In the end, Kat couldn't resist offering her 'solution' to the problem. She doubted Kevin would accept, but she still wanted to get the words out. This way, if there were issues during the fight, she could suggest it quickly, or just go for it if Kevin looked to be in danger. "I'm certainly capable of it… but I could just carry you around you know. Lock arms or maybe over the shoulder? You don't weigh much."
Kevin's face twisted up, "I'd rather not have my safety so thoroughly tied to you. I might be willing to work with you, and trust that you want to win this round, but I don't quite trust you THAT much," stated Kevin with an insincere tone. Kat didn't doubt this was a reason, perhaps even a large one, but she doubted it was really a dealbreaker.
Now I have to plan out the fight for real. Gonna need notes to keep track of who is tied to who with what weapons and hats.
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