"Oh, I'm so excited for the wedding. Finally, Liam and Lana would officially have their church wedding," Miley commented enthusiastically. She and Jorge picked up all the dresses for the brides and grooms including hers and Jorge from their designer's boutique.
They were already inside the car with Jorge driving them back home.
"Our brother and Lana experienced a rollercoaster ride including father and Chelsy… I'm so happy and grateful that they can finally have their long-awaited church wedding ceremony. A double wedding on top of that!" She added but creased her forehead when she noticed that Jorge was not commenting.
"Are you even listening?" She asked but when she heard no response so she turned at him.
Jorge seemed to be too focused on driving. But Miley could sense that something was bothering him. His thoughts seemed to be wandering about something else.
She had to pinch his arm to get his attention.
"Ouch!" Jorge exclaimed.
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