Despite my attempt to fake normal, I knew I still looked pretty pale from what I'd overheard. Alison confirmed it by getting to her feet and offering her hand in an instinctive gesture.
"Syd?" She had genuine concern on her face and I cursed inwardly at my lack of control. "Are you okay?"
Which, of course, meant everyone had to make a big fuss over me. I took some deep breaths, very grateful when my demon offered her support without me having to ask.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," I tried to reassure them. "Really. Just tired all of a sudden. I'm sorry, I have to go home."
There were regretful murmurs, but no one seemed pissed and even Blood had a look of understanding on his made-up face so I didn't feel so bad.
"Thanks for everything," I said, throwing my coat on and grabbing my purse.
"We didn't get to presents!" Alison shoved a small box into the top of my purse. "And at least let one of us drive you home!"
I knew the fresh air would do me good.