/ Anime & Comics / Worst Soul Reaper

Worst Soul Reaper Original

Worst Soul Reaper

Anime & Comics 98 Kapitel 3.0M Ansichten
Autor: BoredAsura

4.81 (139 Bewertungen)

รœber Inhaltsverzeichnis


A casual fan of bleach gets reincarnated into soul society. Unlike most others, he has very little knowledge about what goes on in Bleach besides the major stuff. See how he goes through life and tries to survive in this chaotic world

  1. The_1_true_Mage
    The_1_true_Mage Beigetragen 26
  2. Gandalf_The_blac
    Gandalf_The_blac Beigetragen 13
  3. White_Men
    White_Men Beigetragen 12

Wรถchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

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  • Qualitรคt der รœbersetzung
  • Verรถffentlichungsstabilitรคt
  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
  • Welthintergrund

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Temporary title. Since I keep writing stories and fanfictions, and this site limits the number of ones I can write, I'm going to make this a compilation novel. Will divide different stories or novel ideas into different novels. deleted novel will be added btw

24 Antworten anzeigen

Seems incredibly interesting until now (ch. 20). I really hope you do not include some kind of a harem into this. I would like some light romance though.

14 Antworten anzeigen

I just don't like the MC, he is as interesting as watching paint dry, I only have a small basis on what he looks like(tallish? purple blueish hair), his powers were first intreaging but too OP to start with then confusing and then finally boringly average fanfic powers, quick mention to him saying he can't use kido because of his zanpakto implying he does not practice but then immedietly pulling a number 90 out of his ass. The way the MC interracts with the world and people around him because he cannot decide if he wants to be boring as paint/ a enthuesiastic know it all/ or a chheky non funny guy. The world and characters seem to shape and change reacting to the MC and to suit the authors goals.

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If you're expecting someone who is avoiding stuff like fighting and unnecessary confrontation from other's. Then you're looking for the wrong one. This Fic is about someone who wants to be the strongest, not someone who wants to just survive and live a care Free life without unnecessary fights. The writing is average at best seen better stuff but I digress. As for story development, it's alright. Though it would need more clearer directions and solidifying of character's, because he just gives most of the time a quick summary instead of the characters being more fleshed out (You still got ok on my list for trying. Not trying to sound like an As*hole or anything) Lastly. This review is of my own opinions for this Fic, not what others glorified it to be. (I apologize for anyone who ever is offended by my words) Well, good day and keep improving

2 Antworten anzeigen

A very promising start. I'm a bit iffy on his zanpakuto spirit though. The fic starts around 300 AD after the Quincy war. His sword's spirit is a Chaos God from 40k and he acts meek and avoids attention. Not a bad combo when he wants to be lazy and out of danger. So I recommend others to give this a read.

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it interesting i just don't like the handicap that he has to go through it just kind of dumb if I'm honest .........................................................

3 Antworten anzeigen

Pretty good ff overall, Compared to this app standards, your writting surpasses 99% of the novels out there and I can say that your grammar its even better than mine (not that mine is a great thing) About the story development, pretty common start, with mc being reincarnated bla bla bla, then we have him being lazy which is a thing I don't like that much and how he became that strong isn't clear yet, as it's tremendously difficult to achieve the same quantity of reiatsu as people like yamamoto yet he already surpasses the former. Then we have the hueco mundo arc which is awesome making that the things I said before pretty much irrelevant as how awesome it. In my opinion, the arrancar thing was a bit forced as I can't see how yamamoto accepted this so easily but I can compreehend if you wanted to change his personality or something like this, after all, the arrancars in his division is a pretty unique and awesome thing you did to your plot. A thing I'm worried about: To the time when Ywach comes back in the final arc, MC will be too powerful and it won't be fun at all when he completely destroys him, since I personally prefer an well made fight with lots of chaps instead of a single attack and then ywach gets cut in half. Ideas to stop MC for being too much OP to the supposedly final arc since idk if you will write more after it. MC is put a restrain by unknown enemy/force since he surpassed the world standards. MC meets with soul king and...(you think of this) MC lost a part of his body(don't recommend that much but still an idea. MC reaches the limit of evolution and has to just increases the power of his division as he does another things through the world. ... In the start I was worried about the chapters' length since I finished one in just two minutes or so, but when I saw how much of machine you are, with the constants updates through the day, I couldn't complain about it. Five stars. Mc wasn't the type of person I liked in the start of the ff, but as the story progressed, I saw how he developed himself to being more of an badass so I'm happy with him. World background we all know so I don't have nothing to say here... Continue your good job, review from someone who accompanied your others ff in the past and saw how much evolves through them. Big congratulations to you. (Don't remember how to write the name of the last villain correctly since it has been two years since I read bleach)

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This is surprisingly really good.

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Atรฉ agora estรก incrรญvel. A obra explora uma grande parte do universo de Bleach que sempre teve muito potencial estou muito animado com o futuro da trama e dos personagens.

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LV 11 Badge

A good read different from. Other Bleach fanfics [img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp]

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Early chaps are cringe but get better after around chap 34, it gets somewhat better. The main nuances here are all the plot holes that make this ff look like a swiss cheese

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Good fanfiction, youโ€™ve given a twist to the plot I havenโ€™t seen done before. Its intresting and keeps me wanting to read more. Keep up the good work! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

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lei hasta el capitulo 87, a pesar de que tenia partes donde se me hacia raro la forma que desarrollaba la historio el autor, de la nada empezรณ a preocuparte de que la historia siguiera al canon, despuรฉs de llevarse a varios arrancar a su unidad, transformardolos en un raza que no existรญa, agregando poderes de otros animes y dรกndole a su zampakuto el poder de absorber a otra de la nada (solo lo hizo con una pero no tiene ninguna justificaciรณn de porque puede hacerlo), y ahora en el capitulo en que estoy abandonando esta historia, quiere matar a los capitanes para que siga la linea de tiempo del canon, le deseo mucha suerte al autor pero yo no puedo seguir leyendo esta historia

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This is my favourite bleach fanfic. Ren's personality is just great, the pacing of the story is also good but the best part of the fanfic is its story development throughout the chapters. I personally think this is your best work, keep it up.

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the best bleach story no cap.

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I love this novel, j have bever written a review on any other novel but i have to guve this 5 stars. but please, dont make it a harem ir else i think i might cry myself to sleep in sadness

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good everything interesting story, not rushed, the plot is believable not like other shit stories where the guy becomes op by the second chapter or meets god for cheat abilities good fucking job author I will watch your career with great interest

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Very good job from the author-san. Very good job from the author-san. Very good job from the author-san. Very good job from the author-san. Very good job from the author-san. Very good job from the author-san.

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Best Fanfic Bleach ..........................................................................................................................................................................

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Autor BoredAsura