Luna's POV
Luna was many things.
She was a dreamer, someone who refuses to admit in the impossible.
She was an actress, showing people a mask.
She was even a little bit unhinged, as people like to tell her all the time.
But if there was one thing Luna wasn't, it was a hypocrite, which is why it took her less then an hour after her fight with Harry to come to calm down, and while she was still upset he used magic to affect her mind, she wasn't angry about keeping secrets, how could she? When she has secrets of her own?
No, she wasn't angry with him, she was disappointed.
Disappointed by herself, disappointed by her loss of rationality, disappointed by her stupidity, and more then all, disappointed by her fear.
As even though he told her his secrets, even though he trusted her, she couldn't do the same.
Oh, she trusts him, more then she trusts anyone, but she is scared, scared of him look at her like a freak, a loony, scared of him looking at her like her dad does sometimes, like all that is spacial about her are her eyes.
But if there is one thing she feared the most, is that he wouldn't love her, nor stay her friend, which is why, two days after her fight with him, after he apologized and she turned him down because of her shame, she finally gathered the guts to go to him.
Harry's POV
Harry didn't expect to see Luna waiting in the room of requirements after the emotion draining lesson, but he wasn't going to kick her out, after all, for the first time in his life he felt free.
He felt free from any known future, free from the thrice damned books which defined his life, consciously, or subconsciously.
He was free from repeating the same old story just because he feared the consequences.
He was free to plot, take revenge and kill.
He was free to be happy, to be loved and love, without the guilt of doing so.
So, if his friend want to talk to him, he was going to listen.
"Hey Luna"
"Hey Harry, we need to talk."
"Four words that every man fear to hear."
He couldn't help but smile when she giggled, how he missed her!
"First of all, I'm not angry that you kept secrets from me, and while I was upset you used mind magic, you didn't have any intention to do it specifically on me, so as long as you swear you wouldn't use it on me, I would... forget about it."
The joke was so bad, but the absurdity of it, while the atmosphere was so serious made Harry laugh, which made Luna laugh, and by then it was full on laughter from the two of them, which made it feel like it came from the hands of god himself that the demonic twins came inside the room at that point.
"What's the laughter all about?" The one in the right asked
"Yes, we want to laugh too!" The one on the left said.
The two of them looked at one another and said together "later?" With a nod to one another, the conversation paused as the twins came to join them, starting a discussion about the animagus transformation they are going to perform in two days.
As dinner was coming soon, and the twins went ahead, Harry and Luna went to dinner together and as they were about to walk into the grand hall Harry whispered in Luna's ear "I promise."
The smile on her face as she walked in could have warm Voldemort's heart.
It was a day later that they had a chance to once again talk alone.
"As you told me your secrets, I wasn't to tell you mine."
Talking a big breath she started talking.
"MymotherusedaritualonherselfbutitbackfiredandshediedbutIgotapowerfromtheritualtoseeinvisibleanimalsmagicandpeopleauras" (my mother used a ritual on herself, but it backfired and she died, but I got the powers from the ritual to see invisible animals, magic and people's auras)
It took Harry a few seconds to separate the words she said and then a few seconds to process the information before he exclaimed, as he didn't imagine she could see magic! He thought about the animals and some stuff she said made him wonder about auras, but seeing magic? Seeing energy??? He couldn't imagine how it was possible, and he couldn't help but think about all the incredible stuff that could be done with something like this, he could be a step closer to learn the secrets of the universe.
Harry lunges at Luna, giving her a beat hug, not noticing her going red as this was the first time he initiated a hug.
"Thank you Luna, for sharing this with me, I won't let you down."
Not knowing he thought she told this to him so he could duplicate the ability, she thought he was talking about not shattering the secret.
"I promise too" She said with a smile
I know it’s short, but another chapter would be released soon
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