Harry's POV
With the first task finished, with Fleur getting first place with 45 points for her enchanting the dragon to sleep before levitating the egg toward her.
Victor and him getting second place with 39 points with quick and easy solutions for daunting tasks.
And Marcus getting last place with 38 for his entertaining performance with the broom.
Harry couldn't help but snicker thinking about how Bagman raised the points to 40 in the books.
Leaving that aside, as Harry couldn't care less about the tournament, Harry also got both Fleur and Victor to agree to play the opening game of the Turbo tournament.
Returning to the ROR wasn't as difficult as he thought it would be, as most of the students liked Marcus' performance much more then they liked Harry's, though there were still some students that liked his, mostly from Slytherin and Ravenclaw.
Though, once he actually got to the ROR, he was greeted with food, cake and music, as his three friends arranged a party.
Knowing he has three months before the next task, Harry once again threw himself into work.
With duel disks and brooms being created by machines, Harry once more has an ample of free time, which meant another project could go underway, and this time, with Remus getting him the libraries of five old families, and him now having four pieces of the 8 pieces of Voldemort's soul, Harry started studying the soul, and more specifically, horcruxes.
Both the eastern and the western have their own study on the soul.
The eastern books he has are more philosophical, they are all about what the soul is, and worse, it was always a sentence or two in a book, making it impossible without GAI to put together all the pieces according to the sects and understand what they meant.
Some say it is a person's magic.
Some say it is a person's beliefs.
Some say it is a person's memories.
But most of the books thinks it is a combination of the three.
The thing is, every thing in this world has magic most have only passive magic, and the world's belief is affecting it through this magic.
Magical beings on the other hand, has active magic, making them able to combat with the world's belief with their own.
The thing is, a person isn't born with beliefs, he isn't born with memories, the only thing a person is born with is magic, which is the 'pure soul' of a new born that most rituals talk about.
As you grow, memories, experiences and beliefs are what shaping a person's soul to create what each and every one of us has- true souls.
The thing with magic is, every time you use it you shape your soul, which is why, while people without active magic take years, life times, and sometimes even then it isn't enough to understand who they are and their 'Dao', magical people can do it much quicker by using magic.
The westerns on the other hand, has a much more practical view on the matter.
They give you spells to use, with the minimum explanations on how they affect you, and by doing them, you understand the effects yourself.
While it does help, having spells to research about actual effects instead of just learning about the philosophy of what a soul is, it wasn't until he studied one of the books on memory charms that Harry understood its original purpose and couldn't help but think, that if he ever need its affects, he would use it himself.
Memory charms are at the base of them work with the notion that the soul is shaped by experience.
The idea is, that if you can put different experiences and delete unwanted ones you could change the soul shape.
The one who wrote this book stated that he is about to use it to shape his soul to the perfect shape- a circle, as a way to maximize his potential as a wizard and his time alive, Harry didn't know if it was true or not, and he had no intention on finding out.
It is one thing thinking of deleting memories from your brain, but deleting them from your soul? No way.
Instead, Harry thought about what he learned about becoming a Demi-god and a god, if all you need is belief, you only has to do as he did to Remus, creating a bunch of fanatics down to their very soul, though ether way, it will have to wait until his body undergoes the ritual to become shapeshifter.
Harry believed that the only reason no one has ever done that before was because the book explaining what the memory charm actually is was in the Smith family's library and even if someone read it, he would also have to have read through thousands of books in Chinese to find out its uses.
Horcrux on the other hand, was extremely simple to understand.
While that piece of magic was created by Herpo in Ancient Greece, one of the wizards that specialized in soul magic.
It came from Egypt, where sorcerers who feared Death and its realm managed to create a ritual to preserve their soul inside their body by mummifying it, making them undead.
Herpo took it a step farther, he created a spell, that its purpose is to rip his soul in to two, weakening him yet making him have all the time in the world to return to his peak as he created a connection to the world that can't be ignored by Death and its realm.
He then used the same ritual the sorcerers used only on an object outside of his body, making it host his soul.
The thing is, a soul which already has a shape, magic and consciousness, can use belief to get stronger, which is why the diary had the ability, once Ginny trusted and believed in him, to grow stronger and more complete.
The spell that tears your soul only has one 'unfortunate' side effect.
Tearing the soul release energy that is almost impossible to block, making the thing it hits lose it's soul to the realm of Death.
Today it is known as the 'killing curse'.
Finding the ritual to make an horcrux wasn't hard, which meant he had a new idea on how to manipulate the war so the final outcome would be both side losing.
Harry is about to replace Voldemort.
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