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72.72% and the Mirror Of Paradox by Yih / Chapter 24: 24

Kapitel 24: 24

24: Darkness Converged (August 14, 2003, August 22, 2003 to August 23, 2003)

No time was given to even pull Sebastian aside to confront him. Dumbledore's secret weapon wasn't a secret anymore. The whole wizarding world would know even in the remote parts about Sebastian's parseltongue ability. It was a rare gift, and usually only a true Slytherin had the gift. Was it possible that Sebastian was the heir to Voldemort? Was that why Voldemort had never bothered to acknowledge Bellatrix and Sahar?

It was possible, but it seemed unlikely that Voldemort would allow his heir to be that close to Dumbledore- to let Dumbledore sway his successor. Then again, there was an uncanny resemblance and not just anyone was a parselmouth. That power rested only in the Slytherin bloodline. But it didn't occur in every generation. It skipped around quite a bit. It was also likely that Sebastian had sprung up from an unknown bastard branch of the family, the bloodline thinning out but all of its vigor encapsulating in him.

It wasn't unheard of. Damn the fact he wasn't given a chance to talk to Sebastian beforehand to know if that was one of the reasons for Sebastian's strange habits. He had to know, since that would change everything. Considering the nature of their relationship, it was time that the full truth was told to him. He felt he deserved to know. If they wanted this to work, they had to be fully honest with each other.

That unfortunately would have to wait until after this mandatory meeting Voldemort had called up without a single warning after the results of the second task. Anything could be said at the meeting, and Severus wasn't sure he was prepared to hear what he was going to hear. He hated being unprepared, and he was entirely not ready. But if Sebastian was Voldemort's heir, then it made sense why Sebastian showed such intense interest in Sirius Black.

His hand clenched at his side, thinking of the annoying and irritating git. If they weren't working to keep the balance, he would have been happy to have seen Sirius dead long ago. However, Sirius served his purpose and as long as he did, Severus would suffer with his continued existence. That still hadn't made it any easier to see Sebastian staring so fervently at the miserable mutt.

The jealousy brewing inside of him was wiped away with the kiss the Sebastian had bestowed to him. Sebastian wasn't the type to go around kissing random guys that he might like. He was the kind of guy that kissing meant a great deal, and that was when Severus knew that his fears had been silly. Intense envy had subsided, but it still irked him how Sebastian kept gazing longingly at Sirius. He wanted to know the reason, this provided him a motive.

He'd find out soon, he thought dryly as he held tightly onto his upper arm where the dark mark was imprinted as a stabbing pain overcame him. Voldemort's way of signaling them was ingenuous and torturous. It was simply a brilliant way of controlling and manipulating them. It weakened the Death Eaters; it made it impossible for them to outright oppose him. No wonder Voldemort placed such trust in Sirius and himself, not knowing that they were betrayers. It'd be foolhardy, too Gryffindor-like. Sirius wasn't so unlikely, but himself? It was a laughable notion.

No one no matter what could ignore Voldemort's calls. It was unbearable, and not worth it. Hard work and despicable acts had been done to acquire the Dark Lord's favor and he wasn't about to give Voldemort any reason to question him. He had to leave. He had no choice. He waited the required time period and then apparated straight to the Riddle Mansion where the wards were taken down a few minutes after the signal within the time slot that allowed for apparation. If he missed it, there'd be hell to answer for.

He apparated. It was jarring but only for a split second. When he could focus his eyes he wasn't surprised to see only a selected number of Death Eaters. There was a regular mass meeting of all Death Eaters but only the Inner Circle Death Eaters were invited to the important affairs. Severus had worked hard to get into the Inner Circle, and it did irk him that it had taken him a few years longer than Sirius Black.

The curious thing was that he noticed that there were only a few of the most important Death Eaters gathered in the common room. Lucius Malfoy, his only true friend at Hogwarts and who had been the one that had led him to Voldemort, was kneeling in front of a magnificently cloaked figure- the Dark Lord. Sirius Black was to the other side, also kneeling down. Bellatrix Lestrange stood near Voldemort, but not on equal level. No she'd never be what she wanted to be, the venomous bitch.

He was the last to arrive. Reverently he sank to his knees and pressed his forehead into the marbled ground, it was what Voldemort expected. "My Lord," he murmured softly and respectfully, "I have arrived."

For a moment there was complete silence in the room, not that that was unusual. Voldemort did have an uncanny preference for eerie stillness. The quietness was disarming and uncomfortable, no doubt that was the reason why he put them through it. Cunning and manipulative, that was the Dark Lord undeniably not that Dumbledore was that much different. Both of them were Machiavellian, but perhaps the Headmaster wasn't quite willing to stoop to the degree Voldemort would have if he'd had to. But he hadn't, so who would know the extent of where he'd fallen?

"Rise," Voldemort said in a low but powerful voice. It always amazed Severus the vocal control that the Dark Lord had. It made him all the more impressive; it was no wonder he had such devoted followers- he inspired them. "I find it curious," he remarked with a tone tinged in bemusement, "that none of you found it fit to inform me of Sebastian Biggerstaff's gifts, especially you Severus."

The only thing unnerving about the Dark Lord's appearance were his blood red eyes that seemed to delve into the very sanctity of the soul. Those same eyes were now gazing into his dark orbs like they could read what was hidden in his mind. But Severus wasn't afraid of occlumency. If he could keep Dumbledore out of his head he was sure he could keep Voldemort out of head, Dark Lord of Europe or not. It took someone that he had an emotional attachment to that even had a chance of breaking down his barrier and neither of them did.

"I apologize, my Lord," Severus murmured softly, careful to keep any hint of anything out of his voice. "I did not realize that Biggerstaff would interest you. I did not see the potential in him; I am afraid that he is very much a true Slytherin. He keeps things hidden, I did not know that he was a parselmouth."

Severus was willing to bet that Dumbledore hadn't even known either, but he really disliked having Voldemort's focus on him. He was much better at directing the aim of the conversation when the Dark Lord's attention wasn't on him. It was how he saved Sirius' ass from being discovered for the past several years. He had no choice but to tell Voldemort more about Sebastian. The way that the Dark Lord was gazing demandingly at him told him clearly that Voldemort wanted more information about Sebastian.

No one could deny Voldemort anything that he wanted, not now. "Even though Biggerstaff is my student and in my House, there is much that I do not know about him. It is not like we have anything more than a teacher-student relationship," Severus explained in a matter of fact tone. "If I had known, you know I would inform you, my Lord."

The piercing direct crimson didn't waver and didn't leave. "I would think it would be imperative to you," Voldemort commented with a distinct dryness, "to enlighten me of anyone that you consider promising. Lucius has seen it fit to notify me that you have taken particular interest in tutoring the young Sebastian."

The manner in which the Dark Lord said Sebastian's name made Severus' skin crawl. There was definite interest that Voldemort had in Sebastian, and while Voldemort was a compelling man- he was still many decades older than Sebastian. Was it possible that Voldemort was interested in Sebastian? A good possibility, the Dark Lord was drawn to power, attracted to it like the wildest addiction.

Why else would he tolerate Bellatrix Lestrange? If there was a witch more powerful than Bellatrix, Severus had yet to see them. She was very dangerous, but the funny thing was that she was entirely loyal to the Dark Lord. He certainly knew how to wrap them around his finger. Everyone thought that Bellatrix had Voldemort at her command, but it was the other way around. He controlled her as surely as he controlled the entirety of Europe.

"He has shown aptitude at potions," Severus stated cautiously, not really knowing how much his Slytherin friend had told Voldemort. "I feel that it is only my duty as his Head of House to continue to give him further lessons on what he shows a gift in."

"It's more than that," Bellatrix added sharply with her eyes ever keen on making sure that everything went her Master's way. "Lucius has told us that you have been instructing the young wizard in the Dark Arts not to mention the Unforgivables."

Fuck Bellatrix. Damn Lucius. He was going to have to say more than he wanted to say. He had no doubt that Lucius had been forced to say more than he'd wanted to say too. Bellatrix may be his beloved wife's sister, but that didn't mean that Bellatrix gave Lucius any leeway when Narcissa wasn't around. She didn't. If anything, she was harsher and harder on him.

"That I have," Severus acknowledged, inclining his head slightly. "I had no choice in the matter, Dumbledore requested that I give him special lessons. But I don't think that he even knows how powerful Biggerstaff is."

Voldemort seemed to carefully consider his words. "That still does not explain why you failed to inform me of this Sebastian Biggerstaff. The fact that he can perform Unforgivables at such a tender age and that he has reached his majority is a matter that would draw my considerable attentions. You all know I have been searching for many years for the fifth member of my private circle, and if this Sebastian Biggerstaff is all that I've heard of- he would fit into the mold."

His throat tightened when he heard those words. True, Sebastian was a Slytherin but there was something particularly innocent and untouched about him that was revitalizing. Severus wasn't sure how Sebastian would take that the Dark Lord of Europe wanted to recruit him as a Death Eater. While Sebastian was best friends with Draco Malfoy, and the Malfoy allegiance was to Voldemort- he was also friends with the muggleborn Hermione Granger whose loyalties were to the Light.

"I thought Sahar would be the fifth member," Bellatrix added with intense concern coloring her voice. "Has she not proven herself? She has done each task well, and she has received a perfect score each time. I told you that this Tournament would give her a chance to prove herself to you, and you must agree that she has. Even if she is not a parselmouth, she is a serpent animagus which is more than rare."

"Bellatrix," Voldemort said sharply, his eyes moving from Severus' to Bellatrix's dark sapphires, "enough. I know Sahar has proven herself, but you have forgotten that she will never be part of the Inner Circle." It was the deliberate cruelty in him that made him pause and let Bellatrix seethe in her miserable desperation. She knew better than to interrupt him when he was speaking.

"Sahar is my heir, she is my daughter," he declared in a possessive and prideful tone. "She will not serve me, she will succeed me. I would have thought you would have wanted that Bella," he murmured in a condescending manner. "No Salazar will ever be beneath, but you have to admit that having Biggerstaff as one of the Death Eaters will prove only a good thing. It will strengthen the bloodline to be sure, he must have some Salazar in him to be a parselmouth. That gift resides only in my bloodline."

"You want Sahar and Sebastian to be joined? Do you think he's worthy of Sahar?" Bellatrix questioned with interest sparking up her midnight as black eyes. Severus wasn't surprised that she was intrigued, power had always attracted her as well. No wonder Bellatrix and Voldemort suited each other perfectly, they were both power hungry. There was no question that Voldemort was fond of Bellatrix, but it was obvious Bellatrix was more enamored with the Dark Lord than he was with her.

"Yes, Asta did give him the egg. No one unworthy would have been gifted thus." Voldemort confirmed firmly. "With their combined inheritances, they will be a force to reckon with. No one will dare threaten Sahar with Sebastian at her side, and I still have yet to discover true immortality. Even now, my appearance is failing to keep it's youthful form. I may live many years longer than a normal wizard, but even I cannot live forever. There must be someone to watch over her when I am gone."

This was the most clearest indication that Severus had ever heard that the Dark Lord cared about his bastard daughter, Sahar Lestrange. How far that went, he didn't even dare guess. To even think about threatening Bellatrix or Sahar was foolhardy. They were weak points of Voldemort, but the problem was that it would alienate Severus from the Malfoys sponsorship and he needed that. It didn't help either that Sirius and Sahar were very close.

At times it made him question Sirius' loyalty. Then again Sirius would always prove him wrong, and he hated that. It was imperative that they keep the balance. Severus didn't really care if Sirius really believed in the Light or not, all he wanted was for things to stay balanced like it was. Voldemort had his power, but he was not overly corrupted by it yet. He still had to keep on his toes; he still needed the favor of the wizarding world. And Dumbledore- he was kept sequestered at his precious Hogwarts.

"Imagine what they could do together," Bellatrix whispered in awe. "When will you approach him, my Lord? When will you ask him to join?"

A glimpse of a smile graced Voldemort's lips. "Soon, very soon."

"Not too soon," Lucius finally spoke up, surprising all in the room. It drew Severus' curiosity why Lucius would speak up for Sebastian. Maybe he had underestimated how much the Malfoys might want to use Sebastian or cared about Sebastian. After all, Sebastian was a significant piece on the chessboard. If Voldemort was the king, then Sebastian was a queen. Not to be sacrificed until there was no other choice. "He needs to be drawn into the fold carefully. I know that he is close to Dumbledore, but remember he is a Slytherin. He is one of us."

"I know that," Voldemort cut in harshly. "Do you not think I haven't been keeping an eye on him since the first task? It is not anyone that can conjure a patronus of that strength without going through majority. He may have seemed weak when he went down onto his knees, but that was one of the after symptoms of majority. I experienced it myself. Sahar's patronus may have dispersed the Dementors but it was not up to the strength of Sebastian's.

"Considering that she went after both Sebastian and the Beaubaxton Champion, the fact she was able to complete her task was made much simpler. The Dementors were already weakened, do not think I did not know that, Bella." He aimed his eyes steadily at hers with no hint of accusation, but the undertone was unmistakable. "It was easier for her than Sebastian. If she had gone first, I do not think she would have received a perfect score and you do have to admit that the judges are biased in her favor."

"They are not!" Bellatrix exclaimed, her eyes flashing passionately. "You know that Sahar would hate it if they weren't fair! She wants it to be fair, and she did complete her task! The drawing is fair, Sirius has made certain of it! There is nothing going on that is making her chances better, it's just luck. Everyone has luck."

"It's true," Sirius spoke up for the first time. "Everything's fair, Sahar made sure of it. She didn't want to be at an advantage because of who she was. You should know your own daughter, my Lord. She is very like you in not liking things the easy way. She is your daughter."

"Yes," Voldemort murmured thoughtfully, "she is my daughter. But all of you know that no one else is to know that she is my daughter. It is enough that they know I favor her. There is a time and a place for everything. Soon I will announce her place as my heir and as my daughter, but not until then. She has begun to prove herself, but there is still more that she needs to do."

"She will do it," Bellatrix stated firmly, fully confident in her daughter. "She will establish that she is a Slytherin undeniably. That she is truly your daughter."

"Until then," Voldemort continued as if Bellatrix had said nothing, "we will work on swaying Sebastian Biggerstaff to our side." His dark red eyes shifted to Lucius' silvery ones. "I know that your son, Draco is close to Sebastian. I have no question of your family's loyalty to me, and I have no doubts of Draco's either. It would be easier to work on gaining Sebastian's trust through someone he is already close to, am I right?"

"You are right, my Lord," Lucius responded, inclining his head subserviently. "Draco is Sebastian's best friend as Sebastian is my son's best friend. They are mutually very close. My wife is also fond of the boy, and I believe that he also likes my wife. His life has been unfortunate, my Lord, and as an orphan his life has been harsh. I believe that I can persuade him to our side. We have shown him only kindness, and he deserves every bit of it. He is a brilliant young man, and he will serve you well."

"Yes," Voldemort whispered fiercely, "he will serve me well and then Sahar."

A violent tingle went down Severus' spine. It was worse than he'd ever imagine. What had Dumbledore been thinking when he'd allowed Sebastian to be put into Voldemort's radar view? If Sebastian hadn't come to the Tournament, he would have escaped Voldemort's line of vision. There was no way that Lucius nor himself would have told the Dark Lord of Sebastian. After all, Sebastian was a powerful piece in the power struggle. Severus knew Lucius wasn't going to give any ground that he'd carefully acquired.

Then again, Lucius had no option but to give ground now. It was hard not to tell the Dark Lord everything. Lucius had indeed told him more than he'd wanted, Severus was sure about that. He had even told Voldemort more than he'd been willing. It was difficult, extremely difficult to keep the truth sequestered. There was something that drew people to the Dark Lord, something that was magnetic about him. Whatever it was, that was the reason he had conquered Europe, something no one had ever done before.

The strange thing was Severus got the same feeling about Sebastian that he got from Voldemort. Same kind of alarm, but with Voldemort it was truly something to fear and with Sebastian it was not as distressing. But it was there. They were both powerful. Whoever got Sebastian very well would unsettle the balance that had been so painstakingly acquired. The question was- who would get Sebastian?

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