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20% DC Vengeance Requiem / Chapter 5: chapter 4 [ Edited By new guy ]

Kapitel 5: chapter 4 [ Edited By new guy ]

[Be ready, Rudra. You will be getting all of your powers right now. It will be overwhelming and painful.]

Rudra just stared blankly at the blue screen.

" I am ready, start the procedure. " 

[ As you wish.] 

And with those words, it was like all hell broke loose for Rudra. His nerves felt like they were on fire permanently. His blood felt like magma. His eyes were bloodshot, and it was like they were going to pop out of his skull. He clenched his jaw so hard that you could see every vein and muscle around his face, not only that but his teeth were pushed into his gums. Now if you were to look inside his mouth, you will find out that his teeth and gum were on the same level. His fists were so tightly clenched that the nails cut into the skin of his palm. His skin changed from brown to red because of pain. 

He was bleeding all over the body. His muscles were torn and were healed at the same time. It was like someone was cutting him and then putting him altogether just to cut him again. 

He was feeling every ounce of his body getting destroyed. He was feeling pain beyond pain. 

He also felt his soul get expanded and it hurt more than anything else. The size of his soul was becoming bigger and clearer. And every second of this, he was subjected to the utmost pain. 

But the thing most admirable about all this was that he didn't even let out a single grunt of pain from his mouth. He just kept staring at his Master of Brawling. 

( A/N: Now I don't know if you guys have heard it or not but I have heard that the gum and teeth have a direct relation to the strength exerted by a body. And some of the heavyweight lifters, powerlifters have their teeth less in size than average like their gum and teeth are the same. And I too support this theory because we clench our jaw when we are exerting strength like when we lift 80 kg to 100 kg. )

Rudra: " Tell me again, why did I agree to get all of my powers at this moment instead of slowly trying to integrate them with time which would have been far too would have been far less painful. Also, why is this man, my master? " 

???: quit bickering, boy. It was your power and you were just being foolish with your integration with time move. It would have stunted your growth and instead of making you powerful with time, it would have made you complacent. 

[ Yuujiro is right, Rudra. You have the power so why go for a long route. Use your full power, know your power, get familiar with it, and make it your own. 

And as for why Yuujiro is here. He is here to teach you as he is the best brawler and grappling master. ]

Yes, the man which the Martial Simulator brought was none other than Yuujiro Hanma, The strongest creature alive. 

Yuujiro Hanma was from some other Multiverse but according to the system the overseer/Creator of that universe allows it to borrow Yujiro for some time. 

Yuujiro is an extremely well-built man standing 6'3" and weighing 300 pounds (191 cm and weighing 136 kg). His neck is extremely thick even compared to the rest of the fighters and his legs are extensionally long. Yuujiro had red wavy hair, thick black eyebrows, and red eyes.

Yuujiro is a very cruel and arrogant man. He shows no mercy towards anybody, as he views mercy as a "weak" trait. Yuujiro is also known to be emotionally manipulative - this can be seen in his relationships with his son and his wife Emi Akizawa, whom he killed just to make his son more powerful. He lives only to fight and cause destruction to anything and everything he can. His whole life and mindset are dedicated to nothing but fighting and growing stronger with each person he defeats, sometimes killing them. He tends to kill people if pushed or enraged enough and does not show care or remorse when doing so. He will also kill for pleasure or satisfaction when he feels like it. He has a deep resentment for those who are weak and does not even think it's worth killing them. 

He is a very arrogant man, believing as well as knowing that he is the strongest living creature on Earth, and he feels inclined to do whatever he wants, with no one being able to stop him. He views everyone else as being insects compared to him and sees them as "weak". He believes that everything should be obtained with pure strength alone and therefore does not believe in using weapons.

Rudra: " You know, I didn't mean it that way. I am asking why this man, who is just a psychopath, here. "

[ He is here because he is best at what he does. And I can understand what you mean and believe me, I too don't like this man here. But you have to understand that most of your Masters will be like them. They all are what you would call completely morally corrupt.

And if he is bothering you so much why not kill him and be done with this trial and move to a new one.] 

It was true the system has added a new rule and that is that he has to best his masters in their arts. 

Rudra looked at the man who was smiling at him with a predator-like grin on his face. 

Yuujiro: "Oi brat, don't waste my time, and come with all you got. I haven't had a good meal in quite some time. So, let me devour you."

Yuujiro opened his arms completely wide and hunched his back backward, while his blood-like hair started to float in the air. 

Rudra wasn't able to stand in his presence anymore and ran towards him with all his strength.

He was in front of Yuujiro in an attosecond with his fist cocked backward and ready to turn Yuujiro's head into mincemeat. But then he found himself stopped in his tracks. He saw that Yuujiro was still smiling. He felt pain on his left side, turning his head, he saw that Yuujiro had given him a chop on his left collar bone. 

He then saw that Yuujiro's hand didn't stop there, no, it kept going. It first broke his collarbone and then continues till his ribs. He saw how his flesh was torn by the force of a simple chop. 3 of his ribs too were destroyed and a fountain of blood came out from his wound. 

He looked at Yujiro in utter bewilderment. 

Rudra: " How ?? " 

[ Yeah, host, I forgot to mention that Yujiro also has the same strength, speed, reflex, and durability as you and every other master will have just for the training period. And once you kill them, they will return to their universes. So don't underestimate them. ] 

The system said. 

Rudra had regenerated by that time and looked at Yujiro this time, more seriously and not underestimating his foe. 

He clenched his feast, put his right leg in front of him, kicked the ground with so much strength that it formed a crater of 3 Km. and again in the 10th part of an attosecond he was in front of Yujiro and 


He punched Yuujiro with all his strength, and the wind pressure created by this punch was alone enough to cause damage equal to 2000 K.G. of T.N.T.

His fist was still burning and smoke was coming from it. He looks at Yuujiro who had a bored expression on his face and his hands in his pants pockets. 


Yuujiro yawned and looked at Rudra like he was an insignificant bug and said 

Yuujiro:" Is that all, boy? Even my 2-year old boy Baki has more strength than you. " 

He then grabs Rudra's hand and with that, he slammed him on the ground and did it again, and again. He kept doing it for a long time. 

Every bone in Rudra's body was broken in so many ways that even counting them was impossible. 

Rudra's body was all covered in his blood. 

Yujiro stops for some time and lets Rudra heal. And when he was done regenerating his body. 

Yujiro: " Let me show you, boy, how to throw a punch. " 

And then even before the sound of his words was able to reach Rudra he punched him and Rudra vomited blood and fell to the ground. 

Yujiro: " You fuking weakling, how dare you to judge me for what I do when you can't even land a punch. 

How dare you judge me when you don't even have the strength to back that Judgement. " 

He kept pummeling Rudra. 

And with every punch, he was destroying something in Rudra. 

" You know something, little boy. Once I go out of there I will kill again, and it will be because that you were not able to kill me. All those little weaklings will cower before me and no one will be able to save them. 

And all because of you. Because you were not able to kill me. Because you were too weak, too blinded by your beliefs of not learning from a criminal and monster like me. Because you failed them. " 

With every word, he was throwing a punch, and now the field was red with Rudra's blood. 

' He is right, it is because I am blinded by my own beliefs that people will die.' 

' It is because I am weak. I have so much power, but I don't even know how to use it.' 

' It is because I didn't want to learn. ' 

'It is because I couldn't see. ' 

These were the thoughts that were going in his mind. 

He was so overwhelmed by Yuujiro's strength that he forgot that it was all a simulation and everything here was but a copy of the system. This Yuujiro was not real, and he can't escape. But in his grief, Rudra didn't notice. 

Yuujiro stops and spits on Rudra's face.

Rudra started regenerating and when he was done. He kneeled in front of Yuujiro and said 

" Please, teach me. Teach me how to punch, wow to kick, how to grapple, and most of all teach me how to kill you. " 

Rudra's eyes were red with loathing for himself and his heart, it was hurting. His pride, His beliefs were shattered today, and it hurt. It hurt more than the procedure of gaining his powers. It hurts more than having his soul torn apart and rebuilt. 

He kowtowed in front of Yuujiro. His eyes tearing and tears fell from his eyes. The expression on his face was of extreme rage and his eyes were determined to kill the demon in front of him. 

His arrogance that he accumulated in his 50-year life was snapped like a twig in bare seconds. He vowed to kill. 

Yuujiro looked at Rudra like a king, looking at his pathetic subjects, and started to laugh. 

Yuujiro: " Hahhaahahhahaahhahahhaahaha. What did you say, teach you how to Kill me. Hahahahahahahahaha. 

You are right, perhaps this was the reason that no one was able to defeat me. Good boy, good. I will teach you exactly that. I will teach you how to kill me. " 

Yujiro smiled like a madman at Rudra's request. 


In a ring, which had completely turned red, a man was standing. The man was about 6 ft tall, and he was completely covered in blood. In front of him, you can see a normal-looking office guy wearing a scared expression. 

The 6 ft tall man looked at the office guy and then punched him. The office-looking guy fell into the ring, his jaw broke, and his nose bled. 

The man who was covered in blood said " At last " 

" Yes, At last. " said a man of 6'4 height and with red eyes and hairs standing at the side. This man was Yuujiro. 

Yuujiro: " At long last, you got the hang of your strength. But this is just a very, very little step. 

After all, you don't have talent. It took 100 thousand live copies of normal humans and a whole year for you to get a hang of your strength. By the way, do you like the new expression feature that I asked the voice to add? 

Did you like how they were cowering before you, how they were begging before you killed them? They might be copies and products of the system, but their expression was damn funny. " 

Yuujiro said with a hideous smile on his face. Rudra's blood started boiling. He was not a fan of mindless killing; he knew in a war innocent people are bound to die. That's why he has a principle, that if in order to save 10 innocents you have to kill one? do so; and if in order to save a country you have to sacrifice a state? do so. But Rudra also added a rule to that and that was once the crisis is over, take revenge for the lives he had to take. 

That's why Rudra let the rage rampage within him but on the outside he doesn't show any sign of rage. He didn't give in to the provocations of Yuujiro. He knows he is not skilled enough to kill Yuujiro yet. 

And Yuujiro is tormenting him. For one whole year without any rest, Yuujiro made him kill normal people. Of course, these people were not real but the product of the system, but still the expression and fear that he felt from them were so real. 

The reason for this inhumane exercise was that according to Yuujiro was to get familiar with his strength. And the way that Yujiro conducted this particular exercise was to fight normal people till Rudra can control his power to that of a normal person. 

Yuujiro made him kill without any rest for a whole year. 

Yuujiro: " Looks like you have already learned your first lesson. 

Listen up brat, always keep your goal in your mind. Never lose your calm unless you can afford it and let me tell you it means never. Never lose your calm. 

Grappling and Brawling may seem like they are just use raw strength and are barbaric ways of fighting. They are, but a lot will be going on inside your head when you are fighting. 

It is an art, the world's most beautiful art. "

Rudra kept listening and Yuujiro kept telling him what's the importance of keeping his head cool. 

He explains that Brawling is not much different than any other fighting support out there like them; strategy is a very integral part of Brawling; it is just that Brawling is more brutal and more fun according to him. 

Yuujiro: " Now, watch this closely as I will only be showing you this once. This is the technique that has been integrated in every Human's DNA and even babies can use it. Humans have been using it before they were even evolved from their ancestors. 

This technique is called "Jab." 

Rudra looked at him with an annoyed face. 

Rudra: " Jab? " 

Yujiro: " Yes, a jab. It is more like a reflex to humans, but they don't even know how to properly use this technique. 

So, let me show you what a real jab looks like. " 

And with that Yuujiro's full aura changed. It became heavier and filled with bloodlust. 

Yuujiro set his feet on the ground and they looked like heavy pillars. Then with his enhanced senses, he felt every muscle in Yuujiro's body getting tensed up to its extreme, and then Yuujiro brought his hands in a boxing stance and he saw Yuujiro's right hand stretched outward and


A sonic boom was heard. The force of the jab was immeasurable, and the area was in shambles, it looked like a heavy R.D.X. Bomb was detonated here. 

Yuujiro: " Did you get it, boy. Now show me. " 

Rudra closed his eyes and started to concentrate. His level 12 Intellect was working on full capabilities and in his brain, he was playing that scene again and again. He was observing how Yuujiro's muscles reacted and morphed. 

Rudra opened his eyes and the same pressure that Yuujiro was exerting moments ago, started to come from Rudra. His muscles from legs to hips started to morphed exactly like Yuujiro. He then threw a jab that produced a sonic boom. 

Yuujiro: " Hahahahahaha GOOD, Very Good. You have the talent to become a meal at the very least. Now let me show you how to hit someone with a jab. " 

And with that Yuujiro snapped his fingers, and some people came into existence, after which Yuujiro looked at Rudra, smiled and started to demonstrate his techniques on the people. He started to make a mess of their corpses.

Rudra turned his heart into stone and went through it because the system had given the monster the same powers as him. He stopped his hearing and solely focused on learning the skills that Yuujiro was demonstrating. 

He saw how he was changing only his stances, yet the power behind each blow was changing and becoming more deadly. 

Yuujiro demonstrated various kinds of jabs and hooks to him and the correct way to use them. Rudra's understanding was improving with each move. 

Yuujiro grinned and kept showing him different moves. 

And 3 years passed in this manner. Yuujiro would show some techniques and Rudra would practice them.  

Yuujiro had demonstrated every technique, every move to his disciple. And his disciple took the information like a fish in water, Rudra got everything right the first time. 

Yuujiro: " And this was the technique that my old man created, Guise. " 

Rudra: " Now, what?? " 

Yuujiro: " Now, you will gain experience in combat. "


Yuujiro snaped his fingers and the whole area changed to the battlefield. 

And on this battlefield, there were guns, bombs, soldiers, mindless beasts, superhuman martial artists, and all of them was looking at one person like he was aprey. 

Rudra took a stance and all hell broke loose. 

The battle did not stop for 10 years. Not even for a second, and Rudra keeped fighting, tearing apart his enemies without any rest.

 And during the whole battle, Rudra's expression didn't change even a little bit. 

And at last when Rudra killed every last one of those combatants. 

*Clap* *clap*

Yuujiro: " Subarashi. "

Yuujiro: " Looks like the powerless have become powerful. Now, you are ripe for devouring. I have waited for a long time, let's eat! " 

And with that Yuujiro takes his stance. 

Rudra kicked the ground and cocked his left fist and was ready to punch Yujiro and from the corner, he saw Yuujiro ready to intercept that punch but Rudra was waiting for this as the punch was just a feint, the real move was something else, It was a kick to the nuts.

A kick that Yuujiro never expected because throughout the battle Rudra always opens a fight with a left hook. The kick was so powerful that it brought Yuujiro to his knees. This was something unexpected, he never expected such an underhand move from Rudra whose fighting style has always been that of a Righteous fool. 

But before Yuujiro could even handle himself


An unbearable pain was felt throughout his body, he used every muscle in his body to subdue the pain. The veins were seen popping out throughout his body. 

This was not an ordinary slap, It was the fuckin Benda, a technique in which the user's body becomes like water and the user uses his hands like a whip, and if the slap produced from this technique didn't defeat your opponent, the pain afterward will. 

Yuujiro looked upward and saw Rudra flying, looking down on him with glowing red eyes. 

Rudra: " Thank you for everything. " And with that Rudra fires a laser at him, which digging through Yuujiro's skull like a hot knife cutting butter. 

Yuujiro became ash and Rudra looked at him and say 

" Thank you, system. "

[Thank you? But why host?]

Rudra: " Because it was you who showed me how wrong I was, how rigid I was in my ways. Because you help me realize what justice is and that this responsibility that I have is not some dick-measuring contest. I must use everything: cunning, betrayal, wisdom, and everything I have to bring forth justice. So, I thank you. "

Why did Rudra say this? Well, it was because it was true. At first, Rudra was so rigid and so righteous in the ways that when he first saw Yuujiro, who had a large number of sins, he lost it. He forgot that this was not real Yuujiro but just a copy of him, he forgot that he has so many tools at his disposal due to his wishes, and all Yuujiro got was just his speed, strength, durability, and enhanced senses. And what did he do? He refused to learn under him and question everything. He instead of using his fire or any other ability, started to fight Yuujiro with his bare hands. 

He recognized his mistakes and didn't want to repeat them. He left his righteousness behind and took shelter in the lap of cunning. The only reason he even used some of the melee moves was because of his bit pride that was not shattered by Yuujiro. 

 [I am happy that you correct your misgivings Rudra. I am sorry that I have to use such underhand means but a lot rest on your shoulders.] 

Rudra: " I know. Let's not waste time. Bring me the next one. "


And with that, an old man of average height at age 70 with black hair and his sides beginning to whiten with age appears in front of Rudra. 

This man's Name was Gouki Shibukawa. The Grand Master of Aiki. He was a ruthless fighter in the past. He was full of bloodlust and even joined world war 2 just for fun and became one of the most feared assassins. 

Shirakawa looked at Rudra and eyed him from top to bottom. 

" Quite the muscles you have, Young man. " Gouki said and started to walk toward Rudra. 

Gouki: " Want to shake hands with this old man? " Gouki said with a polite smile on his face. 

Rudra looked at him and didn't feel a single ounce of malice coming from him. He moved his hand forward and the moment their hands met Rudra felt immeasurable pressure at every point on his body. 

His legs gave up instantly, looking up he saw Gouki Shibukawa smiling at him. Shibukawa released his hand. 

Rudra: " What…was that? " 

Shibukawa: " That young man is Aiki at its best, beautiful isn't it?  Want to learn? I can teach. " 

Rudra stands up and bows to Shibukawa. 

Rudra: " Please teach me, sir. " 


Shibukawa: " Aiki is a Japanese martial arts principle or tactic in which the defender blends (without clashing) with the attacker, then goes on to dominate the assailant through the strength of their application of internal dynamics or Ki energy to affect techniques.

Blending with an attacker's movements allows the Aiki practitioner to control the actions of the attacker with minimal effort. One applies Aiki by understanding the rhythm and intent of the attacker to find the optimal position and timing to apply a counter-technique. " Shibukawa explaind to Rudra in what feels like a Japanese garden. 

Rudra: " So basically, we are just diverting the attack back to our opponent with our power mix in the attack." 

Shibukawa: " Basically? yes. We are doing exactly that, no matter how powerful your opponent's attack is, you will always be more powerful. The stronger the opponent, the stronger your counterattack. 

So, we the Aiki masters are immune to our opponent's strikes. " 

Rudra at that moment understood how Batman was able to beat people like killer croc. He was using a martial art similar to Aiki. 

And with this for 20 years Rudra sharpened his Aiki. And in the end, he defeated Shibukawa. 


Rudra: " who is next. " 

[Next is a man who gave a new definition to Karate. I knew that you already knew karate and judo but believe me you will learn a lot from him. 

His name is Doppo Orochi.]

And with that in front of Rudra a bald man of above-average height, muscular bulky build, and two noticeable scars on his face one on his right cheek and the other on his left near his head and ear, a man wearing a simple eyepatch on his right eye appeared. 

This man is Doppo Orochi, a level 10 dan karate fighter. A man who slew a hungry tiger with only his hands.

Doppo: " So you are the boy who wants to learn? " 

Rudra: " Yes." 

Doppo: " I have heard that you have already learned Karate and practiced it to a satisfactory level already. Is that true? " 

Rudra: " Yes. " 

Doppo: "Then you don't need to learn. You need the experience to apply karate in different ways. Come at me boy. " 

And for 50 years straight Rudra fought Doppo. 

The reason he was taking so much time to learn the techniques was that although he was able to learn moves instantly with his intellect, the application of those moves can only be learned through experience, not by seeing. 

After that Rudra learned Chinese Kenpo for 100 years from Kaku Kaiyo. 

He learned Ki harnessing from an old perverted man named Master Roshi for 500 years.

After that for 1000 years, he learned Hakkai from a blue angel named Whis.

Hakkai was his power from the divinity of destruction. 

He learned Gun Fu from none other than JOHN FUCKIN WICK for 2 years. 

But the biggest shock was when he learned the way of the sword from a loser. 

Rudra: " System, I understand that whatever you do or whoever you summon, there is a reason. Please explain to me the reason you summon this man, who is known as the loser throughout history to teach me the way of the sword. " 

In front of Rudra was a tall old man with silver hair and wrinkled skin. He wears a yellow kimono which has a purple flower design on it. He was also wearing black hair and a red and orange cape with a flower design.

This man was Sasaki Kujiro. The man who never wins a match in history and the end died at the hand of Miyamoto Musashi. 

[ The man in front of your host is no ordinary person. Even in his death this man never keeps polishing his sword skills. 

Yes, he lost every single match he fought. But in reality, this man possesses a special kind of training method known as image scan. He fought with every swordsman he met only one time and that was to see their techniques and then he defeated them in his mind. 

This man is a character that demands respect without even asking. 

And he is a man, who when won the first time, won against the most dangerous god and slew him. 

This man is Sasaki Kojiro. ] 

(A/n: He is from the record of Ragnarok) 

After that, he learned magic from Solomon himself. Who once again shatters his every belief in magic. 

Solomon gave Rudra access to his spell library. And Rudra chose the most deadly ones to practice. Rudra practiced those spells for a year and was defeated by Solomon who only used a mere laughter spell. 

After that Solomon taught Rudra every magic he knew and how to become an effective battlemage. 

However, the most useful of all those mage types was magic Engineering. 

It was a mix of techno-magic and mysticism. 

And with this Rudra was now ready. 

A/n: longest chapter written by me. So now you knew who trained our mc. I was going to add more details but my grandpa's cremation ceremony was in this week and I just got depressed. So I didn't add Solomon and other training he did. Hope you liked it.

also, those who want to support me can donate here


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I will release The healing fire and MHA fic there tomorrow. also on Wednesday, the next chapter of this fic will be release there with my other fics.

Also Gotham Here I came and I am going to go batshit crazy.

don't forget to donate powerstone.

Edgelord666 Edgelord666

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