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57.14% The Tales of a Gamer / Chapter 4: Chapter 3

Kapitel 4: Chapter 3

In this world, humans had proper information regarding each pantheon. Especially their legends. All pantheons did this for one reason. The people's beliefs. Their beliefs gave the gods their divinity. So although the supernatural is hidden from them, religion is still a major power in the world.

In this supernatural world where all pantheons existed, Biblical Mythology is the most prominent without a doubt. But many millennia ago, Lucifer and his other fellow devils plotted to take over human civilisation and rule them. This plan was eventually thwarted by the biblical god. A Great War took place between the devils, angels and the fallen angels. This war went on for countless years until the leaders started to fall. With the deaths of their leaders, many lost their will to fight. At some point all 3 factions had lost too much, this was especially true for the devils. Hence they all signed an armistice.

With the fall of old leaders amongst the devils came the emergence of new leaders. These new leaders had strength on par with their old leaders. But that didn't mean everyone wanted to follow them. This led to civil wars, but the new leaders' factions were able to thwart them and prove their strength. Now the devils didn't desire to fight again since they had lost too much.

But many survivors strayed from their factions. Countless of them tried to hide amongst the humans and they were successful. But then these strays started to harm innocent humans due to their narcissistic views and lust for violence that came from surviving the wars. The devils and the fallen angel faction suffered from this the most.

While the leaders wanted to help, their factions were in shambles as it was. So they were too busy rebuilding, to address this issue. At this point, the ones who stood up to fight were the humans themselves. The angel faction decided to help with this issue. From here, exorcists emerged much stronger than ever.

But eventually, politics caught up with the church and they also became corrupt. This led a to change in the exorcists of the church who believed all devils didn't deserve a place in the world. Many other exorcists didn't become fanatics and fought back. But even to this day, there is a silent Cold War between them. Hence they forgot their true purpose in the process. Yes, they still hunt the strays but they stuck to hunting within their territories.

This also led to many humans losing their lives not knowing why this happened to them. Even in this modern age, this issue is still a problem. That was until an incident happened in Japan.

An orphanage was attacked by a stray devil. In a few incidents, help couldn't arrive on time and all the children were slaughtered and eaten. All but one seemed to have escaped into the jungle. The devil also went after him, wanting to eat him as well. But no one emerged from that forest. When the help had arrived from one of the 5 principle clans in Japan, they saw that the devil was cut in half.

That incident didn't cause that much of a stir in the supernatural society, but what came after that night piqued their interest.

Most strays wanted to find a territory where other religions weren't that prominent. But most of the world was under a specific faction except for Japan. Japan was still under the Shinto gods but they didn't involve themselves with the world as much as others and blessed their believers to take care of it. Youkais were also a major faction in Japan but they mostly restricted themselves near Kyoto and they also had their problems. Due to this Japan was an excellent place for the strays to hide themselves and continue causing problems there.

That was until that orphanage incident took place. No one knew who was doing this but after that night, the location of many strays was found and they were killed indiscriminately. Town after town then big cities. Essentially there was a hunter that was chasing all those strays and decimating them.

These incidents caused interest to spark in the factions, especially the biblical faction. Many spies were sent to search for this "Hunter". It took them 4 years but they were able to find him and when they did they were thoroughly surprised. He had short glossy black hair deep blue eyes and handsome features. But it was surprising to them that he was a 9-year-old kid.

The spies wanted to approach him to recruit him into their factions but they waited in the shadows to find more information about him. When they saw his battle prowess they were astounded with the skills the boy possessed at such a young age. But something about him terrified them. After each battle, he always looked towards the direction of where the spies were hiding. That meant he knew about the spies. At this point, the decisions were left to the higher-ups regarding how to handle this case.

Many leaders chose to stay silent. Some of them, like the 5 principle clans, sent their subordinates asking about his intentions. They were surprised that the kids interacted with them. They found out that he was just there to "slay these monsters causing harm to humans". The clans asked if he would take some contracts/jobs from them. He accepted it saying that he would decide based on the mission and the reward he wanted was not money but information regarding the supernatural and also some skills and techniques related to martial arts and magic. While this was a surprise, they hesitantly agreed to it. He started accepting reasonable missions and he completed them flawlessly.

While they didn't know where he came from, they were glad that he wasn't an enemy.

(Rengoku's POV)

Foreknowledge is bullshit. That is the first thing I learned about this world. I'm not talking about the "characters". Since I haven't properly met any of them, I can't speak about that. But I'm talking about the general concept of mana and its effects on us.

In this world, there are only two sources of power mana and ki. That's it. There is no separate demonic power or holy power. There's only mana. And Everyone that is related to the supernatural has mana. The only reason I was given the option to ascend without mana was because I had the gamer to help me. Issei had Boosted gear to help him get mana.

Everyone in the supernatural had mana. Their mana could be different based on their attributes. Devils have demonic attributes. Angels and fallen angels have holy attributes. The fallen angel's attributes can't become corrupt. Fallen angels are beings who didn't follow the rules that required for them to stay an angel. Since they had "sinned", they were known as corrupt. But it didn't change their powers. They are the same as angels. Dragons who are essentially phantasmal creatures of mana had draconic attributes and once they reached dragon king class they would be able to generate mana themselves.

Humans who had holy attributes were called saints. And they gained that attribute through god blessings. This is also the reason why stray exorcists look down on other races. But generally, humans had no attributes but they still had an affinity towards elements, hence they could become magicians. A sacred gear gives its user its attribute since humans have no attribute.

The next thing is about classes of power. The classification goes like this:




Ultimate-Class /Lower God-Class

Satan-Class /Cadre-Class /Middle God-Class

Super-Class /Upper God-Class

Transcendental Class

First, Low class beings even while being the lowest of all classes don't mean they don't have power. A low-class human is bulletproof and stronger than any normal human because mana affects their body and soul in such a way. Mana needs to have a proper body to be wielded. It is also the reason why my body underwent many changes when it was first treated with mana.

Mana removed any genetic deformities. You see how beautiful/handsome these supernatural people are. It is because of this reason. They will be invulnerable to general human diseases and it takes care of all skin/hair problems..... if you wanted that kind of information. Mana is like the cure for all normal human health problems.

Another thing about supernatural humans is that they can start training at a very early age without worrying about damaging their growth. That's also the reason why I lost my chubby cheeks. Mana also changes your metabolism. I mean you never see magical beings in the middle of battle be like "Can you wait for a while I gotta go to the toilet?". That also means you can consume junk food without any worries about it "damaging your health". I mean imagine, someone who fought gods and devils, dying because of high cholesterol. How ridiculous would that be?

And if the body has a flaw in some way then it could cripple them if they use mana. Mana could also deform the body depending on the person's attributes and emotions related to it. Like stray devils who have deformed bodies. To me, it was nothing different from the monsters found in the dungeon. Well, at least the dungeon monsters have a proper physique, stray devils could only be called imitations.

Speaking of the dungeon. I had originally underestimated them. I only went through the first 10 floors so it was a poor decision on my part to misjudge it. As I went higher in the dungeon, the monsters didn't only get stronger but also much smarter. Which I like, since it provided proper challenging battles where I had to put my all into fighting.

They may have been challenging but they were also very rewarding. This is also where my physique shined. I had to face many foes who had either affected my senses or used poisons or curses. I also outshined most physique-based monsters. At some point, I began one hit killing them.... like Yu Ilhan. It felt good. A lot of my experiences were like Yu Ilhan's experiences..... Anyway, my physique also gained a regenerative quality. So that's good.

But by far the best reward I got was after I finished off the 50th floor dungeon. It was something called a Mystic Soul. From the information, I learned about mana affinity which states that some beings are more attuned to mana than others. In this world's instance, it would be the devils without a doubt. In simple terms, a basic fire spell performed by a human with fire elemental affinity could destroy a normal house then the same basic fire spell performed by a devil with fire elemental affinity could destroy a mansion.

Essentially devils are more attuned with mana which meant the magic they performed could affect the world more than humans could. Like Rudiger Rosenkreutz, he was originally a high-class sorcerer with no unique feats. But when he was reincarnated as a devil his potential shot up like crazy and he became an ultimate class devil capable of competing with Emperor Belial.

Dragons are also more attuned to mana than other races. But in terms of who could magically perform better, it would be devils because most dragons mostly just use fire breath for everything. It's only dragon kings, heavenly dragons and dragon gods who show versatility with their powers.

Anyways, Mystics were a race of spirits that were created during the origin of the multiverse. I think even the god that reincarnated was probably part of the Mystic race. Mystic Soul gave me the highest level of mana affinity in the multiverse. Yeah, that's insane. So not only did I have a physique that transcended all races but I also had the highest mana affinity. I fused that skill with a transcendent physique and it resulted in a Mystical Transcendent Physique.

A Physique that had the highest potential among any race. Even dragons. This even led to an evolution in my race.

Name: Yamato Rengoku

Age: 9 Years Old

Race: Mystic Human

Class: High-class

Strength: A

Agility: A

Vitality: A

Dexterity: S

Mana: S

Stat Points: 15


Mystical Transcendent Physique- EX

Enter Dungeon- EX

Inventory- S

Cooking- S

Blacksmithing And Alchemy- S

Insight- S

Countering- A

Lightning Manipulation- A

Spatial Magic- A

Barrier Magic- A

Illusion Magic- A

Presence Concealment- A

Advanced Weapons And Combat Mastery- A

Clairvoyance- D

Skill Fusion is a very helpful function. I can fuse two compatible skills and essentially make them better. Like anything related to Mana like Mana manipulation and mana sensitivity is fused with the Physique skill. Essentially at this point, it's pointless to view my status since it just shows me how far I advanced. But in reality, I have a lot more techniques involved.

My magic on the other hand is something unique. Due to my innate elemental affinity being lightning and my mana affinity being the highest, I got lightning manipulation instead of magic. I don't need to perform spells for lightning. I can directly change my mana to lightning and use it freely. Like the Sitri family's water manipulation skill.

Spatial magic on the other hand is something I got from the skill books I earned from those principal clans. The teleportation spells are something most people in the supernatural know about. I trained this magic to its limit since it would be very crucial magic if learned properly. Barrier magic is also very important. It would protect me from physical and magical attacks with the use of magical shield constructs and other sorts of barriers.

One more skill I trained a lot with was countering. An essential Combat skill with a lot of potential. My fighting style is something you would see a lot in the Fate series. To receive the power of the attack and use that power on top of my own to counterattack. This skill would be an essential skill for the style that I am creating. I also wanted to see what this skill would evolve into.

I wanted to train with all weapons because each weapon had its advantage. But I eventually selected the sword. I decided to create a sword that would encompass the piercing strike of the spear with the power of a blunt weapon and the flexibility of a whip.

Yes, it is an inspiration from EER. But I am using a Sword here. This style would work around countering while adjusting and improving very quickly to fight and overcome even the most unpredictable of opponents with unbreakable plot armour. For this to work I needed to have my body evolved to an extreme 5 senses at their very best, a heart that wouldn't shake under the most extreme circumstances and an insight that could process information in an instant.

While I have accomplished all the physical requirements, I need to evolve my weapons skill to eternal arms mastery. I need to master all weapons. Well to accomplish what I want to become, it is going to be difficult without a doubt.

The goal was to become a plot armor slayer, taking control of my own path rather than being a pawn of fate. Protagonists have it easy, but I won't give up.

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