As a preventive measure, Winston didn't let the tribesmen send the females back. The females in heat and pregnant stayed in the cave to be collectively protected.
Thankfully, after the floating beasts' "mass exercise" ended, they calmed down.
The floating beast king crawled up, using the top of its mouth to bump against its "mate" under it. She didn't move at all. It let out a few cries before using its mouth to nudge its "mate" up onto its back, then led the other floating beasts in search of a resting spot.
Floating beasts were lazy. They would only recognize one mate in their lifetime.
They didn't seem to have any intention of leaving the tiger beastmen's village. They just found a waterhole by the foot of the mountain. The floating beast king, carrying its "mate" on its back, had its back dyed in blood. The rain kept on diluting the blood traces, but blood continued to flow out. The source was from the place between the female's legs.
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