Thick grass grew at the base of the stone cliff. Right tried even harder to keep his balance, flapping his wings and looking at the ground as he imagined landing safely on the ground like his father.
But in reality, a large bird with messy feathers like him in free fall quickly crashed into the grass with a "thud".
For a brief moment, there was some movement in the grass before it returned to its calm state, only waving in the light breeze.
The necrophagous eagle caught up with the eaglet and looked around.
The fog on the ground was slightly thinner, making it possible to vaguely see tens of meters away.
The rock forest had a simple layout as there were only so many landmarks in it. Overjoyed, the necrophagous eagle began combing through the forest.
However, despite going through the whole forest a few times, it couldn't find a single bird. It only found a few mottled feathers on the ground, causing it to feel even hungrier.
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