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48.07% Into the World of Bleach / Chapter 25: 2/2

Kapitel 25: 2/2

"Ooft!" He huffed out as Nel jumped through the air crashing into his chest. She gripped his shirt and rubbed her tiny head into his chest crying and sniffling and shouting. Kishin couldn't help feeling a bit speechless and awkward. Firstly, he and Nel barely knew one another. Secondly, she was a baby, but her physical prowess was definitely unordinary, and thirdly, he was a bit confused because just now he realized that Nel's face was unmasked which would make her an Arrancar.

A baby...Arrancar?

After several long moments Nel finally calmed down so Kishin picked her up off of his chest and set her down on the sand. He then turned to look at her and said, "When I told you to leave with your entourage, you guys sure ran far."

Nel just sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. "W-We didn't go too far at first...but then we felt Lord Aizen's presence so...we got super super scared and ran without thinking."

Kishin raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "You know Aizen?"

Nel nodded. "Mhm. Everyone in Hueco Mundo knows Aizen. He's the current ruler of Hueco Mundo."

"Eh?! So that bastard has already taken over huh? I had a feeling..."

Nel tilted her head to the side at Kishin's comment. "You know Aizen-sama?"

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "Unfortunately I do."

"D-Did you fight against Aizen-sama?"

"I wouldn't exactly say that."

Nel just widened her eyes in shock and surprise. "You really fought Aizen-sama and survived? WOW! You amazing! Even though you are evil Shinigami."

Kishin just rubbed the back of his neck deciding it wasn't worth his time trying to explain to her the details. "So? Where did you guys run off to anyway? No matter how far you guys ran there's no way I wouldn't have been able to catch up."

Nel started to tremble a bit in fear as if she was recalling a nightmare. "I...we...we fell into the Forest of Menos."

"Forest of Menos? Never heard of it."

Nel just nodded before pointing to a dead white tree nearby. "See that? That's actually only the tip of the trees that grow up from beneath Hueco Mundo's desert landscape."

Kishin turned to look at the white lifeless tree with a thoughtful expression. "Just the tip? Then there's an entirely new landscape down below the desert?"

Nel just nodded. "Mhm. That's right. There are a lot of Menos there like Gillians and Adjuchas. They all serve Aizen-sama."

"Eh? Is that so...seems that bastard has been quite busy."

Nel just tugged on Kishin's sleeve and said, "What happened to sir Tosen?"

"Eh? You know Tosen as well?"

"Of course. Sir Tosen serves under Lord Aizen."

Kishin just let out a sigh. "Haaah...well, it's too much of a bother to explain. Let's just say that nothing really happened. So? Ready to fulfill your promise?"

Nel fiddled her thumbs and nervously nodded. "Y-Yes...Nel will do her best to help sir evil Shinigami."

Kishin just sighed again. "Alright, enough with the evil Shinigami. Just call me Kishin."

She immediately perked up at his reply. "Sir's name is Kishun?"





"Ki-..." He stopped halfway noting that no matter how many times he repeated his name this little Arrancar was going to get it wrong. In the end he just nodded his head in defeat. "That's right."

Nel's eyes began to water and tear up as she looked at him like she was seeing a long lost friend. Sniff. Sniff. "Sir has become friends with Nel."

Kishin pinched the bridge of his nose. He no longer wanted to argue or correct her since it'd only bring him more headaches so he simply didn't comment on what she said and instead steered the conversation to a different topic. "Can you help me return home?"

Nel wiped away her tears and once more twiddled her thumbs. "Where are you trying to go?"

Kishin thought for a moment before saying, "Soul Society."

Nel immediately felt her heart drop into her stomach. She lowered her head in shame. "I...Nel doesn't know how to go to Soul Society…"

Kishin just stared down at her for a long while before lying back down on the sand unconcernedly. He closed his eyes and tried to think of something before a thought struck him. "Eh? Wait, what about the World of the Living?"

Nel cocked her head to the side. "Human World?"

"That's right. Can you send me there?"

Nel closed her eyes and puffed up her cheeks. She placed her finger on the side of her head as if she was thinking incredibly hard. "Mmmmmmmm...Ah! Nel thinks it's okay."

Kishin immediately perked up. "Really?"

Nel just nodded. "Mhm. Hollows go to the Human World all the time. Much easier than Soul Society. Nel can open a Garganta and let Kishun go through."

Kishin breathed out a sigh of relief and rubbed the top of Nel's head amiably. "Great! That's perfect."

Nel's cheeks turned red from embarrassment and a bit of happiness at the fact that she was able to be helpful. She then sadly asked, "T-Then...are you leaving right now…"

Kishin noted her sad expression, but he just lightly patted her head. "Unfortunately I have to. If I don't then I'll be in big trouble. You don't want that to happen to me do you?"

She immediately shook her head. "No...but Nel doesn't want Kishun to go either."

"Don't worry about that. I'm sure we'll meet again sometime in the future. Just...stay out of trouble. Besides, you have Pesche, Dondochakka, and Bawabawa."

Nel looked over at the three other Hollows beside her before she turned her attention back to Kishin and sadly nodded. "Okay...then promise to visit Nel again in the future."

Kishin nodded in agreement. "Alright. I promise."

Nel sniffled a bit before taking a step off to the side and stuck both of her hands out in front of her. She closed her eyes and grit her teeth as she concentrated with all her might.

"HNNNNNNNNNN-URRRRGGGGGHHHH-HAAAAAAA!" She yelled out strenuously and seriously.

Kishin had an expectant look in his eyes, that was until he noted the size of the black portal that appeared. It was just large enough for a small...very small person to walk through.


Nel huffed and panted as she struggled to keep the Garganta open and said excitedly, "Nel did it!"

Kishin just awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck having no choice but to take what he could get. "Ahem. Thank you for sending me back home." He lightly patted Nel's head before he let out a defeated sigh. Just as he was about to enter the portal he paused and looked inside noticing nothing but empty dark space. " am I supposed to travel through?"

Nel gave him a blank sideways glance and said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, "Just make a reishi foothold."

Kishin let out an awkward cough. "Ahem. Right. Of course that's how." He then began to army crawl his way through the small portal. As he made his way through the dark Garganta he said to no one in particular, "I never thought I'd ever be doing something like this…"

Once he made it all the way through and into the dark void space he finally had enough room to stand again. Instantly a large rectangular pathway of reishi was generated below him as he took a moment to observe the dark void space. It was...well for one, obviously dark. As for what was odd, to him it felt like the entire void space was simply filled with a turbulence of reishi particles.

"Huh...I wonder how the Garganta actually's like the Dangai but...there's no risk of being swept away by the Kototsu."

He then turned to look on either side of him and down below seeing nothing but the pitch darkness of the empty void. "Well...then again I guess there's the risk of getting lost and to forever be walking in empty space…"

He was about to continue on his leisurely walk when he heard Nel's voice shout from the portal she held up open behind him. "AHHH! P-Pwease hurry to the other side! Nel can't hold the connecting portal forever!"

A bead of sweat rolled down from Kishin's forehead as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "Oops. I thought she would just open the portal for me to go in, but I guess she's gotta maintain the connection so I actually make it to my destination. Makes sense."

Without delaying any further he dashed through the Garganta on his foothold of reishi for a good 10 seconds before he saw a light up ahead that seeped out from another small tunnel. Once more he sighed and inwardly cursed.

Damn...gotta crawl through again.

He crouched down flat on the reishi path he made and began his army crawl through the end of the tunnel. No later than the moment his feet made it out of the dark crevice did the portal immediately shut tight and disappear.


He laid flat on his chest, still in the position from his crawl out of the Garganta and noted the sparse orange, brown yellow, and red colored leaves on the trees nearby signaling the season of autumn. The ground beneath was cold. A slight chill permeated the air. Children dressed in warm coats and scarves played nearby. Some couples in jackets held hands to keep warm walked along the paved pathway around the area he was currently laying at. He surmised that he had ended up in the middle of a park. In fact it was the very same park that he had come upon when he first arrived through the Senkaimon two months ago.

"Huh? Well fancy that." He mumbled to himself.

Kishin took a moment to recollect himself before standing up and dusting himself off. "Not bad. She actually sent me to Karakura Town even though I never specified exactly where in the World of the Living I wanted to go."

He looked eastward and immediately began his trek towards Urahara's Shop. That is, until he felt a very familiar reiatsu. He instantly stopped in his tracks feeling somewhat surprised.


Just as he turned to look behind him he was immediately tackled into the ground.



He just lay completely still on the ground remaining flat on his back as he felt the weight of Rukia's smaller frame on top of him. Her hands gripped tightly around the collar of his shihakusho as she began to shake and shout at him. "You idiot! Wherehaveyoubeen?! Doyouknowhowmuchtroubleyou'vecaused?! I'vebeensearchingeverywhereforyou! Youcan'tjust disappearlikethat! You just became the Lieutenant not long ago, how dare you try to leave your post! I know you said that you wanted me to take over one day but this is too soon! The 13th Division still needs you! Do you know what kind of sentence Central 46 was going to give you?! I know you have a bad habit of not following the rules but that doesn't mean you're allowed to do WHATEVER you want WHENEVER you want! You hear me!"

Huff. Huff. Huff. Huff.

She heavily panted for air after her spitfire rant, her eyes unknowingly teared up a bit.

Kishin just had a guilty look on his face as all of this was happening. The truth was, he didn't quite catch any of what Rukia said since she was shouting and shaking him and speaking so fast. He simply waited for her to get everything off of her chest. He already knew that he was probably going to be in some sort of trouble, though it wasn't his fault, but now he figured that he might've been in more trouble than he originally imagined with the way Rukia was acting. In the end he heard her whisper out, "I was...concerned for you."

Kishin just let out a comforting sigh. A few months ago he had such a strong urge to ravish her, but being away from her for over 2 months let him cool down. Even though she was so close to him right now, in fact she was literally sitting on top of him, he didn't feel like he was going to lose control over himself, rather he just felt a sort of calming peace. It was the kind of peace one would feel when they think…"ah, this is nice"...It was that kind of calming peace. In the end they remained in their somewhat precarious position for several moments longer.

Kishin looked up from his lying down position and noticed her scrunched up face and troubled look. Though she tried not to show that she was worried, her eyes betrayed her feelings. He just grinned and reached out with both of his arms wrapping them around her small petite frame and pulled her down close to his chest. His actions startled her, but she simply went along with it.

She didn't want to admit it at first, but she was greatly bothered by the fact that Kishin didn't tell her that he was leaving for the World of the Living for two entire months. Of course she knew that he didn't have to say anything. He was after all, the Lieutenant. And as for her? She was only a member of the division with no rank to her name. She did her best trying not to think about him for the two months he was gone. She thought it'd be easy since he wouldn't be around, but unknowingly he had already become someone irreplaceable to her. She couldn't help remembering how they spent a morning together. Her failed attempts to make him breakfast, even though she had told him to forget it, she herself couldn't forget that memory. And then afterwards when he picked her up in his arms and brought her back to her own living quarters, she still had his shirt and towel. For some reason she couldn't' bring herself to throw it away. That wasn't all. Every time she trained with the sword she would remember his teachings, his words, instructions...and his teasing remarks. And every time she performed that one movement of a simple forward thrust, she couldn't help but remember the warmth of his body from that one time he intervened.

Before Kishin, when she trained in Zanjutsu, she had felt nothing but pain and anguish deep in her heart. And while she still did, she had recently also begun to feel somewhat flustered and bubbly. She even began to slowly smile as the image of his face would pop up in her head from time to time when training. It was odd. She wouldn't have noticed it at all if it wasn't for Ukitake who made a comment one day. While Kishin was gone she would train everyday by his quarters, but it would feel lonely without him present to watch over her practice. It felt a bit lonely because he was the one who always teased her and the one who talked to her freely. She knew he was prone to violence and was sometimes rough with his words. Evident by his extreme reaction during that time when he told her that he was going to murder everyone in the Kuchiki Manor who had bullied and put her down, but she also knew that he could be gentle and kind and playful. Mostly playful if she had to pick.

She didn't realize it, but she was already accustomed to his presence. The ominous and bloodthirsty reiatsu of his...she thought she must've lost her mind because while she knew she should be afraid and scared and frightened for her life in the moments when Kishin unleashed his spiritual pressure, she felt oddly okay with it. It was because he had never once directed his intent of murder on her. Instead, he gave her warmth and comfort and freedom. No matter how brief their time was together during the short time he had returned to the 13th division as the Lieutenant, his impact on her world was much larger than she could have imagined. The impression he left on her was stronger than she cared to admit.

And so, when he snuggled her into his chest, she could only simply oblige. Resting her head against his warm broad chest. The steady pounding of his heart calmed down her earlier frantic display of emotions.

As for how Kishin was feeling in this moment, he was a bit taken aback. He had half expected her to push off of him and half expected her to berate him or at the very least, hit him for hugging her like this so suddenly. He wasn't teasing her right now. He truly had an involuntary urge to just hold her for a bit. He thought it felt nice, but he thought that she might've misinterpreted his actions as teasing her. The development of the situation exceeded his expectations so now he didn't know if he should let go or not. In the end he just mentally shrugged.

If she's okay staying like this, then I'm okay staying like this.

He grinned and squeezed a little tighter. It was then he slowly tried to recall the words she rushed out to say and asked, "Senpai, exactly what kind of sentence did Central 46 give me?"

His question snapped Rukia back to reality. Just as she was about to answer they were interrupted by the sound of Akon's cough. "Ahem."

Rukia immediately separated from Kishin's arms and sat a few feet away from him. Her back was turned to both him and Akon as her face turned red from embarrassment at being caught in such an intimate position with Kishin. Kishin just remained lying on the ground with his arms spread open from Rukia suddenly tearing away from him. He felt a cold void around him and raised his eyebrow in both amusement and slight disappointment.

"I-uh...I'm not interrupting anything am I?" Akon awkwardly asked.

Kishin just craned his neck back a bit seeing Akon's upside down frame from his current position and smirked. "Yo! Akon-senpai. You've got some explaining to do."

Akon nervously and guiltily rubbed the back of his neck. "Aha...ahaha...s-sorry..."

Kishin just grinned and sprung up from the ground standing back on his feet. He noted that Rukia still seemed a bit too embarrassed so he decided not to say anything and let her calm down. Instead he faced Akon and crossed his arms. "Well, what happened?"

Akon awkwardly scratched the side of his cheeks. " see. I'm not sure exactly what came over me. I must have been too distracted by the research I was doing that I accidentally sent you the wrong Hell Butterfly. Ahem. Anyways, soon after Central 46 was informed 24 hours later that you never returned to Soul Society. I heard about that soon after and didn't believe it so I double checked that I sent you a return Hell Butterfly…"

"And that's when you noticed that you sent the wrong one?"

"Ahaha...right...I am...very sorry. I have no idea how that happened. I've never sent the wrong Hell Butterfly before. Not sure what came over me. It wasn't my intention to sabotage your or anything."

Kishin just waved his hand in the air. "Alright. It's fine. What kind of sentence did Central 46 pass on to me?"

Akon let out a sigh. "Haaah. It was tough. They were going to label you as a traitor for abandoning Soul Society and exile you. They said that they had indulged your request to stay in Karakura Town for two months yet you decided to defy them and stay past the limit. You were about to be announced as a criminal."

Kishin couldn't help but inwardly sneer at the extreme reaction Central 46 had and just let out a sigh. "Haaaah...I wasn't even gone that long right? You said that they WERE going to, so I take it that they didn't pass that kind of judgement. What happened afterwards?"

"Right. Well, since I found out pretty quickly that I sent the wrong Butterfly I went to appeal to Central 46 on the matter and explained the situation to them. They argued that even if that was the case you should have still passed through the Dangai to return. It wasn't long after when Captain Hitsugaya, Captain Ukitake, Lieutenant Tsunayashiro, and Punishment Force Commander Yushiro also made a direct appeal to Central 46 to reconsider your punishment as they all vouched for you."

Kishin was slightly surprised that so many people had gotten involved. "Eh? Everyone really went through that much trouble for me?"

Akon just nodded. "We all asked Central to give us at least 1 month to find out what happened and to look for your whereabouts, but they denied us. Soon after Captain Aizen and Captain Ichimaru also made an appeal for you stating that the situation was out of your control and that what happened to you was not an act out of choice, but rather a mistake on Soul Society's side."

Kishin furrowed his brow and mentally cursed as he recalled his encounter with Aizen in Hueco Mundo.

That bastard. He sends me to Hueco Mundo and creates this mess for me and then plays nice and appeals for me. He could have just sent me back with him. Tch.

"So? I assume you and Rukia being here had to do with some sort of agreement that Central 46 had conceded to?"

Akon nodded. "That's right. Luckily they hadn't made an official ruling yet so there was still room for negotiation. They had finally agreed to give us 1 week to look for you before you would officially be labeled as a traitor and exiled."

Kishin just shook his head. "They really wanted me gone huh?"

It was then Rukia walked over and chimed in, "We've been searching for your whereabouts for five days! Where did you go?"

Kishin just awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck not exactly sure how to answer. He couldn't exactly just tell them that he ended up in Hueco Mundo, met Aizen, and had a baby Arrancar send him back to Karakura Town could he? I'm in a bind. What sort of excuse am I supposed to make...AH?

It was then an idea struck him. "Ahem. Well, I was stuck in the Dangai. Soon after I was chased by the Kototsu. It chased me for a little while before I was able to successfully escape it by finding an accessible time axis that opened up in the wall of the Dangai caused by the disturbance of the Kototsu. The presence of the Kototsu sort of messes up the whole time axis and it caused a great fluctuation."

Akon furrowed his brow in suspicion, however as he thought about it a bit he shrugged his shoulders. "Well...I suppose that's a possibility. One hour in the material world is approximately 2000 hours in the Dangai, however when the Kototsu is present then that time is distorted and fluctuates greatly. It's not currently understood how greatly the Kototsu's presence affects this phenomenon, but we do know that if you get hit by the Kototsu then it'll blow you out of the Dangai forcing you to experience 100 years of time." He then turned to look at Kishin once more and curiously asked, "Are you sure that this is what happened?"

Kishin just nodded. "Yup."

Akon stared at Kishin for a few moments longer before shrugging his shoulders. "Well, you're lucky that you didn't get directly hit by the Kototsu then. It's too bad that you didn't jump through a time distorted tunnel where you appeared a few days back in the past. That could have saved a lot of trouble."

Kishin just stared at Akon with a confident grin, but mentally he was praising himself that his made up story was believable. It would be even more so if someone like Akon from the R&D department thought it was plausible. In the end they had all safely returned to Soul Society. Of course Kishin was immediately halted by the Onmitsukido upon his re-entry into the Seireitei. He was seriously irked by this, but he let it slide since Yushiro was the one leading them. Mostly to ensure that things went smoothly and to bother Kishin with a bunch of troublesome questions.

He was soon escorted to the Central 46 underground assembly hall where the 40 wisemen and 6 judges sat in a dark room with numbered plaques covering their faces. It was his first time actually entering the Central 46 chamber and meeting any of them but he had to say, he was greatly underwhelmed. They were exactly as he had imagined them to be. No, they were even worse. He greatly disapproved of how they questioned him. In essence they asked and he answered, however they left no room for discussion. The inquiry only made it sound like the old men would get the answers they wanted without letting him elaborate or give context. For instance, they asked him if he received a Hell Butterfly.

He said yes.

They asked if he went through a Senkaimon.

He said yes.

They asked where he ended up.

He said the Dangai.

They asked why he did not return to Soul Society.

He replied that he couldn't. He wanted to continue his answer but they immediately stopped him. They doubted his answer and said that the Dangai connected to Soul Society and that if he wanted to, then he should have been able to find his way back. He was about to tell them that it was due to the Kototsu, but before he could even get started they interrupted him again and started berating him for speaking out of turn. Even when they asked him about what happened in the Dangai and he told them about the Kototsu, they had a hard time believing his words as not much was understood about the Kototsu and the effect it has on the Dangai. They kept questioning and arguing back and forth about how it seemed a bit too convenient for Kishin to give that kind of answer and argued that it was more likely that he had attempted to defect from Soul Society.

As Kishin listened to their nonsensical banter and illogical reasonings, he couldn't help but recall the memory from his past life of how Aizen had killed the Central 46 members and inwardly felt that Aizen did one good thing before his defection. This line of bothersome questioning went on for a while longer before he was finally released, successfully avoiding a possibly disastrous sentence.

As he slowly trekked outside of the giant orange walls that blocked off the Central 46 Compound with a tired look in his eyes he took note of Rukia, who nervously stood waiting just outside the entrance with her back currently turned to him. He stopped walking and simply stared at her small petite frame in the distance. Just seeing her somehow made him feel better. The pressure he was putting himself through by constantly pushing himself to train, the tedious paperwork of a Lieutenant, his meeting with Aizen and his silent threat, Central 46, all of it was gone. The tenseness of his shoulders that he didn't even know was there had quickly relaxed. A warm comfort washed over him. And finally a thought struck him.'s so simple. Why was I even worrying about how I feel about her? I like being around Rukia-senpai. That's it. Who cares about all the stuff that follows. I'll just deal with it as it comes along.

He watched as she began shifting in place, clearly impatient about wanting to know what the result of his sentence was so he smirked and snuck up behind her.

"Guess who?" He playfully said as he covered her eyes with his hands.

Rukia instantly jolted from the suddenness of what just happened and involuntarily shouted, "AH!" She then realized who it was as she noted the familiarity of the scent, the voice...the touch.

"Kishin!" She huffed out.

He just let out a much needed lighthearted laugh at her reaction after facing 46 stubborn old men. "Were you waiting for me senpai?" He asked as he removed his hands from her eyes.

She took a moment to calm her shocked heart before she breathed out a sigh of relief knowing that the only way Kishin was able to walk out from the Compound was if he was freely let go.

Kishin took note of her relieved expression and felt relieved himself. He simply bent down and rested his head on her shoulder, taking in a deep breath in exhaustion.

Mmm...she smells nice.

Rukia blinked a few times with a blank stare on her face from the unexpected development before she came back to her senses. "O-Oi! What do you think you're doing?"

"Senpai…" He softly whispered, his warm breath tickled the base of her neck sending light tingles down her spine as he curled his lips into a slight smile. "Just indulge me for a bit. Central 46 was mean."

Rukia was about to retort, but after hearing what he said and recalling how she felt when she heard that he was close to being exiled from Soul Society, she just let out a defeated sigh and stayed put. Unknowingly curling her own lips into a gentle smile as well.


Garganta: The void between worlds used by Arrancar and Hollows to move between the Human World, Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and the Dangai.

Kototsu: More commonly known as The Cleaner or Sweeper. Gets rid of any and all things that don't belong in the Dangai to prevent others from taking advantage of the time distortion.

Kishin's Zanpakuto: Sekiken Zansatsu (Blade of Crimson Carnage)

Shikai Abilities:

1. Saku (Cleave): Kishin channels some blood and reiatsu into his Zanpakuto and fires out a red crescent blade at his target. The more blood he infuses the harder, stronger, and sharper his attack becomes. The more reiatsu he infuses the faster and more aura and Kido-like his attack becomes. He has the ability to change the trajectory of this technique one time after it is fired.

4. Nomu (Drink): This ability is both passive and active. Every time Kishin's blade comes into contact with blood, some of that blood is absorbed into his Zanpakuto and stored inside the lotus flower patterns carved on the hilt of his sword. There are a total of 10 lotus flower patterns carved on the hilt of his katana. The more blood stored inside a lotus flower the more crimson red it shines. Kishin can use the blood stored in the lotus flowers to fuel his blood based abilities like Saku or he can convert it into compatible blood and absorb it into his body to replenish his own blood loss. As long as his blade is in contact with blood, he can actively force the blade to absorb the blood at a faster rate than its normal passive state does. An advantage granted by this ability is the fact that he can reabsorb the blood he used for his Saku technique as long as the attack has yet to dissipate.

Tosen's Zanpakuto: Suzumushi (Cricket/Bell Bug)

Shikai Abilities:

1. Nake (Cry): Generates a high pitched tone that vibrates on the air which can potentially knock unconscious those that hear it.

2. Suzumushi Nishiki: Benihiko (Cricket 2nd Movement: Crimson Flying Locusts): Tosen's Zanpakuto vibrates on the air and creates a trail of swords that follow after the movement of his blade. The trail then turns into hundreds of blades that shoot out at the target.

Bankai Abilities:

1. Suzumushi Tsuishiki-Enma Korogi (Bell Bug Closing Ceremony-Field Cricket): The circle by the Zanpakuto's guard glows and grows larger multiplying into 10 giant circle rings. The rings then spread out around Tosen and the target and creates a black light inside the ring. The black light then spreads and connects with the other black lights creating a giant sphere of darkness that takes away all the senses everyone inside except for the sense of touch. Only those who wield Suzumushi are unnaffected.

KIDO: (If the spell is underlined then that means it's an original Kido Spell I made that does not exist in canon)

-Bakudo #61: Rikujokoro (Six Rods of Light)

-Bakudo #81: Danku (Splitting Void)

-Bakudo #84: Hachikaku Kabe (Eight Pointed Wall): Generates a strong 3 dimensional orange colored rectangular barrier wall.

-Hado #54: Haien (Abolishing Flames)

-Hado #63: Raikoho (Fiery Lightning Howl)

-Hado #88: Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho (Flying Dragon Striking Heaven Shaking Thunder Cannon)

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