The tunnel was silent. Everybody was on edge, clearly expecting another horde of hybrids to rush at them but it didn't happen. Even so, they didn't let down their guard, especially because they were making their way into the enemy's lair. The witches did what they were good at and buffed the elite vampires, getting them ready for whatever they were going to face. They also cast a few spells of protection on Abigail.
Alex led them deeper and deeper into the Ziggurat until they saw light up ahead, signifying the end of the tunnel. They kept going and once they reached the open space at the end of the tunnel, everyone stared in awe at what was before them, except for Alex and Abigail.
Alex had already lived so long that nothing really surprised him in this life anymore except for his wife and as for Abigail, it was because this was the place she had seen in her latest dream, the one with the woman in black.
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