As the toothpaste foamed up in his mouth, a look of constipation appeared on Winston's face and he instantly halted in his actions.
After rinsing her mouth, seeing him like this, Bai Qingqing sputtered with laughter.
"Let me teach you." Bai Qingqing held Winston's toothbrush and indicated for him to show his teeth. As she brushed his teeth up and down, she said, "This foam can't be eaten. If you shrink your tongue a bit, you won't taste it."
Winston did as he was told. But his tongue was already enveloped by foam, and no matter how he tried to hide his tongue it was useless. But with his mate showing him concern like this, Winston felt that the taste in his mouth wasn't as awful.
After brushing his teeth, Bai Qingqing suddenly noticed the injury on Winston's arm and was startled. "What happened to you? Were you cut by something? When did you get this injury?"
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