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63.15% A Reboot of a reboot: the Chronicles of iFanfic.(currently in Naruto) / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Reincarnation again?

Kapitel 11: Chapter 11: Reincarnation again?

A young man is now relaxing in beautiful grasslands with a garden of flowers with a statue he his no idea who it belongs to, making him wonder deeply even though he doesn't really show it on the outside since his expression hasn't changed.

Ingenuus: "Gosh, I really would like to know how to get out of here, there's nothing worse than knowing something is going on and yet not being able to do a thing about it... I hope Rikune and the others are alright, I have a feeling something pretty bad is going on."

Ingenuus let out his thoughts to the wind while trying to be patient and wait since he had no way out.

While Ingenuus is trying to relax, Blue energy started to pass-through and looking at it Ingenuus immediately recognized it as chakra and he thought to himself (Why is chakra here? Are they doing something to me on the outside? Is it perhaps a chakra transfer?) such thoughts crossed his mind but the more he thought the more useless it seemed, his problem wasn't a simple chakra exhaustion, even if Ingenuus at first had thought this was some kind of comma state brought by his excessive use of chakra he soon realized that it was something much worse since, the system would have warned him, but that didn't happen, meaning this was something that made it impossible for the system to fully connect to him and, what else besides his imminent soul breakdown could have caused such a thing? But there are still some possibilities like techniques he's not aware of since this is an alternative version of the Narutoverse and not the original one, but it makes little sense since he hasn't done anything to attract attention of bigshots yet...

Ingenuus: "Why are they transferring chakra into my body?... Maybe a cure method I'm not aware of? That's not likely to be so... Did they misunderstand my condition? Yeah, there's a big probability that happened..."

While Ingenuus is trying to fully understand the situation, the chakra didn't stay still and moved in the statue's direction while it slowly absorbed the chakra coming in, Ingenuus who is seeing it happen is confused to why the chakra is entering the statue instead of entering him.

Ingenuus: "This just keeps getting weirder... Interesting truly interesting. Let's see where this leads us..."

Ingenuus said with a different aura from his usual aura that usually shows little interest in things to a full-fledged smile, but a smile that is somewhat creepy resembling the smile of a battle junkie who just found a very strong opponent.

Ingenuus: "Is this thing my soul's center?... I really don't think so... I never even saw this..."

While Ingenuus continued to speculate with a creepy smile the statue continued absorbing the chakra as it came in, after hours of wait the statue showed a reaction and started cracking.

Ingenuus: "So, it's reacting... Wait! Is it breaking?"

Ingenuus looked at the situation with high expectations of an interesting development and the statue fully broke, dust was lifted but once it dispelled there was the same man from the statue standing in front of Ingenuus, but before Ingenuus could even process what kind of situation that could be, the man was already in front of him and touched his forehead as his eyes started shining deep orange and the same happened to Ingenuus eyes, to anyone looking it would seem like some kind of crazy satanic ritual.

As soon as the man did so the chakra started entering Ingenuus' body many times faster and was all being absorbed by the man, not too long after he let go of Ingenuus who feel to his knee while the rest of the chakra was absorbed by the man.

Ingenuus: "*huff*... Just... *huff*... Who... *huff*... The hell... *huff*... Are you!?!?..."

Ingenuus was breathing very heavily and felt many times more tired than before actually he probably never felt so drained out while awake, not being able to handle to awful feeling Ingenuus faints.

Some hours later Ingenuus wakes up from his nap and is surprised by what he sees, to a different level, right now in front of him is the man from before talking to.... Kurama?

Ingenuus: "What on earth is going on here?"

The visage in front of him made him consider the possibility of hallucinations or some kind of lucid dream. If some kind of old sage came to him telling him he's seeing things and only that said sage could cure him, in this instance, Ingenuus would not dare doubt this sage not being able to see through the simplest of the scams, but that lasted only for that instant and it would have needed a very lucky scammer to find him in such state.

Not taking his eyes from the situation he started to logically think about it, in his current situation the word impossible was just that a word that is as empty as it gets, so why try to understand the situation logically, instead of thinking of a way to benefit from it.

At that moment thought started swarming his mind as he looked at the fox that was two... No tree times bigger than how it was shown in the series, making it quite an intimidating creature, but Ingenuus was not one to be intimidated by looks. His thoughts reached the simplest conclusion possible the creature in front of him was to some extent considered 'Living',and looking at the gigantic chakra plump sitting there talking to the weird man gives him the possibility of acquiring the power necessary to make all his plans for the future to work in a smoother way to say so.

While Ingenuus is trying to develop an adequate approach to convince the giant fox to work with him, the Fox and the statue man were having a conversation completely ignoring the boy who just regained consciousness.

Kurama: "So, you say I should help you for that reason? I don't really see the actual benefit for me in your 'agreement' with me. Not even proof of any of the things you said before."

Kurama said with its rather sneaky tone that was supposed to be intimidating.

Statue man: "Well, what you say is indeed a problem. But in my current state, I can't really do much, the energy of this world or at least this planet is a very weak and unbalanced one, it's efficiency is severely lacking and it brings very little actual benefits to its user even in a long term usage. So, all I can do for now is offer you this place of residence instead of a prison with chains."

The mam said very calmly looking at Kurama as of it were talking to a defenseless cat that could never hurt him.

Kurama: "You humans think you know it all but you haven't scratched the surface of chakra usage. You f*ckers just know how to steal from others while destroying everything that Father fought for, in the end, your just a bunch of rats that should have been eliminated long ago."

Kurama said to refute the words of the man which did not only insult chakra but Kurama's existence since it's a tailed beast, a huge amount of chakra with a form and intelligence. Considering all that having the man call chakra inferior was the same as calling Kurama inferior and that was not acceptable.

Statue man: "Well, what you said is not exactly lie neither it is true, but none of that matters to me as I've long gone became something beyond a mere human. Mortals are existences that should not be taken to heart, their short existence takes them to a road of committing countless mistakes. Having you lived for the little time of thousands of years you should at least have an idea of what I speak of."

The man said as calm as ever and even acting like what Kurama said was never directed to him but rather to someone else.

Kurama: "You?! (What kind of lunatic did I met this time around?!)"

Kurama said frustrated by how this guy talks of himself as if he was above others, not that it was Kurama's first time meeting someone like this but never this extend. Kurama knew not either to cry or laugh at this pitiful person.

Statue man: "Don't take me so lightly, I'm not some random man trying to sound powerful. I'm a powerful being who was weakened from a crucial battle, anyway, have I not proven myself with all the knowledge I have about your existence?"

The man said with his ever calm maneuver but it's not like he's not aware of what kind of thoughts Kurama must have about him, but now is not the time to worry about minor details. He had to act now or his chances would disappear.

Kurama: "It's true that you have knowledge no human should have. Even so, that proves nothing to me, why should I trust you? Because you know the past? Don't make a joke out of my intelligence, please. I might not be a genius but I'm surely not someone to get swayed by pretty words. If you want my cooperation you have to show not only a guarantee that my freedom is sure to be achieved but also that I'll get something in return for helping someone who's objectives are a total mystery to me"

Kurama made it's best to sound convincing but this was just bluff, Kurama is well aware that escaping opportunities like this wouldn't appear again, but Kurama also knows the other side also seems to be in desperate need of its assistance and that makes it possible for Kurama to get more out of this than just freedom. Kurama was not born yesterday it had a full understanding that the man in front of it was no joke, but had it seemed convinced right off the bat, its chances of getting extras would reduce if not completely disappear.

Statue man: "You are a sly fox, even so, it's indeed true you're getting involved in a situation you don't have a full grasp of. In that case, I'll offer you a Godly energy purifying pill, it will make your precious chakra into something decent Instead of the shabby thing it is now."

The man said with a huge smile while completely aware of what he just implied with his words. Kurama wanted to refute his words but the current situation made it a bad move.

Kurama: "Hmph, I'm sure you're the sly one here... Anyway I'll take you up on your offer once you prove I'll be free after I help the kid."

Kurama said while being as indifferent as always.

Statue man: "Your acting skills are quite poor, but I'm a fair man, so can I borrow some of your chakra to make a special contract that will bind us both to its words."

Kurama: "Don't try anything stupid."

Kurama said and transferred a bit of its chakra to the man and he immediately used it to make a weird looking paper that he called a [Chakra contract], which would bind the ones who sign it by their chakra in other words if you break the contract you become a chakra cripple or simply die, and for both the man and Kurama who are currently sustaining their form with chakra this was a life or death contract, but something made Kurama curious. There was a third spot on the contract and Kurama immediately remember that all this was about the kid who is sleeping just a little away from them. After Kurama checked the contract to see if there were any irregularities and found nothing the man signed and give the contract to Kurama who refused to sign it before the kid.

At this moment both looked at Ingenuus who was silently and carefully observing them. Ingenuus was confused as to why the man was trying to help him at all. Just like Kurama, Ingenuus looked through the contract and signed it because he knows that even if he was to inquire about the man's reasons, he probably wouldn't get much and he doesn't really have much time left and needs to take care of this situation as fast as possible.

Then Kurama signed and all three of them started shining very bright and could feel themselves being bind to the contract, after that a new conversation immediately started.

Ingenuus: "Ok, no playing around. Why are you doing all this? Short answer."

Ingenuus said not really worried about the possible outcomes. If there's something his father made him 100% aware of was his own intuition, it might be very illogical to think that way but his life had been saved countless times because he trusted his intuition and this wouldn't be an exception and even if it was, this guy wasn't exactly in the best position and it didn't make sense for the man to make the contract so centered in Ingenuus rather than himself.

Statue man: "Short answer is it? Ok, You're my reincarnation. That's the shortest it gets."

The man said something big as if he was talking about an everyday happening, Ingenuus himself being in a reincarnation right now, didn't consider it an absurd event but isn't this too much...

Ingenuus: "You're saying you're a past version of me that lived a completely different life..."

Statue man: "Exactly, please call me by my name, I'm Darkios Darkness the Soul Emperor of the Immortal World N• 66807 and you inherited my special soul with me In it as an extra."

Ingenuus could hear his words but his brain didn't want to process them, wasn't he a completely normal human?! Now he's somehow has a protagonist kind of revelation... This was just not the best moment for something like this to happen since Ingenuus doesn't have much time to chat.

Kurama: "Just how absurd is this going to get?! Cause I'll bail out if he says he's Kaguya's bastard child or some bullsh*t like that."

Kurama said so obviously not serious but a part of it was afraid it's words became reality.

Ingenuus: *sigh* "Whatever, we can discuss this later. Now I need to know if we can save my soul"

Darkios: "I wouldn't have done any of this if you were already doomed besides the reason you're in this situation is partially my fault to begin with."

Ingenuus: "Elaborate."

Darkios: "Well, my soul... No, our soul is special because of its ability to absorb other souls to strengthen itself. Because of that, I was able to become the powerful one In my past life anyway, because of my power when I died the ability of our soul became dormant and was no longer useful, but you were able to awaken it a week before you died. Since that happened our soul needed to nurture itself so a part of the soul of the red-haired girl was absorbed, but because of your own thoughts it was not consumed...."

Hearing each word attentively Ingenuus was not in a moment where he could lose himself in deep thought so he simply told Darkios to continue.

Darkios: "So, the real problem started after that. When you died your soul was sent to that desolate place right? If you remember what your friend made of light explained to you, that place was constituted of lost and desperate soul that want chaos and destruction. Well you subconsciously absorbed them since our soul was in an extreme lack of soul energy to sustain itself, the thing is the souls of the void were too many and too full of negative energy powering them, they were too much for the you who has our soul in it's weakest state and instead, those dark souls started consuming our soul. And it lead to the current situation"

Hearing the explanation made Ingenuus finally understand how the situation got so grave or so he thought but the explanation had yet to finish.

Darkios: "The dark souls of the void were having a hard time since our soul has a very complex system built by myself with the trial and error method, think of it as the same for when you create an avatar in a game and you create the perfect build with the perfect skill tree for it, after trying countless times. So not finding a way into our soul, the dark souls were lost for a very long time until they meet the other resident of our soul."

The name Elma immediately came to mind as Ingenuus was listening.

Darkios: "That meeting changed everything because at that moment red-haired girl discovered where she was and started moving in order to escape. Before you say that I could have stopped it, I was in a half-dormant state up until some hours ago."

Hearing that the reason for all this was his special soul and his.... Ingenuus wanted to refute Darkios words but it actually explained somethings, like the aura he had surrounding him when he was in the void... This situation just seemed to get worse, but Ingenuus didn't have time to feel sorry for himself.


Rikune: 'All this time the answer was something I should have figured from the beginning... That still doesn't answer many of the other questions but it makes it easier for me to decide what to do'

Rikune thought while the distorted creature continues to make unpleasant sounds and shapes.

Rikune: "You should let go of Ingenuus this moment or I'll make sure you can't get attached to nothing else you sh*tty parasite"

Distorted dragon(many face mode): "We do not fear you being of light"

Rikune: "True but don't worry, I'll make you learn not to piss me off" 'It seems I ran out of options... Termination command: X explosion activate'

[Count down sequence active 1 hour remaining]

Rikune started shining very bright while a yellow electric barrier was formed around her.

Darkias07 Darkias07

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You got to love Darkios.

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