--- Green ---
Green couldn't pinpoint the moment it happened. The barrier that was (probably) tied to her heartbeat had dropped and she was just a moment away from leaping to the next platform when things changed. If Green was pulled aside and forced to answer, she would say that it was when Burnice stepped onto the next checkpoint that things changed… but truthfully Green didn't know.
There was this wave of pressure that rocked through her body. In that moment, years of instincts honed for combat and scouting kicked into gear. All those times she was sprinting through her parents' obstacle courses. Those little moments in the wild, just before a predator caught you. Something big was just moments away from happening and though Green couldn't tell what it was, she dropped to the ground, kneeling on the platform she was standing on and trying to keep herself as low to the ground as possible while holding onto some mobility.
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