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11.53% Rewrite! DC: True Power of Ancient Saiyan / Chapter 4: Chapter - 4

Kapitel 4: Chapter - 4

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My ongoing stories:

Gacha: Epic of The Demiurge

TDG: Son of the Lord of the Ten Worlds

Dead by Daylight: Hunter's Hunt

A/N: If you would like to take a look I would especially like the first one! Happy reading XD


Chapter 4: New Gods?


"You goddamn son of a bitch, put me down right now!" struggled Rose trying to free herself from my grip with little result as she said in a tone full of murderous intent "You piece of shit! You really want me to pierce you with my sword, fine, I have no problem with that!

Feeling the great life force disappearing from my senses, I finally breathed a sigh of relief, completely ignoring Rose's complaints, while I could sense that her emotional state was not quite at the top of her game.... And I guess it was my fault, she was afraid of me....

"Typhpn, you should listen to Rose when she says something she usually does without fail...."

*Sword breaking sound*




"Well, rip sword..." murmured Lilith, receiving a look from both me and Rose that made her blush with embarrassment, having nowhere to hide to her misfortune.

Finally, after making sure I was not being followed, I put both Lilith and Rose down, as the latter gave me a nasty look....

Suddenly I felt a sharp sting of warning rising in the back of my mind and I bent slightly to my right, raising my left hand to casually grasp the hilt of the blade Rose had thrown.

The wonders of precognition...

"There are easier ways... And less permanent ways to tell me you're pissed off" I throw the knife back at her without changing my expression.

Rose snorted in disdain as a smile grew on her lips. "But where's the fun in that?"

*Sigh* Looking at the broken sword on the floor, I looked at it for a few seconds before grabbing the two parts with both my hands as I circulated my Ki over both pieces of the sword before bringing it back together again and being as good as new

Ki in Dragonball is a kind of additional, trainable and controllable source of energy (i.e., something that can be physically stored, physically measured and used to perform physical work) within all life forms (I am not sure). To say it is pure energy is wrong because physics knows no difference between "pure" and "impure" energy. Energy is energy. It can be stored in different ways and you can put energy in states that are difficult/impossible to recover, but there is no physical meaning of "pure energy".

And somewhat but not completely connected to a person's mental state, "mental strength," and body health, and the specifics of how it is connected to these things are related to what kind of life form you are (i.e. what species) and also different on an individual level between members of the same species.

And also inspired by the concept of qi in Eastern martial arts, the energy discussed in DB is not the same as the energy discussed in science. The aura is when the users energy is focused, it begins to manifest outside the body. Because ki is related to a person's life force and spirit/will, a person's intent can be perceived through their ki allowing others to get an idea of what someone might be like.

It might help to think about whether ki is more like a force, and by focusing the energy within one's body the user can accumulate Potential Energy and by directing their spirit they can fire it/use it as Kinetic Energy and with enough concentration they can manipulate that ki in various ways; like concentrating it in certain forms or controlling its trajectory. And because it is linked to intent, they can control how lethal it is up to a certain point.

Also, while the aura itself cannot harm the user, concentrating the energy within the user's body can have damaging effects as seem through the Kaioken, or releasing a significant amount of a user's ki in a single can leave them very exhausted as seen through life. risky techniques such as tri-beam

So because of Ultimate's DNA, my body could be called very similar to that of a Dragon Ball android, with an infinite ki generator. But much better, after all androids can't increase their ki in quantity but they will never run out of energy, it's like a nuclear power plant but only with a battery the size of a house.

Instead, my body would always be at the maximum possible and in theory I would never run out of ki.... I was basically the most Op version of Android-21 in several ways.

Rose looked at me in amazement as I handed her the repaired weapon and sent her a small mocking smile, to which she responded clearly annoyed and ready to bite me like a wild cat.

"Alright guys, no need to keep fighting in the middle of the street, after all we are very close to the base.... Hold back for later, please."

"Mhm" x 2

Both Rose and I huffed as we continued walking toward our destination with a little sigh from Lilith saying, "It's going to be a long walk."


Eventually we arrived at what looked like a basement, while I realized it was more like a man cave, much larger and more spacious than any basement had any right to be.

It is darkly lit, with only low burnt lights hanging from the ceiling and the brightness of the TV as the only source of light. In front of a long couch was a character I knew very well from several animated series I watched as a child.

Deathstroke, perhaps the most feared killer in all the world, was sitting in an armchair, with a glass of whiskey in his hand, watching a soccer game.

Really, And I thought my day couldn't get any weirder....

Not far from him was a woman with platinum blond hair and beautiful blue eyes, with slightly dark skin, wearing a tight white dress that accentuated her big ass and firm tits, also carrying two sharp swords at her hip that gave her an exotic Amazonian look.

Seeing the woman in question, my brain couldn't help but go completely crazy as I realized what her identity actually was and finally many things inside my head finally made sense...

My creation... The various "DNA's"within my body and most importantly everything now made sense, but I couldn't help but be shocked inside!

"Good job Rose and Lilith you did not disappoint me and completely met your goal to perfection," Slade stated in a calm tone as he sipped some of his whiskey.

Although they hid it well I could sense both Rose and Lilith's happiness from the compliments they received.

The woman merely huffed with obvious contempt toward the two girls as she took her eyes off my figure since I had entered the room.

Eventually Slade's gaze shifted to me and said, "I am sure you have many questions that are understandable and will be clarified very soon. I am Slade and how should I address you?"

"Typhon," I simply stated, by now I had decided to move away from my human identity to try to get used to the fact that I was stuck in this world and couldn't go back, and in the meantime I was just trying to maintain my morals and some of my memories to help me survive in this world.

Saiyans are known for their aggressiveness. Their brutality. Their desire to fight and to a lesser extent conquer. But I was not raised as a Saiyan and continued to think of myself as a human being. At least mentally. I already know what will happen if I let my new impulses control me too much: I will shut down and be so overwhelmed by emotions at that point and not have acted on any Saiyan instincts. They would all be dead and I would be branded a murderer. An alien killer, no less. And I doubt the Justice League looked at them too kindly....

I didn't care about them anymore, and if they would come after me for any reason they would find someone they shouldn't mess with if they don't want to end up with several broken bones.

However, I tried to control those impulses now inside me. At the end of the day, I refused to let those impulses make the situation even worse.

But I could already tell it was a losing battle.... A temporary measure that would not last much longer. The thought of training came to my mind and I decided to do just that when I had the chance. The best way to get rid of extra mental energy is to train until your body can't move and all you can focus on is your exhaustion.

It should also drive away my Saiyan impulses a little longer. I will think of a long-term solution when I actually have the chance although surely the best one was to control my ikari form, but it would not be such an easy task, especially for me with the memories of Ultimate...

Slade seemed to be fascinated by my name as he said with a clear smile on his face, "Typhon... Greek mythology, very interesting, especially the legend about it..."

"Legend?" asked the dark-skinned woman with obvious interest in everything about me!

"Typhon... There may be gods and monsters, but rarely will you hear of a god who is also a monster. That is exactly what Typhon is in legend, which is why he is one of the most fearsome deities, called king of monsters or even called the bane of all gods."

A/N: I chose Typhon as the name simply because Galatea's name is also based on Greek mythology.

"Very interesting," the tanned woman stated in an obvious excited tone, as if that was exactly what she wanted for Christmas or something.

But I honestly didn't care about all their talk that was completely useless to me and that's why I stepped forward as I sat down on the couch with and used my tail to pick up the bottle of whiskey and drank it all in one gulp as I could feel some heat forming before disappearing as if it never existed...

I had to find some alcoholic beverage that could counteract my new body....

"Wait a minute!" cried Lilith causing everyone's gaze to unfold on her, "Are we all ignoring the fact that he has a tail?!"

"Yes" x3

Lilith couldn't help but look at me shocked as I gave a simple shrug in her direction, causing her to give a very cute pout.

"Then why don't you start answering my questions?" I asked, but I was not Slade, rather looking at the Amazon girl with obvious intensity....

She responded by giving me a simple smile as she gave a small nod to Slade who simply nodded before standing up and simply saying in a calm tone, "Rose and Lilith follow me it is time for your payment for the mission you have accomplished."

Rose simply gave me a little look before following her father while Lilith seemed a little conflicted about what to do.... But in the end realizing it was personal to follow the father and daughter duo as they gave me a thumbs up to try to help me for which I am very grateful in more ways than one.

"So, what do you want to know?" asked the tanned woman, putting herself in a more comfortable position and highlighting her muscular and sexy body without any shame.

I definitely had many questions that kept running through my head with no intention of stopping, but finally I asked the simplest one I could think of: "Who are you?"

After hearing my words, she smiled charmingly and said in a loud and imperious tone, "I am Gilotina, a new gods and a ex- furies of the powerful the Darkseid!"

"Gilotina... New gods... Darkseid..."

Yes, I had already realized this when I first saw her when I entered this room, but hearing it from her words was a completely different matter....

The New Gods evolved because of their proximity to the Source, a primordial energy, believed to be one of the ultimate foundations of the Universal Expression of Energy, along with their superior technology, into beings of genetic stability and evolutionary perfection and existed in a different dimension and each of them and embodied a divine concept of some kind, which needs no worship.

As Darkseid (Evil) he has a broader purpose than mere oppression/tyranny, and would explain why the "lesser" New Gods of Apokolips (Kalibak, DeSaad, Steppenwolf, etc.) are all subservient to him. Orion would be the god of (War) Lightray, god of light, or Highfather.

A New God can be killed, but he does not die because he is a living idea, as shown in Final Crisis, Multiversity, and I think there will be many other New 52 comics with them. Hell, the New Gods of Earth Prime are the same New Gods of the entire multiverse, the most notable example being Darkseid and his countless avatars....

"So I have your DNA in my body?" I couldn't help but ask, wanting to know the cause of my creation....

Yes, the last DNA inside my body was that of New Gods.... This was why I considered myself a real abomination, three of the most powerful races from different universes in one body, usually such a plot never ended well!

That was one of the reasons I was so arrogant in the beginning, and also because I thought that if I went to the Justice League, they certainly wouldn't give me a warm welcome...

Above all, I could only think that if I really had the DNA of a new god inside me, wouldn't that mean that I already had divine Ki? Could I already turn into a Super Saiyan God? *Ugh* For some reason my body seemed to really really hate that particular transformation....

Even much more importantly what concept I it embody? *Sigh* It seemed that there was still a lot of latent power to be discovered in my body and that for some reason was making me feel good!

"Yes, I joined Cadmus after I defected from the Furies, we had many interests in common. But if I'm honest, I officially united when I found out about you and the project to create the strongest creature in the universe."

"But why do all this?"

I really couldn't understand...From what I remembered the Furies were taught by Granny Goodness from an early age to serve and obey Darkseid in every situation without even being able to think about acting for their own freedom.

Hearing my words, Gilotina showed an expression full of bitterness, almost vulnerable one might say "... We Furies have been taught to kill and serve in the name of the mighty Darkseid. But over time I have come to realize that he will only see us as so many pawns to be used and discarded when we no longer serve in his little game of conquering this world and the "Anti-life." I ha unlike the other Furies realized that I wanted so much more.... So when Cadmus' offer came to me it was as if a world opened up before my eyes and I could only grab this opportunity for myself!"

"If I wanted someone strong and worthy to serve.... Then all I had to do was create him..." ended Gilotina's speech as I could see in the young furies a look of obsessive longing?

I remained silent to try to piece together the big picture of the situation and was beginning to understand how I was created and also why: "What about Slade? What does he have to do with this?"

"Since I defected from the Darkside and came to Earth, the Justice League have given me the benefit of the doubt to stay here," I snort with unconcealed obvious disdain, "But I am constantly monitored by the Justice League for fear that I might betray them later. So I needed someone efficient who knew all their components well and could accomplish the task of freeing you and bringing you to me!"

"Rose and Lilith" I corrected, after all they were the ones who had freed me.

"Yes Slade's two little protégés, he thought they would attract less attention to avoid intervention from the Justice League bigwigs and Besides we wanted to observe your power for the future and for our next moves"

"So it was basically a test against me if I was worthy being your new supreme 'god' I have something like that..." I couldn't help but comment with obvious annoyance growing within me.



I could only watch in silence and speechlessness as Gilotina fell to her knees before my feet....

"...I can understand your concerns, but it was essential to confirm whether you truly deserved my loyalty. You have no need to be concerned about my commitment; it's unwavering!" she declared in a serious tone. "I've already made up my mind to stand by your decisions. I just hope you choose to stay, but if you decide to leave, I understand, and I won't attempt to hinder you in any manner."

*Sigh* I could easily tell that she was completely honest in her words and really this situation I didn't know whether good or not... However in a way she was right, I could end up as another Ultimate or even worse another Darkseid.... And if that had really happened things would not have been so good in any possible way.

"I'm sure you didn't create me just out of your addiction to having someone to boss you around, but there's some other goal you want me to do, isn't there?"

Gilotina was silent for a few minutes with clear thoughtful and calculating face, before saying in a strong tone that left no room for further misunderstanding, "I want you to kill Darkseid and become the new king of Apokolips! And that's the goal that keeps me going..."

What the fuck! My expression on the outside was calm and cool as I listened to his words, but in truth a very large tumult of different emotions many different from each other was taking place inside me.

I could feel fear, pride, and most of all anticipation and the will to fight begin to grow inside me, like a raging tsunami that wanted to come out and prove itself to be the absolute strongest!

"I have to think about your proposal.... But I can stay here anyway, right?" I asked in a cold tone, still not quite understanding what path I should pursue but I can learn it as I go along....

I could tell that Gilotina was sincere in her words and had no hidden intention of hurting me. But I'm sure many would choose to do such a thing, but at least now I could have a new possible purpose. Something I missed terribly at this time.momento...


I closed the book in my hands and laid it on the bed beside me. I did my best not to look out the window beside me, the thought of looking out again to see several scientists in white coats was too much.... Having been locked in a box not too long ago....

So instead, I looked up at the ceiling as I let myself collapse on the double bed. The room I was in was rather bare but I was fine with it. But the bed was almost too comfortable and small for my taste....

It was just as I was falling asleep that I heard a knock at the door and got up, "Yes? Come in," I called, the door opened and I was greeted by two very familiar people.

Just as I was about to tell them to leave, Lilith entered the room and smiled at me, "So, your discussion with Gilotina went well, didn't it?" she asked, putting my mind back in gear.

"Yes," I said a little too tense, perhaps a little shaky from being tired and hungry. Ah, the infamous Saiyan appetite. Shaking the useless thoughts from my mind.

"Try to see the positive side," she responded, and I mustered a perplexed expression. Lilith noticed it, thankfully, and offered an embarrassed smile. "Well... at least you're not being used as a lab rat anymore."

I was damned annoyed at the reminder. It was all too fresh in my mind; the fact that I would never see my family again, that is. That I was stuck on an Earth completely different from my own.

Rose and her "enhanced" senses must have picked up on my disappointment, because she tapped Lilith a little hard with her shoulder, "I think," she said abruptly as she looked at the woman next to her, "that Lilith is trying to say that we're sorry that you've been in such a situation and that things will get better very quickly now."

"Yes!" said Lilith shyly, "I'm sorry, Typhon. I just wasn't thinking about your feelings about the whole thing, " she apologized.

"Pity is not my thing, Lilith," I blurted out slightly before realizing that I was going to let my irritation get the best of me again. Sighing, I said, ",I'm just...tired. It's been a hell of a day and I was just about to fall asleep before you came knocking on my door."

God, I feel bloody bipolar. I go from little smiles and feeling like I'm living out my greatest teenage fantasy, to the outburst of anger at the mere mention of one thing. Everything was so intense for me now. Every emotion rose to a high level and also so reactive and impulsive.

No wonder most Saiyans are such jerks sometimes.... Your concern would not make me feel normal again. I don't think I would ever feel closer to *normality*. But in a way it relieved the general turbulence and tension in my mind that had apparently been a constant turmoil since I had arrived here.

"Don't worry," said Lilith, crossing her arms under her rather buxom chest, "I went through something similar after some strange events. I am used throughout my childhood for my psnionic powers living a pretty miserable life. Fortunately I found out who I was with the help of Slade and Rose." She stopped herself from continuing to talk about the topic was obvious still difficult for her to talk about, but she was pushing through the discomfort to try to comfort me-I was very grateful for that.

Rose spoke : "What Lilith is trying to say is keep your chin up and put one foot in front of the other and things will work out sooner or later." Her words were comforting to a certain extent, though spoken with such a serious face and with some embarrassment. Or was it because they were said so seriously that they were so comforting? I have no idea...

Lilith's eyes looked in the direction of my tail and then back at me, curiosity burning in her eyes. I smiled in response. Of course she was usually curious and I was not a special occasion for her.

"Ask away if you want," I said Lilith looked at me as if to say "really?" so I shrugged my shoulders, "I have to get used to talking about it, about my situation? It sucks to think about it, but maybe it will help me in the long run."

Lilith's eyes lit up, "Really? How what-" was cut off by a deep, guttural growl. A harsh rumble that could shake mountains to their foundations--!

It was my stomach. My stomach was growling and making ungodly sounds....

Lilith could not contain herself and burst out laughing, "Tired, huh? I realized the reason you were so irritable is because of whatever that sound was making," she said amidst her laughter and I "almost" blushed in embarrassment.

"Didn't they feed you or something? You look hungry," Rose chuckled, with obvious teasing, but her eyes held a concern.

When I nodded at her question, I could see Lilith frown a little before quickly turning it into a small smile, "Follow us we'll show you the way to a half-neutral cafe that's not too far from here and it's time to get something to eat, right, Rose?"

The woman in question stopped laughing and wiped an imaginary tear from her eyes, looking at Lilith with a thoughtful expression before nodding, "I could go for something to eat, sure."

I was tired.... Really tired mentally, instead my body seemed . I wanted to sleep and then sleep some more after that. Normally I would have asked for a rain check and then slept. But I was likely to try to eat my mattress if I slept now, so I nodded to his offer.

I felt like I could eat a whole dragon!


[Gotham City - Unnamed Bar]

I had to admit that in the comics the city of Gotham was portrayed as very dark, but in reality it was much worse than one might imagine

I had no illusions: Gotham was a cesspool for raising a family or for everyday life. Drugs, gangs, and violence were so prevalent that you could walk past a dead body inside an alley in broad daylight.

Gotham was not a bad place to live if one had the power.... With a smile on my face, next to me Lilith and Rose took a left turn, pulling a wheelie down the road. Damn, it was good to be free!

The first thing I saw was the gothic crown around the top with metal rods sticking out: We entered the bar, which was still a little slow before the night shift really kicked in, and a female voice said, "We're not open, so it's double the cost for drinks and slow service."

"Yes, we hear you, Mary." Rose stated simply as she occupied a booth in the back, I noticed she was trying to watch the football game. Interesting, I would have thought she would have been more interested in the musical scenes and fights to the death.

I could feel several stares piercing my back and I simply looked back with my red eyes and some of my Ki and leaked out making most people scared.

"Also I hope you have informed your new and great friend that this is neutral territory, we don't take crap around here," Stated a woman who looked very familiar to me for some reason.

She was very beautiful with her long hair tied back in a ponytail. She was wearing her costume, which consisted of a black leotard with a yellow border. I kept my eyes above her chest, but it was quite obvious that she was--very well endowed in that area, and especially the black choker on her neck, couldn't help but give me some perverted ideas.

Rose grumbled as she waved an arm at the bar. "Yes, yes, we get it. Your bribe or get some drinks and something to eat and leave the fighting outside alone."

I relaxed in my seat and waited for a waiter to arrive so I could order a lot of food and several drinks so I could finally enjoy my freedom with a nice meal!

Glancing around, I noticed the Mad Hatter, Two-Face and a few others sitting around the different tables. Pero the only table that had only person who caught my total attention for some reason was the table where Killer Croc sat.

"Are you interested in him or something?" Rose asked as she bent her head to the side while looking at me with interest?

Simply shaking her head, "No," I replied, "I just wonder about a few things.... Nothing too important."


"È... That shouldn't be possible, right?" Lilith murmured with saucer-sized eyes, "He's a big guy and all but-but where does all that food go?"

"... I have no idea," Rose said, equally speechless.

The two little girls were not the only ones speechless even most of the bad guys in the bar had a completely speechless look at the scene in front of them....

Meanwhile, I was eating my 23rd plate of food. A delicious rare steak made just and with a side of some soft fries and squid rings. And I ate the whole thing. Within ten seconds, the steak, fries, fried squid rings and even the salad were all in my stomach.

Now I knew why Saiyans liked to eat so much. It wasn't just the act of eating their fill. It was the tastes. My human tongue felt the flavors were much more intense. Much more... full. Complete, even. Everything tasted incredible.

Sitting back, away from the table, I stroked my stomach. Still flat and adorned with iron abs, even after the ungodly amount of food I had put away.

I was still a little hungry but this would do. For now, anyway. Looking up, I saw Rose and Lilith looking equally at my flat stomach and then back at me as if I were some sort of anomaly. Knowing what I had just done, I very much agreed with them.

"Typhon..." Rose said with a somewhat rakish look, "I can do strange things, but I can't put all that food in my stomach. Are you finally full?"

He looked away a little, "Not really. I could eat more, but this is enough for now." "The only reason I had already eaten so much was because I knew Lilith was still watching my stomach.

Lilith was still looking at my stomach from over the table, looking astonished: 'I know you said you weren't human anymore-the monkey tail sold that part-but to see you putting away so much food is really shocking. I mean, seriously, where does it all go?"

"If I had an answer, I would give it to you," I shrugged," But I think food is dissolved and turned into nutrients I have something like that..." I felt much better after eating food.

Both physically and mentally. I've always been a bit of a foodie and now that I'm a bit of a Saiyan, it's obviously become more pronounced. Nothing like eating away your troubles, after all.

"Like, 'instantly converted food into nutrients' kind of loose. Why the hell is your metabolism so fast?" asked Rose in an amazed tone.

I shrugged, "I must be, I guess. Strong bodies need a lot of food. Kind of like athletes, but amplified for a thousand times I have something like that."





Killer Croc


I hope you enjoy this story! I am having fun writing it XD

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