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93.75% Reality Drift / Chapter 14: Low-Storms: Viiela's Grief

Kapitel 14: Low-Storms: Viiela's Grief

King Theocrus was sitting in his courtroom everyone left hours ago, even Leo. His Aura gave off his concerned mind's dilemma, his chin rested on his hand and hand on the throne. The mighty dwarf King looked helpless.

Immersed in succession of uncontrollable thoughts, he didn't notice the approaching metal clunks from one of his retainers' armor.

"Your Highness," The soldier raised up his head and narrowed his eyes at the King's face before continuing, just in anticipation of what the King's face would be like, after hearing his message. And he informed him, "Master Kaye has been returned and is asking for your majesty's audience."

"Eh…" No matter if he was standing in front of the King, the soldier's mouth couldn't hold that exclamation. Anyone could've broken his own neck, if he would've reacted like King Theocrus did.

"What! Scuff…" He cleared his throat, imposed artificial dignity on his natural reaction, and presented it, "Where is he now? Lead the way, I shall meet him at once."

While they were walking towards the hall in which Kaye had been waiting, the path seemed like a dungeon escape to the disturbed dwarf. Soon they entered the hall, where Kaye had been showing courtesy by bowing his head, and he waited for King's permission to raise it.

Kitted in his usual steel armor, Kaye had his usual manner, just as he had before leaving for the Luckard. King theocrus wasn't expecting Kaye to be in such a healthy condition. Hence it left king theocrus speechless and made him forget that Kaye had been waiting for his word. The only change King had noticed in Kaye's image was the vacant slot for his second sword, but that was insignificant for him.

Had been bowing his head continuously, Kaye felt awkward, so he stole a look at the King. It pulled out the King to reality, and finally, he said: "Raise your head."

Ohh… You almost made me think that you are unfazed. Kaye's sloppy movements from his wounds revealed to the King that he wasn't completely healthy.

Theocrus sat on the chair and said to the soldier, "Summon Leo, we need the best healer."

Kaye cracked a smile at King's absurd observation skills. It will be hard to hide what had transpired.

"Sit down and relax. Leo is coming, he will fix you." King Theocrus said with a little smile plastered on his face, and he added, "So, did you get what you had been looking for?" He needed a diversion from his piling up mental stress. Thus, Theocrus started the conversation.

At King's word, Kaye didn't compel himself anymore for hiding his injuries. He sat down with a wriggly movement and said, "Yes, your highness, I did find it. But I need two or three hours to make something out of it."

Leo entered the hall, and Kaye's presence made him forget to greet the King. He stared at Kaye like he was a painting.

"Leo, would you heal Mr. Kaye?" King Theocrus said to Leo while completely ignoring his insolence.

"Pardon me, My Lord, at once." Leo shook his head and approached Kaye, "May I Master Kaye?" While showing his wand to Kaye, he asked for Kaye's permission. Kaye nodded his head and, " [GYRISM-NIKCO-SOOTHIA] " With a wave of the wand, Kaye had been covered in lite-blue light, and all his pain left him like it hadn't been there in the first place.

"Now that you all healed, what was it that bruised you up?" Theocrus asked, he knew lightning didn't bruise, it scorches.

"It was a beast," Kaye said with a pressing and downhearted voice while holding his knee caps with both his hands.

No way in the created hells Neehish was a beast. He was more like a destruction deity for small worlds such as Wiskaar. For Neehish to destroy Wiskaar was nothing but a day-long work. He could've erupted all the Magma flooding the depths of Wiskaar on its surface, converting Wiskar into a bright yellowy-red planet, and be done with it. And more so from his pools of mana, he could have done it ten times. But instead, he tried to toy with Kaye, for which he had paid with his life.

It must have been A Narpwolf… But how he managed to defeat it alone… And He didn't hear the Dragon's Roar… Maybe he would've completely lost in the battle of attrition with that wolf to care about anything else… Whatever, at least he is alive. After hearing the word: Beast, only Narpwolf came to King's mind, and he pondered looking at the ceiling. Theocrus could take on three Narpwolfs at max, all by himself, he was the Conqueror of Titans after all.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I forget it." Kaye got up quickly, and he remembered something. With the help of his space ring, he retrieved the spear from a perfect dimensional hole conjured by it. "Here, this surely helped me a lot."

Leo didn't know what to make of it, and he just gawked at what happened. I have never seen someone who could use space elements with such accuracy. No one, not even the sorcerers with space element, achieved such control. That was all Leo could think of. Unbeknownst to him, even an ancient space dragon couldn't do it, remember Naalvia's portals were smoky and nonuniform in shape. But on the other hand, Theocrus knew the reason why Kaye could do it.

He shook his head to come back in reality from the shock he got. Leo took the spear from Kaye and handed it to Theocrus, who stood up to check upon it.

Now then, It should have the title: Narpwolf Slayer. As theocrus took the spear and he commanded it internally Show titles.


         Titles: Dragon Lord Slayer, Seredator Slayer, Liarachnid Slayer, Field-Troll Slayer,

            Kartina's Creation, Piercer.


"TAN… TAn... tan…" The spear fell down from his hand in an extreme shock. He gave a look to Kaye while shivering uncontrollably and sweating.

"What happened my lord, is there something wrong with that spear?" Leo asked while looking towards Kaye in vigilance, but Theocrus ignored him. He looked at the spear again and appraised it to confirm what he had just seen.





Entity: Spear

          Bascic details: 

            Name: Kehera

            Type: Weapon 

             Titles: Dragon Lord Slayer, Seredator Slayer, Liarachnid Slayer,

                Field-Troll Slayer, Kartina's Creation, Piercer.

            Attack: 12(+1447) Niyak

            Defense: 51(+667) Baar

            Durability: 280(+361) Galza

            Rarity: Extreme


          Advanced details:

            Attack spells:

              From Dwarf King Theosain Kartina's enchanting

                YARIK-PINARI-VEKERIA: 912 Niyak, 921 mana

                ARENIYASH: 321 Niyak, 143 mana

                SIRITINA: 214 Niyak, 126 mana

            Defense spells:

              From Dwarf King Theosain Kartina's enchanting

                     DIFITIA: 354 Baar, 220 mana

                STACIA: 313 Baar, 218 mana

            Creator: Kaye

            Enchantment: Dwarf King Theosain Kartina's enchanting-enforcer.


              From Cardinia's amendments


                  Restores weapons to their original state.







Kaye looked at King Theocrus in confusion and slowly stood up from his chair. Sticking his eyes at the spear which was lying on the floor, Theocrus asked, "Was it a…"

"Yes, your highness, it was." As the question directed at him, he understood what had happened, and Kaye quickly replied with an unripened answer while nodding his head slowly. Theocrus didn't even get the chance to complete the question.

"Does it have the title?" Only for confirmation, Kaye asked while gulping down.

While both were having the discussion, Leo found himself as an alien to it, and just constantly shifted glares from Kaye to King and vice-versa.

Theocrus sat down on the chair once again and replied, "Yes, It has the title." He was thoroughly shocked and couldn't seem to find words to proceed with the conversation. So it was a dragon after all, but why Cardinia didn't alert on its demise? Maybe he had slain something inferior.

Surely he couldn't have possibly defeated the dragon, which was present in the Titan war. It would be just absurd. And the title says Dragon Lord, not the Dragon King, it must be an inferior one. To confirm his suspicions, Theocrus asked, "I believe you could use the space element with utmost accuracy. Then, you must be having that beast's corpse with you in that ring."

I can't just give it up, I could use that mana stone in finding a way to use magic. Kaye thought, and while holding the ring in his hand.

"Yes, my lord, I have the corpse. But I do have my own plans for it." While moving his fingers vigorously like playing a piano, he gave a hesitant reply.

"Pfft… I don't want it, I just need to confirm something. So, can you just show it to me?" Theocrus stood up and asked in excitement.

"Sure I can, but it won't fit in this place." He replied joyfully, knowing that Theocrus wasn't planning to take it.

Both of them have gone insane. Not able to comprehend their words anymore, Leo started doubting their sanity.

King's eyes started gleaming after knowing the fact that the corpse wouldn't fit in the hall they were in, and he asserted, "Leo, we'll be heading towards Miyika Battle-hall."

In a few minutes, they reached the Miyika Battle-hall within the Tracian. And as the soldiers opened its gate, all three of them had completely different thoughts about it.

This is absurd, why we're all the way here, when we had multiple Battle halls just near the waiting hall. It is just a beast, most probably Narpwolf or A troll. Leo thought while starring in the dark of the Hall.

King Theocrus thought If in the slightest chance the beast he killed is the dragon which appeared in the Titan war, this hall could easily take that in. Completely expecting the corpse to be of Mritnaal.

Not good. Kaye thought, and he dropped the bomb "Your highness, pardon me, but I highly doubt that this hall could fit that corpse in. I think we might have to use that arena I tested my suite at."

KIng Theocrus looked at Kaye in disbelief and said, "Are you series?" 

However, Leo rolled his eyes back and confirmed Kaye's insanity in his mind Heh.. heh... Yup, he is Insane.

But, King Theocrus complied with Kaye's words, and they changed the location to Arena almost comically. He wanted to confirm it at any cost.

"My lord and minister Leo, I suggest you take a few steps back," Kaye said and took out Neehish's corpse.

With a zipping sound of wind, it appeared in front of them. Leo's eyes widened like ping-pong, he started closing and opening his mouth repetitively after seeing Neehish's dead body. His steps started retreating back, fleeing from it without even knowing. What is this thing? And how in the hell did he manage to kill it?

King Theocrus fell down on his knees and said, "Oh… m... my..." or at least he tried to say, he was having trouble breathing in the presence of the gallant dragon in front of him. Even the corpse was only half if compared to the size of a titan, but he knew what it could've done to this world. Or maybe not, he didn't have the exact grasp of Neehish's power, and never will have it.

"Please, someone tell me that this dragon's name is Neehish." King Theocrus looked at the sky and begged from the world using the heaviness of his scream.

"Yes, my lord, this corpse belongs to Dragon Lord Neehish. But why do you ask?" Fortunately, Kaye had the answer, and he replied to soothe him.

At his words, King Theocrus eased up and explained everything to him.

  Bland sadness painted the faces of Arkimiaso's inhabitants, presenting its lively areas with silence. The hustle-bustle of adventurers had left every tavern and inn within the city, as its every other building. Oblivious to the weather's consequences, only merry little fools were chirping like the birds all day long, also known as children.

"The Low-Storm hasn't stopped for a second since yesterday." Slowly putting down the wooden ale jug on the table, the scrawny looking man put forward his concern.

"My friend has just returned from Gritig city, and he confirmed. That city is in the same pinch." while putting her coat on the long wooden hanger, a lady who just entered the tavern replied in an assertive and worried voice.

"I haven't noticed a single leaf flicker on the top of any elder Namprim trees. It practically feels like we are in the mid-summer." the man replied.

"Only God knows what's gotten into this damn weather." Looking outside of the window, the plump one pounded the table with a bang. It almost encouraged the entire utensils lying on the table to jump down from it. He went on: "If this goes on, the entire Ritin crops will strip naked its flowers to grief over the death of Alsturaan's economy."

Though, his frustration didn't do anything to the slow and knee-high winds embracing the lands of Alustraan Kingdom out there, and it just earned him a cold glare from the tavern owner.

Ritin served as the crop which puts the bread on the table in most of the kingdoms. It usually sowed in winter due to its delicate flowers, which couldn't hold the Low-Storms of the summer.

All their complaints and the weather outside withheld their attention from the unknown faces present in the dark corner of the hall.

While listening to the talks of what few adventurers presented in the hall. Mritnaal wrapped his hand around her, "Viiela… Viiela…" Whispering near her ears, Mritnaal tried to take back spaced-out Viiela into reality.  

When she looked towards him in response, he was at a loss for words. She carried a blank face which was hiding immense grief. 

Gripping his fists and slowly putting them on the table, he mustered up the words: "Get a hold of yourself, we need a payback." 

It was as clear as water for him that the Low-Storms present out there was the result of Viiela's unstable emotions. He didn't want suspicion from any sorcerer. But unbeknownst to him, there existed no sorcerer who could go against an ancient dragon. 

All three of the ancient dragons could prove to be doomsday on their own for Wiskaar, and it was the reason that nobody got any message from Cardinia, even after Kaye slain Lord Neehish. It was known to Cardinia that the danger wasn't fully prevented yet. Mritnaal was being paranoid because he had seen the might of the sorcerer-king. 

The lady who entered the tavern approached the owner, who was cleansing the shabby wooden counter with a ragged cloth. She put her loosened hands on the counter and asked with a low voice, "Ar' my clients..." but she was interrupted by the owner. "They are sitting over there," the owner replied while pointing towards the table on which Viiela and Mritnaal was sitting. 

The lady slowly turned to look at them Whoa... She is beautiful, but what's with this creepy atmosphere around them. She thought and slowly started approaching them. 

Ensil was a wizard class magician, and taught magic by a sorcerer who was a court magician. Mritnaal had been in the domains of Sentians for a few times, and he knew how their kingdoms operated. 

"So, you are the one who wants to be in Alustraan's army as a sorcerer," Ensil said to Mritnaal with a smug look on her face. She pulled a chair out from the table without lifting it up.

Her loud words removed the curtains of negligence for others on Mritnaal's and Viiela's presence, and all of them were reminded that two more people were sitting in the tavern. 

Mritnaal ignored all the others, and looked at Ensil with chilling eyes. "No, I am not the one," She grabbed Viiela's shoulders and said, "Viiela want to enter the army." 

Mritnaal knew he could manage himself in infiltrating any kingdom's court, but for Viiela, it wasn't the case. She needed the guidance, after all, she was titled as a wrecking ball by him. 

"Oh... she doesn't look like she can handle that much stress of mana." The plump man shot up from his chair and approached Viiela. The man was huge and had a dark-red beard. 

"That would be the court magician's place to decide," Mritnaal replied, while throwing his looks everywhere in the tavern. He was disturbed and losing his confidence in putting up the act. 

Turning Wiskaar into war hell, would've been a cinch if he knew how to read the minds of Sentients. But he wasn't Neehish, and Viiela only knew how to read beasts minds. So he had to arrange a meeting with the King by conventional means, that was to infiltrate the magicians' court.

At Mritnaal's hesitant demeanor, the plump man improvised her hand towards Viiela's shoulder. I think I can make her obey me... these two are not looking confident in themselves. He thought. 

Mritnaal's hesitation started to reflect on his actions, his neck elevated, and he was thoroughly watching Viiela's actions. Before he could stop the plump man, with abruptness, the winds which were humming outside stopped.

"[ABYSIYA~LISS~MIRITNIASS...]" With dripping eyes and a joyful smile, she uttered the spell. She just whispered it, but everyone present there heard it loud and clear.  

Those tears she shed at the time of devouring the Narpwolf weren't the result of her joy that she had been released for eating and destroying all she wanted. But were coming from her aching soul. For her wretched existence sought destruction more than her love: Neehish, on her release.

Was that an incantation? It didn't even feel like one, and she thinks she could be a court magician. And why is she crying…? She is bizarre. Ensil thought, and before she could retort Viiela, aloud the plump man groaned.

 "Ah... ah... ahh..." First, the nail of the middle finger came out, then a little piece of his skin from his hand sliced off. Shortly after, Pieces of flesh from his hand had been falling like dry leaves from a tree, and he was shrieking in absolute pain. The plump man was running all over the hall, and shrugging his hand as hard as he could to get rid of whatever the thing causing it, but all his efforts had proven to be futile.

Ensil slowly turned her horrified face towards Viiela and asked in dread, "What did you do?"

Viiela was too busy to answer her. She was looking at the plump man, who was decorating the floor with his blood and flesh. Trying to get rid of her spell.

Too worried about his tavern, the owner asked, "You two, restrain him, he is scattering his hand all over the place..." but he paused to ponder about his own words. Scattering his hand? He thought, and his face paled. 

The adventurers restrained the plump man's writhing body. From his armor plate on his hand to his bones, everything was turned into fine shreds. The invisible wind blades from Viiela's spell shredded the plump man's left hand till his elbow.  

I will turn them to shreds. The scene reminded her of what she resolved at Neehsih's death. Her sadness swapped with determination. She gave off an aura showing her determination in what she needed to do. 

"Now, what do you think I can handle or not?" Viiela said, and she forced a smile on her face, while Mritnaal filled with astonishment, thought: She held back… She just held back. [Depths of My Melancholy] this spell, I never heard from her.

Viiela decided that she would do what Naalvia told him to do, but she would be doing it in her own way, taking her vengeance on each being present on Wiskaar, picking them one by one.

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