"See you next time, Saito-sama. We are happy to see you once again." There was a bunch of voices overlapping saying this and congratulations.
Nathaniel walked with the group and helped Amelia get into the carriage. "You have a safe trip to the hospital, and don't stop for anyone as it could be a trap set to capture you. I do not trust Yukimura."
"Wait, before you go, you were going to tell us what happened at the nurse's office today!" Ami remembers and jumps on the kill before she forgot about it.
Amelia shared a look with Nathaniel before looking back at the two girls. "There is not a lot to say other than Yukimura tried to sneak into the bed I was lying on while Aunt Yoko was watching over me, and Nathaniel had to leave for a moment."
“Each in the most hidden sack kept
the lost jewels of memory,
intense love, secret nights and permanent kisses,
the fragment of public or private happiness.
A few, the wolves, collected thighs,
other men loved the dawn scratching
mountain ranges or ice floes, locomotives, numbers.
For me happiness was to share singing,
praising, cursing, crying with a thousand eyes.
I ask forgiveness for my bad ways:
my life had no use on earth.”
― Pablo Neruda, Still Another Day