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46.15% Kyochuu Rettou X Jurassic Park Male Reader / Chapter 6: Chapter 5

Kapitel 6: Chapter 5

Previously on 'Kyochuu Rettou" The group has found a mysterious laboratory where they see a hatching facility, finishing how these dinosaurs came to life. Then, they were walking to continue looking for a place that is age and secure. But all of a sudden, they were unexpectedly attacked by a Carnotaurus. They ran as it attacked to catch its prey. And now it leads to where they all came to where see the Main Gate with two enormous, primitive gates, torches blazing on either side. And on top of it says "Jurassic Park: Isla Muerta."

Everyone: "Woah!"

Miura: "Such a big gate."

Y/N: "...I can't believe it's still standing here..."

Oribe: "The other gate is half open."

Y/N noticed it and sees that the primitive gate was open a few inches. The gate was broken. Y/N pushes the gate and when he opens it, they all see a half-destroyed park in ruins a distant away from where they are standing on a trial that is a long metal concrete trail bridge that leads a pathway to the park.

Kai: "What happened to this place?"

Matsuoka: "Maybe an accident happened."

As they walked to the park, they all see ruined buildings and most covered in leaves and vines hanging from top and bottom and on the inside.

Jinno: "There's no one here."

Kamijo: "Seems much of an abandoned area."

Y/N: "I'm quite certain that there has to be somewhere safe. I hope no natural predators are around. Not even a Tyrannosaur."

Miura: "!!!"

Everyone continued to walk straight from the trail that they were walking in. But when they stopped, they see the Visitor's Center at the hub of Jurassic Park up ahead . It was themed around dinosaurs and it was intended to be the main hive of activity for guests visiting the theme park. The outside of the center has a 3D mural embedded in the wall of Jurassic scenery. The exterior of the building was made of decorative concrete that followed an unusual concave curve. The lower front section, which had flowing water ducts and decorative foliage on either side, followed a convex curve and was split in half by the stairs which led up to the main entrance door. To the left of the stairway was a wheel chair accessible ramp. On the tinted door was the design of an egg with light rays spawning from its center. Engraved around the door were decorative faux dinosaur fossils, with a relief of the park's skeleton mascot adorning the top of the door. Six tall black tinted windows, three on either side, spanned the building's facade. The top of the building had three thatched, tiki-hut styled roofs with a larger one in the center to house the main entrance hall. The top also had guard rails, apparently for use as some kind of a observation deck. The Visitor Center was inseparable from the tour as the main vehicle garage was located in its basement. The tour cars would exit the visitor center via the left side arm from the alcove. Lush rain-forest trees surrounded the area along with an observation pond and other decorative plants. The group was in full amazement, seeing the appearance of this magnificent building.

Naruse: "This place finally solves our problem. We'll definitely be safe in there."

Kamijo: "We've come a long way, everyone. We can make it if we get inside."

When Y/N opened the door, he opens it and there were two girls that were barely making their way out when they were about to open the door. Y/N was surprised when they see them both. Matsuoka recognizes the two girls, they were students that also came from Hosho Academy High School and were members of the Track and Field Club. The girls started crying as if they were finally seeing each other after the incident when the students have arrived on the island.

They introduced their names as their continued sobbing tears. One is named Emiko Miyasano and the other is Kayo Suzuki.

Emiko: "Oh, Thank God, you're okay!" [sobbing]

Miyasano: [crying] "We.. we were just about to leave to go on a search to find other survivors. But you all came!"

They both wiped their tears and finally relaxed and took a deep breath.

Matsuoka: "So, is it just the two of you?"

Emiko: "No, our group is here."

Suzuki: "There more of us who's survived. Come on, we'll show you."

And as they stick together, the group followed Emiko and Kayo to where the other survivor were during the time. The entrance on the inside was a main hall, a large mural extending across the front wall containing several dinosaur species in a realistic artist impression of a Jurassic period forest, ocean, and field. Inside was the main entrance hall, leading off to different parts of the building. There was a staircase leading to the balcony walkway and above that were glass windows bringing light into the hall. The middle of the hall showed two museum quality dinosaur skeleton replicas, one a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Brontosaurus, suspended by cables in a fighting pose. Once again the hall was made of limestone with wood edges and the floor was laid with black marble. At the rear of the room was a long illuminated wall length painting of dinosaurs in their natural habitat. The main floor contains several facilities meant to entertain and teach, which were covered in dust. There is a wall in which fossils are buried; running the viewer mechanism over the wall shows one what fossils are from where and from what species they originated.

As they we making their way to the main hall, Emiko and Suzuki and the other survivors were in as they make their entrance. There were some students running as they heard the girls crying. They were all surprised to see the other half of the group entering the hall. The group sees that they are from the same school as the other group were.

There is Aoyama Nozomi. Her hair frames her face and only reaches her chin with side-swept bangs and has a kind face and glittering eyes. She wearing her school uniform, with a ribbon bow tie and a skirt and wears a brown-black Oxford shoes.

Aoyama: "Miyasano? Did you forget something?"

Miyasano: "Well, we bumped into the other group that came as they entered."

Then there was Momosaki Kasumi; she's an elegant young woman with thick hair that cascades down into loose ringlets. She has thick lashes, petite limbs, slender figure and unblemished skin that all says she lives a very pampered life-style.

Momosaki: "Hey, did you find any food?"

Y/N: "Well, excuse me!"

Usui: "Thank God, we're not the only ones that survived here. We're glad you guys came a long way here."

Lastly, there was Usui Ryou, who is fairly handsome, and has a nonchalant personality (of a person or manner). His hair is teased into a Japanese-style mullet and keeps his collar unbuttoned. Usui has attained a more cautious attitude towards life, and deals with problems carefully. He is very concerned about his friends when it comes to trouble and is very loyal towards the group, but tends to trash talk every now and then.

(A/N: I decide to change Usui's personality a bit, because I didn't like what he is in the manga. So I thought that I could make it a little different.)

???: "Who's there?" (distantly)

Then, another boy makes an appearance as he ran, catching his breath. It was Chris Juniko, a 18-year-old boy who wears a gray jacket, light blue shirt, navy blue shorts and wears yellow hiking shoes that is built for maximum traction, which has premium full-grain waterproof leather uppers from a Silver-rated tannery for durability.

He is also friends with Y/N along with Naruse, Oribe, Matsuoka and Kai. He was separated and got into with Marika's group before the plane incident. Y/N was surprised and excited to see Chris and he felt glad that he is okay.

Y/N: "Chris!"

Chris: "Y/N!"

They ran to each other and they hugged, and gave a best friend handshake and a fist bump.

Y/N: "Chris, it's so good to see you."

Chris: "I know, I thought you couldn't make it, bro."

Chris notices Naruse is there.

Naruse: "Chris."

Oribe: "Juniko-San."

Chris: "Aye! It's great to see you guys too."

They both smiled as they hugged each other. Y/N felt like now they are all here, and he felt relieved.

Kamijo: "Who the hell are these boring people? They must be this good to survive so far right?"

Jinnou: "That's true."

Momosaki: "Ugh! Who brought this idiot along? Should he have been eaten already?"

Kamijo: "What did you say?! Who are you to say that to my goddamn face?!"

???: "Hey, what's with all the racket?"

Another man comes out as he makes his appearance but he is like the size of a giant, he was wearing a tracksuit, his name is Minowa Takeshi from the judo club. Minowa towers over everyone. He is broad-shouldered, stocky and chiseled in the face. His features are not gentle nor youthful. Everything about him radiates an absolute powerhouse of strength. His hands are probably as big as Kamijo's face.

Kai: "Huh... you're Minowa from the judo club, right?"

Naruse: "What? Minowa, the National Polity Strengthening member?"

Minowa: "What is it, Kamijo? You're looking funny, you know that?"

Kamijou: "Hey, shut up!!"

???: "Minowa, that's enough."

Minowa: "Oh, sorry teacher."

Kamijou sees who it is, it was his home room teacher, her name was Chuujou Marika, seemingly the only adult left alive on the island. Marika emanates a dark and authoritarian aura. She has sleek black hair that is parted down the middle. She wears a medallion with a triangle in a circle. With her gothic style, it wouldn't be far to assume the pendant has spiritual meanings or links to sobriety. She usually appears to be a stubborn woman who seeks to take charge of all of the students and dislikes any perceived challenges to her authority, even when the people questioning her actions might have a point.

Kamijo: "Oh?! Miss Marika!"

Marika: "Kamijo... you're alive."

Kamijo: "Yep, I sure am."

Momosaki: "Who cares if he's still here, what are we gonna do about our food problem?"

Aoyama: "Momosaki! You're being rude to the teacher!"

Momosaki: "Even if she is a teacher, we are in trouble aren't we?"

Marika: "You mean because Miyasano and Suzuki didn't accomplish anything, don't you?"

Kamijo grabbed the bag off Kai's back, and shows the food items that they took from the medical facility.

Kamijo: "L-Look! It's certainly not enough, but please have some!"

Aoyama: "WOW! There's food and water!"

Marika: "Where did you get all that from?"

Jinno: "That idiot..."

Kamijo: "We got it from a place we were hiding until now. I said we would bring a lot more but... lots of things have happened."

Momosaki: "What? You left a lot of good behind."

Suzuki: "Awesome! This should keep us going for a couple of days!"

Y/N: "We can't go back out there. If we do, then we'll be attacked by another dinosaur."

Suzuki: "Are you saying that every dinosaur is dangerous?"

Usui: "You're saying that this island is inhabited by extinct creatures which came back to life?"

Y/N: "Yes. And not all of them. Some dinosaurs are considered herbivores and some of them are carnivores. You see, dinosaurs don't fit existing their categories. We know much about animals from our planet today, like lions, bears, tigers, elephants, and we know less about reptiles. But not all of us know anything about dinosaurs, because they are new animals."

Miss Marika: "Do you possibly consider each of them reptiles?"

Y/N: "No, not exactly. Dinosaurs are more as variable as the mammals of the present day. Some dinos are tame and adorable. Some are aggressive and nasty. Some of them see well and some don't. Some of them are simpleminded, and some of them are extremely intelligent like the velociraptors."

Marika: "Right now that is the least of my concern. We should think in terms of common sense and go to the place with precious food."

Oribe: "Please, reconsider this, teacher!"

Marika: "Obey the exact instructions of an adult."

Then, Y/N stands up as he tells her to not let her stubbornness consume her from what's happening.

Y/N: "Wait! Miss Marika, you can't possibly demand us. We are with the class president, we decide among ourselves, and not let one measly demand control them."

Marika: "Don't you take tone with me, young man. You don't settle on those decisions in any case."

Y/N: "You think you'll put me in detention? News flash that we are not in school anymore, we are on an island that is inhabited by extinct dinosaurs that came back to our world! If we don't think of a plan to make it out alive, then more carnivorous predators are gonna come, and they will be there if we're not careful. We stared at some deaths, but we made it. Some don't believe it with their own eyes, but we had hope that we would make it."

She gives an intent stare at Y/N, just as Matsuoka realizes that he has a strong heart with no fear when it comes to confrontation.

Y/N: "We survived after the plane crash, we featured passing within the confrontation, but thank God we are still alive! We have a chance to induce through this. Rescue from the Self-Defense Force will be arriving for us before long, we just got to hold up a little longer. I'll clear the way and I'll make sure that every one of us will get off of this island. And as long as one of us can say that, we're not finished."

Usui: "That's quite a speech you gave there. Proud that you have guts. But still, I'm just concerned that one of us are struggling to survive."

Matsuoka: [sighs] "I understand how you feel, Y/N. They're trying their best to survive, but they need us as much as we need them."

Naruse: "She's right. they are people, they are trying to survive like we are."

Kai: "Look, If were gonna just stay together, then it shouldn't be a problem."

Usui: "He's does have a point there. We should all be in our circle until rescues arrives."

Oribe: "What are planning for one of us to do?"

Y/N: "In order for help to come in a few days, we're gonna try to search around the island, to find a secure place to call for help. We'll have to go in one group."

Kamijo: "All right, it has been settled. Let me affirm that we all agree to wait in a few days. Whereas at it, I'll be beyond any doubt to secure the food. Hey, Misuzu, Bug-Lady, and Dino-Man, you guys come, as well!"

Jinno: "Yeah, whatever you say."

Marika: "I can assure you that I can't trust you on this, right, Kamijo?"

Kamijo: "We all come so far, so it'll be a piece of cake."

Chitose: "If you two are going, then I'm coming with you."

Kai: "Although I do have one question, is there a place where we could get an object to defend ourselves, like a weapon?"

Y/N: "There should be an emergency room located underneath. It has some supplies that we need, and maybe some weapons."

Jinno: "It has weapons?! Hell yeah! I need to protect myself."

A few people followed Y/N to the Emergency Bunker; it is roughly 10 ft below ground. It is filled with stone walls and iron doors and can be accessed from the inside by the Control Room. Kai grabbed a walkie-talkie. Kai and Jinno see a cabinet stocked with M16 rifles, HK91 rifles, SPAS-12 shotguns and ammunition. They both grabbed a shotgun and the bullets. Y/N had found a map where it shows the important locations of the island. Y/N had marked the map where it shows an old radio tower which was next to an old warehouse that was used to store emergency items.

Y/N: "We'll find a way around to call for help. If one of us gets injured, we'll come back immediately."

Marika: "Miyasano, go with them. If there is something over there, you can tell us with those proud legs of yours."

Miyasano gave a response "Okay."

Marika: "Minowa, go help them."

Minowa responded, "I understand." as he bowed his head.

Marika: "Very well then, take care of yourselves."

So the group decided to find the radio tower in order to call for a rescue operation as they were walking out of the Visitor's Center and making their way to the gate to where Y/N and his classmates has started before they came to the park.


As they were walking through the isles of a jungle landscape, that leads to the tower and warehouse, they hear a strange noise like a hooting cry in the forest. Y/N hardly noticed.

Then he heard it again, and he paused. They thought it was just an owl hooting, but Y/N realized didn't really sounded like one, and it seemed to be close by somewhere in the jungle. Somewhere to the left, or the right.

Y/N: "I don't think that was an owl. It sounded bigger. Something near... and hungry."

The group gets nervous and they all get in a circle, getting ready for whatever is coming from the rustling and rattling from the bushes, and the hoot from the creature was coming, surrounding them. Then came silence. Then rustling came once more from a singular bush. They get ready from an attack they knew was coming. But then a medium-sized dinosaur makes its appearance. They hadn't taken the tour, but they had seen a few types of dinosaurs. But this one seemed, very peculiar. Some of the group saw the dinosaur as a joke for its appearance, but Y/N recognizes that it is a Dilophosaurus. Apparently it was a juvenile.

A Dilophosaurus got its name from the two thin crests of bone on the top of its head. As a more primitive predatory dinosaur, Dilophosaurus didn't have forward facing eyes to give it stereo vision. It may have used scent as an integral part of its hunting technique. It had long and slender, rear-curving teeth in long jaws and strong front arms which would have been effective in grabbing prey. Kamijo ignorantly tried to shoo it away.

Y/N: "Don't do that!"

Y/N warned him about what it might do to them if they are not very careful. Kamijo waited to see if it would attack, but it just stared at him curiously, and then slowly snapped its head in a single swift motion. At the moment, it unleashes it's frill and screeched like a roar, and Kamijo felt an excruciating pain and he screamed with intensity as the dinosaur had spit venom and burned his face, almost like he had been touched with acid. Luckily he had his eyes closed before it spit on him. Once they had seen the action the dinosaur had caused, the group fires at killing it. They rushed to his aid to help him, as they realize that Kamijo was a bit disoriented from the venom. While they were helping him out, they heard more hooting around them. They realized that there is more of them out there. Y/N figure out the location that they were looking for, is not far from them.

Y/N: "Come on, I know a way! Just follow me!"

They made a mad dash as they followed Y/N, they were making a run for it, but two Dilophosaurus was chasing them half way. But when they hear a strange growling and clicking noise, wondering what it was, they look back behind to see that the two predators running in the opposite direction.

Naruse: "Why did it run away?"

Y/N: "It was a dread reaction and that something about that region that alarms them, not having any desire to manage whatever the Dilophosaurus are frightened of."

They leave the territory as fast as could reasonably be expected. Unconsciously to the territory that they are situated in, they left a major, shining light yellow-green eye. They were jumping out in obscurity spots of the wilderness.

Thank you for reading Chapter 5. Many bits and pieces of ideas are still coming to form. Btw, Chris is my OC character for this story. See you guys on the next chapter, and as always, take it easy :)

Kyochuu Rettou (aka The Island of Giant Insects) belongs to Yasutaka Fujimi, REDICE, Shu Hirose

The "Jurassic Park" Franchise belongs to Universal Studios, Amblin Entertainment, Steven Spielberg, Michael Crichton, etc.

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