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78.43% Reincarnating Through The Ages (ATG) / Chapter 40: The Heavenly Trio

Kapitel 40: The Heavenly Trio

For that moment, Xiao Jiantian felt a qualitative change occur in the deepest depths of his soul. An azure ribbon tied itself to another, golden ribbon.

Though, he only felt this for a moment.

Qianye Ying'er's eyes flashed azure for a second.

"Li Chen... a humble farmboy... hehe... haha..." Qianye Ying'er chuckled as she looked up into Xiao Jiantian's eyes.


"Tian'er's oldest memories are so beautiful... you gave your entire life to the world without caring for your own desires. But to repay that kindness... fate only served to tear you apart. Yet, even after all that... you still loosely held onto your Master's teachings." Qianye Ying'er recalled what she had seen.

"How did you see that?"

"You're not the only one who can peek into another's memories and feelings, you know..." Qianye Ying'er smiled.

"... That's a little embarrassing, though." Xiao Jiantian looked away for a moment, wondering what else Qianye Ying'er had seen. "A breach of my privacy..."

"I... understand it now."

"... You do?"

"Compared to your suffering... mine is rather insignificant." Qianye Ying'er stood up, taking a deep breath. "Just because the universe itself is uncaring... does not mean that the people within have to be. Even if not everyone shares your ideals... I'll be there to carry them forward from now on, master. Because, no matter how villains reside in this universe, there will always be good people worth protecting."

"Isn't that right... master?"

"I mean... yeah." Xiao Jiantian nodded, scratching his hair. 'Now that's a sudden change...'

"As the strongest, it is our duty to act as an example to everyone else." Qianye Ying'er stated with a dutiful tone.

"... Mn."

For what was the entire journey back, Xiao Jiantian and Qianye Ying'er enjoyed each other's company...


The Shadow Sun Star Realm.

After their expedition to the God Realm of Absolute Beginning, Xiao Jiantian hosted a small little party to send everyone off. Contrary to before, their gathering was certainly more lively. Having fought beside each other, even the devils and gods acknowledged each other. Sure... they weren't all friends but they were more willing to help each other.

After all, they all shared one thing in common; fulfilling Xiao Jiantian's will... a person who possessed both light and darkness profound energy. The one who had restored the truly divine energy of the Realm of the Gods...

And, most importantly, the strongest profound practitioner of all.

"Everyone dearly misses your presence back in the Yama Realm, Emperor Xuanyuan." Yan Wu stated, her eyes almost dancing across Xiao Jiantian's figure. "You should... consider returning, even if it's for a brief moment of time."

"I'll consi-"

"I believe you should return to the Soul Stealing Realm first, my Emperor." Chi Wuyao smiled, grabbing hold of his right arm and sneakily brushing her rather large breasts against it. "I'd treat you so well you wouldn't want nor need to go anywhere else~."

Xiao Jiantian felt a slight disruption in his lower regions as he broke away. "I'll consider both options... not like I only have a year to live or anything. There's plenty of time to go everywhere."

"Hahaha, you have three out of the four female God Emperors in our Primal Chaos all wanting you! What's next... are you going to charm the Blue Dragon Emperor too?" Cang Shitian laughed, having drunk a bit too much wine.

"That would lead to bestiality, my friend." Xiao Jiantian smirked, chuckling slightly.

"Beastiality... right!" Cang Shitian burst out into laughter. "Blue Dragon Emperor, do you think our Radiance is a handsome man?"

"Come now, Shitian, there's no need to ask such embarrassing questions." Xiao Jiantian shook his head but Qing Que still spoke.

"Well... I would not deny it. It's a well-known fact." Qing Que replied, trying not to look at Xiao Jiantian.

"It's a perfect match... in my humble opinion. While you like to fight, Jiantian, you two both possess similar ideals of being unwilling to take lives. Most of us God Emperors here have fought against you on multiple occasions... and yet we're all here."

"... True enough." Xiao Jiantian nodded. "But to say we're a perfect match... that's a little much, isn't it?"

"Well, you have plenty of time to figure it out." Cang Shitian grabbed his shoulder, encouraging him.

"It seems that perhaps you still don't understand your position, Devil Queen." Qianye Ying'er stared down at Chi Wuyao as she drew close to Xiao Jiantian. "Should I personally remind you?"

"Someone has fire in their eyes again..."

Xiao Jiantian pat her head, moving her gaze down slightly. "Ying'er... don't be so rude. Wuyao is a vital asset to me, especially in regards to the Northern Divine Region, so having you two fight won't benefit me in the slightest."

"You heard that, didn't you, golden princess?" Chi Wuyao glanced at Qianye Ying'er as she ate one of Xiao Jiantian's fruits on the table... a cherry, to be specific. "Sharing is caring..."

"Hmph..." Qianye Ying'er narrowed her golden eyes on the Devil Queen. "If Xiao Jiantian wasn't here, I would've cut that loose tongue of yours."

"If you didn't have his sword and Sword Art... it would be a whole different story." Chi Wuyao shrugged. "Most of your strength comes from him, lest you forget."


"My oh my... go have a catfight to sort it out or something already." Xiao Jiantian rolled his eyes, popping open an ice-cold glass bottle of coca-cola.

Xisu laughed at the whole thing. "Must be difficult being the Sword God."

"It do be like that sometimes..." Xiao Jiantian shrugged. "By the way, your strength really surprised me out there. From my estimates, you were amongst the top six or five strongest of the God Emperors despite being so young. That's a worthy accomplishment for someone less than a thousand years old."

"It's all thanks to your guidance in the ways of the Sword, Sword Go-"

"Call me by my first name." Xiao Jiantian interrupted him. "Sometime later... would you exchange pointers with me?"

"Oh? Sure, I'd be more than happy to."

"Thank you... you see, my heavy sword skills are a bit lacklustre at the moment, haha." Xiao Jiantian laughed.

"I'm sure you'll improve rapidly, Jiantian." Xisu nodded. "Not that you need to anyway. Your regular sword strike is far superior in strength to my heavy sword."

"You're far too humble sometimes, Xisu. But that's one of your admirable traits."

"You flatter me too much." Xisu chuckled, shaking his head.

"... Oh?" Qianye Ying'er glanced at Xisu for a moment, smiling a little behind her mask. 'Perhaps he might've found one at last.'


As everyone was departing, Cang Shitian remained along with Qianye Ying'er and Xisu.

"Uhh... I know you're in high demand at the moment, but would you consider visiting my Ten Directions Deep Sea Realm? I require your assistance on a certain matter and I would be truly indebted to you if you would solve it for me." Cang Shitian suddenly stated.

"And what would dare to trouble you so much, Shitian?" Xiao Jiantian asked, frowning slightly.

"It's... your light profound energy." Cang Shitian decided on a more blunt approach. "My sister has been unwell and sickly since she was born. I love her greatly so the number of Divine Jades I've exhausted for her are numerous but none of my efforts have ever truly healed her condition."

"If anything, all I've done was delay the inevitable." He kneeled before Xiao Jiantian and even lowered his head to the point where he could only see his feet. "But Your Radiance... I believe that you'll be able to save her from this cruel curse. So, please... come with me."

"... Rise, you fool." Xiao Jiantian helped him back up on his two feet.

"Does that mean...?"

"Of course, I'll help you." He nodded resolutely. "The concerns of my closest subjects are my concerns as well."

"Closest subjects, huh..." Cang Shitian smiled a little. "Is that really your opinion of me?"

"Why else would I say that if I didn't mean it?" Xiao Jiantian chuckled. "You bring a certain energy everywhere you go. It reminds me a little of myself..."

"I see... so what you're saying is that we're both mad?"

"Hahaha... precisely!" Xiao Jiantian nodded approvingly.

"Hmph... can't lie, nothing's stale with you back." Cang Shitian smiled, turning to the sky. "So, how shall we travel?"

"Let's make it quick." Xiao Jiantian stomped his left foot, cutting through space itself. "Xisu, Ying'er, you may come too if you wish."

"I'll leave you to it." Qianye Ying'er shook her head, disappearing into a trail of golden particles.

"Well... I've never visited the Ten Directions Deep Sea Realm so this'll be a new experience for me," Xisu stated decisively, making his decision clear.

"You know... out of all the Star God Emperor's, you are by far the one who I like the most." Cang Shitian remarked before entering through the crack in space. Having the memories of the previous Heaven Unleashed God Emperors, he had a good idea of every Star God Emperor before Xisu so 'all' was rather fitting in his statement.

"You're rather popular, aren't you?" Xiao Jiantian chuckled.

"Says the most famed man in the history of Primal Chaos..."

"Come now, I'm not on the level of Creation Gods and Devil Emperors..."

"No, you're in a league of your own. You fixed their wrongs of plunging the Realm of the Gods into an age without true gods and worked to sort out the grievance between gods and devils. If there was a single person to admire in all of history... it would be you."

Xiao Jiantian actually felt rather proud hearing that. "Thanks..."

"I'm only giving you your long-overdue praise, Jiantian. If anyone was to rule over every profound practitioner, I'd want that person to be you. Fortunately... that is the case."

"Heh... go in, already before you make me blush!" Xiao Jiantian kicked Xisu into the dimensional crack.


Ten Directions Deep Sea Realm.

"This condition... is awful."

Xiao Jiantian frowned, seeing that her illness was far more drastic than he first thought. He felt his heart move slightly... as an innocent person was in such a state, much less a beauty. Wherever he went, it was instinct to help the people in need... even if he did so with the greatest indifference.

Cang Shuhe's, Cang Shitian's sister, body was frail and she could not cultivate whatsoever. This meant that her natural long span should've technically passed but she had been maintained with countless resources and an entire formation meant for her.

"Not even you can alter it...?" Cang Shitian asked, his voice trembling slightly.

"It's fine... you don't have to-"

"I will!" Xiao Jiantian interrupted Cang Shuhe, his azure eyes flowing with resolve. The golden pagoda on his forehead which came with his Great Way of the Buddha suddenly transformed, sharing the colour of his eyes. "Don't you worry... I will completely cure you."

A golden light left his hands, expanded and enveloped Cang Shuhe from head to toe. With the combination of his primordial, heaven-defying, light profound energy along with his mastery of the Great Way of the Buddha, Xiao Jiantian's healing was simply without an equal.

Cang Shitian kept in his breath as he watched a miracle occur.

Moments... seconds... minutes passed.

Finally, Xiao Jiantian withdrew and wiped the sweat off his forehead. "I've restored her life force completely and now her body will need some time to adapt to these changes. However, there's still the issue of her lack of profound strength and unnaturally extended lifespan."

"But you can easily sort that out by bestowing a divine inheritance."

Cang Shitian looked at Xiao Jiantian with reverence shining in his eyes. "Your Radiance... I can't thank you enough! If there's anything you ever want from now, I will make it my life's mission to seek it out for you-"

"In that case... would you be my friend?" Xiao Jiantian asked since nothing else really came to mind.

"Your friend...? Is that all?"

"... You know, being a person with the ability to materialise anything I want, it's kind of hard to make any meaningful demands." Xiao Jiantian complained, shaking his head. "So... that's the only thing that came to mind."

"Haha." Cang Shitian laughed cheerfully. "Your friend? I'd be your best friend if you wanted!"

"... Heh, so we're both rather childish in the end." Xiao Jiantian chuckled, standing up as he prepared to leave. Though, as he took a step forward, his hand was grabbed. Turning around, he faced Cang Shuhe once more.

"Your Radiance... could you stay for a little longer?"

"Uhh... sure?" Xiao Jiantian returned to Cang Shuhe's side.

"The heartless, mad Sword Heretic... it seems that the world was deceived, in the end." Cang Shuhe remarked, looking deep into Xiao Jiantian's azure eyes. "Must have been difficult fighting everyone for your beliefs over and over... but now, people have finally started seeing you for who you truly are."

"... And that is?"

"The radiant light that will bring greater understanding to our Primal Chaos and fill the darkness." She answered. "Although I've never personally met you before... I always believed that your intentions were for the good of everyone. To have you visit and cure my illness... I've never been happier in my life."

"..." Xiao Jiantian started to actually consider wearing a mask. Everywhere he went, he charmed all the beauties. It wasn't even funny anymore... his face had become a whole deadly weapon. At this point, it could very well be considered a personal and the unofficial 8th Heavenly Treasure.

"Ahaha... I think you flattered His Radiance a little too much." Cang Shitian coughed, grabbing Xiao Jiantian's shoulder. "You should go relax a bit, perhaps take a little drink, eh?"

"... Sure, I do feel like laying back for a while."


In the proceeding month, Xiao Jiantian found himself spending more time in the Ten Directions Deep Sea Realm than expected. Xiao Jiantian, Xisu and Cang Shitian would all do rather random things and build a friendship with each other. In that time, Cang Shuhe had gained the divine power of the Ten Directions Deep Sea Realm and stabilised her condition.

One night, Xiao Jiantian found himself drinking a little more than he would've liked.

He wasn't the only one... in fact, Xisu and Cang Shitian were both drunk too. Eventually, their conversations fell into random topics that they wouldn't discuss otherwise. Sometimes they even delved into some good-old philosophy...

"What is... the meaning of life?" Xiao Jiantian suddenly asked.

"The meaning of life... haha... is it not simply to enjoy oneself?" Cang Shitian laughed, his face rose-red from alcohol intake.

"That's... what I thought too." Xiao Jiantian nodded, agreeing with Cang Shitian. "There's no point in it all if you can't smile by the end..."

"I'd rather... be a happy peasant than an isolated and depressed King at the top of the world...!"

"Hahaha... I can't imagine a world where the mighty Sword God is a dedicated farm owner..." Cang Shitian laughed. "What about you, Xisu? What do you think is the meaning of life?"

"That... is not a question I've considered much if at all..." Xisu admitted. "For me... I just want to protect those who I care about most."

"A valiant goal." Xiao Jiantian nodded. "But... what do YOU want for yourself?"

"... I don't know the answer to that..."

"Hahaha... such a humble and selfless young man is the Star God Emperor!" Cang Shitian remarked. "I can see it now... the Star God Realm experiencing growth unlike in any other generation..."

"Speaking of being a dedicated farm owner... once I retire from the seat of King, it doesn't sound like the worst idea." Xiao Jiantian admitted, laughing a little at himself. "A peaceful and beautiful land away from the worries of the outside world... and surrounded in the embrace of all my women... now that would be a true paradise."

"And who do you think is worthy of filling your seat?" Cang Shitian asked.

"A shadow would do the trick..." Xiao Jiantian replied.

"Speaking of beautiful women... what do you think of my sister, hmm?" Cang Shitian tactfully changed the subject.

"She's certainly a beauty..."

"You see how she looks at you and speaks whenever you're around... so why not try to make something happen? Hehe, as her older brother and your friend, I'm willing to be the ribbon that ties you two together..."

"Ying'er would murder me if I did anything." Xiao Jiantian joked while raising another fresh cup of wine. "Anyway, such things shouldn't really be rushed... they should come naturally."

"Haha... right, that woman is rather frightening at times. By the way, have you two... done it yet?"

"Nah... she teased me several times when I was weaker than her, though." Xiao Jiantian honestly replied, smiling a little. "You know what she said to me?"

"Go on, spill the beans!"

"'Surpass me in strength first, Jiantian'... and she said all that in her most seductive voice." Xiao Jiantian laughed. "Now... I'm not one who forgets such grievances easily, of course. When she wants to do it with me... I'll tell her the very same thing!"

"That's just simply too cold..." Xisu laughed a little.

"Bahaha... would serve her right for rejecting my brother like that!" Cang Shitian nodded approvingly, addressing Xiao Jiantian as his brother.

"Brother...?" Xiao Jiantian suddenly thought.

"Right... since we're able to share such secrets with each other, simply calling ourselves friends would be rather unfitting..." Cang Shitian replied. "I thought that perhaps... we could become sworn brothers in the future."

"Oh, that's rather sweet..." Xisu nodded, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. "I'd be more than willing to be sworn brothers with men as great as you two!"

"Great? Hahaha... the great one is Jiantian here!" Cang Shitian grabbed his cup of wine. "Let's share another toast in his glorious name!"


Xiao Jiantian laughed. "Isn't this too much wine for a single night...?"

Although he went against the idea, he raised his cup regardless.

"All hail His Radiance and long may he live!"

"All hail His Radiance and long may he live!"

"... Haha... you two drunkards are wild." Xiao Jiantian hadn't quite smiled so much in a good while.

"Let's meet up in my Star God Realm next time..." Xisu stated. "There are several nice landmarks there... but most of the Star Gods are rather old, cranky or strange. I'll try to keep them away... haha. It would be a great way of repaying your great hospitality, Shitian, so I sincerely hope you consider..."

"Man... why are you so formal again?" Cang Shitian cheerfully smiled. "Of course, I'll go visit your Star God Realm later. Won't you, Jiantian?"

"Of course... I wouldn't abandon my two brothers."

The word 'brother's' slipped by as he suddenly thought of his brothers when he was a young Xuanyuan Jiantian.



After his vacation at the Ten Directions Deep Sea Realm ended, he moved to the Western Divine Region because curiosity got the better of him. It was said that Shen Xi was the only light profound energy user alive before he came into play and her resources were divine to the point of being heaven-defying. Stories of people ascending from nothing to the Divine Origin Realm in a single night and suffering no consequences whatsoever... if he could attain the 'blueprint' to such a resource, it would certainly be worth the visit.

Naturally, he had never intended to 'do' anything with the Dragon Queen since she was known to be Long Bai's wife. No matter how beautiful a woman may be, Xiao Jiantian wasn't the type to steal another man's woman... those were just basic morals.

So... he approached the Forbidden Land of Samsara in his invisible state, teleporting past its guards like they didn't exist in the first place.

'Oh lord... this is some good shit. I should've paid a visit here in my last life, forbidden land be damned.' Xiao Jiantian's azure eyes shined as he started to observe the things that grew in the Forbidden Land of Samsara.

He picked up various different resources, gaining a better feel of their structure before being able to create a mountain of the very same resources through the Law of Nothingness.


He withdrew everything into his spacial ring and prepared to dip out. But... his eyes wanted to see one more thing. Was his Qianye Ying'er superior to this 'Shen Xi' who was said to be her equal in terms of beauty?

He stealthily teleported into her place of residence, a bamboo house, and felt his heart jump out of his body. For several seconds, he had lost his breath and even his cloak of invisibility had lagged slightly... revealing shards of his appearance.

'Maybe... this wasn't a great idea.' Xiao Jiantian thought. 'Fuck... that Long Bai is a lucky ass man. Well played, well played... a true winner at life.'

"So you are the mythical young god known as Xiao 'Xuanyuan' Jiantian?" Shen Xi opened her eyes, looking directly at Xiao Jiantian. "If I'm to be honest, your unique aura is so easily distinguished from the rest that I knew you were here long before your cloak of invisibility started to fade. Never mind that... there's no need to keep formalities. Please, sit."

Knowing that he had been found, he decided not to hide himself any longer. After revealing his radiant appearance, Xiao Jiantian took a closer observation of Shen Xi's aura. 'She's... a god?'

"My apologies, it wasn't my intention to interrupt your meditation at all." Xiao Jiantian glanced at the exit. "I'll... just make my way back-"

"Please..." Shen Xi suddenly spoke out, gesturing to the ground next to her. "Do sit next to me."

"If you insist so strongly." Xiao Jiantian shrugged, sitting down in front of her.

"So... what might the Dragon Queen want from me?"

In the exact moment he finished his sentence, their equally beautiful azure eyes locked with an affection for each other.

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