Tully, Brandon's betrothed, for his own, thus winning the support of the Riverlands.

The king sent ravens to Casterly Rock to beg his former Hand, Tywin Lannister, for help, and no ravens returned.

A plan was devised, Prince Rhaegar would personally lead the royal forces, now reinforced with ten thousand Dornishmen, north to face Robert, while the Kingsguard, Lewyn Martell and I, would ride with the prince.

Before we left, the prince confided in me that when he returned from this battle, there would be a great many changes in court.

Despite my vows to the king, I confess I was excited.

On the march to face Robert's army, we were sure we would win. We had superior numbers and we had Prince Rhaegar.

His presence lifted the spirits of our men and he looked every inch the king he was destined to become.

But at the Trident the gods played a cruel joke.

Robert proved the Baratheon words as his army smashed through our lines.

Lewyn Martell was killed, I fell in combat badly wounded and could do nothing but watch as Robert's war hammer ended Rhaegar's glorious reign before it began, and the kingdom that would never be washed away down the Trident with his life's blood.

Yet Robert spared me, insisting his personal maester tended to my wounds out of respect.

But respect for what?

A Kingsguard shouldn't survive one king, let alone two, and one who should have been.

All that is left of the great rulers of the past is a single ember, half conceived with the spark of the storm that almost put an end to it.

As the gods are good, I am still young enough to be in the fullness of strength.

So whatever the cost, I will not let this next coming of Rhaegar go out.

This time I will not fail the realm.



The Next day

Whipping the sweat from my brow and concluding my nightly exercise session while standing shirtless and barefoot over the cold stone ground and there it was, the rising sun.

With the double amount of Stamina and the Action Surge feature to help me, much rarer were the times I had to stop myself to take a short rest.

I looked around and spotted one of the books I still hadn't read from my lessons with Pycelle, alongside some of my personal writings, and had an idea I was too lost on my training to come up with.

As I picked the book on the history of the Red Keep to store it in my Inventory, I noticed a piece of golden paper slip out and fall down.

Curious, I stored the book away and looked the piece of paper over.

From what I could see, it was old, very very old.

And it featured a building design of what looked like the castle.

Through it I learned that there was some sort of passage underneath the Red Keep with the entrance located somewhere inside it.

The only clue the map gave me was a sketch of the throne room with a strange symbol in the wall.

I was obviously curious, was this generated by my system?

If so, did the Game just get tired of watching me grinding my ass off every day and night since my birth?

Was it a trap of the Spider? Did he finally manage to uncover my secret?

Hardly, I am always alert in regards to my Mental Map, so I doubt anyone managed to spy on me.

The Red Keep was infamous for having several hidden passages spread throughout its walls.

This map didn't really tell me where the tunnel would lead too, which begged the question, what lied at the end of the tunnel?







Won't lie, I was surprised at the failure option for the quest, death seemed a little excessive for a simple secret passage.

Especially from a SYSTEM that seemed so lenient with me up until this point.

But the high tier loot…

After what I got from my Nexus Market…

That's exactly why I accepted the quest.

From what the map said the entrance was somewhere on the throne room in a less exposed wall.

And so I decided to carry on with the day like I regularly did, spending some extra time with my little half siblings in case I never came back, and waited until the throne room was empty, staying awake in my bedchamber till midnight.

And patiently meditated until the castle had gone deadly silent.

When the shifts of the guards occurred, I wore dark clothes and walked outside, really cursing my lack of commitment to my Stealth stat up until now.

Almost everyone was asleep on this cold night of winter.

If it wasn't for the presence of the guards at the halls I would have thought that I could simply walk carelessly with a candlelight in my hand.

Looking to the ground I saw my trusty Shadow following me.

Reaching out and scratching behind its head I said. "Lucky you with that night vision of yours. My OBSERVE skill and Mental Map perk only mitigates it for me so far."

We walked past the armoury, looking around and quickly spotting a rack of weapons.

I approached them and grabbed all the ranged weapons I could find, more specifically the crossbows since I lacked the appropriate height and arm length to properly draw a proper warbow.

Purring all I could find into my Inventory, I then realised something.

I needed more protection.

Since my set of armor appeared to be a dud for now, there was no way I was going to fight without a pile of Shields to use.

After looking around and finding some heavy yet small shields tucked away in one corner, I continued, walking back to the throne room.

I checked my INVENTORY for anything that I might have missed before stepping forward, walking towards the Throne Room while looking around.

The imposing, and quite honestly ugly, Iron Throne sat on a raised iron dais with high and narrow steps, a long carpet stretched from the throne to the hall's great oak-and-bronze doors.

The cavernous Great Hall could hold a thousand people, being oriented north to south, with high, narrow windows on the eastern and western walls.

Skulls of the Targaryen dragons once adorned the walls, but King Robert I Baratheon had them moved to a cellar and replaced with hunting tapestries at the beginning of his reign.

Located behind the Iron Throne was the King's Door, a private exit.

'Don't tell me this is it?' I sighed, almost disappointed that the map was leading me there.

I couldn't find anywhere else that 'secret entrance' could be hidden, and it was starting to annoy me.

Looking at the map, it said that the entrance should be somewhere right around here, but I couldn't see a damn thing.

Holding the map up and comparing the sketch to the real world, my mental minimap told me the entrance should be somewhere to my right, but it was vague about it, so I used OBSERVE once again.

And then I saw the wall marked as if I was playing one of those old Assassin's Creed games.


Heh. That reminds me of a song about a Secret Tunnel.

Suddenly the wall started to vibrate and the symbol I had been searching for appeared out of nowhere.

Slowly the vibration resulted in the formation of some silhouette resembling a doorway before movement stopped, revealing a newly formed passageway.



A Dungeon!

Good thing I came prepared.

Looking at the window and then at the passageway before me, I turned to face Shadow and said. "Bye girl, go hunt some prey and go back to my room, don't wait for me!"

And so I finally entered the secret passage.

As I walked further into the set of stairs leading down, I saw the passageway in the wall seal back up.

Cracking my knuckles before stepping through the entrance to the dungeon, I calmed my nerves as a sense of adventure took over me.

Smiling while I walked through a set of stairs going down, I told myself. "I need to do this, I want to do this."

This was a crucial step towards conquering everything I desired.

With my dragon scales activated, equipment double checked and Inventory window at ready, I was as ready as I could possibly be.


The set of stairs ended after what appeared to be a descent of multiple stories, and I soon found myself in a tunnel with red brick walls and torches lighting the way inside.

The walls looked old, with cracks in them that were filled with moss or other forms of fungus life.

There were also symbols carved on them, though I couldn't make anything out of them, I could at least find a small similarity between them and the runes carved on the set of bronze armor I bought from the Nexus Market.

Humming to myself as I drew two loaded crossbows from my INVENTORY, one for each hand.

I had to admit, I was getting a bad feeling from this place.

Walking forwards as I looked around the tunnel, I didn't understand how the torches were lighting up by themselves, I just assumed it had to be magic.

Slowly the tunnel started to widen as I found glass pots littered all around me on the walls behind bars of steel.

The pots looked different, some were broken while the others were not, filled instead with a bright green substance.

I approached and looked them over, they appeared to be those used to produce wildfire.

'Well, that's ominous.' I acknowledged with a stoic expression. 'Rather avoiding damaging them'.

Before I could delve farther away, I heard a loud metallic noise coming from the entrance, prompting the entire hallway to shake a little.

Turning my back to investigate it, I was shocked to find my exit blocked by a heavy metal portcullis that had fallen from the roof, similar to the ones that prevented me from safely storing away the few jars of Wildfire not empty or broken.

"Shit!" I cursed, absolutely sure I hadn't stepped on any pressure plate. Sighing while immediately calming myself with Player's Mind, I muttered. "Of course it's a trap. Guess there's only one way to make it back alive."

Continuing to explore further the Dungeon, soon the walls began to change, and I found deeper compartments carved into the walls.

A crypt?


And as I passed by many more graves, I swore that I had seen a few stares at me as I walked away, but that was probably just my imagination playing games with me.

Wait, how dumb am I?

I thought my intelligence was already high enough to prevent me from making such stupid mistakes.

My mental map was already telling me that those were enemies.

I then immediately crouched down in order to improve my chances of sneaking.

Soon, the hallway led to a bigger room with several graves built into the wall, again.

It went up for at least some stories.

*Rumble noises!

I then felt the walls beginning to shake and readied my crossbows as I looked around.

Looking from side to side, I knew this was probably the part where things would probably go terribly wrong.

Suddenly a grave in the wall in front of me exploded forward as a rotten hand reached out, and slowly, a disfigured face pulled itself out of the grave while growling like the stereotypical Walking Dead.

It dropped to the ground, immediately cutting line of sight between us, and slowly got back up.

It turned around and reached into his grave, pulling out what looked like an old rusted iron sword.

The undead turned around while screeching.

It was most likely clad in the moldering apparel it wore when put to rest, carrying the stench of decay to vouch for its existence.

I wasn't hallucinating, the dead were rising, decades earlier than I had anticipated.

But by the time I wrapped my head around that fact, I was already prepared to face this clichê encounter and had positioned myself behind a better cover, hiding from the monster sight.

I looked at its title as it moved with a jerky, uneven gait.


{LV - 10}

POW: 39

MOB: 18

END: 48

INT: 9

DEF: 0

HP: 100

SPEED: 20 ft.





{Undead are once-living creatures that had been animated by spiritual or supernatural forces. Undead are extremely resilient to a number of effects and substances that were extremely harmful to the living. They are immune to all mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects. In addition, it is not possible to drain their life force in any manner.}






*Hey there!

Thanks for reading my work!

I hope this chapter is of your liking.

Any ideas for powers, equipment, girls and anything else that might be a good match with my fic is more than welcomed.

I might not use anything, but you will have my gratitude for trying.

If this chapter is a mess of grammatical errors, please wait until I try to fix it as soon as possible.

But for that I need your feedback.

Thanks as always for your time, hope you have a fantastic day and please stay safe.


Daichi_TBR193 Daichi_TBR193

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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