--- Kat ---
So the girls were riding North. They'd taken a wide berth so as not to trigger and itchy fingers up on the walls. Hunter had gone over the map a few more times before making the final decision, but once it was clear that Kat and Kamiko had no issues with the lamia taking the lead, Hunter went with her gut and directed the group North.
There wasn't too many interesting things to note on the way. The North gate had its own massive line. There was quite a lot of farms nearby that the group didn't care enough to investigate as they flew by, and the little village they past through was more 'four farmers all built houses near each other' then a proper village. It got Kat wonder if that's how most villages started.
Now that the last arcs are locked in and I know we won't visit a Sci-Fi world with Kat I wanted to discuss them a bit. As well as how they're possible and why most magic worlds are 'medival fantasy' but honestly I think I sort of flubbed the explanation. Not overly happy with this chapter, but hopefully you at least get the idea. I do still want it "out there" so to speak.
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