/ Fantasy / I'm Invincible Now?

I'm Invincible Now? Original

I'm Invincible Now?

Fantasy 1 Kapitel 1.0M Ansichten
Autor: LaughingSalt

4.46 (54 Bewertungen)

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis


Sorry. Looks like I've overestimated myself.
I didn't plot things out and just went with it. So naturally, the power system collapsed half way. The direction of the story became chaotic and confusing. The storyline became flat. MC's goals, character, and actions lost definition.
I had difficulties continuing, and I started to question myself: What the heck am I writing? What am I trying to achieve through writing? Is this really the story I want to present?
The answer is no. And then I realized that I am here to provide entertainment.
Anyways, that's all excuses. Can't cover the fact that I messed up and let you guys down.
I am sorry.
But I'm not giving up! Currently reading lots of guides, watching videos that teach teaching skills, got a part-time job, and starting to put my time into a detailed outline. If I have a super detailed outline, the story won't collapse right?
Will be back in sometime. Making a legit outline actually takes a long time.
So maybe Jan 2021? Until then.

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    LV 12 Badge

    Good story, terrible synopsis. A few early MC decision "flaws" are explained over the story which shows a good bit of planning and character consistency, but webnovel readers tend towards low patience, so it could maybe do with a bit more explanation of protagonist thought process for some decision making moments. For those wanting a better synopsis, see below: After a string of bad luck and persecution from corrupt mobsters, John had little left apart from his life and he was about to lose even that. So when he got the option to join the Mission Worlds, he chose "yes." Now a powerful pyromancer he knows he can get his revenge. The new question is can he survive his new lifestyle? And how can he rescue his parents? Anything is possible in the Mission Worlds. You just have to be strong enough to take it. Includes: system, power growth, somewhat OP MC, clever MC (but not-socially-robotic), empire building.

    8 Antworten anzeigen

    Wow I just realized that I never left a review for this book, so first of all, this book is incredible, probably one of my favorites despite only having 66 chapters, the author is extremely responsive and responds to criticism or questions, now there is only one part of this book that might make people drop it and that is around chapter 16, where MC acts irrational, but trust me and continue reading past that point and I guarantee that you’ll love it, please add this book to your collection so the author will continue with 2 chaps a day 🥺

    4 Antworten anzeigen

    First:if you at some point get annoyed at mc, because he is too dense, or does something that could make you stop, read chapter 66, as long as author doesn't replace it with a normal one, it contains a bit of explanation to what, and why happened, but don't read it too early, before chapter 10,or there will be spoilers, now about tge story. Characters are great, world is detailed, and makes sense, power systems are good, and precise, and mc, while being op, isn't boring, and not just because there is always someone stronger, but because he knows what is he doing, he has a target, and tries to get to it, overall, don't drop, the problems usually are for a few chapters at most, problems with the book, not the problems of mc

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    You encountered a very shameless looking <Author>. Updates: I release 2 chapters per day. At least 1500 words per chapter. Can go up to 2,500 words though. Usually 2,000 words for now. Please help evolve this 3K2Chapmon to a 10K5Chapmon. I read through each chapter at least 3 times, usually 4 or 5 times, trying to catch typos. Please leave a comment if you find anything funky. Also, please hit that [ADD TO LIBRARY] button. It's super important to me. Your support is much appreciated. Thank you.

    7 Antworten anzeigen

    Nice Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood Gooooooooooooood

    1 Antworten anzeigen

    This story is fucking amazing, you should read this....................................................................................................

    2 Antworten anzeigen

    Love op world hopping original and no harem 14p 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140

    1 Antworten anzeigen

    Ignore the synopsis, this novel is one of the best novels on this site and I dont say that lightly. Uts highly underrated for its placement and relatively new. The MC is a little dense in the first 15 chapters but his mindset quickly adapts and it's a hella good read. TLDR it's a good read just read it

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    I love it! Pls make more and dont drop☺☺☺ This is a good novel with op mc Sorry if my review is bad im young kid lol

    1 Antworten anzeigen

    I've read fifteen chapters so far and I've got to say, this is one of the best originals I've ever read. Truly, the author has a talent in writing who has mastered most of the grammar rules. There are no errors or typos except for the punctuation but they are very minimal. I think I only saw three comma misuses so definitely not worth downgrading the writing quality; therefore, I'm still giving this novel five stars. Let's go the plot. The plot, though common, is interesting. I see that the author had added his/her own twists to it which makes it less cliche. Word choice is absolutely brilliant and I've taken note of some of them. (Hehe) I wish the author the very best!

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    I tried giving it so many chances because I love the concept, but this is just too much. If he was a child being oblivious and stupid and too trusting would be acceptable and could lead to growth. This is just pathetic. Stay away for your own sakes.

    3 Antworten anzeigen

    When looking for a good new novel to read, you look for two things: 1) A good looking cover that draws you in. 2) A high release rate. Not only did the author hit these two, but the story development as well as the world background building is definitely present. I would say that character design is where it should be, but as the story progresses I am sure it will continue to get better and better! Cheers! :) -The Sleeping Tadpole

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    Very enjoyable. Highly recommend to anyone who likes the overpowered feeling to a character. Very fun to read. ————————/———————————————————-

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    I enjoy the MC and the characters in this novel. The writing started off a little to forced and the MC became too OP. I almost dropped it, but wanted to see if the MC would change. I felt at about chapter 20 the author got their rhythm, and made me look forward to the next volume. I hope you keep writing.

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    First of all I'd like to say that I normally prefer main characters who are "evil" and there are some parts of the story that I personally disliked but the character stays true to himself. You can twist logic into whatever direction you wish with enough effort so I won't go into the character being dense and doing unnecessary things when there are far more efficient paths but I really like that stubborn humanity here. Other than me liking the character there was growth. I made a mistake dropping Overgeared because I disliked the main character but ended up not only liking the journey of growth but also the development of the whole story. I really like this story. The world isn't exactly described in great detail but things aren't left completely empty either. The progress is rather fast considering how fast 6 years passed but I really enjoyed that time skip that showed milestones instead of explaining things in hindsight. I'm not going to spoil it but the revenge was fitting for the character. I personally would have gone far further with my enemies but it was somewhat similar to the writing itself. Extremely smooth but very meaningful and not a light punishment by any means. Overall read it ffs! Also Salt I don't think you made a mistake with your writing...I think people need the patience to read at least 60 chapters. I'd be a total hypocrite to say that you need to do that at minimum when I have stopped reading simply due to a single thing that I really didn't like but this story definitely deserves at least those 60 chapters. Hopefully you can still keep writing this with passion and hopefully people will enjoy it like I did. Looking forward to more chapters.

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    Hello. 🙂 Hmm, there isn't much to say that other people haven't. In my eyes, this book was amazing. Sure, there were a few bumps along the way, but they were almost negligible. I'm not great at constructive criticism, and tbh, I couldn't really find anything wrong with this book- but mabye that's just my opinion. I know that this wouldn't really help, though. I found this book yesterday, read it for a few hours but had to stop due to some circumstances, and continued reading this morning. And let me tell you, I would've happily given up my sleep reading this book if I could. After a year or two of reading webnovels (which might seem short to some people, but to me it feels like a long time, especially with all the different stories you can read in that time) I noticed that reading wasn't that entertaining anymore. I read to escape, but when you were escaping into different worlds that were repetitive and boring, it just lost whatever appeal and colour it used to have- and seemed more like a chore than entertainment. But it's books like these that help bring a little bit of luster back into he experience. If someone asked me what help set this book apart from the rest, I don't think I would be able to give a proper answer. Maybe it's an MC who, might be little dense and inexperienced at the start, but grows along the way? But there are quite a few protagonists like that. Maybe it's the way how the reader could see that growth along with the character's thought process and goals. I like how John didn't know what to do at the beginning, and slowly widened his vision- as you don't see that much, or you don't get to observe and enjoy it in most books. The side characters were not shallow -they had their own thoughts, opinions and motives as well. They weren't just there as pawns for the story development or to help the MC in times of need. Of course, it might seem a little forced at times, but there was a reason for everything the the characters did, even if it isn't that clear. The story so flowed nicely. Hell, the timeskips in this book are some of the best I've ever seen. It isn't just a quick recap after a sudden timeskip that came out of nowhere. I also didn't notice any serious grammar mistakes, but maybe they were fixed by the author. Oh right, the Author is fantastic. I've seen some interactive author's before, but none as good as this. Also, while I don't know how much effort other authors have put into their books, you can see how much went into this (though mabye I would've been oblivious to this if the author didn't mention it. 😅 But it's nice to see the author's thoughts, helps you feel more connected to the book). One thing that wasn't that good, that other people have mentioned as well- the synopsis. Gotta be honest, it wasn't great. I won't go into detail since so many other people already have, just that the synopsis is one of the deciding factors that decides whether a potential reader will read the book, or not. I'm sure there's more I could say, but... I think I'm stunned by the quality of this book that the only thing running through my head is that this book is amazing. I'll be anxiously awaiting new chapters, and in the meanwhile I'll see if the author's other book has started, along with offering a powerstone of mine every single day (unless, for whatever reason I can't ) to this book. It deserves so much more attention and readers than it currently has. The only reason I found this jem was because it was on the featured section!

    9 Antworten anzeigen

    Man I love this story. Its a shame to hear that it can't be the authors focus anymore due to it falling in popularity. But, I shall continue to wait for updates and check out their other stories in the meantime. On a side note why did people not like John signing the summoners contract? I thought it seemed pretty darn cool myself, the author made another character that does have a strong ability but it's completely different to the MC's and has different utilities. I also loved the revenge arc, beautifully done in my opinion. The switch from a fantastical magic adventure to a gritty modern magic psychological thriller was amazingly done, I was surprised that the author was able to blend the two so well, despite how different they are from each other. Regardless, I hope you have your own breakthrough Salt and become an acceded demi-god tier author.

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    It is great and i really like it. Even though others might have dropped it because the mc acted a little too dense for a short while (which is just a slight annoyance really), first off you can't always have characters act like you want them to. That would be boring. And there is character development too, so they don't always stay that way. Second, everything else is great really so if you ask me, unless you are a really short tempered person who would smash their phone with a little annoyance, it is worth it to bear that tiny bit. Overall, it is one of my most favorite web novels i've read and i LOVE the story. So author, keep up the good work, i am cheering for you and hope the story could rise even more.

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    I'm not technical, I have no knowledge of literature and I'm not very good with words. The ratings were just random thoughts, but I did like this story. It was pretty good.

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    Autor LaughingSalt