'It's glad to know that although he looks mean all the time, he isn't unreasonable.' Blake said through the mind link.
'Yeah, I was shocked that he even accepted the request.' Brian was astonished.
'The request is for everyone, so aren't you afraid that the other teams would start performing better?' Castiel asked.
'Not at all.' Blake said in an unbothered tone. 'They might manage to learn new battle arrays that would improve their performance, but they can never find the elemental cannon battle array, and neither will their synergy be as good as ours.'
'You forgot to mention that with our tight schedule, they would have very little time to practice. Meaning they would have to sacrifice some hours of sleep, which would affect their performance in the long run.' Brian added.
With the training over, Blake's team returned to their tents to rest before the night shift, while the other teams headed over to the school to search for battle arrays.