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62.22% The Rise of the Lazy Mage(Versatile mage FF) / Chapter 26: Chapter 26-Finishing what you started

Kapitel 26: Chapter 26-Finishing what you started

Itachi the and group of 12 quickly made their way down the hill in the same bus they had driven to arrive. They were weaving in and out of traffic in the crowded Tokyo downtown as many people panicked quite bit taking shelter in safe areas while mages rushed to defend front lines.

"Just our luck, Japan gets attacked right when we arrive, so we are dragged into it" Ryan said a bit bitterly.

A grinning Gabriella looked at him "Well, you didn't get a chance to fight in the competition, now you can" she said happily ignoring the threat of death that comes along with fighting monsters.

"Whatever, this traffic is so annoying" he said irritably as they struggled to make any headway. "I'll tell you what, we have 4 wind mages, each of the can grab two so we can quickly fly over Mat quickly spike up.

Everyone else agreed and Olivia, Aiden, Gabriella and Itachi each picked up two people to fly over since they were the only ones with wind element.

Itachi couldn't help but notice Catherine shuffling over giving him little choice, but to pick her up. He also picked up the other twin Ethan who had no wind element like his brother and they flew over the panicking pedestrians as the coast came into view.

Sure enough as far as the eye could see, the sea was filled with sea monsters beginning to attack the sea walls and fortresses that defended from the sea invasion. many high and mid tier mages defended from the attacks on the walls, while Itachi assumed their were a couple super mages commanding from the background.

Thousands of servant and warrior rank clawed sea monsters swarmed the shore attacking the coastal defenses. Flashes of all different kinds of magic swept out to repel the attacks.

Looking to one side their was one high tier ice mage commanding a bunch of lower ice mages who were all combining their magic together to freeze a large portion of sea monsters coming to their side. another group of earth mages worked on fortifying their position to create large earth walls to prevent them from getting closer. Another was filled with fire mages that evaporated the ocean with their powerful fire attacks that burned any that came close.

They were obviously very well trained, but the unending horde threatened to overwhelm them as they kept coming. The few super tier mages saved their energy for any powerful enemies that would appear. They had already spotted a few commanders which worsened their fear. If there were so many commanders, it was likely this was no simple attack, and their may even be monarchs behind them which was their biggest fear.

They flew directly to the wall which gave the commander of the forces a startle "Who are you" he angrily shouted concerned that they were some sort of enemy.

"We are the American national team. We came to help you, and members of the Tokyo university should be following us soon to fend off the invasion" Itachi said calmly since he fluently spoke Japanese.

"Alright you have my permission" he said before storming off calling out orders loudly. The left side was slowly being overwhelmed as a large sea monster that was obviously a strong commander lead the forces forward pushing back a group of mid tiers who were struggling to do any damage to such a beast. Seeing this Itachi flew off after saying "I'll handle this side, you all go defend other places"

He then flew off to support the struggling group. Sergeant Hanzo was a strong high tier fire mage in charge of a large group of mid tiers on the left flank. Ever since the group of monsters had been spotted in the distance, they had been assigned this portion, and they had been defending for a couple hours. He had made the mistake of expending too much strength on lower level sea monsters and now he was paying the price. He struggled to defend from the strong blows of the commander ranked sea monster.

His near exhausted fire reserves barely had enough to perform high tier magic as his weaker mid tier wind and ice magic had little effect on the strong beast. The only reason he was still alive was a strong magic shield he had gotten from his father for protection. The protective light shield had saved him several times from the destructive claws of the beast but it was rapidly weakening.

He had wind track activated to its fullest potential as he desperately avoided the blows. Gritting his teeth he put all his strength into one last Heaven Flame Burial attack that shot out enveloping the beast that cried out in pain. To his dismay it simply ran off the beach into the water that instantly put out the fire on it. Walking back out it growled menacingly as it stared down the exhausted high tier mage. Many of its comrades came up beside it preparing to feast on human flesh.

Suddenly, a purple flash lit the sky as over 20 bolts of thunder shot out impaling 20 different warrior ranked beasts through their heads as they instantly died before they even hit the floor. One of the bolts hit the commander beast forcing it back as it struggled to overcome the paralysis effect of the lightning. Looking up the desperate sergeant saw a powerful looking youth with lightning arcing in his hands as a pair of beautiful wings flapped behind him.

The beast turned to face this new threat as it roared out in a mix of pain and anger. Not giving it any chance for respite Itachi immediately raised his hand up as a bright purple glow surrounded him. Immediately flashed of lightning rained down as Itachi charged up powerful high tier lightning. A second later, a bright bolt of lightning came down from the sky slamming hard into the beast that was instantly enveloped by over 10 billion volts of electricity. It died almost instantly its charred black body being flung aside by the force of the blow as a large part of the sandy beach was turned to glass by the intense heat.

Next Itachi sent a full powered whirlwind that looked like a miniature hurricane into the sea picking up hundreds of millions of gallons as well as thrashing sea monsters that were unable to resist the powerful wind. Vicious wind blades slashed them apart like a blender while Itachi continued supplying power to it as it stormed around the bay. The biggest benefit of a spirit seed is that you use the same amount of energy for a much more powerful attack, so even though Itachi's heaven grade seed made his attacks super powerful, it consumed the same as a normal mid tier wind magic tornado.

It powered around the bay stunning friend and foe alike at how powerful the wind tornado was. The defenders were given a temporary respite as warriors and minion monsters alike were sucked into the whirlwind with little ability to resist. Some of the smarter ones dived deeper into the water, but it still had little effect since the tornado picked up water quite deep into the bay.

As if to respond to the crisis a giant wave sprang from the depths as the ground felt a deep tremor when a powerful Tsunami swept towards the shore obviously from some powerful creature. 'Shit, is that the Mariana Emperor' he thought since only a supreme monarch, or emperor could create such a powerful wave that threatened to destroy an entire city.

'Round two it is' Itachi thought smirking as he quickly touched down before sneaking away. Using the shadow element, he turned into a shadow as he quicky slipped away unnoticed. Everyone's attention was on the impending wave as they panickedly built up defenses to try and stop it.

Itachi then flew a couple miles down the coast as he quickly transformed "You won't get away this time, he thought grinning maliciously as he spotted the large creature approaching the bay. While it was very powerful, it would be alot weaker in the shallower water of the bay and Itachi didn't plan to let it escape this time.

As strong as it was, it was on the weaker spectrum of emperor rank. Gaps in the emperor rank were gigantic, and Itachi estimated the Frost emperor labeled as the strongest in the world was well over 100 times stronger than this sea emperor. Itachi would probably have to raise most of his elements well into super tier to strengthen himself enough to seriously contend with it a being such as that. Itachi flew down from the North bearing down on the powerful sea creature that had yet to sense him.

With a powerful flap of his wings, Itachi send a whirlwind of wind so strong it completely smashed into the wave with such force that the tall wave instantly toppled over reducing its power immensely. It crashed into the shore, but aside from a few injuries, it didn't manage to overcome the sea wall. Sensing the powerful aura the Barracuda like fish immediately turned to face this new threat. Surprisingly, it was the strong dragon it had faced a couple days ago and it was now... Blocking the entrance to the bay.

While it may not be the most intelligent of emperors, it quickly realised Itachi's plans as it growled in anger. All thoughts of attacking the city were gone as it wondered how it would escape. Leaping forward Itachi quickly covered himself in a white flame as his sharp claws whistled through the air reaching forward to slash this beast apart. It immediately leapt up into the air with its powerful fins before smashing its tail around in its signature move that would beat most things down with sheer power along. Blocking the move Itachi immediately stabbed his claws into its tail cutting it pretty badly as it bled. Kicking it back into the ocean, a blue flame filled his mouth as the beast retreated in fear.

It remembered this flame. The same one that burned it terribly before. Immediately it shot through the ocean, but Itachi was prepared for that. Launching in front of it he was in the perfect position as it had nowhere to go. Immediately it launched out of his maw evaporating the hundreds of feet deep bay like it was nothing as it had nowhere to hide. Intense agony shot through its body as it was bathed in its worst fear since its favorite place to be was in the cold. All the remaining sea monsters were burned alive by the powerful flames that Itachi prevented from spreading into the city.

Spectators could only gasp in amazement as they watched this play out as the previously water filled bay turned into a near desert as water crashed inside from the ocean. A steaming 500 meter long scaly fish could be seen in the center thrashing around as it was torched. It's small yet sturdy legs tried to move it to safety, yet it had no hope as Itachi continued scorching it in a never ending stream.

Any water based attacks it shot out were instantly destroyed as the strengths of their elemental attacks were in completely different leagues. Even if it could create powerful storms and waves, it was completely cut off from its source of strength as it was slowly burned to death.

Even if Itachi's flames could disintegrate most things, a emperor had amazing defense and vitality as it desperately hanged on using its long body to try to throw itself forward. Even if water was coming back into the bay, it was quickly evaporated after coming into contact with the flames, so it found little comfort. Eventually it collapsed too weak to move from the intense fire bath.

Moving forward, Itachi leapt forward like a hawk sinking his claws deep into the skull of his prey cutting through the solid bone defense deep into its head. Lightning immediately shot out channeled through his claws as the beasts brain was directly fried giving it an instant death.

Right after, Itachi turned to face the stunned onlookers once again having some fun unleashing his inner chunni "I am the Dragon god protector of humanity" he said majestically while internally he struggled not to laugh outloud.

"You do not need to fear, I wish you no harm. I only came to save your city from destruction. Now I must go. Maybe we will meet again in the future" he said before flying off into the distance away from the eyes of other humans. Immediately when he was out of range, he transformed back into a human as he dived underwater. He created a barrier with his space element as he shot through the water back towards shore. Using the shadows along the walls he snuck back in before flying back towards the city.

After arriving he quickly made his way towards the sea wall quickly climbing it close to where was before. Then he stood in place like he had been there the whole time. Sergeant Hanzo turned around nearly jumping in shock as he saw his savior standing nearby. Rushing forward with eyes full of gratitude he profusely thanked Itachi "Thank you for saving me. Back there, I thought I would never see my wife and kids again" he said eyes tearing up.

Seeing this a warm feeling spread inside of Itachi that he was greatly surprised at. Is this what it feels like to help people? He thought staring at his hands. While he may have helped people before such as in Bo city, it wasn't really too personal.

Itachi didn't expect and he didn't even want gratitude from others since he normaly found it annoying. For once in his life he felt the true gratitude from someone whos life he saved. Even his cold exterior couldn't help but crack a bit when he realized the importance.

His seemingly simple action saved a wife from being widowed, a son from growing up fatherless. It was hard even Itachi to ignore as he watched the tears of joy run down the mans face as he muttered the names of his wife and children who he would see once again.

Pulling himself out of his thoughts he prepared to respond to the man, but he was interrupted by a loud shout "Itachiiiii!!!!!" He turned to face the blond Gabriella flying through the air with her wing wings. Recalling the magic the jumped into his arms "I thought something happened to you since I didn't see you when I looked earlier" she said worriedly.

Grimacing awkwardly he turned to her "You know I do have a girlfriend" he said as the girls face quickly turned red "You are misunderstanding me" she said angrily pushing him away "Why would I ever want to be your girlfriend" she said turning away with a hint of disappointment on her face.

Soon the rest of the team came over and they were all grouped up. They were excitedly talking about the dragon that had to be at least supreme monarch strength, or maybe even emperor. They couldn't really tell since it was hard to rank beings that were near that level. Mages of their level weren't even qualified to get close, just the outer bands of fire would have forced them back otherwise they would have died.

Smiling in return his gaze locked on one girl in particular "It really is a wonder that dragons are actually still alive. Many thought they died out"

Seeing this Olivia pretty much confirmed it "Yeah he definitely knows. How did he figure out my identity" she thought angrily. She called her granfather earlier and all he said was that they had a guest a while ago, but he refused to tell her anything about him. He made up some excuse that their esteemd guest wished to remain private which greatly annoyed her.

Hiding village matters from his own grandaughter. Also, what the hell was that dragon?!? she knew their were a couple other dragons living around the world, yet she had never seen nor heard of a dark dragon such as that at that level of power. She knew some Chinese student had a black dragon summon a while ago, yet it was only around commander level in strength so that couldn't be it.

Apparently the owner of it was some student named Mo Fan who had been missing for over a year. Moving back to the present. she glared back at Itachi who smiled back. 'Hmmph who cares if he knows my identity' shee thought if he dares tell anyone that will be the last thing he does.

Itachi and the rest of the team chatted a bit before they went through a bunch of boring formal stuff. The commander wanted to thank the group officially for their help and surprisingly enough they ended up with an official title of military advisor. They were given an identity card that pretty much gave them a high level of power in Japan so they had permission to participate in some military matters to help out their country, while they would also gain discounts at many stores around Japan. Thanking the captain they soon left returning to their hotel they were staying in during their visit.

Waking up early next day the team arrived at the airport that had been reopened soon after the attack was resolved. Itachi couldn't help noticing all the different civilians talking about the dragon god in worshipful tones. This kinda surprised Itachi. He did it pretty much as a joke to satisfy his inner chunni, but with the way they talked you would think they were worshipping their creator.'Maybe I should stop doing that' Itachi hesitantly thought as maybe it wasn't the best idea to be doing that.

They boarded their plane preparing for their next destination.

Dato Dato

New chap, if he does go multiverse would you rather he goes with girlfriend or would he be seperated within his goal being finding His way back. Also I got a few other rare fan fic topics that I might try to do’s fan fic of in the future since they are quite fun writing not going to quit writing this one thought. Adios

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