--- Green ---
Green stepped out of the changing room wearing a fully body wetsuit that matched her hair. She'd considered the other options, even some of the racier ones that were mostly just string. Green had dismissed them all. It would simply be too distracting for her. She wasn't the most outgoing of people and purposely showing off like that would probably come back to bite her in the ass.
Plus, who was she really going to distract? The only clear lesbian competing was Vanya and nothing Green did would compare to Marigold on the average Tuesday so it wouldn't even matter. Perhaps it might distract Borgick… but that wasn't a given either. Especially after seeing some of the looks he was giving that cannon.
The rules for the judges will be posted after the contest has ended. See if you can work out what they're all doing. I'll give you guys a hint. Judge One has 2 rules (Arguably 3 rules). Judge Two has 4 rules and Judge 3 has a massive 7 rules.