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39.59% A True Beginning / Chapter 78: Ch.20

Kapitel 78: Ch.20

Finding Oma and the others was rather easy once we stepped through the stargate to Dakara from Celestis. Once Oma had the essence a few familiar ancients and one I'd kicked the crap out of, was with her. They were happy to know the Ori threat was mostly dealt with now and Morgan Le Fay herself showed up to thank us.

When she asked about Adria I shrugged and told her what I'd do if she ascended and offered to make her one of my wives as well. She brushed it off and shook her head. "My mate is and always will be Moros. We have our differences but the courage and drive he has to do what is right over what is easy drove me into his arms and him into my heart long ago. Thank you for the offer if nothing else."

I shrugged. "To each their own. Leave Adria to me if she does ascend, if she doesn't though, you and yours are welcome to do as you please. The others can sit and watch as they've done for millions of years. I've no intention of helping them further. They have chosen their path. May they forever be stuck doing nothing."

I took my mates and headed to Abydos, the now garden planet. There I ravaged my mates as promised repeatedly and with great vigor. They found that even without a corporeal body I could still enter them in just the right way to send them rocking in pleasure.

Even the essence I left inside them made them feel mortal and thoroughly sexed up afterwards. I lay in my nude mist form with each of them laying across my essence like a comfy bed, relaxing and reveling in the afterglow of our actions.

Teyla much preferred the more human form as she lay across me with golden essence leaking from betwixt her thighs while my human formed hand of mist groped her ass. Faith slowly rocked her essence and mine together as I gave her more.

To the mortal eye it would seem like clouds floating across a field of flowers with a nude female laying there, clearly satisfied while other female voices moaned slowly from the mist itself.

I grunted and gave Faith the essence she desired. She moaned and appeared in a human form now as well while she lay across me. Buffy spoke up from the side. "I could spend eternity like this, but we can't."

Sighing I agreed. "True. And soon enough I'll have to leave. Adria has achieved ascension and SG-1 is almost in her clutches. Once they reveal the ark and cut off her connection to the essence and Faith, I'll take her."

Faith snorted. "If you take her like you've taken us I can't imagine why she'd ever desire anything else. Sex really does put things into perspective."

Chuckling I formed back into a human appearance while making the others growl it hit her in the right spot. I slid my length out of her to her protest and made it rain and storm to wash us clean before drying us with the wind and making clothes of the earthly materials.

They were each a bit disappointed but there they stood now dressed and ready. I connected the Abydos stargate to Celestis and we stepped through. There we watched as Adria flaunted her would be power until Daniel activated the ark and Rya'c shot the leg of the table it was on, sending the ark opening in the face of the Doci, the head prior.

In an instant all priors and their flock were deprogrammed in this galaxy. With her gathering essence instantly cut down to size, she ranted until Morgan Le Fay appeared. Adria snorted. "You are no match for me now."

Morgan shook her head. "I'm just here to see that these humans return to their home galaxy."

She pointed to me as I revealed myself. "It's him you need to worry about."

Adria saw me and tried to flee. I was on her in a second, binding her essence and throwing her over my shoulder. "Dibs."

Colonel Michael and Vala were confused. "Huh?" "What?"

I grinned and slapped Adria's ass saying as she muffled a squeal. "I called dibs. Oh wait, you're not John. Never mind, she mine now bye."

I took her while Sam and the rest of my mates stayed behind to explain and destroy the ark once it was used in the Milky Way galaxy. I appeared back on Abydos with my possible new mate and spread out amongst the flower field once more.

She put up a slight struggle proclaiming herself a god until I entered her very tight virgin channel. Even as a bound ascended, I didn't expect her to actually be a virgin. Either way I used my centuries of experience and well practiced methods to put her in the mood.

When she became much more receptive and started thrusting back and seeking her own pleasure I knew she was hooked. When I released inside her for the first time, her toes curled and she moaned while biting my shoulder and scratching my back.

As I pulled out she pushed back down to meet me as we switched positions. Now I took her like an animal and that sent her wild. After an uncountable amount of time, my mates appeared to watch us and finally join us in our romp.

I shared my essence freely with the newly deflowered and ascended female while also sharing my knowledge with her. Once she knew and understood that she wasn't yet a god or goddess in this case, but that she was on track to becoming one, she had a much more easy time of accepting the urge to proclaim herself one.

She became much more reasonable after that and after some slow sex and a very delicate kiss, she understood why and what I wanted her to become. That led to some bouncing on my lap and her experiencing everything I had to offer.

When she lay satisfied and filled with my essence while it seeped into her core and helped purify the Ori taint out of her. We spent a good solid year like that, sex and essence sharing, before she and the rest of my mates were ready and itching for the next adventure.

When we appeared on earth with Adria at our side and no longer glowing red but White and gold instead, it shocked a great many. She apologized to them saying. "I'm truly sorry about what I've done to you and this galaxy. My husband has shown me that while I was corrupted by the taint of the Ori, it was still in a way my choice. And for that I am sorry."

She leaned back into my arms for protection she sought from the memories of the things she'd done. Jack frowned but nodded at me. "She's no longer homicidal I take it?"

I shook my head. "Nor does she care about ruling a galaxy or anyone in particular. She's safe now Jack, I give you my word."

He sighed. "Then I'll let it go for now but I'd be careful who you tell about her. Others won't be as understanding."

I shrugged. "They're mortal, they'll get over it or they won't. I know you're dealing with the Lucian alliance and the free Jaffa have allied themselves with both arguing sides. I'm happy to see you've not threatened them with the city ships nor the ancient war ships you've managed to repair."

He nodded and asked. "This neutronium stuff is apparently very rare."

Adria smiled and a ring appeared before Jack, floating. "Then accept a moon's worth as a small token of my sincere apology. I took the liberty of adding the same weight in gold as well. I hear it's your planet's best trade substance that never losses value. I know it won't make up for the damage I've done but-"

Jack took the ring like it was a brand new fishing pole. "No, no. Think nothing of it. Anyway, what really brings you here?"

I smiled. "Alright, you caught me. I've come to reveal something I kept out of your databases when I gave you the city ships."

A memory crystal with everything on Destiny appeared on the table before him. "I did so because of where it leads to. Humanity has grown much wiser and I hope that when you send the expedition team you will do so only with the best and brightest. Not to mention you'll need a planet chalk full of naquadria to get there. You'll have to figure out the power requirements yourself to dial the gate address and let me warn you now, no city ship is able to dial a nine chevron address."

His eyes went wide now as he was surprised to learn what I was talking about. Daniel's eyes went wide as well now. "Nine symbols you say?"

Sam smiled. "Yes exactly. It's a ship that was sent out some sixty million years ago. It's powered by the stars themselves as it charges it's own supply by using scoops to pull out heavy elements from the stars as it passes through them. It may be in a bit of disrepair but it's still out there seeding the galaxy with stargates while searching for the origination of the Big Bang."

Daniel perked up. "This could be potentially huge. Jack, I gotta go-"

Jack held up a hand and sighed. "Daniel, you're the only original member of SG-1 still active. If you go, who would replace you?"

I smirked but Daniel was having none of that. "Exactly Jack. You've all left, hell I only see you when the pentagon sends orders now and Teal'c is busy with the Jaffa council. Don't you think it's time I moved on to something more as well? There could be other ancient alien societies out there that we could learn a great many things from-"

I stopped him saying. "He's right Jack. This expedition will need him and his expertise. Not to mention I can confirm there is tons of alien species out there that have nothing to do with the Alteran's or the Ori. This is important enough that you'll want to include the Asgard, Jaffa and even the Nox should they like to send a representative as well. But remember to limit the amount of people you send as it's not a city ship. It's a research ship with powerful and big honking space guns on it. I suggest you contact the Alteran's in Pegasus to see if they are interested in sending someone as well. After you figure out the power requirements on your own of course. No help from your allies on that or I'll let them send the bulk of the people instead."

Sam snorted. "He means it's important that you confine the power requirements research to earth as some people are destined to be there. Nicholas Rush is one of those people FYI. The rest you'll have to figure out on your own."

Her double who was there for the briefing from the pentagon asked. "How do you suggest we spread the research out?"

Faith made a disk appear on the table. "Games of course. You sneak the codes in games as a way to get to the next level or calculate how to beat the boss. Might I suggest you use that horrible Wormhole X-Treme show as a basis and make a game off it? Only the nerdiest of fans would play it and from there a good chance one will figure it out. Take your time, we've a couple years till we head there ourselves."

We left them reeling as we made a home in the city base. There we spent the two and a half years watching them put it together and test the entire world through an online game called Prometheus. As entertaining as it was, when it was finally solved by Eli Wallace, Jack's reaction to seeing my satisfaction was a bit irritated. "All this for one kid?"

I shook my head. "All this for one who was destined for the stars. This kid as you put it, is as smart or smarter than both Daniel and Sam when they were both entirely human. He has a great possibility of being the next leader of mankind into the stars. Much like you and Weir were."

My words of endorsement hit him and the others listening like a freight train. I'd never spoken of someone I didn't respect so highly. The senator who was funneling the gold to the government and funding this expedition was clearly just as shocked. As was his daughter who had been flirting with me for the last six months.

She herself didn't attract me in any way and couldn't take the hint. Now her own interest was peaked towards Eli. Chuckling Sam told Jack. "You'll want to contact your allies now and be sure to include the Lucian alliance in this. If they think you're leaving them out of something this important they'll blow the planet you've found up out of spite."

He nodded. "To bad we couldn't have just used the gate on Langara. It took us nearly as long to find the damn planet as it did to find this kid."

I shrugged. "The energy required to run the gate would've made Langara explode from the excited naquadria in the planet. They would've been wiped out and it would've been your fault. Not that I personally care about one planet but millions of innocent lives would be a pain in the ass to help be reborn into new bodies and lives."

Jack snorted. "Yeah yeah, I know. I'm just complaining for the work it took to find the damn planet."

Illyria spoke up. "Then it's best you not give your enemies cause to blow it up."

The senator frowned now. "You'd stop them wouldn't you? I mean, if the planet blew you wouldn't be able to go through either."

I chuckled. "We don't need a stargate to get to Destiny. I know where it is and can get there faster by expending my own power. It's true though that it would be a waste of power to do so, that's why I'm adamant you make a deal with everyone to send people. If the Lucian alliance breaks that deal, there's no need for them to last any longer then."

Chloe asked. "If you're willing to destroy them then-"

I raised an eyebrow. "Who said I'd destroy them? I certainly didn't. I'd simply put them all on their own planets again, take all their ship technologies and their stargates, leaving them to live without space flight capabilities. There's no need to slaughter several planets worth of people over an easy fix. I'd have done the same to earth had you all used the ships and technology you've gained through the stargate to conquer planets."

They all shivered now except my mates. Adria gave Chloe the stink eye because she knew the female wanted to join with us and I wasn't interested but as soon as someone I admired was mentioned, her interests changed.

I turned to Jack. "By the by, two of your Lieutenants are fucking during patrol duty. Oh look at that, she's pregnant now. You might want to dismiss them from active duty or at the very least give them some condoms and the safe sex talk."

I absentmindedly made a hologram show of the two going at it and ignoring the radios going off. Jack was not happy and went to make the call. Faith tilted her head while watching them. "Mortals and their lack of stamina."

Chuckling Sam spoke up. "At least they found a quiet place to do it. I remember a certain battlefield and a very horny minx who insisted we share a quickie during a fire fight."

Faith shrugged. "Fighting makes me horny besides, it wasn't exactly a quickie after he showed up when your pants dropped. If I remember correctly, we both shared some explosive orgasms while the goa'uld fired down around us."

Smiling I told them. "You're weirding our the mortals and look, the female is lusting after us again."

Chloe blushed in shame while her father senator Armstrong turned a bit red. I floated away as the hologram faded saying. "I'm going to watch Sam's double greet Eli Wallace with Jack and Rush. I want to see his reaction. Make sure Daniel is packed and ready to go."

Lexi snorted. "You gave him a ring to hold everything in. What more packing could he need?"

I was already in California by the time she finished her question. I watched Jack beam over with Rush and fake Sam to introduce themselves to him. They talked about the game and a non-disclosure agreement until he closed the door in their faces.

I laughed my ass off from behind them as Jack got annoyed and beamed him to the space ship named after General Hammond, in orbit. Jack scowled at me before beaming up with them and I followed.

When Eli went to agree I appeared before him saying. "About your mom's condition. Since you're amusing I'll heal her and Jack here will pay off her hospital bills in full plus give her a monthly check for your services."

Jack raised an eyebrow and I snorted before he spoke. "Right, I will get the government to sign off on it. Seeing as you're so vital to the mission and all."

He gave me a sardonic look and I pulled out a laptop, giving it to Eli. "It has every movie, game and everything you could want to know about the expedition they want to send you on. I expect you to learn everything about the technology and language you'll be facing soon enough by the time you are sent to the alien space ship with the rest of the expedition. It's a lot to take in but it's necessary."

Rush tried touching the laptop and it zapped him, sending him to the ground while convulsing. I frowned at him saying. "I said it was Eli's not yours. It's coded to him specifically and if anyone else touches it well, I'm sure you didn't exactly enjoy that."

I turned to the cloned Sam and sighed. "Sorry love, but this is probably the last we'll meet and while I enjoyed the nights you spent with us, you aren't my Sam, not really anyway."

She nodded slowly. "I know, I just wish-"

I put a hand on her cheek and sighed. "I understand, but I can't give you what you really want, no god could. The best I can do is take the memories away."

She leaned into my touch before shaking her head. "No, don't. At least I can have my Faith. Those memories make it hard but I cherish them."

I sighed and removed my hand before turning back to Jack. "We'll meet you on the planet when you're ready. Make sure to contact all your allies and the Lucian alliance. They deserve a chance as well."

I faded from their view and met up with my wives before heading to the Icarus Base through the higher plane after making a quick stop where Ms.Wallace worked. When we dropped out of the higher plane onto Icarus, the soldiers were a bit surprised to see us.

Most knew us from the SGC command during which they were chosen to be sent here so they didn't really react except for the sexed up and twitchy lieutenant Scott. He held up a gun asking. "Who are you and how did you get here without authorization?"

I snorted and turned his gun into the nerf verity. "Next time you point a weapon at me mortal, I'll see to it that it's left somewhere very uncomfortable for you. I am Osiris and these are my wives. We are here to wait on Jack and the rest of the expedition."

I walked passed the confused mortal while another, master Sargent Greer told him. "These are the special guests the general radioed over a bit ago to treat nicely. He said to expect trouble only if you manage to piss them off. We have orders to make them feel at home."

I floated away with Adria and Alice beside me while the rest explored the base. By the time Jack arrived a month later I had already gotten bored of the planet. He and a delegation from all races sending members to participate arrived with the senator and his daughter.

The Lucian alliance sent ten people of their own and an extra five for if the Alteran's decided not to participate. I checked on them myself and found them embroiled in another war. This time between a race of cyborg zombie like creatures that reminded me of the Borg off of Rodney's favorite show, Star Trek.

They were holding their own but the race of cybernetic robot zombies seemed persistent. Apparently fear of the wraith had held them at bay and out of the Pegasus galaxy but now they took the chance to invade. My sons were doing me proud fighting them and even Damon was of use as when their drones came to sneak in, Damon would change into his apocalyptic snake size and eat them.

It however was unlikely that the Alteran's would play a part in the destiny expedition so the Lucian alliance was able to tac on a few extra members. When Jack introduced them all to my wives and I, the Lucian alliance member, Ginn, asked. "Aren't you supposed to be some big shot ascended? Doesn't that mean you're forbidden from interfering?"

I snorted and glowed a vast gold before making her ass hit the ceiling for a moment before lowering her to the floor saying. "I may be ascended little girl, but I don't follow anyone's rules. However, now that you've reminded me, all those that board Destiny are forbidden from fighting with each other. If you think your numbers or fire power mean squat and try anything, I'll drop you off in the nearest star and laugh as you die very painfully."

I turned to the Asgard representative and even the Jaffa and Tau'ri. "That goes for all of you. Destiny is a research ship and is not to be used as some weapon. Whatever you learn from it, you're free to send back to your people, but you're forbidden from taking anything off Destiny back to your respective peoples. I can and will enforce my words, just so we're clear."

The Jaffa saluted me while the Asgard bowed slightly in acknowledgment. The Lucian alliance members looked weary and their leader, Natan, sneered. "Why, might I ask, was the Tau'ri approached first on this matter?"

I snorted and sent him flying into the ceiling and crashing into the floor without helping him down gently like I did his subordinate. "Mortal, be careful what you insinuate. The humans were invited first because of the one required to figure out the power requirements. His potential destiny is as vast as the ship's name."

Eli pointed to his own chest. "Me?"

I gave him a slight glare before snorting. "If you stop being lazy, yes. You are the reason I didn't go to the Asgard or the Alteran's first. Either would be able to figure out the calculations faster with their advanced minds."

I turned to the Lucian alliance leader that got up and shrugged off the help. "Trust that I have my reasons and you'll survive longer. The next time you presume to sneer at me, I'll make you swallow your teeth as I beat you to death."

Natan grunted and spit out a bit of blood before wiping off his mouth and saying. "There's no need to worry about that then, I'm only here to see my people off."

I shrugged his words off and turned to Jack. "Shall we see what all you've managed to come up with? Sorry if I sound a bit rushed but I've been cooling my heels for over two and a half years now and I'm bored. The only thing remotely interesting on this planet is the amount of places your people seem to enjoy fucking in."

Jack frowned. "That reminds me, we can't send a pregnant woman as an officer on an expedition across the known universe so Lt. Vanessa James, you are hereby relieved of all active duties. You're to board the Hammond and head back to earth with me and the good senator."

The female Lieutenant was surprised as was the idiot that got her pregnant. Lieutenant Scott asked while surprised. "What?"

I gave him a droll stair. "Your bunny sex over half this base got her pregnant dumbass. Hell, you didn't even wait till you were off duty. If the Lucian alliance had attacked instead of agreeing to join and take part in this venture I've no doubt you'd be killed with you pants around your ankles."

My words were outrageous yet very true. Half the officers snickered while Jack told him. "By the way, you are being replaced on the expedition with colonial's Telford and Bate's pick, Lieutenant Johansen. You're being sent back earth side as well but being brought up on charges of negligence and insubordination. I've enough evidence on your ass to bury your carrier, including blatantly ignoring radio coms for check ins on a hostile world."

Sighing I told Jack in his ear. "Lieutenant Johansen is pregnant as well. She however, did not screw on duty and that's the reason why she's wanting to transfer out. Might I suggest that you add a Tok'ra instead to strengthen your ties to them? Egeria is very accommodating and General Carter is looking for more things to do these days. It wouldn't take much to convince him."

He nodded and I sent a telepathic message before teleporting him and a small stack of Tok'ra research crystals to the base. In the meantime the Lieutenant that couldn't keep it in his pants was in trouble.

I was completely amused by the shock on his face and the Schadenfreude on everyone else's faces. Even the allies of earth were only barely holding in their laughter. We headed to the gate room where Daniel who'd just arrived was putting away the expedition gear into his ring.

Rush and Eli were excited to begin working as they amused us both now. When they went to dial I stopped them suggesting. "Maybe use earth as the point of origin. The Destiny is programmed to ignore any and all addresses dialing in with the ninth chevron address that isn't earth."

Rush was surprised. "Really?"

I nodded. "So was Atlantis and earth from Atlantis. It's a whole thing as the ancients were at least that careful. Lazy fuckers couldn't put away their toys but they'd sure as hell lock out all chances for other races to get to their most important places."

Ginn asked. "As an ascended aren't you an ancients as well?"

I snorted again and Sam shook her head. "The ancients are the Alteran people who ascended. Believe it or not they are the minority as one of their number spent a lot of time helping others ascend. While still a minority, they hold the most power besides us as a group of ascended. The only reason we're aloud to act with impunity is the fact that we'll be ascending farther soon enough from their perspectives and they'll be back in full authority once more."

Faith spoke up. "That and because if they fought us we'd kick their collective asses. We destroyed the Ori for less problems than the ancients have caused."

Jack smiled as did Daniel but they both held their tongues. Jack stopped talking to Jacob long enough to give the order to use earth as the point of origin and the gate connected with the first dial. The power requirements were exact and everyone cheered.

I stepped forwards and told Jack. "I'll be heading over first. The ship is in need of repairs and you all will want to send a probe first to make sure it's safe for mortals I'm sure."

I flew through the stargate and my mates followed as we began effecting internal repairs. A hundred human form replicator builders were summoned from my ring as I told them. "Begin with repairs first and make sure to clean the air scrubbers. The supplies will be made evident as you need them. Close off all areas venting atmosphere as well."

I unlocked the codes for the ship and took command while sealing off all damaged areas. The shields were protecting everyone while in hyper space but it was only a matter of time before something happened so I took the first steps to ensure the ship or it's soon to be crew wasn't effected.

When Jack sent the probe I appeared and waved at it as the new fresh air scrubbers kicked on. "Send them over Jack, the repairs are under way and I doubt the planet can connect twice in such a short amount of time without going critical."

Daniel was the first to head over as his ring held all the supplies they sent. I waved a hand and sent a gift wrapped box aboard the Hammond where Jack would get it and the more attached to it, while the gate was still active.

I told Daniel where to put the supplies while people began walking through in large numbers now. Last but not least was a bottle of champagne that had a note attached to it reading: Bon Voyage from the Milky Way galaxy.

Chuckling I handed it to colonel Bates who was in charge of the earth scientists and Colonel Telford was in charge of the small military contingent. General Carter aka Sam's father, was in charge of overseeing everything by Jack's orders.

I gave them all a full map of the ship saying. "My repair builders are effecting as much repair as we can while traveling so close to hyper space. It's not nearly as fast as hyper space but it's FTL so the shields are still up though iffy in these areas. Keep all the mortals out until the repairs are done or they could very well die when we drop out of FTL and the shields are turned off."

I floated over to Daniel, Rush and Eli. "Would you three like to see the bridge and read Destiny's exact mission and logs?"

Daniel pushes up his glasses. "Very much so."

Grinning I had them follow me with Jacob while my mates helped others find their way around the ship. When most of the repairs were effected that could be while under these conditions, I put in water and some basic supplies along with neutronium as the resources we needed to effect the repairs now.

Adria had given Jack the last of what I had and clean water I didn't think to get before we left. We dropped out in a nearby solar system and the gate timer kicked on till I shut it off telling the builders to mine the supplies using the gate. Lexi went with them along with a few humans who wanted to check out the planet.

Jacob took over command of the ship itself while I ground it into Eli that he needed to finish his study of Alteran technology and sciences along with the language courses. Sam sat next to Jacob on the command deck while my worker drones began their repairs and upgrades in earnest.

Within the first three hours all the areas venting atmosphere was repaired and now the ship itself was being repaired at a rapid pace. When it became apparent that the repairs could no longer be done in space I told Jacob. "Have the ship land on the planet. Once it's fully upgraded and modified to my designs we can integrate a mark IIII ZPM into the core power systems so that we can dial earth if necessary. It will also give me a chance to add more workers and speed up the upgrades."

He shut of the gate and told the crew to buckle up as we were going in for a landing. It was a bit bumpy but then I expected nothing less. Once on the ground nearly a hundred thousand repair drones as I liked to refer to them now, were released from my ring.

They all began repairs and upgrades while filling up the ship's water supply and storage containers full of neutronium and all the base elements needed to repair the ship to full working order. In the first day an alien ship was found attached to the hull of Destiny and disabled.

After that Daniel and a few scientists looked it over while the drones worked ceaselessly to upgrade Destiny. The main weapons were repaired and left alone while the artillery was refilled and more advanced laser weapons and shields were added along with an auto targeting system.

Drone weapons were filled as well, upgrading the old drone chair to be fully functioning inside. The stasis pods were upgraded to the point of actual complete stasis to avoid aging while inside. The FTL was left alone but a hyper drive and wormhole drive was added for near instantaneous travel.

The primary power system was still the solar batteries but a sub station fitting a hundred ZPM's was added to ensure the ship always had enough power to go where we needed. The shields were upgraded all together to the point of absurdity while the basic beds and stuff like that were upgraded with medical grade beds.

It was a complete overhaul and upgrade until it housed nearly every advanced Lantean and ancient technology that would be useful to it. Asgard matter generators were added as well as an ion core and all the Asgard were willing to contribute, which was a hell of a lot!

Their beaming weapons had surpassed the ancient's in raw power while their teleporters were on the Lantean level. The shuttles were upgraded to puddle jumper class with their own hyper drives and shields along with a single ZPM apiece.

Only one single mark four ZPM was added to the backup power of Destiny while the rest were all mark threes. When the drones finished and drained the planet of resources that I had Daniel add to his ring just in case, they were returned to my ring. The crew all boarded and we left the alien locator beacon ship on the planet, only turning it on as we hopped into FTL.

When a suitable star was found, I called everyone to the observation deck and watched it all happen. The ship recharged it's main power stores and we hit the FTL while Daniel was searching through the database for signs of any advanced societies to meet along the way.

Illyria went into meditation while we traveled galaxies.

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