Boris gave a quint nod before standing up from his seat. "I'll try my best teacher," he smiled, "when is the next test?"
Kalmin turned to him, tilting his head slightly, "Tomorrow, why?"
"So I can study well for it," Boris replied, nodding towards the door.
"Hm…" Kalmin muttered lightly as he pushed in his chair and stood up, following Boris to the door, "may I ask my own question then?"
"Of course," Boris replied, "unless it's another test question then in that case maybe save it for to-"
"When are you..." Kalmin began, pulling open the door to the room and stepping aside for Boris to pass. He looked up at him and they locked gazes, "...actually going to complete all the questions correctly?"
Boris' head tilted slightly as he smiled, "What?"
I literally love the Boris, Adia duo T-T they so good together always trying to beat each other up~~ SIBLING GOALS!!!