My feet bumped into a stone, and I was about to fell down on the floor and I closed my eyes as I was being ready for the pain, as I thought my face will crash on the ground,
But thank god I was safe, as I felt his strong arms around my waist, and he pulled me close to his chest, I inhaled his perfume, as it was a crazy feeling, I know I was being stupid, but I was smiling,
He was staring me angrily, and I was smiling,
"Jhummi, what type of behavior is this huh, why the hell you were running like that, what if I would have been late and you have got crashed with the floor, are you mad or what", he scolded me like I am a five-year-old kid, and I made a sad face,
"Hey, now do not make a face like that, you are looking so fucking cute like that, but that does not mean that what you did was right", he said and I made a cute face, and try hard to control my laugh,
"Then why you scolded me like that", I said making a pout, and he cupped my face,
Please guys share your thoughts and reviews with me and follow me on Instagram as ruchikamangeshwar thank you.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
Creation is hard, cheer me up!