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46.06% The Martyrs: the Generation that Burns / Chapter 41: Chapter 41: The Importance of Moral

Kapitel 41: Chapter 41: The Importance of Moral

With her back pressed against the metal wall, Charlotte poked her head around the corner and peeked into a room. She was answered with a series of scrambling gunshots.

"At least two guns." She said quietly to the three Security Troopers behind her before pulling out a stun grenade and tossing it into the room. Even from outside, the noise that exploded as the grenade went off was ear-piercing. As soon as the grenade went off, Charlotte raised her Deflector Shield and charged into the room with her Defender-C ready.

The other three troopers were right behind her.

Five Marines were scattered across the room. Only one of them had his Guardian IV on, which helped negate some of the blasts. Seeing Charlotte, he acted even before thinking and raised his weapon in Charlotte's general direction. Two shots rang out in the room.

Charlotte was ready. Her Deflector Shield has never left her upper body. As the bullets collapsed into the shield, she felt her arm shake briefly before the bullets lost their momentum and collapsed. Using the chance, she pumped three rounds into the Marine's face shield. The man collapsed right then and there.

It wasn't much, but the Marine put up more of a fight than most of his brothers.

The four other Marines in the room took the full power of the stun grenade to the face. They weren't in the uncomfortable Guardian IV in the first place, and the Phasewalkers came in before they could put them on. Their Defender rifles laid on the side as their users clutched onto their eyes and ears and screamed.

Watching as the four Marines twisted and turned in pain, neither Charlotte nor the other troopers showed any mercy. A wave of gunshots later, the floor was lined with Marine corpses.

Charlotte glanced at the bodies one last time mockingly before turning and leaving this room. Half a minute later, she was in another room, doing the same thing.


"What the hell is going on?"

Colonel Hendrick screamed as he walked out of his room. His chest was bare. He was in the middle of something extremely pleasurable when gunshots, explosions, and screams forced that pleasure session to a stop. Furious, he put on his pants and charged outside demanding some answers, only to realize no one had any to give.

The halls were filled with confused Marines running around. Some were asking around blindly, just like Hendrick was. Others were reaching for their weapons. Every gunshot or explosion not so far away sent their steps even quicker.

"Damn it!" Hendrick cursed. He was angry, but he was also a little afraid. Without wasting another second, he turned and ran back into the room and put up his Guardian IV armor in a scramble. It has been a while since he has worn that armor, but he was glad it still fit. Finally, he grabbed onto his precious Defender-C from the bedside counter and moved for the door.

"Colonel!" That was when one of the girls on the bed called out. Her face was filled with fear as she scrambled to get off. "Please! Wait for me!"

She was half-nude, not that she gave a damn. Yes. Colonel Hendrick and the Marines killed her family and assaulted her, but just because someone was killing the Marines didn't mean they were here to liberate her. There could only be two groups doing this. Mutated Animals or other survivors.

If it was Mutated Animals, then not much had to be said. These beasts would devour everyone in this proximity, men or women. Evil or innocent.

If these were other survivors...what would a mob do to defenseless, naked women? Especially after some gruesome combat?

Colonel Hendrick's response to his bedside mate was simple.

"Fuck off!"

The man charged out of the room. Wait for her? Hell no! Lose the girls and he could still replace them. If he lost his life, all would be gone.

In the hallway, the sound of battle was getting closer and closer. Terrified Marines looked to the Colonel, asking him what to do, but Hendrick ignored them all. He could no longer afford to care for his men. His top priority was simply to get out of this mess in one piece.

As he moved, his mind was deep in thoughts. Who could be doing this? His mind naturally jumped to Mutated Animals lurking in every corner of the planet, but he quickly shut that down. No Mutated Animal could sneak past all the sentries and scouts without them firing a shot, and Mutated Animals definitely couldn't use explosions.

So...other settlements? But who? It took a specific level of power to do something like this. Perhaps...Camp York? They definitely had the ability, but why? What did his Marines do that would warrant such an aggressive response? And he did hear about a mysterious human faction in the North...

Alone, the Colonel came to a stop in front of a sealed gate. He pulled it open, revealing a dark corridor.

Hendrick came across this corridor a while ago by accident. A ship as big as the Destroyer had countless paths to move around with. This was just one of them. Hendrick kept his mouth shut for one simple reason. This corridor led straight to an opening near the main entrance.

In other words, it was a secret passage to safety.

He just hoped his Marines were able to occupy enough attention from the attackers that they neglected covering the entire perimeter. That was why he didn't bring any of them into the passage when he could've. They were left to die so he could escape.

He was a selfish man. He hasn't always been one, but what happened to the world completely transformed him into a monster.

No honor. No valor. Only self-interest and cowardice.

Months of corruption have weakened his nature. If he stayed and fought, perhaps he and his Marines could still emerge victorious, but the Colonel was no longer willing to take the chances.

With his life on the line, Colonel Hendrick moved swiftly. In less than a minute, he reached the other side. A single push of the door revealed the outside world. Bright sunlight rained down on Hendrick's face. The warmness on his face made him want to smile.

And then a single voice turned that warmness into freezing chills.

"What do we have here?"

The Colonel snapped around. His Defender-C officer handgun was already in his grip. But before he could pull the trigger, a blue ray landed on his handgun and turned it into a ball of ice.

"Ah!" Hendrick growled. He could no longer feel his entire right hand, but what was worse than the pain was a sudden realization. "Wait...Mutant with ice are from Camp York!"

"Wow. My reputation travels far." Aryan shrugged as several York Troopers surrounded him with their Gauss rifles raised.

"Why are you doing this?" Hendrick knew he was doomed. There was no way he could get out of this alive. All he wanted was an answer. "What the hell did we do that warrants you, one of the most powerful Mutants in the region, to descend on us like this? Without warning! Without provocation! Why?"

He wasn't the only one wondering. A few York Troopers behind Aryan had the same question. As far as they could see, this was nothing more than a meaningless waste of time. But they kept their mouths shut. These York Troopers were Aryan's personal guards. They trusted him without question.

Aryan smirked. "Someone wants you dead."

"Who?" Hendrick's eyes went wide. "Why?"

"I'll let her tell you that himself." Aryan turned around and glanced at the back, where Caity was walking out of the Destroyer wreckage. Two Security Troopers tailed her. She saw Colonel Hendrick and walked up.

"I'm assuming this is the infamous Colonel." She said quietly. "Your men fought till the end. I expected you to stand with them."

Hendrick ignored her mocking words. "What is the cause of all this?"

The Phasewalker Colonel tilted her head. Hendrick asked again.

"What offense have we made that warrants such bloodshed?"

"You hurt people. Innocent people. Men and women who survived the monsters, but didn't survive the betrayal of those whose duty was to protect them." Caity replied, a silent fury in her voice. "The least I can do is avenge them."

The former UEC Colonel's mouth hung open in utter shock until, suddenly, he started laughing like no one was watching.

"Really? This is your ally, Mutant? Hurt innocent people? This is the apocalypse, girl! Do you think it's the good old days? No! News flash! No one cares if you kill or rape or torture as long as you don't get caught! Have an army, and you can be the queen of this place!"

"You have sworn an oath. To protect the people." Caity whispered. "Is one year enough to make you forget it all?"

Normally Caity wouldn't waste her words on someone like Hendrick, but she was a bit disturbed. The United Earth Confederation was countless times stronger than Earth, but one year of turmoil was all it took to transform its deadliest defenders to ruthless mobs. If Earth was invaded, how long could its forces last? A week? A month?

She wanted to see if there was even a sense of regret in the man's eyes.

Colonel Hendrick didn't answer Caity. He simply turned to Aryan.

"I would reconsider my choice of allies if I were you, Mutant! There is no place for someone as weak as her in this world."

Aryan grinned at those words. Just as Hendrick thought his life was saved, Aryan turned to Caity. "You still need him?"

"No." Caity had no need for a bandit like Hendrick.

"Fair enough." The Camp York Mutant sent an ice blade into the Marine Colonel's neck. The man fell dead right where he was. There was disbelief in his eyes. Even at his last seconds, he couldn't believe Aryan would kill him just like this.

As the body went cold, literally, Aryan smirked inside.

Colonel Hendrick thought he was so smart. Yes. Caity wasn't as ruthless as most people would expect from a leader in the apocalypse, but going off from Aryan's side, who would he rather befriend? Someone who had some ethics and honor left, or someone who only cared about herself and would betray him the first chance she got? What Hendrick saw as weakness, Aryan saw as an advantage.

Usually, Aryan wouldn't care that much, but he knew something he didn't tell Caity. Apollo didn't invite Caity over to Camp York just to negotiate a trade deal. The undisputed lord of Camp York wanted Caity over to arrange an alliance with the faction behind her. If what she said about her faction was true, then they were at an even level with Camp York and Apollo. In this apocalyptic world, having a friend was always better.

In that case, Caity would, at least, be at the same level as the four Tier 2 Mutants. She didn't have any powers. So what? She had an army behind her and that was all that mattered. In that case, what he was doing here, helping her kill some former UEC Marines, was just trivial.

Given her importance, Caity was better to be with a moral code than be completely ruthless without a line she wouldn't cross.

Colonel Hendrick thought he was so badass by being this ruthless bastard. In reality, he knew nothing.

Across the battlefield, the Security Troopers put the last bullets in the head of the last Marines. These elites of the Phasewalker Corps struck quick and hard. Tear gas. Masks. Stun Grenades. Guardian IV armors and Defender Gauss Rifles. They were going all-in while the Marines had no idea what was happening. The result was obvious.

In the Marines' defense, a year ago, they could've massacred the Phasewalkers. But that single year has taken a huge toll on them. The loss of a purpose broke their will to fight. Despair, lust, and greed broke their spines, shattering their unity. Thanks to the shelter of the wreckage and its rations, many of the Marines haven't taken part in a real fight for a long time, and when the enemies were at the gate, they ran around like headless chickens and were mowed down mercilessly.

The Security Troopers might not have been in training for too long, but they had a level of zeal that the Marines couldn't hope to match. They struck with ferocity and ruthlessness alike, not giving the Marines any time to recover and regroup. Faith was in their hearts, not a faith of some mysterious, imaginary god or deity, but faith in the brothers and sisters by their side. Every man they kill, it was for Earth. Every atrocity they commit, it was for the families behind them. Even if they were to fall in battle, they would spend their last breathes knowing that they died for a worthy cost.

Over two hundred Marines were killed. In exchange, many Security Troopers were injured. The Guardian IV armors played a critical role. Without them, at least a dozen Troopers would be dead.

Cara and a few Security Troopers escorted a dozen women out of their prison cells. There used to be more of them, but some of them were killed in the crossfire. A few more were forced onto and then slain by desperate Marines who decided to have some desperate acts of pleasure before the end. These Marines were killed as well, but the damage they did was irreversible.

"Colonel," Cara went to Caity. "what should we do with the women? We can send a vehicle to escort them back to Fortress Alpha..."

"No! It's too risky. The animals are much more active during the night." Caity shut her down at once. She could never forget the tragedies when she last saw a vehicle off with defenseless women and minor security.

"But I doubt Mr. Aryan will be too happy if we circle back with the whole convoy." Cara objected. "We shouldn't deviate from our path too much."

Caity nodded slowly. She understood what Cara was saying, but the trip to Camp York would be a risky one, and taking these defenseless women with her would only put them in danger. But she couldn't just leave them here either. They were completely defenseless. A single Mutated Animal could kill them all and feast on their flesh.

Suddenly, a figure walked up to her.


"Katherine." Caity nodded.

"Sir, I have been talking to Sara and the girls. We are willing to come with you."

The Phasewalker Colonel frowned. "Do you even know where we are going? We're going to…"

"To Camp York." Katherine nodded. "We know where that is. The Marines talked about it."

"It's going to be dangerous." Caity glanced around to make sure none of the people from Camp York would be listening. "In the worst case, none of us will leave there alive. You and your people have gone through hell. I will not throw you back into the pit again."

"Sir!" Once again, Katherine cut Caity off. "You are right. We were going through hell here, and it was you who saved us! You pulled us out of damnation and gave us a new life! When even your own comrades suggested otherwise, you and you alone saved us!" She paused. "We owe you our lives. If we are to give our lives back for you, well, it's only right."

Caity was speechless. She was from a civilized world, and she had no idea what it felt like to live in a hopeless realm, constantly tormented by twisted human beings. For almost every day of the past year, Katherine has been praying for someone to save her. First, she thought her prayers were answered by the Marines, but soon, it turned out the Marines weren't Angels, but rather Demons in disguise.

Now, it was Caity who answered her prayers, and in Katherine's eyes, Caity was a true Angel. She pulled Katherine from the darkness of the pit, and it was only right for Katherine to return the favor with her allegiance.

Caity Hunter has gotten herself a zealot. She just didn't know what it would mean yet.

With the girls being settled, Caity turned back to Cara and Charlotte. The latter just arrived.

"Colonel, I took a few troopers and checked out if we could salvage anything from the starship's remains. If some of the scientists are here they may argue differently, but for now, I couldn't find anything impressive."

Caity nodded. She expected that. If anything could still be used around the ship, the Marines would've gotten them already.

"It's getting late outside. We should settle here for the night. Establish a perimeter and set up sentries. We move out to Camp York tomorrow morning. As for this ship, maybe we'll come back to it later."

"Yes sir!"

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