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15.15% and the Mirror Of Paradox by Yih / Chapter 5: 5

Kapitel 5: 5

5: Weasley Confrontation and Quidditch Tryouts (June 5, 2003 to June 9, 2003)

"Where are you going?" Draco hissed at him when he swept past the Slytherin tables and pointed his direction to the Ravenclaw table where a certain Hermione Granger was sitting. "Why are you going over there? To her!?"

Harry gave Draco a sideway look that was a bit of a challenge. Draco didn't have to wait long to find out what the challenge was or what his friend was up to either. "I'm going to eat lunch with Hermione, and if you want to eat with me you'll have to deal with it."

Grumbling and mumbling his protests didn't stop him from following Sebastian to the Ravenclaw table. Even if he had to eat lunch with a mudblood, it was still a heck of a lot better than eating with dumbbell and dumber. At least that Granger girl understood his insults, which was more than he could say about Crabbe and Goyle. Besides, he had to grudgingly admit that the times that they had been forced together by Sebastian hadn't been so bad. Then again, Sebastian had been the main the making sure their arguments didn't get out of hand.

"Hi Hermione," Harry greeted pleasantly. "Do you mind if we eat lunch with you?" He gestured meaningfully at Draco but he knew that she wouldn't make a fuss. It wasn't like he'd sprung this up on her. He'd told her by owl that he wanted to eat lunch with her as friend and if she had anything against it to owl him back. He'd made that pretty clear that he only wanted to be friends with her, but he had a nagging suspicion that she might be developing some small feeling for him.

He dismissed it as simply something expected since he was the first boy to treat her as an actual girl and not as a brain. Seriously, he needed to do some talking with Ron if Ron really wanted a chance with her. Asking to borrow her homework was not the way to do it nor was teasing her about being too bookish helpful. Really Ron could be such a stupid prat at times.

She slide over and smiled up at him. "I don't mind at all and I'm sure you don't mind, do you Cho?" Even though they were in different years, Cho was definitely her closest friend. Whenever she had a problem, she turned to Cho and vice versa. When Cho shook her head, indicating that she didn't mind, Hermione gestured for them to sit down. "She doesn't mind, sit!"

"Hello, Cho," Harry said politely to her, thinking of how much happier she was here than she was in his world. He guessed the silver ring that was on her left ring finger might have something to do with it; he bet it was from Cedric Diggory. "I'm Sebastian Biggerstaff." He held out his hand to her. "And this," he added with a nod, "is my good friend, Draco Malfoy."

Cho took his hand briefly and nodded amicably at Draco. "We've met." She gazed at him with a discerning look. Indeed, they had on the Quidditch field and when she was with Hermione in the hallways. "I've heard an awful lot about you, Sebastian. I'm pleased to meet your acquaintance."

"The pleasure is all mine," Harry insisted, his lips curving into a soft smile. "Please call me Bast, I've gotten too use to Draco calling me that already." Harry was careful not to focus too much of his attention at Cho and shifted his gaze toward Hermione when the introductions were concluded. "I hope you're going to eat more than that." He raised his eyebrow up with disapproval of the small salad in front of her.

"When did you become my caretaker?" Hermione asked with an affronted tone.

Harry continued to smile, not the least bit cowed. "When you agreed to be my friend," he responded smoothly back. Not heeding her protests, he added a sandwich to her plate and took two for himself. "Besides," he remarked, "you look beautiful the way you are."

She blushed as he thought she would, and Draco sent him a look that screamed: 'Were you really telling me the truth when you said that you weren't interested in Granger like that?' Draco diverted the focus away from the flattering when he commented snidely, "Don't let your head get too big, Granger. Your tomato-faced boyfriend doesn't look too pleased with Bast and I sitting near you. Hmph... looks like he's coming this way. My word, Granger, Weasel looks pissed."

Hermione glared at Draco and was about to make a snide remark of her own back at him when Ron Weasley gave a glare of death at both Harry and Draco. "Malfoy," Ron bit out menacingly, "Biggerstaff, why are you two sitting with Hermione? Shouldn't you be sitting in the git section in slimy Slytherin?" He narrowed his eyes and then softened his expression to that of a puppy dog when he glanced in Hermione's direction. "Are they bothering you? Do you want me to get rid of them for you?"

All her anger that had been directed at Draco was redirected at Ron in an instant. "Don't assume anything, Ron Weasley! I invited them to sit down!" she shouted, the red tint on her cheeks from her annoyance at Ron rather than the compliment from Harry. "And what makes you think I'd ask you to help me if I did want to get rid of them? I'm perfectly capable of handling the situation myself!"

Ron had the commonsense to flush with embarrassment, but that still didn't make him keep his mouth shut. "But they're Slytherins, Hermione. They're slimy gits, the whole lot of them."

"At least we aren't Gryffindor fools!" Draco retorted, his eyes glittering dangerously.

"I'd rather be a fool than a coward!" Ron yelled back.

All the color drained out of Draco's face, and he clenched his fist menacingly as he withdrew his wand. Ron also got his own wand out, but before either of them could begin cursing and hexing each other, Harry had said forcefully, "Expelliarmus!"

Both of their wands flew to Harry; both were blown away from each other. Harry placed the two wands that flew into his hands down on the table next to Hermione, then addressed them, "House prejudices are absurd, Weasley. True dark wizards have come from Slytherin, but being dark does not mean you are evil. Even Gryffindors have death eaters that serve Voldemort." Gasps were heard all around at the mention of He Who Must Not Be Named. Harry's gaze softened when it shifted to Draco. "And you shouldn't let him get to you, Draco."

It was as Harry was finishing up his lecture that the Heads of Gryffindor and Slytherin Housemade their way over. "Ten points from Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy," Snape declared sharply, "for attempting to duel and ten points to Mr. Biggerstaff for stopping their foolishness."

"Another ten points from Mr. Weasley," McGonagall added, "for causing the conflict." Her spectacles did nothing to hide her piercing eyes as they bore down on Ron. "I am very disappointed in you as a Gryffindor Prefect! Both of you will be serving detention with me. Prefects are not suppose to behave in such a manner!"

With that McGonagall and Snap headed back to where the teachers ate lunch. It was Hermione's sharp voice that brought them back to earth for Harry was stunned Snape had awarded him points, Draco and Ron were shocked that it was McGonagall that had given them detention and not Snape: "You should go back to your own table, Ron." When Ron departed, she glanced at them apologetically. "Sorry about that."

"How do you stand him?" Draco muttered.

"How do you stand Crabbe and Goyle?" she countered.

"Good point," Harry commented, receiving an annoyed glare from Draco.

Hermione grinned since he was taking her side, while Draco began to scowl. "Crabbe and Goyle are dumb brutes because they don't have the brains, while Weasel is made stupid by his own actions. It's quite a difference. They cannot help it, and he can. It makes him all the more pathetic."

"Ron isn't as dumb as Crabbe and Goyle," Hermione remarked, feeling guilty to even be comparing a boy that had a crush on her to those two muscled bullies. "He just overreacts when I'm involved."

"Understatement of the decade. Are you sure he isn't your boyfriend, Granger?" Draco asked with a triumphant look.

Harry elbowed him hard in the side. He had been thoroughly enjoying the lighthearted bickering, but he didn't want Draco calling Hermione, Granger, though. "Her name is Hermione, Draco," Harry reminded him with a look that said he wasn't going to put up with Draco calling her Granger. Draco knew he was serious since he was using his full name instead of the nickname he'd made up for him in retaliation for 'Bast.' "Stop calling her Granger and it goes without staying the other names you've called her before."

Draco gave him a look that said distinctively: 'Hermione lover.' But he sighed and grumbled out, "Hermione." The smile it rung from Sebastian was worth it; besides, the only true vendetta he had against Granger- erm, Hermione was Ron Weasley. He didn't despise him; he only hated the Weasel's gut. If messing with her didn't get Weasel irritated so easily, he probably wouldn't even have anything to do with her. Then again, it was rather interesting having her vibrant eyes flashing angrily at him.

"You know, Draco," she commented offhandedly, "nobody says my name like you do."


In one of their random friendly conversations at night, Harry had told Draco about how he loved playing Quidditch. When Draco had heard about this, he'd divulged to him that their Quidditch team needed several new players. "You should try out," Draco urged earnestly. "What position did you play at your American school?"

"Seeker," Harry responded automatically.

"Really? I'm currently the Slytherin Seeker," Draco remarked. "Have you ever tried the Wronski Feint?" Harry nodded. "Well," Draco commented, "Seekers are some of the very best flyers, and we do have an opening for a Chaser that you'll most likely get. Hell, you might even beat me out for seeker." At Harry's confused gaze, he went on quickly to explain, "No position on our Quidditch team is set. All the players have to compete to keep their spots on the team each year. It's the reason we've won the Cup for the past five years."

"Do you mind if I try for Seeker, Dray?" Harry inquired, watching Draco's expression carefully because he didn't want to upset his newfound friend. His relationship with the platinum blond meant more to him than the Seeker position. He'd miss it, but he'd miss Draco's companionship more. Over the past two weeks, Harry had regretted more and more rejecting Draco's friendship in his world. It was comforting to have a friend with an open mind like Draco even if he was rather arrogant and smug, and yet for a Slytherin Draco was fanatically loyal.

Draco shook his head vehemently. "No, why would I mind?" he questioned. "If you're a better Seeker than me, all the better for the team. Besides," he added with a customary smirk that wasn't derisive only confident, "the Captain has to be on the team. I always thought I'd be a damn good Chaser. But no one else could fly like me, so I got stuck with the Seeker position."

"If you're sure..."

"Of course I am," he responded sincerely. "Tryouts are tomorrow." He was about to move to another topic of discussion when he remembered he'd never seen a broom in Sebastian's meager possessions. "You need to get a broom when you're officially on the team," he remarked. "You can use mine during tryouts. Actually, I probably can get one overnight for you. Don't worry about paying for it, my father can afford it."

"Why don't you wait until I get onto the team first? Besides, I don't need your father to buy me a broom..."

"He buys brooms for everyone on the team," Draco interrupted fiercely. "And I'm not letting my best friend play Quidditch with one of those outdated school broom either."

It seemed that was another similarity for his world and this world- Lucius Malfoy was still doling out the money to get the Slytherin team the best of everything. He didn't really want to lean on Draco for monetary support, but he knew that even Dumbledore would find difficulty in paying for a broom. "All right, all right," Harry conceded. "If I make the team, your father can buy me a broom, happy?" Draco nodded complacently. "We need to go meet Hermione in the library; we promised we'd be there after class today. If we want to get there in time meet, we need to leave now."

Draco nodded. "Let's go."


It was a bright and glorious day when the Slytherin House convened at the Quidditch pitch for their Quidditch team tryouts. Nearly the entire House had come to watch the tryouts and quite a few of them were trying out for positions. Their team needed four new members, the largest amount in years: one Keeper, one Chaser, and two Beaters. What was notable in the crowd that had gathered was that two Ravenclaws were in their midst- Hermione Granger and Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw Seeker.

While Draco had written his name as going for the Chaser and the Seeker positions, Harry had scribbled down his name for Chaser, Seeker, and Beater. He had almost put down keeper, since he didn't want to limit his options for what he might be best at but he really didn't see him as being able to block a quaffle from someone. Though Slytherin Beaters got the worse reputations as being notoriously violent and rough, he figured that he might as well change that perception. Amazingly for a Slytherin, Harry decided he had built a likable character.

Gryffindors mostly still disliked him, but most of the Ravenclaws had warmed up to him courtesy of Hermione and Cho. What made it even better was that they'd accepted Draco along with him. He didn't know if he'd changed Draco or if he just brought out the best in Draco. Whatever it was, it was all good. It didn't mean Draco wasn't smug or self confident- he was still his usual Slytherin self just minus all the unnecessary insults that had use to be directed at Hermione. He was still darn pratty to Weasley and Gryffindors in general. But it was still a vast improvement.

Harry smiled with an almost goofy grin when he saw his new best friend, Draco- Draco Malfoy... he still couldn't quite believe, easily catch the snitch only a few minutes after it was released. If anything, he thought with observant eyes, Draco was a much better seeker here than he had been in his world. The other boys that had tried out for the position hadn't caught the snitch in the allotted timeslot or had caught it barely within the 15 minutes. Now, it was his turn and he took a deep breathe as he mounted the broom Draco had handed him.

The Nimbus 2001 felt different and not quite as smooth as the Firebolt he was use to, but it was still more maneuverable and speedier than his Nimbus 2002 had been. He mounted easily even if he hadn't been on a broom in months. He didn't think he'd ever really forget how to fly, though a few of his flying skills might be a bit rusty from not being used. He'd need a bit of practice before he'd be trying the Wronski Feint anytime soon. But did it ever feel good to be back on broom zipping through the air.

Lapping around a few times, he signaled for Draco to let the snitch go and it paused briefly then fluttered out of sight. With languid care, he surveyed all around watching for the snitch. A flint of gold caught his eyes and he leaned forward to push himself toward it, shooting straight for it. The snitch hovered for a minute before taking off at a dizzying speed while Harry kept after it, letting go of both of his hands to try and grab it when he got close enough.

He glanced down and saw that he was only about five feet above the ground, and he decided that that his best chance was to launch himself at the snitch- it was nearly in his grasp but not quite. He kicked himself off the broom reached forward, using the momentum of his body since the law of physics said: a body in motion tends to stay in motion. He trapped the snitch within his grasp and tucked his body into a ball as he fell to the ground.

When he uncurled his body, Draco and company rushed to his side. "Bloody hell, Bast!" Draco exclaimed. "Don't give me a heart attack before the first game!" When he reached Sebastian's side, he pulled his friend up and checked him carefully seeing no injury really requiring attention straight away. Though he did figure that Sebastian was going to have quite a few bruises where his shoulders had hit the ground. "Well," Draco remarked, "that only took you three minutes, a bit faster than me. I'm interested to see how well you play the other positions now."

What they found out with the rest of the trials was that Harry had a good arm at whacking the bludgers around with accuracy, but his slim and lean build didn't give him much of a force behind the well aimed clouts. While Harry was a good flyer, he didn't necessarily have the strategic mindset that was so ingrained in Slytherins. He was still a decent Chaser, but Draco was an even better Chaser than he was a Seeker. It was without too much discussion that the Slytherins decided Draco would switch to the Chaser position and Harry would be the new Seeker.

The other placements weren't as easy. While Crabbe and Goyle were ferocious with their muscled power, they had no sense of aim and had ended up in the tryouts to hit their own teammates. While their ferocity was a weapon, it was also a deterrent. Blaise Zabini though, made an excellent addition as a Beater, being able to hit the bludger with force and accuracy. In addition, Millicent Bulstrode, having slimmed down quite a bit over the recent summer was found to possess good flying skills once she didn't weigh her broom down. She was made the second Beater.

The Keeper position wasn't quite so easy to fill. There were several 7th years that were found to be decent, but Draco as Team Captain wanted someone that was more permanent than a one season replacement. It was going to be hard enough to replace their two 7th year Chasers next year as it was. Instead, Draco found that Malcolm Baddock, a 3rd year that was slight in stature and frame but was quick at getting there to block the quaffle. What was even better was that with practice he would be even better.

When Draco had called Malcolm Baddock's name as the last addition, the thin mousy boy had grinned with delight, transforming his normally sullen face into a much happier sight. "Even though half the team is new," Draco remarked, his eyes flashing with ambition, "I have no doubt that with me as Chaser and Captain along with our 7th years Montague and Pucey, Bast as Seeker, Bulstrode and Zabini as Beaters, and Baddock as Keeper- we have the BEST team in Quidditch and we'll prove it when we win the Cup for the sixth year!"

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