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88.46% The Survivor TVD fanfic / Chapter 23: Chapter 23

Kapitel 23: Chapter 23

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries / The Originals, or any of the characters, plot-lines, dialogues from the shows or books

However, I do own Catherine Matthews/ my very own Katherine Peirce, her backstory, the storyline, and any additional characters that do not belong to The Vampire Diaries or The Originals. Characters in this story may not have the same opinion as you. These characters are all fictional.


The thousand-year-old vampire who is trying to break the curse his mother placed on him is going to end on that day with the help of the sacrifice. A lot of lives are depended on it. Depended on the improvised plan, if we are being specific. It was probably the only thing that's been running through everyone's head that day. People were anticipating the full moon night's events. Their nerves were on edge all day long.

However, the only person who was undisturbed about it other than the oblivious town folk of Mystic Falls was Katherine Pierce or covertly known as Catherine Matthews. The girl from another world, who fortunately or unfortunately is caught stuck in a fictional universe. Katherine's composed, mostly because she knows everything is going to go as planned. Even if some unknown outer force decides to intervene with the ritual, she will still get the results she anticipated. Hoping that Klaus stands by his word, anyway.

The whole apartment was a mess that day. The Original Vampire wanted everything to be perfect, and so he was doing the most work himself. Occasionally, ordering his witch and warlock, checking with them if everything was in order. Katherine thought he was overdoing it. Honestly, though, the ritual involves 6 things, one being Klaus itself. The other five being a moonstone, a vampire, a werewolf, a doppelganger, and a witch.

"We are leaving," Klaus said, standing in front of the vampire-doppelganger, who has been his hostage for a week now.

"Hope...for your sake, this works," The Original said.

There was a threat underneath the calm tone. A warning. That if anything goes wrong with the plan, the 500-year-old vampire would wish, she is long dead.

The brunette just nodded her head, stiffly uttering, "Good Luck."

And once they left, the Petrova vampire stayed there, wondering in her mind, what she has to do once she gets her freedom from the immortal hybrid. Though, she didn't get much further in her musings when she started to here someone at the door.

"What the heck are you guys doing here?" The girl possessing the body of a fictional villainess asked, staring at the intruders with wide eyes.

"Thought you would like some company," said the blue-eyed vampire.

"And, since, someone has to invite him in..." Alaric's murmurs trailed as he came inside the flat, and turned towards Damon, who was still on the other side of the door, saying, "Damon, would you like to, uh, come in?"

"Why, yes. Thank you, Ric," Damon mockingly said, coming inside as if he owned the damn place.

"Seriously, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the ritual ground, giving moral support to my doppelganger or something?" Katherine asked, confused.

"Well, they are a lot of people there doing it. In fact, Ric's going there now to be with Jenna," Damon said, looking around the room.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" the history teacher asked, standing at the door nervously.

"Yup, I got this," Damon said, waving his hands.

"Okay," Alaric agreed with a sigh, "Just don't do anything to piss off Klaus."

"I will take it into account," Damon said, calmly, making the hunter sigh once more.

Katherine took pity at the haggard high school teacher, and said, "I will keep him in line, Ric. Go and be with Jenna. She needs you more now."

"Thanks, Katherine," Alaric said with a smile, and left, not before giving a pointed look towards his drinking buddy.

"He really cares for you, you know," Katherine said, rolling her eyes at the raven-haired vampire, who was making himself at home. "You shouldn't take him for granted." It was just a passing comment but still affected the younger vampire.

He didn't reply to it, not that she expected one. "So, what's with the surprise visit for?" She asked one more time.

"Told you, just wanted to keep you company. Take your mind off the sacrifice your freedom depends on," Damon said, nonchalantly.

"Right...sorry to break it to you, but I was doing a very good job at that, by myself, until you showed up and talked about it to my face," Katherine said, earning a frown from the raven-haired vampire.

"Well, I never said my plans go as planned," was Damon's reply.

"Oh! I know very well about it. Tomb Vampires, Gilbert watch, Daggering Elijah, I could still go on," said Katherine.

"Fine. My plan sucks," Damon conceded. "Hey, but we always come out on top."

"Yes. Because you worked along with Stefan," the brunette said, receiving another scowl.

"I am feeling attacked right now," remarked Damon.

"Perfect for my distraction," Pitch-black eyed vampire joked.

"Have you heard anything about the Original in the suit? Haven't seen him since he went off into the sunset with Klaus," Damon said.

"Oh! So, Elena took the dagger out of him?" Katherine questioned.

"Yup. How did you know?"

"It's something a desperate Elena would do. Also, Klaus did ask me if I knew anything about it the other day. He said Elijah is taken care of, and won't be a problem to the ritual," Katherine said, cocking her head to the side. "I personally think he daggered him."

"Sucks for him," Damon mused.

"What's your problem with Elijah, anyway? I mean, I am pissed off because he betrayed me. Don't tell me you are still on, about the time, he stabbed you in the neck with a pencil," Katherine asked, genuinely interested.

"Can't I just hate the guy without any reason?" Damon said, shrugging his shoulders. "Also, I had a gut feeling that he can't be trusted. I mean, Klaus said he was lying about burying his family, and Elijah followed him like some lost puppy. What's to say he wouldn't have done the same thing at the last minute when we are on opposite sides of this dispute? Actually, who's to say, Klaus will keep the promise he made to you?"

"I don't know, Damon. It's not like I have another option," Katherine said.

"We could just kill him. There's still time. Bonnie can do it," Damon said.

"And if it fails, everything I managed to talk him into, will be for nothing. I can't compromise that. I have been, always, watching my back for the past 500 years, and if this goes right, I don't have to live my rest of life in fear. No more faking death. No more running and hiding. I can really enjoy my life," the older vampire said, trying to divert the younger's mind from killing the hybrid, which could cause the death of thousands of vampires, including both of them.

Damon took a deep breath, but nonetheless, nodded his head in understanding. He understood what the vampire whom he spent obsessing over for a century is saying. There is no saying Bonnie will screw it up at the last minute, but they can't take chances. One mistake, and the whole town could end up dead.

"So, what's next?" Damon asked after a while, lightening the conversation. "What is the elusive Katherine Peirce going to do after gaining her freedom?"

"Well, I go back to finding my daughter. I should probably go to the private detective, and talk a few things through. I should also go to Greece and settle a few things there," Katherine's sentence was cut off when Damon popped a question.

"By the way, what were you doing in Greece before this entire fiasco?"

"Oh! I have been digging up some family history, trying to make any connections with my daughter's whereabouts," Katherine said, deciding to make up a story. But mostly because she was bored.

The lack of socializing for the past week has been catching up with her. The only meaningful conversations the vampire ever had was with Klaus, and they were mostly death threats. Also, Katherine wanted to talk about the Travelers for quite some time now, since that will be another death trap for her in the future. Because, if, by some chance, Markos comes back to life to lift the Travelers curse, he will only need the blood of last living doppelgangers. This means the pseudo vampire has to fight with Elena again and gain the upper hand one more time. It would be a lot easy if she can just try to blow them up with the help of her gained allies before then things escalate. And there is a high chance they will call for her guidance if they know, she knows about that topic in depth.

"I don't understand. How would your family history help finding your daughter when everyone thinks your family line ended with you?" Damon asked.

"Remember when I told you I was from a Traveler family?"

"Yes, the sub-culture of witches..."

"Yeah. So, I had an inkling that Nadia might have followed that side of the family to find me. However, I don't really know much about Travelers and their methods. My dad was downright sexist when I was a human. So, to know more, I decided to do a little digging. I have been at it for months now, and I think with this trip, I got to the bottom of it," Katherine started the made-up story.

"Alright. Want to talk me through it?" The question was rhetorical, and since they both wanted to waste away the time, Katherine indulged the younger vampire.

"Okay, so, from the research, I got to know the Travelers were dated back to 2000 years and much before that. It's quite an interesting story, really. You see, during the 1st century BC, in Greece, they were two powerful witches, Qetsiyah and Silas. They both were engaged. Qetsiyah was madly in love with Silas that upon his request, she even created an immortality elixir that she planned to share with him as a part of their wedding ceremony. So they can share eternity together. But, Silas betrayed her by taking the potion with Qetsiyah's handmaiden, Amara, leaving Qetsiyah at their wedding altar. And once Qetsiyah realized how much of a dick Silas was, she tracked them down, and enacted her revenge," Katherine explained, while Damon listened attentively.

"She killed them?"

"No. Qetsiyah first found a spell to reverse the spell, creating the cure to immortality. She waited for a perfect time. Once Silas left Amara's side, she confronted her handmaiden and desiccated her. She then pretended that she killed Amara in front of Silas, but before Silas could attack her in retaliation, Qetsiyah neutralized him and entombed him in a cave on a remote island, along with the cure. She gave him two choices: take the cure, become mortal and die, or rot as an immortal being for eternity."

"What? That's stupid," Damon said. "Why didn't she kill them and get on with it?"

"Well, even though Silas betrayed her, Qetsiyah still loved him, and couldn't do it by herself. Anyway, there is still more to it," Katherine said, getting his attention. "So, even after entombing Silas, the woman wasn't satisfied. She was really into 'hell hath no fury' thing."

"You see, Qetsiyah didn't even want Silas to find peace with Amara after taking the cure and dying. So, the witch created a supernatural purgatory, also called as other-side, where every supernatural goes after dying. She bound Amara as an anchor, as Qetsiyah needed something eternal, and indestructible to bind it, so it would never fall. And, when Silas finally takes the cure and dies, he would never be reunited with the love of his life. But instead, he will have to spend eternity seeing Qetsiyah's face," Katherine explained. "And even if Silas gets to know about his ex's plan, he can't do anything about it. As destroying the other side means, killing his beloved soulmate."

"She went really crazy at the end, huh," Damon mused, thinking over the story. "So, where does your daughter come in this?"

"You see, after the entire fiasco with the immortality spell, the witch community was divided into two. Those who want to preserve the natural balance of the world. Like Bonnie's family. And those who want to use their power for their own aim, to do anything. Like my family. The witches from the opposite side feared the consequences people would face by that use of magic, so they called upon the spirits and placed a curse on Qetsiyah's entire coven. The curse prevented them from gathering as a tribe. If they are gathered in one place, then there will be earthquakes, fires, and plagues. Nor can they access traditional magical sources," Katherine continued.

"And, so, as years went by they started using a new form of magic. It basically means they can possess anyone, be it a human, vampire, or a werewolf. They can then meet up and d the spell they want. Someone can be possessing me right now, and you would be none the wiser. Sometimes they could be just inside you and use your body when they please. They can also take permanent residence inside a host by just taking some blood, and then performing a ritual. The only way to kill a passenger is through a Travelers knife, which was with my father when I was human."

"Anyway, what I am saying is, if Nadia knows about me turning into a vampire, there might be a chance she knew we were Travelers. And Travelers don't have an aversion to vampires. If you are a Traveler, then that's enough. You are a part of them. So, I think there is a high possibility that Nadia might be with some of their kind. And since Travelers can't stay in one place, she might be traveling along with her companions regularly. Another reason why I can't seem to find her. Now all I need to do is find one of the Travelers and contact her through them."

"So, how much did you know about it before your trip to Greece?"

"Nothing other than my Dad being one of them and the stupid ancient-looking knife being his prized possession," Katherine said quickly. Even though she really doesn't know what the canon Katherine has seen, the girl just decided to wing it.

"So, the trip was a great success. Good for you," said Damon. Just then his phone pinged, getting the attention of both vampires in the room.

"It's from Stefan. The ritual worked, and Klaus is the big bad wolf now," said Damon. "No one died except for Elena. Another huge win on our part. Everyone's happy. So, let's hope this plan of yours works."

"It will," The older vampire spoke with conviction. "Maddox and Greta should be on their way now. You should go."

Damon nodded his head in admission, and got up from the couch, saying, "I really don't want to leave you here. Are you sure I can't just kill the warlock and get you away from here?"

"And risk Klaus killing both of us? I don't think so," Katherine said, rolling her eyes.

"It will be fun. I thought you liked playing games," Damon said. Was he pouting?

"Not with my life on the line."

After a little bickering, the younger vampire left, not before hugging her to death and placing a kiss on her crown. And the girl smiled. She didn't know how much she wanted to do that until then. Just talking to someone without walking on eggshells, afraid to say the wrong, but speaking it anyway and suffering the consequences. So it felt really nice for once to talk and just talk. Maybe, Caroline rubbed off her. Oh! how she missed the gossip girl...

And then, the vampire waited for the next two days, waiting for the hybrid to come and lift the compulsion off, so she can feel the sun's warmth once more. And when Klaus finally came the morning of the second day, Katherine became really nervous. The nervousness, as she was waiting for something to go wrong. She was never that good in the luck department. She clenched and unclenched her hands in anticipation, waiting for the final judgment.

"Waiting on me, were you?" Klaus said when he entered the apartment and was met with a pacing Katherine Peirce.

"I told you, I will keep my word if your theory is proven right," Klaus said instead of waiting for an answer. "So, lets put it to the ultimate test, shall we? Maddox, bring my back up werewolf."

And Katherine knew she was right and will be right from the very start. But she couldn't help but be fascinated with the transformation that happened before her eyes. Once the werewolf transformed into a hybrid with the help of Elena Gilbert's blood, Klaus let out a loud laugh.

"Looks like you earned your freedom, love," he said with a devilish smirk. And the vampire turned doppelganger let out a relieved sigh.

"Are you sure you want it, though? You know, every king needs an advisor, and I personally think you would fit the role perfectly," Klaus said after a moment, and her heart sank.

So, this is the second shoe.

"Don't be like that. I am not forcing you. It's a genuine offer," Klaus mused. He was certain he would miss her blunt personality. But he knows they will meet again.

Of course, they were bound to meet when he is going to take up a residence this close to the Salvatores. Mystic Falls was the right place to start his kingdom, and to stay close to his human doppelganger and her blood.

"No, offense. But I would like to be, really, far away from you, and your family business," The pseudo-Katherine said almost immediately.

"As you wish," The Hybrid said and looked her in the eye.

"Wait!" She exclaimed before he could uncompel her.

"What? Changed your decision?" Klaus questioned.

"'s just," the vampire trailed off, contemplating whether to say her next words or not.

"Get on with it. I am in a good mood," the hybrid said with a huff.

"I would like a vial of your blood," Katherine said, trying to put on a brave face.

"And why is that?"

"Why would I want a werewolf bite on hand?" Katherine asked flippantly.

"And how would you know my blood is the cure?" Klaus asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's kinda obvious, isn't it?" Katherine said, trying to act nonchalant.

And the smirk was back on the hybrid's face. "No. It isn't?"

With that, Klaus stared at her for a moment, raking his eyes on her body, trying to decipher her. And then, the original smiled, devilishly, "Sure, you don't want to take up on my offer?"

"No," The younger vampire said.

"Fine," the hybrid said and started to bite into his wrists, letting the blood pour out. He later held the vial filled with his blood in front of the doppelganger. Before Katherine could reach out for it, Klaus held back, "If I get to know a witch used my blood to curse me, I will tare out your liver."

"You got it," replied Katherine in an earnest tone.

"My blood, for a favor," Klaus repeated, passing the flask to her.

"Thank you," Katherine said, gripping the vail close to her.

"Oh! You are back," Caroline said, tackling her friend to the ground as soon as she saw Katherine at the door of the boarding house.

"Good to see you too, Care," the elder vampire's voice was muffled. But when the vampire hasn't let her go even after 5 seconds, the brunette huffed. "Alright, get off me now."

When she was met with silence as an answer, she said, "Get off me, or else, I will rip out your spleen." And the result was immediate.

"Hey, Kitty Kat. So, Klaus finally let you out, huh," Damon greeted with his usual smirk.

"Yup. My plan worked, and he has a hybrid now," said Katherine, entering the house. "Ric's house is quite damaged with all the tossing and bumping."

"How did you get in? I thought Elena has to invite you in?" Caroline asked, looking at her unofficial mentor in confusion.

"Elena is technically dead now, so you have to renew the registration papers once again," Katherine said, passing by. "Has she come back to the land of the living?"

"Yes. Just this morning," Damon said, leading them to the living room where everyone's settled in.

"Good to have you back," A lot of them greeted her.

"Well, it's just for a while. I actually came to collect my luggage, and say goodbye," the vampire murmured, getting a few protests, and silent nods in return.

"What? But, you just came back."

"Where are you going?" Caroline and Jeremy asked, simultaneously.

"A lot of things were put on hold, and I have got a new clue in my daughter's case that I have, yet, to pursue," Katherine answered them calmly.

"And when will you come back?" This time it was Stefan.

"I have no clue. Maybe not in a few years. Think, I will enjoy my freedom with a little treasure hunting," the vampire mused, putting on a fake facade. Honestly, though, the body hijacker just wants to take a tour around the world and relish in the awesomeness as an undead blood-vacuumer. And once she gets bored of it, she will then find a way to go back to her own universe. But, she knows she will always be involved in the drama until the Travelers are dead. So, the pseudo doppelganger decided to take a small break before season four or five starts, and decided to play the role convincingly for the part, as she knows they will definitely call her to know more about the cure or Travelers.

And just for a second, everyone's eyes turned to Damon, who stood there at the corner without showing any kind of emotion on his face, except for Katherine's who was oblivious to the reactions as she plotted in her head.

"You can rest here a few days before going on your adventure, you know," Stefan said, his hands tucked under his chest. "You will still have your eternity."

"I know," the vampire in question said with a sweet smile, and no one really knew if it was sad or soft or fake. "But I came here for only one reason; to protect you two. And now that I have done my job excellently, I can go back to my old life, I left behind. I did have a life before, you know," she added humorously.

"Come on, I will show you the way," Damon said before anyone could ask another question. Katherine nodded her head, passing through everyone on her way upstairs.

"There you go," The blue-eyed vampire said, gesturing to her stuff inside his closet.

"Thanks," she said, going through her phone first, checking for missed calls from the Old Greek Witch and her private investigators. She found a few and decided to go through it once she is out of the town. When she decided to pick up her luggage, Damon stopped her saying he will get it for her. For which the vampire huffed, saying, "I am older and stronger than you, Damon."

"Doesn't mean, I can't show a little chivalry," The cocky Salvatore brother said.

Katherine then said goodbye to everyone, for some longer than others. She promised to come and help Stefan if he asks for it, no matter the time and day. The vampire promised to take the blonde vampire and little Gilbert on a world tour, personally, once they complete their studies. Katherine then told the Bennett witch, politely, to brush up her history, and to stop being judgemental. She then proceeded to lecture the witch to act on her strengths instead of overestimating her powers and herself. She then softly whispered to Alaric that the secret to Jenna's heart was through her stomach, and advised the history teacher to learn a few of his girlfriend's favorite dishes. The brunette then asked Rose to take good care of the brothers and continued to tell the British-vampire, on how reckless the Salvatore brothers were, knowing full-well everyone is hearing. And at last, the pseudo-Katherine stood in front of Elena and asked her double not to do any stupid shit that will keep her life and everyone's life around her in danger. The Petrova doppelganger also demanded everyone of them to stay away from Original business if they want to stay alive.

In no time, Katherine was out of the house alongside Damon, who's still carrying her luggage. Once her luggage was settled in the car's boot, they both looked at each other.


"You know I could come along with you, you just have to ask," Damon said before the girl could speak anything.


"Just...just, listen. I know, I said, I hate you for everything you put me through. But, I understand why you did what you did then. Everyone I met kept saying you just used us, and that you are manipulative who don't give a shit about any of us. That, Katherine does, what she does for no one but herself. But it's not true. All this time, you never failed to show how much you care about my brother and me. You didn't have to help Elena with anything. You could've just, up and left as soon as you saw Elijah and Klaus. But you stayed," Damon spilled his heart out, "I know we had a rough start now, and then. But I want to give this a try. I want to give 'us' a try. You are my life, Katherine. I literally spent every second of my immortal life waiting for you and trying to get you out of that damn tomb. All I am asking is to give me a chance to know the real you."

Katherine was truly flattered. If only Damon said the same words after seeing the real her instead of the act she puts on.

"Damon, I wouldn't like anything more," the older vampire said, "But, we both know you won't ever trust me as I want you too. There will be problems as time goes by for even the slightest things. Our relationship will turn into something toxic, and I don't want to spoil what we have now. I would rather have these beautiful memories with me forever than destroying the epic love we once had. I really don't know what I was thinking when I came here first. I thought it would still be the same way we left things off. But it isn't. And deep down, we both know it will never be."

"I won't ever forget you, Damon. Maybe this is the only forever the two of us together were ever meant to have," The pseudo-Katherine said with a sad smile.

"Or maybe, we just found forever at the wrong time, and, someday, time will pull us back together again," was the raven-haired vampire's immediate reply.

"Maybe." The pitch-black met ice blue. Damon softly bent to kiss her on the cheek and hugged her goodbye with a crestfallen heart.

"Don't be a stranger," Damon said when the girl was inside the car.

"I won't," Katherine said. "You know, Rose is a real sweetheart," with that she pulled off the driveway.

Leaving the Mystic Falls and its drama behind.

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